Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Thirty Two ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
It took the whole day to get to the next house. As soon as they got off the train, a taxi was waiting for them. They got in and Constance gave the driver the address. Another hour later, while Constance watched the sun go down, they pulled up to a small cottage on the outskirts of town far away from civilization. Constance got out with Brian next to her. He walked in front of her and Jack behind her like she was a hostage. It made her feel uncomfortable.

Brian knocked on the door and it opened. Constance bolted forward, pushing past him as Daniel answered the door. Daniel held her close, like he hadn't seen her in years.

"I was so worried. You are all three hours late," he whispered as he held her tightly.

"The train got delayed, but we are fine," Brian assured him.

Daniel pulled back to look at Constance. "Black hair looks so good on you. And the length fits you. I'm so glad you are safe," he sad rubbing his hand over her cheek.

Constance smiled. "I heard Epsilon was destroyed."

He laughed. "Epsilon has more than one building and more than a few assassins. It lives on, just without us." She looked at him confusedly. "Come in, I'll explain," he said pulling them all in.

Jack was glad that they were finally at the last safe point. Traveling was never one of his strong points simply because there was nothing to do while you travel other then make small talk with those around you. Needless to say the group he'd been with wasn't much for small talk.

Daniel sat at the table with Constance while she scanned the room. He pushed a plate of cookies at her. "Daniel...is this your house?"

Daniel smiled. "Yes. It's been my real house for years, though when you came into the picture, I had a caretaker. That's why it's still clean," he said as she took a cookie. "My brother is in Washington. He has everything he needs there, except you. I was a little surprised that he let me leave so easily. Though, I don't think he knows that I had no intention of letting you return to Epsilon."

Constance dropped her cookie and Brian grabbed one. "What?" she said just above a whisper.

Daniel took one of her hands and gently began rubbing it. "He wanted you to have a new face, a new identity, and I won't allow it. You are too young," his hand went to her cheek, "too precious to me to be used like that. I let him have you all those years, and now I am taking you back," he said firmly.

Constance lips tightened. "Are...we going to be a family?"

Daniel sighed and pulled back. He sat back in his chair as she stared at him with glazed eyes. "Not for a little while longer." Constance looked down. "I have to get you somewhere safe first. You'll be taking a plane in in two days to Iceland. I have some land there in another name with a house. You, Brian, and Jack will be safe there. I'll join you in the years to come."

"Years!" Constance objected. "But why can't you come with us!"

Daniel reached for her hand. "When my brother realizes that you are not coming back, he will look for you with me first. He will hunt me down and grill me until I convince him I no longer know where you are. Until then, if I go with you, I will only endanger you." He glanced at Brian. "And that's why Brian is staying with you. He will take care of you just as I have, at least until I come for you."

Constance glanced at Brian and he offered her a cookie, she glared at him and he pulled back. "And Ian?"

"Jack will be with you too. For as long as you and him want him to stay." He looked at Jack. "As far as the world knows, he is no longer with Epsilon and is safe and free somewhere else."

"So you mean I gave up a beach house for a place named Iceland?" Jack groaned. If Constance wasn't going to take a cookie he would. Munching on it, he just leaned back and listened to Daniel. It was clear that Constance didn't like the idea, but she would have to accept it. Running from agencies was something he had experience in, so as long as they played it smart and played it safe they should be okay.

Constance sat back in her chair as she took all this in. "So...I can't kill anymore?"

Daniel sighed. "No. Not anymore."

"Then...what will I do?" she asked.

Brian had wondered the same thing. He stopped eating his cookie and waited for Daniel's answer. What exactly would she do? She had never lived a normal life and she doesn't get along with people. She's unstable and has a tendency to lash out when pissed. Kill was all she really knew how to do, which was way she is so good at it.

"You are going to be a sixteen year old girl for once. You are going to be home schooled by Brian and eventually, with all the money I have given him, he will help you cure yourself of the monster in your head."

Constance hand went to her head as if trying to feel the said "monster." Brain looked at Daniel. "That was not part of the plan. I can't cure her. No offense, but she is incurable. Killing is all she knows."

"That's not true," Daniel snapped. "She's so much more than a killer. Look at her and Jack. If she is able to love, then she can learn to live a normal life without killing and without snapping. And I know you can help her. I gave you the tools to do it with, and taught you how to handle her. All you have to do is follow it."

Brian sighed. "It's easier said than done."

"I'm sorry...I'm such a burden..." Constance mumbled.

Brian looked at her. Great, he hurt her feelings. "It's not like that...not exactly...."

Cure the monster, eh? "Listen, we've all had a long day and could do well with some rest. We'll worry about the rest when the time comes. If Constance does end up snapping she can always cut up on me a little bit because I'm hard to kill apparently, so it'll be fine." Reaching over he rubbed Constance's shoulder. They should've talked about this when she wasn't around. Oh well, it was out there now.

Daniel nodded. "Dinner will be ready in an hour. Until then, there are two rooms upstairs to the right that you can use and all this land is mine, so take a walk if you wish, however, Constance isn't allowed to be left alone," he said and stood.

Constance stood. "Can I help you cook?" she asked sweetly.

Daniel paled and Brian backed away. "Well...I really don't want to have to clean a dead body from my house so how about no," he said. She frowned and he kissed her forehead. "Maybe in Iceland one of the boys will teach you how to cook."

Constance nodded. And Brian headed for the door. "I'm going to check out the area. It wouldn't hurt to make sure our tracks aren't being followed." He walked out and Daniel started to the kitchen.

"The room upstairs," Daniel started, "can be used for you two to get better acquainted," he said and walked out.

Constance smiled at Jack. "Come on, Ian," she said and pulled him upstairs.

Better acquainted? Jack shot Daniel a glance. Really? "We're not going to do that!" he told him. Why did everyone automatically assume that they wanted to have sex? As she pulled him upstairs, he was curious why she kept calling him Ian. He wasn't Ian anymore. He was Jack. He was himself.

As soon as they were upstairs, Constance pushed him in the room and closed the door behind her. She didn't waste any time. Her shirt flew off, then her bra, and her lips were pressed to his, pushing him back on the bed as she crawled on top of him.

Jack's eyes widened as she pressed against him and pushed him onto the bed. Well, evidently she wanted to.... When she finally broke the kiss, Jack was already panting. "We shouldn't do this while the others are here." Really, there were other people in the house and well...she was a screamer. Not to mention they were in Daniel's house violating it with their...stuff.

"Please, just shut up, Ian, just shut up," she groaned against him. Messing with her skirt, she threw it aside, along with her socks and shoes. She pulled roughly at his shirt until it too was on the floor, and her eyes left his as she started undoing his pants.

Well he was going to have to borrow another shirt from Daniel seeing as how the buttons just ripped off of his. He couldn't get over just how...willing she was for this. She was practically making their clothes disappear. Did she really want it that badly? When she went to his pants he hesitated. Not that it mattered much, she'd already unbuttoned and zipped them and was now trying to take them off whether he wanted it or not. In a matter of seconds, Constance threw his jeans and they landed on a table across the room. She crawled up his body after his shoes and socks were gone. Placing gentle but hungry, lust filled kisses on his body, she made a trail until her lips met his and pushed her bare chest against his. She moaned. She missed this, even more than she thought she would. She missed him, like he had been gone for years. And now, everything was different. He loved her. Everything was just better.

Jack hated to admit it, but he had missed this. The touch of her body against his, her hungry kisses. He had missed it, and he enjoyed them greatly. He deepened their kiss, his hands trailing down her back. Smirking into the kiss he reached down and squeezed it butt. Constance sat up on him and stared down at him, drinking his face and implanting his image forever in her mind. He looked different because of Daniel's work, but he only looked older. She felt like a child next to him, and she hoped that if he felt the same way, he wouldn't mind. Slowly her hand came down on his face and her fingers traced his older lines. The fingers moved to his chest where his wound was. Nothing really remained but a scar, Daniel seemed to fix it up while Jack was under. Even though he no longer was Ian, to her, he would always be her Ian, the guy that first kissed her, first touched her, first made her feel normal. He was Ian even if people only saw Jack.

Jack hesitated as she traced the outline of his face. His hands gently slid down her sides until they rested on her hips. "I'm old," he said slowly. "Much older then you." Too old for her was what he wanted to say, what he should have said. Though right at this moment he didn't feel nearly as old as he should have.

Constance pulled her hand back and cradled it against her chest between her breasts. She felt like she was doing something taboo. Was this his way of saying she was a child and he only saw her that way? Being brave, she bit her lip. "I don't mind...if you don't..." she said in a low voice. Her black curls draped ever so lightly over her shoulders, hiding her breasts from view and the sudden stop of her chest rising and falling as she held her breath.

Jack hesitated. He seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. Things would've been a lot easier if they'd just kept his face young so that he didn't look so old. He was six years older than her. It would be seven in a week when his birthday came around. "You're still so young," he said, his reached out and gently caressed her face. "Are you certain you really want to be with an old geezer like me?"

She looked down at him and nodded vigorously. "I love you, Ian! More than anything!" she said as if she was trying to convince him. "You're only twenty-two. It's not like you're thirty or something..." He didn't say what she wanted to hear, he didn't say he didn't care. He didn't reach up and kiss her and hold her close to assure her it didn't matter. He didn't flip her over and smother her in kisses like she had hoped...he just laid there...looking older and wiser and more serious than she wanted to believe. It made her feel even smaller and young and more naive.

"Twenty-three next week," he corrected her. His hands traveled through her dark black hair. It looked nice on her. He stopped right above her breasts. If she didn't care why should he? It hadn't bothered him so much back when he was Ian. Back when he was supposedly just one year older then her, but now...now that he was Jack again things changed. He once again felt like he was violating the naivety of a small child, which in truth...he was.

His hand snaked around her neck, and he slowly pulled her down on top of him so that he could kiss her.

As her lips met his, a small tear fell from her eye and traveled down his face while she laid above him. That kiss meant more to her than anything anyone had ever given her. It was like telling her everything would be ok between them. That his love hadn't changed even though his face had. Slowly, her hand moved to his cheek and caressed him. She wanted this moment to last forever, and she wanted for them moment that was to come to be sweet and loving, better than the last.