Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Twenty Five ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"All that I'm implying is that until he arrived we've never had a single breach of security. Now that he's here everything has gone to hell and back," he replied.

Constance's face grew cold. "It's not all his fault. You can't blame him for everything..." she started.

Daniel held his hand up again to hush her. "Do you really think he would do something as stupid as sabotage us when he not only lives in the same apartment as the number one assassin in America but also sleeps in her bed?" He gestured to Constance wearing his doctor coat. Constance stepped back and brought her hands in front of her. Her cheeks flushed.

It wasn't until then that the boss actually noticed their attire. "So, you guys have been busy," he muttered. "Since your apartment has been destroyed we're going to relocate you somewhere else. Someplace where we can keep an eye on you. We'll have new clothes and items for you tomorrow, and we'll bring what we can salvage back from your apartment."

Though Ian knew it was only subtly implied, he caught the threat in the boss's words. He was going to be under surveillance. One bad step and he was a dead man.

Constance looked at Daniel. He smoothed her hair and gave her a soft smile. She wanted to say more, but she knew that look on Daniel's face. She would have challenged anyone, even the boss, but not Daniel, not when he has always been so good to her.

"Go to my suit down the hall. You can both use the shower and, Ian, you can borrow some clothes. I'll have some clothes sent for you, Constance," Daniel said and nodded to the door.

Constance grabbed Ian's hand and led him out the room then down the hall to Daniel's room. She had been there a lot when she was younger since she wouldn't sleep alone and for a long time, she lived with him. Opening the door, she let Ian in then closed it behind them.

Daniel turned to his brother after they left. "Really, Brother, do you think he would do something like that with her so close to him? A smart man would know she would kill them in their sleep if they did what you are thinking he did."

The boss just sighed. "I never claimed that he was smart, Daniel. Still, pull all the phone records from everyone in the company as well as the information on their laptops. If anyone has been in contact with Shadow then there has to be a trail somewhere."

Ian looked around Daniel's place. Everything was too surprising. Daniel's place was pretty much how he imagined it to be. "You can take a shower first," he said, offering her a smile. This Shadow guy was out for blood. Like a mad dog, he'd tasted blood and he wasn't going to stop.

Constance said nothing. Her mind was working over time. She walked into the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. She had black smug marks on her pale face from the fire and she had gotten Daniel's coat dirty. Looking down at her hands, they were covered in smut. She sighed. She knew Shadow all too well. There wouldn't be anything left of her apartment, of her memories of trinkets. And if there was, he would have taken it as a trophy and a reminder of her. He was sick in that kind of way. She dropped the coat on the floor and got in the shower.

Brian stood in the door way of Ash's room. Ash liked her privacy, so she got a whole wing to herself. Leaving her door open wasn't anything new, no one could hear her anyways.

"You did what?" Ash snapped with her ear pressed to her cell phone. She ran to her window and looked out. In the distance she could see smoke. "You idiot! The deal was to aim for Ian and Constance would take the fall. Do you have any idea how much you fucked up? They are going to know someone let you know her name!"

"So it was you," Brian said.

Ash turned around and looked at Brian in her door way. She snapped her phone shut. "Don't you knock?"

Brian sighed. "You know, you really took this too far, Ash. Everyone knows your dislike of Constance but no one had any idea just how far you would take it."

Ash's lips thinned. "I don't know what you are talking about."

Brian opened his phone. "Do you think the boss would know?"

Ash paled. "You wouldn't."

Brian turned the phone to her showing her the text was already sent. "Too late."

The boss stared at the text. A soft curse left his lips. So it was Ash. He had hoped that it would be Ian so that he could end the problem then and there. Still, he knew what had to be done. He gave Brain the order to take her out. Traitors weren't tolerated in Epsilon. You were either with us, or against us.

Ash froze solid as Brian's phone beeped. He smiled and opened it. "Would you look at that?" He looked up at Ash and smiled evilly. "Orders to kill."

Ash then found her legs and darted for her set of knives on her wall. Brian ran towards her. Grabbing a blade, she twisted and kicked him in the face. He stumbled back but then began to laugh. Ash grabbed her throwing stars and didn't take a breath as she threw them at him with all her force. Brian dodged each one and laughed again when he saw the shock on her face. Brian pulled out a lighter and flicked it open. Ash went for another knife but was caught off guard when a throwing knife landing in her palm and stuck her to the wall. She screamed and just like that, she was lit and flames. Brian closed his eyes and threw his head back with a large smile on his face as she screamed for mercy. But there wouldn't be any.

Constance waited on the couch as Ian took his shower. She had been brought a dress and some fresh undergarments earlier after she got out of the shower. She stood as Ian walked out wearing some of Daniel's clothes.

"They're a little long on me, but a decent fit," he said, rolling up the sleeves on his shirt. Sitting beside Constance he sighed. The days events had left him exhausted. "How are you holding up after everything?"

Constance went to answer, but Daniel walked in. His face was pale and Constance held her breath. She had never seen him look like that. Slowly Daniel walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. He held her close for a lone moment. Constance was frozen in his arms. He was acting so weird.

"It was Ash. She wanted you dead," he whispered. Constance's eyes widened. She pushed from Daniel and ran to the door. "Constance!" he yelled after her, but she was already gone.

Constance ran to the stair and started skipping steps to get to the floors below. Finally reaching the floor she wanted the burst through the doors and ran down that hall. She could see smoke coming from the end and she quickened her pace, hoping that Ash hadn't escaped and burned her track. Constance reached the door and instantly covered her mouth. The smell was awful. Cleaners hovered about a blackened body, cleaning and covering it with fire extinguishing foam. She could see the blade in the hand of the body, piecing it to the wall and she stepped back.

Brian came out of the bathroom while playing with one of Ash's blades. "Constance?" he said a little shocked.

Constance looked from the body to Brian. "I....thought...it was you," she said pointing to the blade in Ash's palm.

Brian smiled. "I may not get out much, Constance, but I'm still number ten on the charts," he boasted. His smile dropped as he saw her stare at Ash's body. "So you came to kill her?"

"She tried to have me killed...Ian too," Constance said.

"Sorry I beat you to it," he said shrugging.

Constance smiled lightly and shook her head. "It's ok. You deserved it. You haven't been out in a while."

"Let me guess, burning flesh." Ian was only half way to them, but he already knew what that smell was. Judging by how relaxed Brian and Constance looked, he guessed that Brian already dealt with the problem at hand. Looking into the room he grimaced. "I never really liked her, but what a way to go. Oh well, at least this means the boss has to find a new excuse to hate me."

"According to rumors, you two were doing it when the fire started and I think that is reason enough for him to hate you," Brian said smiling. "After all, you could end up taking away his precious number one."

Constance was ignoring him. Not on purpose, but because she was thinking of other things. Constance killed Ash and jumped back a bit as large thing of ashes flew in the air. Brian laughed. Turning around, she waved at Brian then started back to Daniel's. Now that Shadow knew her name, he could find her anywhere she went. He would hunt her down until he ends up face to face with her again. Constance wondered exactly what he found so fascinating in her. What did he want to do exactly? Kill her? Why? Because she was number one?

"We weren't doing it," Ian told him. "She was just showing me something she bought and was changing. That's when everything went to hell and back." He watched as Constance did her little move and started to leave. Sighing he looked back at her. "Since Shadow knows her name and face, do you think they're going to give her a new identity and face like they did me?"

Brian shook his head. "Daniel won't allow her to go under the knife unless she is dying. She's too precious to lose. Most likely they will find her a room here in the building. The only problem is that she pitched a huge fit to have her own space because of the place being so over crowed and she might get 'touched' by accident." He shrugged. "So I don't know what they will do with her. The apartment was a way of letting her be loose and have somewhat of a normal life. If she stays here, who knows what will happen."

"Well, they need to do something. At the very least change her records so that it won't be so easy for him to find her." Ian had given up long ago in trying to figure out what it was that mad men like Shadow thought. They killed for the simple pleasure of it, and when they found what they considered a worthy prey they would stop at nothing to get it. "Well, I'd better go see where Constance got off to and find out what's going on." He started to leave, but hesitated slightly. Looking at Brian once more he shook his head before hurrying off.

Constance stood in the main hall staring at the doors that lead outside. Daniel stood in front of her. "No."

"You can't lock me up in here. I will go mad!" she threatened.

"Too bad. You're not leaving until you are given orders to do so," he said.

Constance glared at him. "The sooner I find Shadow, the soon he dies and I get my apartment back. So just move already so I can hunt him down and take his head off."

Daniel grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. "I said no. Now go get some rest. It's late and you had a mission today. You need sleep."

"I don't have a room!"

"Eleventh floor. Fifth door on your right. You can't miss it," he said handing her a key and pushing her forward. "Go."

Groaning, Constance looked back at him once more then started for the elevator.

Ian poked his head already the hallway. He waited for Constance to get on the elevator before walking up to Daniel. "So he intends to keep her here? Smart idea, at least until Shadow is taken out." Sighing, he closed his eyes and tried to stifle a yawn. "So where's my room? Or has the boss decided to let me sleep in the basement?" Did this place have a basement? He wasn't certain, but if not he'd probably be sleeping in the boiler room; and if they didn't have that then he'd just sleep on the street.

"He didn't really say what he wanted done with her yet. Or you for that matter. I was the one that decided not to let her leave. The last assassin that found her interesting, she spent three days alone, hunting him down. She didn't check in, didn't eat, and didn't stop. When she finally found him, she killed him in a matter of minutes then called for a cab to bring her home." He turned to Ian. "Do you have any idea how much a cab cost when they drive through three states?" Sighing and pointed to the elevator. "Just go sleep with her. And I mean sleep. If I put you in any other room, she would be really pissed. And at this moment, the best thing to do is keep her calm. It makes me shiver when I think of what she might of done to Ash. Not because she tried to kill her, but because she tried to kill you."