Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Twenty Three ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ian just chuckled at that. "Trust me, you haven't been embarrassed until you have a guy named Jim ramming y-" He stopped, perhaps that wasn't the best time for some of his sex stories. "It's not that bad. At least I didn't do it while we were eating."

Constance moved her hands down a bit. She tried not to giggle. "That's a little funny," she said.

Ian sighed.
"Yeah, well...I had to admit it did feel pretty good."

Constance couldn't help but laugh this time. She kept her mouth covered, but she laughed in her palm. She shifted lightly under him and composed herself. "What about you?" she asked as a blush reached her cheeks again. His penis was pushed on her thigh. "Do you want to have sex?"

Ian looked at her. There was just something about the way she asked that... "No, I don't think you're quite ready for that," he said as he caressed her cheek. He would just take care of his hard on by himself.

Constance moved her hands away from her face.
"Is there...anything...you want me to do?" she ask while trying to ignore the heat on her cheeks.

Ian bit his lip. Yes, was the answer, but if she wasn't ready for sex there was no way that she'd be ready for that.
"Yeah," he admitted softly. "But I don't think you're quite ready for that either."

Constance narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't you think I should be the one to say that? I mean, I know me better than you."

She did have a point. "Well...yeah...." Sighing, he cocked his head to the side. "Well, I mean...there are things that you could do." How did he go about explaining this to her? "You know how I um...used my hands and tongue on you? Well, that's something that people sometimes to do. " God he sucked at this.

Constance held up her hands.
"But...we don't have the same parts..." She didn't understand how she could do what he did to her to him.

"You remember at the restaurant how you rubbed your foot up and down? Well, basically like that except with your hands." Biting his lip he reached down and began to stroke himself to give her an example. He uttered a soft moan as he did so.

Constance blushed. She pushed lightly on his chest until they were both sitting up. Reaching down and keeping her eyes trained on his lower half, she let her hand brush it lightly then finally wrapped her hand around it and became moving her arm up and down. Her hands were so soft. Not like one would imagine from a hardened killer. As her hand moved up and down on him he felt a moan escape his lips. It was weird, watching her do it, but it felt good so he wouldn't complain. Constance looked up at him and blushed again. Was she doing a good job? Her hand moved faster and listened to him moan. She remembered him licking her, so, being brave, she leaned down, and let her tongue flicked the tip of his dick.

He couldn't stop the shudder which ran across his body as he felt her tongue on his dick.
"Yes," he hissed, without even realizing he'd done it. He'd denied himself for too long, so even this simple action was heaven to him.

Constance smiled. This wasn't so bad. Daring herself to push on, she let her lips wrap around the head and pushed it in her mouth. Lightly, she sucked then lifted her head and went down again, repeating this over and over at a fast pace. Ian gasped. Was she really? She was...giving him head! His hands ran through her hair. He wanted to push her down further and harder, but she was brave enough to do this on her own so he wasn't going to risk scaring her with the action. Still, he began to buck his hips to meet her lips. Constance closed her eyes and focused her attention on him. She let her head go lower on his penis and suck harder, demanding more and listening to his reactions. Ian grunted; he was going to lose it. Before he could warn her he moaned and bucked his hips, his hands fisting her hair. Constance gasped. Warm liquid filled her mouth and she pulled back sharply. Cum hit her face and covered her chest. Gasping for air, she let her fingers touch the liquid. Innocently, she met his eyes.

Ian was panting as he stared at her. Despite what she'd just done, he couldn't help but to think that even now she still looked cute...even with his cum covering her
. "Sorry," he said. "I should've warned you."

She smiled at him. "It's ok," she said and stood. "I think I need a shower now," she added with a giggle.

Ian stood and looked at her.
"Stand still," he whispered. Pressing against her, let his tongue trail over the parts ofbody that had his cum. He'd slept with guys before, so it wasn't a big deal to him, but he could feel goose bumps on her body as he did this. Once he was done he stared at her. "Yes, now a shower does sound good," he admitted.

Constance walked to the shower and turned it on the slipped off her panties and stepped in. She pulled Ian in with her and smiled while handing him the rag. "Wash my back?" she asked sweetly.

Ian sighed. "Sure, why not," he said. The warm water felt good after everything, and he didn't feel quite so bad about them taking a shower together. Lathering up the rag he ran it over her back. Keeping one hand on her shoulder as he leaned against her to wash her.

Constance moaned in the water. The rag and water were just perfect. After he washer her, she washed him then turned the water off. Slipping out of the shower, she changed into some clean pajamas.

Ian grabbed a new pair of boxers. Throwing them on he collapsed in his bed, thoroughly exhausted. That had been...really good, but he was curious what that meant for them now. Shaking the thought from his head he thought about their mission tomorrow. They'd have to check out the mall beforehand. From what the boss had told them security was going to be really tight, so they'd need time to plan their moves.

Constance crawled in her bed and yawned. "Good night, Ian," she said and laid back.

Ian looked over at her. "Oh, I figured you'd sleep with me." He almost sounded upset that she wasn't. Clearing his throat he rolled over. "Goodnight Constance. We have a long day ahead of us." It was already midnight. They were going to be exhausted tomorrow.

Constance smiled. Slipping out of her bed, she walked over to his bed and crawled under the sheets. She hugged his back and closed her eyes. "I'm going to make you happy, Ian. Just you wait," she whispered.

Just as he predicted, the next morning he was a zombie. He usually had a no caffeine rule before missions, but right now a pot of coffee sounded good. "We should be at the mall in about an hour," he yawned. "That way we can scope out potential attack spots. This kinda works out too. I've been meaning to buy a DVD player for this place, and the electronics store is having a sale today."

Constance nodded. "Sounds good," she said and looked at herself in the mirror. The long blond hair feathered on her face and the pink summer dress was short, but covered enough of her. She wore pink sandals and added a pink bow in her hair. She adjusted the purple contacts then walked out to the kitchen. She took Ian's coffee and sipped on it. She made a face. "That is gross...there is no sugar in it! How can you drink it without lots and lots of sugar to drown the taste?"

Ian just smiled as he drank his cup. "It's simple, I'm a grown up." He stuck out his tongue at her. Taking his cup of coffee he walked over and grabbed the wig and contact that she had set out for him. He'd only worn disguises twice in his career, and both times it was nothing more than attire to get in some place. This was going to be interesting. He had a hard time putting in the contacts, but he finally managed to get them in for the most part. After putting on the wig, he tried to make it look right, but it was still off. "How do you make this look so easy?"

Constance laughed and walked over to him. With a tug then a small fluffy and a brush with the comb, he was perfect. She stepped back so he could look in the mirror. "Looks natural, like mine."

"Joy," he muttered. He looked weird, but oh well. Looking at what she wore, he tried to grab some clothes that he'd never bother to wear. With that in mind he grabbed out a white pair of dress pants and a pink button up shirt. Sticking his tongue out, he quickly got dressed. Fixing his gun inside his shirt he looked back at Constance. "Well then, let's go shopping."

Constance grabbed her gun and hiked up her dress. She strapped the gun to her thigh then let her dress fall back down. Grabbing his hand, she started for the door.

When they neared the mall, he could already tell that this was going to be a hard job. They still had four hours to kill before the target was suppose to arrive, but already there were hired security covering the mall. The inside wasn't any better. There were guards everywhere. "Let's split up and meet back here in thirty minutes," he whispered. They could cover more ground if they didn't stay together.

"K!" Constance said and rushed off. It was a large mall, but she knew it pretty well. Daisy loved it here and she often took Constance. Constance pulled out her phone as it beeped. The picture of her target came to view and she smiled. Another man. Men always seemed to be the most popular. Closing her phone, she went to the escalators and got on the one going up.

Ian's phone beeped as soon as she ran off. The picture of the target came up, along with his name and background. Following the signs he made his way to the food court while reading the information. After purchasing a slushy he began to walk around, observing possible places. So far he hadn't been able to find a good spot for it. The security was too tight, and if they just went in guns blazing then civilians would end up dead.

On a whim, he headed to the back part of the mall where the employees parked. Poking his head out the door, he saw two more armed guards. One began to turn his way, but he quickly shut the door behind him. "Not good," he whispered. Darting back into the crowd he tried to blend in as he made his way back to the meeting place.

Constance stopped walking and squealed. Her favorite store! God how she loved the fluffy pink things! Ironically, that was the name of the store. Pink Fluff. She hesitated, but decided that she would have to wait to go in. How unfair that she had to work today! It was having a sale! Groaning, she rushed back down the mall and back to the meeting point.

Ian pretended to look at the directory, using the reflection of it to check to see if he was being followed. "Crap," he whispered as he saw the guard in the background. He saw Constance move to the spot. Well, he was definitely going to lose his pride in this one. "Saya!" he said cheerfully, waving as he ran over to her. "Hey! Sorry, I got lost. I don't know my way around this mall." He ran a hand through his hair while nodding toward the guard that was following him.

"Where was it that we were suppose to meet again? Didn't you want to show me something at one of these stores?" His voice was all happy and preppy. Smiling hurt, and he felt his soul dying slowly.

Constance tried hard to hide a shocked look. He was...peppy? What!?! Was that even possible!?? She looked around. Maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was someone...who looked like him...dressed as someone else... Her head hurt. As he came near her, she smiled. "Yes! Come on!" she said and pulled his arm. They got on the escalator and she poked him. "Is that you, Ian?" she whispered. "Or are you an impostor?" She grabbed both his cheeks and pulled as if he was wearing a mask.

"Stop that!" he growled, rubbing his cheeks. That hurt. "Yes it's me. Someone took too much interest in me. I'm being followed, so for now we act like normal teenagers, got it?" He tried to keep his voice low since Mr. Big and Ugly got onto the escalator a few people behind them.

"I know just what to do," she smirked. Grabbing his hand, she placed it on her butt and pushed her lips to his then wrapped her arms around his neck. Her tongue dove deep into his mouth.

Ian's eyes widened. What the hell was she doing!? People were starting to stare. This wasn't what he meant. Squeezing her butt he tried to get her to stop, but instead she just continued more. When they got off the escalator he stared at her. "Not that kind of teenager," he whispered. "Low profile teenagers. In other words ones that aren't having sex in public." There was a pause as he added with a smirk. "You have a tight butt. You know that?"

Constance smiled and nodded towards a group of teens. They were all making out and laughing, making a scene and looking for attention. "Being a normal teen in this mall is making out and drawing attention. If we didn't, we would still be followed." She looked behind him and watched the guard go off in the opposite direction. She winked at him. "And I take pride in my tight butt."

Ian sighed. "Fair enough," he said as the guard turned back. It had worked, he was fairly surprised by that. Looking back at her butt he grabbed it once more. "Yes, it is very nice." Wrapping an arm around her waist they began walking through the mall. "So, did you find anything out?" he asked as they browsed through the mall. They still had plenty of time, so they might as well enjoy themselves.

"Yep!" she said as they walked. "He will be having a meeting in the west wing," she pointed to the closed off room with guards. "It's like a banquet room in there for parties and stuff, but every second Tuesday of the month he meets there with his people. Occasionally, he lets his daughter through a party in the same room to keep his cover and his men can get a sweet, tight teen to go home with them. All we have to do is get an invite." She scanned the area and smirked. "The red head with the fliers is the daughter. The fliers are the invitations." How did she know so much? Teens gossip and she had heard a lot of gossip while walking around. It was well known around the mall of the young girls parties on the second Tuesday of every month at the mall and it was because of her father's meeting that she was able to have these parties. The men her father socialized with had it bad for young teen girls and he himself, loved blonds. It was a great day to be a blond.

Ian nodded. "She's only handing them out to girls," he said. Obviously the men wanted as many females to choose from as possible. "That means that you're the only one who can get an invite." He didn't like that. If he couldn't get into the room then he wouldn't be able to cover her. He'd have to look for some way inside. Ventilation ducts were out of the question since he didn't know the layout of the room. Perhaps he could just cover her with a rifle from across the street provided that the banquet room had windows. Crap, he needed more info so he could judge how to cover her.

Constance smiled and pointed up. Above them was the lights' deck. At night, a guy climbed up to the top and turned them on then stayed up there to monitor them. "Just knock the guy out and set up shop. It's the only place that doesn't have any cameras on it...besides the banquet room." She leaned forward and licked his lips. "Really, Ian, I'm not the best just because I'm hot." She bit his lower lip lightly then walked off to get a flier.

Well someone was certainly full of themselves. As she walked off he rolled his eyes and began to examine the upstairs portion. It could work. He felt his phone beep, and upon checking out the information on it he groaned. The boss's arrival was being pushed back another two hours. "Well that's great," he muttered. Now they practically had all day to kill. He would've just stayed at home if he knew they were going to be doing this all day. Really, the nerve of some targets. Late to their own assassination.

The red head smiled at Constance. Constance didn't have to say a word. The girl walked straight up to her and personally handed her a flier. "You're hot. Be there," she said and smiled.

Constance took the flier. "Thanks! Hope it's killer!"

The red head looked her up and down and licked her lips. "If you're there, it will be."

Constance watched her walk away. "You bet your ass it will be." She turned around and headed back to Ian.

"Well it looks like you've found a new girlfriend," Ian teased. "The boss says he's running late. So I'm gonna go ahead and grab that dvd player. Anywhere you wanna go? I figure since we're stuck in the mall we might as well enjoy it."

Constance jumped up and down. "Yes!" she yelled. It echoed through the mall but she didn't seem to notice as she grabbed his wrist and tugged him towards Pink Fluff. She jumped up and down again as she stood at the door. "It's having a sale!" She pulled at him again and grabbed a basket, ready to fill it to the top.

"This place is...pink," Ian said. He hated pink. Well, not always. Pink was okay sometimes. Like on furry hand cuffs, pink was okay. He liked it then...but this was a lot of pink. "What exactly do they sell here?"

"Everything that is pink and fluffy," she said. She went to one part and held up some fluffy hand cuffs. Smiling at him, she dropped them in her basket. She grabbed a thing of pink lingerie and smirked again. "It's not so bad in here," she said and dropped it in the basket.

"No, I guess not," he admitted. Reaching into her basket he began to play with the handcuffs while she walked around. The lingerie would look good on her. Then again, he bet that she'd look good in a thong. She definitely had the body for it. So with that he let his mind wander while she gathered God only knows what from the pinkest store on earth.

Constance filled her basket then paid for her things and took his hand. "I'll be sure to use the cuffs on you," she said with a wink, "since you love them so much."

Ian's cheeks turned red. "I was just playing with them because I was bored," he muttered quickly. "Though they are kind of nice." That would definitely make for a good time, but he wasn't going to let her know that. Now that she got her shopping out of the way, he got to go buy the dvd player he wanted. It didn't take him long, he just got the first model he saw and grabbed a bunch of new movies. That ought to keep them busy for a little while at least.

Constance looked at her phone. It was time. She tugged at Ian. Lightly, she kissed him on the cheek. "Meet you later," she said smiling and handed him her bags. She hurried off. Pulling out her flier, she flashed to the guards at the banquet and they opened the doors for her. She smiled and walked in.

"Great, no just leave me with all the bags," Ian sighed. Trying to juggle her bags and his was not was easy as one would think. He made his way to the area she had described. Setting down the bags he made his way up to the guy who was controlling the lights. It wasn't as if he had to be quiet. The guy was blaring death metal just as loud as he could. Applying pressure to his neck, the guy passed out in a matter of seconds and Ian took his spot.