Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Twenty Eight ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Daniel picked Constance up out of the tub and helped her put some clothes on. He checked the bandage on her head then the one on her hip from the gun shot days ago. She hadn't opened it, and it was nearly completely healed. She gave him a weak smiled.

"You're tired. Close your eyes and sleep," he said as he started brushing out her hair.

"I'm ok," she said. "Did Ian get shot?"

Daniel stopped and put the brush aside. He got to his knees so she could look him in the eyes while she sat. "Constance, listen closely to me," he said taking her hands. Constance became concerned. He looked so much older to her at that moment. "You have to let Ian go." She pulled her hands roughly from him. "It's because of him that your name is out there." She pushed him away from her and she stood. "You shouldn't be standing. You should be resting."

"Shut up," she said under her breath as she made her way to the door.

He grabbed her hand and turned her to look at him. "I'm not saying this because I dislike him. I like him a lot, and but until now I thought he was good for you. Until he showed up, Ash didn't have a way to get to you. Suddenly Shadow aims for Ian and you get shot. That was your biggest mistake. You practically showed Shadow that you were willing to protect Ian even if it cost you your life." She pulled her hand from him again and her eyes narrowed. He was pissing her off.

"He's not the reason Shadow found out who I am. He's not the reason I got ambushed," she spat.

"But if he wasn't around, you would have been better prepared and you wouldn't have hesitated to go head first into bringing Shadow down. Now you feel obligated to protect someone and it's clouding your judgment. You are getting hurt!"

"I don't care what you think and I don't care what you say! Until Ian, I didn't have a reason for anything! I woke up, I went to school, and I came home to kill people! I didn't have anything worth while and suddenly he shows up and everything is worth it!" Daniel just stared at her. "Even if he doesn't love me, even if he one day betrays me, I will love him and still feel like he was the best thing to happen to me. He made me feel normal, forgave me when I messed up, and held me when I wanted it." She shook her head. "And if I'm just a job to him, I can live with that. I'm not afraid of dying. Not when I have finally gotten to live for something, for someone. I'll gladly slit my own throat if it meant I could spend one day where I could be with him and not have to worry about someone splitting us up. So what if I get shot? So what if I get hurt? As least I feel like it's worth it!"

She turned to the door and snatched it open. "Of all people, Daniel, I really thought you would understand," she added before slamming the door behind her.

She was shaking and begging herself not to lose control. She was tired and sore, but she felt like nothing compared to what Daniel had said to her.

By luck, Ian had found the one thing that could take his mind off of all of this. He'd found one of Epsilon's training rooms. In it were targets of various shapes and sizes along with plenty of knives, throwing stars, and small caliber guns to use. Yes, this would do nicely. Taking his shirt off he grabbed a handful of knives. Going to the swinging targets he began to shove them so that they would move. Stepping back he closed his eyes and just listened to sounds of them swinging.

Slowly he raised his hand, and soon he began throwing knives into the targets without looking at them. When was the last time he had actually practiced killing? Not since he was a kid. After the training he was put through he was just sent out to kill. He'd graduated. He didn't need to train anymore.

Constance stopped moving. She stopped in the middle of the hall and moved to the wall then sat down. Her legs hurt. She couldn't walk anymore. A few seconds later, Brian sat next to her. He held out a juice box and she shook her head no. He held it out again and she slapped it from him. Sighing like before, he picked it up and tried one more time. This time, she took it.

"You're stubborn," he said as she sipped on it.

"You're annoying."

He shrugged. "I can live with that."

"Thanks...for coming for me today," she mumbled.

"You would have done it for me. Though, I sure you wouldn't have moved until you got orders to do so." She smiled. "You look tired." She nodded. "Then why don't you go to sleep?"

"My legs hurt. I don't want to move anymore," she said in a low voice.

"Why aren't you with Daniel? I thought he was taking care of you."

Constance sighed and looked down at her juice box. "He wants Ian gone just like Boss Man."

Brian nodded. "So what do you intend to do about that?"

"Make sure Ian stays...or..."

"Or what?"

"Or I go with him."

He'd only been practicing for a little over an hour and already he was panting and sweating. God, he really was getting old. Stabbing his last knife into the crotch of one of the targets, he reached down and grabbed his shirt. Using it as a towel, he wiped the sweat from his face as he started toward his room with the intent of grabbing a hot shower. On his way there, however, he became side tracked with thoughts of Constance. Figuring he might as well check on her now, he turned and started for Daniel's office.

Of course it wasn't until he neared Daniel's, that he realized she wasn't doing as well as he had hoped. "Shouldn't you be lying down?" Ian asked as he came upon her and Brian

"That's what I said!" Brian said standing. "Dude, you need a shower," he pointed out to Ian then started to his room.

Constance looked up at Ian. "Yeah...I'm working on it. I'll get to the room eventually," she said with a light laugh.

Ian shook his head and offered her his hand. "Come on, I'll help you back to the room."

Grabbing her juice box, Constance slipped her hand in his and stood with wobbly legs. She stumbled a bit, but caught her balance. "Don't touch me too much...you're all sweaty," she said wrinkling her nose.

"Hey it's not that bad," he muttered. "I just got a little overzealous in one of the training rooms." Of course by overzealous he meant that there were knives embedded into everything and quite a few chucks missing from where he fired guns until they were out of ammo. Someone was going to have a time cleaning up that place. Oh well, it wasn't his concern.

She only nodded and let her free hand went to the wall to help her stay steady. She was so tired. How long exactly was she fighting all alone? And how many kills did she get after her and Brian showed up? She beat her record for her most kills in a day and a lot of other agencies will be having a huge lose in their numbers. Finally, she could see the door to their room. Why the hell was it so far away!? Someone moved it on purpose!

Opening the door, she made her way to the bed and collapsed. "Oh, bed. How I love you so! I promise to never leave you again!"

Ian smiled and shook his head. Tossing his shirt into the hamper he stopped and groaned. "Crap, I still don't have anything to change into." He was going to have to bum Daniel for more clothes. Daniel who was all the way back where he had just come from. Damn it he was too tired for this.

Constance didn't reply, she was dead to the world in a matter of seconds. The light sound of her breathing echoed in the room as she laid half on the bed and half off. A soft knock came on the door and Daniel opened it. In his hands were bags. He walked over to the dresser and sat the bags down then looked at Ian.

"You and Constance have enough clothes for a while now. They just came in," he said. Turning to the bed he walked over to Constance and pulled her fully on the bed then pushed her body under the covers and pulled the sheet to her shoulders. Lightly, he brushed a few strands of hair from her face and the bandage on her forehead. Smiling to himself, he nodded to Ian then walked out.

"Perfect timing." He couldn't help but wonder if Daniel listened in to what happened in their room. He wouldn't put it past them to put bugs all over the place so that they could listen in. They would do anything to keep Constance on a leash. As Daniel turned to leave Ian stopped him.

"So, what happens now? Constance can't do her job if everyone knows her face and name. Either you guys are going to have to change her appearance and identity or she's going to die."

Daniel stood in the door way and looked over at Constance again. She looked so small, so young to him at that moment. "Honestly, I don't know. The boss hasn't said much to me. I don't know if he's planning something or is just really pissed." He messed with his glasses. "Ian," he leaned in closely, "you must know that if it comes to the worst, she will follow you." He wasn't sure if Ian knew what he was talking about, but the halls had ears. "Just know, I always have a plan B if she does."

With that said he started back to his office. He wanted to say more. He wanted to tell Ian to take Constance and run and he would help them. He would give them everything they needed, everything he could. He knew that Constance would follow Ian if he wanted to leave and he had been planning for her leave for a long time, gathering her medication, cash, and safe houses. He was prepared. The only problem was that he didn't know if Ian cared enough for Constance to risk his life on the run with her. If Ian didn't go, Daniel would. He would protect her until his last breath.

"Yeah, sure." Ian waited for Daniel to shut the door before he frowned. Looking back at Constance he hesitated. Taking the knife out from his pants that he'd taken from the training room, he twirled it between his fingers before heading to the bathroom. Placing it on the counter he stripped before turning on the hot water. He wasn't it scalding. Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he was slightly upset to realize that this was the face he had come to know. This was the face that Constance had grown to know. She said she loved him, but she didn't know him. She just knew the facade which they'd turned him into.

Brian sat in Daniel's office watching him pace while making phone calls. He was speaking different languages. Brian knew most of them and from what he could make out, Daniel was doing his best to reason with any and all allies to keep Constance safe. A lot of them didn't want to get involved. A lot of them wanted to stay out of the other agencies ways. But Daniel reminded them that Constance had done a lot of killing for them in the past, though she didn't know it, most of her targets came from Epsilon's allies, helping them rid them of their enemies. The least they could do was help protect the building from unwanted guest and keep the others from getting too close.

Shadow looked to be playing what appeared to be a game of pong. Of course what he was really doing was controlling a small robot. It was very simple one, much like an R/C car. The only difference with this was that this car contained C4. Muse was in the building so he couldn't get in to see her. That didn't matter though. Because without the building she couldn't hide, and he ever so much loved a good fireworks show. Of course it was going to take time to get enough C4 through to really do some damage.

Constance shot up from the bed, readying herself for a fight. After glancing around the room, she relaxed. Ian was sitting on the couch, watching T.V. How long was she sleeping? Standing, she ignored the pain in her legs and moved to the couch to sit next to him. The sound was off on the T.V.

"You know, I don't wake so easy. You could have turned up the volume," she said and looked at the screen. Her lips pierced. It was the news and she was the main event. It showed her killing assassins and even showed her in slow motion. They were ruining her. How many assassins would be sitting beside their T.V. trying to learn her every move? How long would it take before someone got into the building? How short was her life going to be now? She pulled her knees to her chest and watched the screen. People would fear her now. Everyone knew her. What small life she had was over.

"It's no big. I'm practicing reading lips," he told her. Once he saw the look on her face he hit the remote to turn the television off. "It's not like there's anything good on anyways. They just keep showing the same stuff." That clip had been showing for most of the day. Already people from her school were talking and they were looking into the disappearance of Daisy and her family.

The boss slammed down the phone. His face was a max of hatred, and he couldn't help but to curse before picking up the phone again, this time calling Daniel. "We have to get her out of here or they're going to tear her to shreds. How soon can you have her face and identity changed?" Constance couldn't exist anymore. She had to disappear off the face of the earth. She had to die, but just because Constance had to die it didn't mean the muse had to.

Constance rested her head on her knees. Even though the screen was blank she couldn't stop looking at it. How long would it take before the boss wanted her face changed? How long would it take for her to get a new name?

"I told you before, Brother. I refuse to do that. I won't change her. You made a deal with me to keep her just the way she is if I turned her into the killing doll you wanted. I will not change her face and I won't allow anyone to do it. You know she won't allow anyone to touch her and since I'm her only doctor, it's not happening," Daniel said coldly.