Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Thirty ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Constance and Brian stepped off the train. It was late in the afternoon and Constance was showing she was tired. Pulling out the envelope, she read the next step on Daniel's list. Brian glanced at it then pointed to the street a head of them. She nodded and they started walking.

Brian looked over at Constance. "You can hold my hand if you want to. I know you like that kind of stuff with Daniel."

She looked up at him and he gave her a smile. Hesitantly, her hand went into his. It was the first time they had ever touched. He held her hand firmly as they turned on the street and watched house numbers. They stopped at one and Brian knocked. The door opened.

"Daniel sent us," he said.

The man at the door looked behind them, scanned the area, then let them in. He locked the door behind them. "There is food on the table and a room for you upstairs to rest. You will be leaving in seven hours so make the most with your time to rest," he said.

Brian nodded. "Thank you."

The man smiled and walked to the back room. Brian helped Constance take off her backpack and they walked to the table to eat, both of them starved.

Jack pushed his way back to Daniel's office. Throwing open the doors he glared at the man. "I hate you, you do realize that right?" Sitting down in the chair in front of Daniel's desk, Jack just sighed. "I have no idea what to do. Every time I think of some place I could go or something I could do, all I end up thinking about is Constance, and whether or not she's okay or what she's doing."

Daniel put down the paper work he was doing and glared at Jack. "Sounds like a personal problem. I'm sure I told you to leave. In fact, I'm pretty sure you grabbed your file, met me in the elevator, and begged me for Constance photo before you were to leave." He started looking at the papers on his desk again. "So leave already before I have you thrown out."

"I'm not an idiot, Daniel. I'm fairly certain you have no intention of Constance ever coming back here. You once told me you had a plan B, and I'm guessing this is it. I want to help...however I can. Please...I just...." Jack wasn't going to say it. He wasn't. "I really...really care about her. Just the idea of not knowing where she is, is driving me crazy. So please, let me do what I can to help her."

Daniel put the papers down again. "Took you long enough. I was beginning to give up on you," he said then stood. He went to the locked closet and unlocked it. The closet held everything he had on Constance. Most all of it was missing. Her medication, her files, her pictures...all of it. What remained was a bag and a folder. Daniel grabbed them both. He threw the bag at Jack then tossed the folder to the desk in from of him. Daniel sat back down. "That tells you were she is heading and the way she is taking to get there. It also tells you who Brian really is and why I chose for him to take Constance. The only way for her to be free of this is to start over, somewhere else. Maybe when she's older, much older, she can come back, but not for a long time." He sat back. "As far as Epsilon knows, you no longer work for them. You are gone, memory erased, and far away. Every assassin out there will be looking for Ian to get to Constance. You no longer have his face. You have a leg up on them all. I know Shadow, and I know he is smart enough to know that Constance will be ordered to flee. Most likely he is on her trail as we speak. The quicker you get to her, the better off she is." He pulled his glassed off and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I would have sent you with her, but I needed to change your face and I needed to know that you were in this for her, not because you owe her or because you were ordered to because this is no longer part of a mission, Jack. This is real. She is getting out." He put his glasses back on. "She believes you don't care for her and I'm sure by now she is realizing she will never see you again. I needed to prepare her for that in case you chose to leave. If Brian sees you, he won't hesitate to kill you. I've told him to let no one close to her that isn't on a list I gave him. If you want to get to her, you have to convince him you aren't there for a mission. You have to convince him you are truly there for her, because that is why he is there."

Jack took the bag and looked through it briefly. There would be more time to look through it once he got on his way. "I'll need a gun," he told him. He might be a fool, but he was no idiot. Getting Constance out was going to be nearly as dangerous as staying. If the boss got wind that Constance was going to be gone for good then he would probably send people to track her down as well.

Though he tried to ignore it, the part about getting Brian to trust him. That was going to be difficult without him getting all emotional. Needless to say, that wasn't going to happen so he was going to have to think of something else. This was going to be a pain, but at least it was better then doing something boring.

"If Shadow finds her, you know this is just going to start all over again. He doesn't play by the rules. He'll do whatever it takes to get to her."

Daniel went to a cabinet and pulled out two guns and a large thing of clips, he put it in Jack's bag. "Which is exactly why Brian is with her. I've had him training for this kind of stuff for a long time." His eyes me Jack's. "And if you are smart, you'll get there before him." He went to the window. "Shadow is obsessed with Constance, but he also doesn't like sharing. If he finds her, he'll keep her for his own game, if he can hold her. Telling every assassin about her was just for enjoyment. He knew she would live and he knew she would run. He's smart, but in the same way, he's foolish and blindsided." He turned back to Jack. "And like all assassins, he has weaknesses. Now hurry and go before you miss the train. Avoid her first safe house. Go for the second one. She'll be leaving the first one in a few hours."

Jack nodded. Standing up, he was about to thank Daniel when a familiar voice echoed through the building.

"Don't come a knockin' when the building is a rockin'!" Shadow yelled through a loud speaker. No sooner had he said this then he flipped the switches for his remote controlled bombs. The base of building began to give way as explosions rocked the lower floors.

The floor beneath Daniel and Jack gave way, and he was just barely able to grab Daniel in time to save him from being impaled on the concrete below. "Looks like he doesn't know that she's left yet," Jack said. Flames licked at the building, and already smoke was beginning to build up everywhere making it hard to see and breathe.

Daniel grabbed the file and thrusted it at Jack. "Guard it with your life." He handed him a lighter. "Burn it if needed. If you care anything about her you will not let this out!" he yelled. "Go!"

Jack took the file and nodded. Running through the building, he jumped down the stairs two at a time. The fire got worse the closer down to the ground he got, but he didn't have time to worry about that. Finding the closest window, he took a deep breath and rushed it. This so wasn't going to end well.... Slamming through the glass, he fell down a story before falling down in the grass. Other then small cuts, burns, extreme smoke inhalation, and a sore butt, he was good to go.

Grabbing everything that he left with he started toward the train station.

Daniel ran to his brother's room. "Come on!" he yelled and they both started running to the emergency exit. Daniel pulled out his phone and started screaming to the other end. Outside, a car was waiting for them. Both of them got in and Daniel smiled. Shadow wouldn't find anything on Constance in there, not one trace. The car drove off.

Constance's eyes fluttered open and Brian smiled at her. "We have to go. Our next train is leaving soon," he whispered to her.

Constance stood and got out of the bed. She put on her back pack and pulled out the two train tickets for their next ride. Once they stepped outside, she looked up at the night sky. How was Daniel? And Ian? Where they thinking of her? Was Ian finally safe? Brain took her hand and they started to the train station. Both of them sat on a bench and waited for the train to arrive. Brian let his eyes scan everything as they boarded. He let her sit first before sitting himself and Constance gave the conductor her tickets. Once again, she stared out the window.

Jack set the files down and rubbed his eyes. He'd spent most of the night reading and being briefed on what was going on. He felt like he was cramming for a test that he'd never been prepared for. Luckily he had his room on the train all to himself so he was able to spread out and relax. He still had another four hours before he would reach the second point. He was exhausted and wanted to sleep, but he had to check on the others first. The last he'd heard was that the building had collapsed and that there were over 400 dead and another 300 still missing.

Daniel looked at his brother, they had been in the car all night driving to the Washington head quarters. "I had all you files, documents, and statements sent to the Washington building yesterday when we went into code red lock down. You'll have everything you need," he said. He tapped the driver on the shoulder and the driver began to pull over. "But this is where I leave you brother. I have my own business to take care of."

Constance leaned her head again Brian. He handed her another cracker. "You should try to sleep a little more. We won't be at the next stop for a little longer."

"I don't want to sleep. I keep dreaming," she whispered. Brian was taken back. Constance never dreamed. He grabbed his bag and opened it. He pulled out a needle and then a small thing of her medication. Constance sat up and held out her arm. "You...know how to?"

"Yes. I've had a lot of training," he said and stuck the needle in her arm. "I told you, I'm going to take care of you for now on."

Constance's eyes met his as he pushed the medicine in her. He took the needle out then put a Hello Kitty band aid on her. She tried to stay awake, but the medicine was strong and soon, her eyes fluttered shut.

The boss turned to look at Daniel. "I won't stop you," he told him after a moment's pause. "But what are you going to do?"

When the train finally lurched to a stop, Jack got out. He tried to stifle a yawn; but quite frankly he felt like the living dead. Moving with the crowd of people he looked for the signs that Daniel had told him to find. Once he did that, he started on his way toward the second point.

Daniel opened the door to the car. "I'm going to live my life. I've done what you wanted me to do. I've stayed for Constance and I've helped you build your weapon. Now, I'm done. I'm going home," he said and got out.

Brian held Constance close as they knocked on the next safe house door. Constance's vision was lightly blurred, the medicine still fresh in her veins. A woman answered and let them in. Brian led Constance to a room and tucked her in where she smiled at him lightly and fell back to sleep. Brian left all the bags on the floor and sat down.

Jack knocked on the door. The woman who answered seemed surprised that someone else was standing there. Personally he couldn't blame her. "Daniel sent me," he said, covering his mouth with a yawn. She looked back inside and then back to him. She was worried, which probably meant that Brian and Constance were already here.

Brian grabbed his gun as he heard the door open down stairs. He slowly made his way down and peeked at the door. Moving fast, he moved the woman out of the way and pushed his gun against Jacks head. "You are not suppose to be here. Leave or I will have no choice but to kill you," he said with narrow eyes.

"Brian I'm really too tired to deal with this right now," Jack said with a yawn. "I've been traveling literally all day, and the Epsilon building blew up on me. Just let me get a nap and then we can argue about who gets to shoot who."

Brian shook his head. He was serious. He pushed the gun lightly against Jack's head again. "I cannot let you in. You are not on the list. Just leave."

"Listen, Brian, why in the hell would I be in this God forsaken place if Daniel hadn't given me the okay to come with you guys?" Really? While he was flattered that Daniel thought he was competent enough to find them, he should've realized by now that he wasn't the world's greatest assassin. "I talked to Daniel and he gave me this." He motioned to his bag.

Brian glanced at the bag and then back at Jack. "I'm sorry. I was told not to trust anyone. Not even you. No one is allowed to get close to her that isn't on the list. You give me a good reason of why you are here and I will think about lowing the gun."

Jack groaned. Why was he making this so difficult. "Really, Brian. If I wanted her dead don't you think I could've done it by now? I don't want her dead, I don't want to hurt her, I just want to make sure that's she's safe and okay. As I said, I care about her and I know she wants to see me." If Brian didn't let him in soon he was going to punch him. He knew that he was suppose to convince him that he was there for her, but really...couldn't the guy take a hint without him having to come out and say it?

Brian smiled. "Just say it and I'll let you in. Until you do, I can't let you pass," he said.

"Yes you can! You're just being a jerk now!" Jack said. He was abusing the fact that he had a gun and that currently he was too tired to bother to fish his out of his bag.

"Then you can sleep out on the streets for all I care, but I'm not letting you in," he said.

Great. Now he was playing on Jack's one weakness. Sleep deprivation. "Fine! You win! But there better be a nice warm bed in there," he said. Closing his eyes he muttered it beneath his breath just barely loud enough for Brian to hear. "There, now can I come in?"

Brian tapped the gun on Jake's head. "Don't be a baby. Speak up!"

Jack sighed. This was getting old fast. "Fine, I came because I l-...I lo...." He bit his lip. This was harder than it should be. "I love her okay! Now can I please come in and get some sleep?"

Brian smiled largely. He lowered the gun and stepped aside. "Upstairs first door on your left," he said pleasantly. "We leave in six hours."

"You're an ass," Jack muttered. Nodding to the lady he carried his stuff up to the room that Brian had told him to go to.