Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Twenty Four ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The banquet was covered with confetti and was turned into a rave. Colorful lights danced around Constance's body. The red head picked her out and grabbed her hand. Pulling her to the center of the room, they started dancing. Constance eyes scared the room and found her father in a matter of seconds. He was talking to a group of men and having a few drinks. She stared at him for a long moment until he turned to her. Music blared and she knew she had him as soon as he smirked. Her hand ran down her chest and she flipped her hair. He took a sip of his drink while watching her dance, their eyes never leaving each other. Just when she thought things couldn't get easier, his daughter, the red head, placed her lips on Constance. A first, Constance wanted to pull away, but her father seemed to enjoy the show, so she gave him more, pushing her chest against the red head and dipping her tongue in her mouth.

Ian watched from his vantage point. And while one part of him was somewhat disturbed by what he was seeing, the other part was thoroughly enjoying it. "Wow," he whispered. That was hot. He didn't care what you said. He'd definitely have to see if Constance liked the idea of a threesome.

Not long after the red head parted lips with her, a man tapped her on the shoulder and Constance stared at him. He pointed to her target and the guy raised his glass. She nodded and started making her way to him.

"Hi!" she said as he pulled out a chair for her. The other men had already gone scouting for their girl toys. "Great party!"

He smirked. "You seem to like my daughter," he said in a deep voice and waved his hand. Someone brought her a drink.

"No, she seemed to like me," she corrected. "I prefer older men," she added with a wink. The man smiled.

"How old are you?" he yelled above the music.

"I'll be eighteen in a few days. But I won't tell."

"You won't tell what?"

"That we fooled around before I was legal." He smiled big and she batted her eyes. Her hand went to his thigh. "I can keep a secret."

Smirking, he grabbed her hand. "Want to go somewhere private?"

"I'd love to!" They stood and he pulled back a curtain reviling a hidden door. She followed him in and smirked. The room was made up like a make out room. It had a couch and lots of pillows, shag carpet and even a bed. "Wow."

"I built this mall and this room is just for me. We are all alone," he said.

She let go of his hand and went to the bed then sat down. "Are you just going to stand there or show me how much of a man you really are?"

Ian tensed when she went into the room alone with him. He didn't like this. He couldn't see her, which meant that he wouldn't be able to provide back up for her .Readying his gun, he held it close to him. At the first sign of trouble he'd fire a few rounds to scatter everyone to provide cover for them.

In a matter of seconds, the man was on her. "What's your name?"

"Saya," she whispered in his ear as his hands went to her zipper. "Hope this room is sound proof, I'm a screamer."

He laughed. "No one can hear a thing on the outside," he said licking her neck.

Gross...old man saliva. "Good," she whispered. Slowly she began to hum lightly. He smiled and moved her legs apart. Constance tensed. Far enough! Reaching down, she pulled out her gun and kicked him off her.

"What the hell!?"

"Sound proof room. Rather smart," she said and pulled the trigger. His head split open and she moved back. Putting her gun back under her dress, she started towards the door. Opening it she smiled at the guards they smirked. She walked out, locking the door behind her. "He said to let you know that he's taking a nap. He worked really hard. He said the doors locked and not to disturb him until he comes for you," she said innocently.

They nodded and she flashed another smile then walked to the exit. Finally, after she was out she looked up at Ian and nodded to the door. She was getting out of the mall and would see him outside.

Ian leaned back against the wall and sighed. Everything had gone rather well. Grabbing the bags, he hastily took off the wig, ran his fingers through his hair, and disposed of the contacts. Turning his shirt inside out revealed the inside of it was blue. Once he buttoned it back up he headed out of the mall, walking right past the security guard which had been watching him earlier.

Constance got in the limo and began to strip. She always kept an extra bag of clothes in the limo. She took off the wig then the contacts and looked out the window. Ian was coming. She stayed in her bra and panties and waited for him to get in.

"Hey, I take it everything went okay," he asked as he slid into the limo throwing the bags onto the ground he turned to her. Why was she in her underwear?

Constance smiled as the limo started off. She pointed to her wound, it was bleeding slightly. "He squeezed it when he was getting touchy feelly. I was hoping..." she held out a bandage, "you would help me out?" So she could have done it herself, but what fun would that be? She couldn't tease him if she did it herself.

Ian looked down at her wound. "Oh...sure." Taking the bandage he leaned forward and began to doctor her wound. All he really knew was field medicine, but that was good enough for now. Once her wound was taken care of, he leaned back to relax. He sent a message to the boss to let him know that the deed had been done and nothing bad had happened.

Constance sighed. He didn't even try to cop a feel! She grabbed her clothes and slipped them on. She ran her fingers through her hair and sat back, waiting for the limo to stop at home.

Ian smirked. She seemed disappointed, oh well. When they got back to their place he tossed her bags to her as he took his. Once inside he put the wig back in its place before starting to work on getting the DVD player hooked up. In addition to the normal movies, he bought a couple of more adult ones. He had gotten them so that instead of having to explain to her stuff, she could just see for herself and hopefully get a few ideas from them. Constance put her things away and started pulling out the things she bought. Humming to herself, she started putting the things in their new places. Looking around she grabbed her iPod and put the head phone in her ears then pressed play. She smiled and shook her hips side to side while singing and putting things away.

Looking back at her, he couldn't help but to smirk. She was an unusual one to say the least. Once he got the DVD player hooked up and working he threw in an action movie to try it out. Walking up behind Constance, he poked her butt. "So what all did you get at the pink store?" he asked as he looked over her shoulder.

Constance smiled and held up fury pens, pencils, cell phone case, iPod case, and other odds and ends. She then pulled her head phone out and pointed to the bed. There laid pink lingerie, thongs, tanks, bras, handcuffs, and socks. "See anything you like?"

Ian looked over at the bed and smiled. Walking over to the thong he held it up. "Why yes, yes I do. But somehow I just don't think it's my color," he teased.

Constance smirked. "Want to see it on me?" she teased.

He gave her an amused look. "Actually, yes I do."

In a matter of seconds, Constance had her shirt off and her panties. She slipped the thong on the unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. "You like?" That had to be world record speed.

Ian's jaw fell slightly. The thin strip of garment barely covered anything at all. Walking around so that he could see her backside, he grinned. He slipped his thumb beneath one of the flimsy straps and whistled. "Yes, I do like," he admitted.

Constance jumped in his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. "Want to see what it's like off?" she asked.

Ian caught her in his arms, feeling her pressed against him made him smile. "Well, do you want me to see it off?" he asked, a teasing smile on her face.

Constance undid her bra and threw it on the ground. "What do you think?" She loved their time the day before and she loved the feeling he gave her. It was like a drug, completely addicting. She wanted more and all night while she lied next to him in bed, it was all she could think about.

Ian smirked. Turning around he threw her softly onto the bed. Pink undergarments flying everywhere as he crawled on top of her. "I think that you're naughty," he whispered as he kissed her.

Constance pulled at his shirt until it was over his head and on the ground. She pushed the other things on the bed to the ground and then went to his pants. With a few tugs and a zip, his pants were undone. She kissed him passionately, erasing the touch of the man she killed earlier.

She was getting way too good at unzipping his pants, Ian thought as they kissed. Pushing her arms back behind her head he kissed her and nipped at her neck. If he could find those blasted handcuffs he might use them on her. Nah, he'd wait and see what she was going to do with them. Kissing his way to her chest he just smiled as he stared up at her.

Constance giggled as his lips covered her body. Following the giggle was a moan. Just when she was about to take off her thong, there was a knock on the door. She groaned and turned to it. "Go away!" she yelled. Again another knock. She looked at Ian. If it were anyone from Epsilon, they would have announced they were coming over or said something when she said to go away. Pushing Ian off her, she wrapped the sheet around her body as she went to the door. Suddenly she stopped.

Constance ran back to Ian and tackled him on the ground. She pulled her mattress up and used it as a shield just as the front down was getting shot in by a machine gun. Constance held Ian close as she scanned the room for one of their guns. She didn't get a chance however. The door broke down and a Molotov hit the floor. Constance panicked as fire consumed the room. Grabbing Ian she pointed to the window. They needed to get out.

Shadow poked his head into the door. "Allo? Anyone there? Oh Muse! I have a gift for you!"

Ian nodded to the window. Taking the nightstand he smashed it into the window. "Let's go!" he yelled, letting Constance duck out before him.

Constance turned to Shadow just as she jumped out. "Ass hole!" she screamed. She landed hard on the ground, her shoulder popping out of place. Holding the sheet against her tightly, she waited for Ian to land. Once he was beside her, they both took off running. Constance ran into the middle of the road and a taxi stopped to avoid hitting her. While calling her insane and inappropriate names, she got in and pulled Ian with her. "1456 Gils Drive!" The driver stared at her. "Move damn it!" She screamed and he stepped on the gas.

Looking behind her, she could see her apartment go up in flames and Shadow's mad like face smiling at her. She pulled the sheet tighter against her as he disappeared in the horizon.

"What the hell was he doing there? How did he find us?" Wasn't there suppose to be a non-lunatic killer clause in the apartment agreement? How the hell did this happen? As they pulled up to the Epsilon building he tossed what cash he had at the driver and got out with Constance. "We need answers."

Constance ran into the build with people staring at her. In a matter of seconds, Daniel got word and met them. He took one look at Constance and grabbed her arm. One small yank and she screamed as her shoulder set back in place.

"What the hell happened?" he asked while staring at them.

"Shadow knows my name!" Constance screamed. "He knew where I lived and the only way he would know that is if he knew my name! Someone told him!" She yelled.

Daniel looked at the sheet she was wearing then looked at Ian with his pants undone and his shirt gone. He then grabbed Constance and Ian and pushed them to the elevator.

"Daniel, how could he know my name?" she asked.

"We seem to have a traitor," he said as he pushed for the top floor.

"Gee, a traitor, big surprise," Ian muttered sourly. He noticed Daniel's gaze and quickly fixed his pants. Now wasn't the time to worry about that stuff, but he was sure he was going to catch flak for it later. "So any idea who might be the turn coat?"

Daniel turned to him. "It is a big shock, Ian. We have never, not once ever had a traitor. No one has ever turned their back on us. Not with Constance on our side. But it seems that someone has the guts to try and kill Constance."

He waited until the floor dinged and he got out, Constance and Ian followed. He took off his doctor coat and wrapped it around Constance then let her drop her sheet. She buttoned up the coat. Constance and Ian followed him to the boss's door. Daniel knocked.

"Constance and Ian were attacked at the apartment," he said through the door.

Constance grabbed Ian's hand. She wasn't afraid of the boss, but she was afraid he would someone connect the dots to the betrayal starting after Ian showed up at Epsilon.

The boss buzzed them in. His face was a perpetual mask of displeasure. "What did you just say?" he asked coldly.

Ian tensed as he saw the boss. Already he was glaring daggers at him. Somehow he just knew that this wasn't going to end well.

"Constance?" Daniel asked. She looked over at him as they walked in.

"Shadow shot up the apartment and burned it down," she said. "But...no one outside of Epsilon knows me..." She squeezed Ian's hand.

Daniel turned to the boss. "Someone has the guts to betray us." He crossed his arms under his chest. "And they are aimed at Constance."

The boss put down the papers he'd been looking over and stared at the lot of them. "So let me get this straight. Ever since he showed, up," he said motioning to Ian, "Shadow has shown up on two of their missions and now knows where they live."

Ian knew where he was going with this, and he knew it would be pointless to defend himself. He'd already made up his mind about him, so changing it was going to be impossible.

Constance's eyes narrowed. She moved in front of Ian as if the boss were pointing a loaded gun at him. Daniel saw this and held his hand up, letting Constance know that Ian was going to be unharmed, but Constance didn't let down her guard.

"What are you implying?" Daniel asked.