Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Thirty Four ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Jack's eyes narrowed at Daniel. Setting down his milk, he crossed his arms over his chest. "For the record, Daniel, everything we've done has been because she's wanted it. Don't make it sound like I'm the one who corrupted her. Secondly, she's not my playmate. Thirdly, as I said before, I didn't think she'd actually ask you. If I'd known I would have stopped her before she tried to involve you in our sex lives."

Grabbing the door, he opened it and slammed it behind him. He suddenly wasn't in the mood for breakfast. Daniel's little rant had thoroughly pissed him off. Constance wasn't someone he was just screwing. If she was, Daniel would've killed him by now. So what gave him the right to say what he did?

Daniel went back to cooking like he was doing before. Fifteen minutes later, Constance came down stairs after her shower. In her hands was one of her extensions. She looked at Daniel with tear filled eyes.

"It just came out," she said.

Daniel moved her to a seat and began taking the other extensions out. "It's ok. You can have your short hair back," he said. After a few more minutes, all the extensions were gone and he was brushing her short hair again. Even wet, her curls didn't want to give up the spot light.

"Where is Ian?" she asked as he placed breakfast in front of her.

"He went for a walk," he said as she began to eat. Daniel sighed and she looked up at him. "I believe, I'm a little jealous."

"Of what?" she asked.

Daniel sat next to her. "He's taking you away from me."

Constance smiled. "You'll always be my favorite, Daniel."

Jack smiled. It had been a long time since he'd been out in the wilderness. He was so accustomed to the large cities, that the emptiness of the place was nearly suffocating, but in a good way. The gentle breeze which drafted across the fields helped to calm his anger. An assassin should never reveal their emotions. That was one of the first rules. Distance yourself or you can't do what needs to be done.

Once he had walked far enough to regain his composure, he felt his stomach growl. He was going to have to face Daniel eventually. He might as well use the excuse that he was hungry to do so. With that thought in mind he started back toward Daniel's place.

Constance wrapped her arms around Daniel's neck. She placed her hand on his shoulder. "I loved you first, Daniel," she said. "And you loved me first."

Daniel pulled her close to him. "Someone had to love you. Someone needed to show you what it was like to have someone that cares for you."

Constance took a deep breath. "I wish you could come with us to Iceland. What will I do without you, Daniel?"

Daniel stroked her hair. "Move on."

Jack stopped as he opened up the door and saw the scene between the two of them. There was a pause as he took it all in. "I'm...sorry, was I interrupting something?" he asked softly with a curious expression on his face.

Constance pulled back from Daniel right after he kissed her forehead. "No," he said. He stood. "I have to go to the market. Help yourself to the food." He walked to the door and left. Brian met him at the car and asked to go along. Both of them were gone soon after.

Constance turned back to her food to finish eating. "He said you went for a walked."

"Yeah, I wanted to see the land," he told her. Fixing himself a plate of food, he soon sat down beside her. Running his fingers through her hair, he smiled. "No more long hair?"

She shook her head. "Daniel likes my short hair. It's why I've always had it short," she said. "Besides, with the green contacts and black hair...I don't really feel like me when I look in the mirror."

"Well maybe once we get to Iceland you can at least get rid of the contacts." He knew what it was like to not really recognize your face. It wasn't a feeling that he was particularly fond of. Rubbing her back, he tried to ignore the fact that she had done her hair simply because Daniel had wanted it that way. Personally he thought she looked better with long hair.

Constance shook her head. "Daniel said I shouldn't take them out unless I'm sleeping. Even then it's risky." She smiled. "Do you think that if things were different I would have lived here too? With Daniel?"

Jack looked at her curiously. "What do you mean?" He wanted her to clarify, because the way she said it, it almost sounded like she could have ended up with Daniel.

"You know. Daniel and I as a family. Like Daniel would take care of me...and love me like a family is suppose to," she said and began playing with her food. "If things were different, I think he would have me stay here with him forever."

"Oh.... Yes, perhaps if things were different that would be the scenario. As it is, however, it's far too risky for you to stay here." He went back to eating his food, so she wouldn't see the look on his face. For a second he had honestly considered the possibility that she might have wanted to.... No, that was absurd.

Constance put her fork down. Her heart hurt. She knew she couldn't stay, but she wanted to, more than ever. "He's the first person that ever wanted me...that ever protected me even though I was the top killer. He was never afraid of me and he risked his life just to get me where I am now." She pulled at her skirt. "If things were different...if I wasn't the way I am...if I wasn't a killer...I think he would have wanted me to stay too."

"That's not the reason he doesn't want you to stay, Constance. It's because you're being hunted. What you do, who you are, that has nothing to do with this." He began to rub her back slowly, finally just sighing and pulling her against him. "He'll come to us in Iceland, and then everything will be better."

"It will take years for him to come," she said. "I don't know how to live my life without Daniel. He's always been a few blocks away...always there to fix me."

"Well, now you have Brian and me. We'll be there for you when we need us." He wasn't good at this whole comforting thing. Why in the hell weren't Brian and Daniel here? They were the ones who should be trying to help her feel better, not him. He didn't know the first thing about how to cheer someone up. The only things which made Constance really happy were stuffed animals and sex.

Constance pulled back from him. She walked to the door. "You and Brian are not Daniel," she whispered and walked out. Her eyes blinked at the sun. It was a windy day, but it was nice. She walked a little way out and found a path. She could tell Daniel had made it and still walked it, his foot prints were still in the ground.

"Of course we're not," Jack sighed. Rolling his eyes he finished his breakfast before tossing the dishes in the sink so that he could wash them. They were safe here, so she could go off and do what she pleased as long as it didn't get herself killed.

Constance walked the path and she was about to turn back. She had been gone for nearly thirty minutes just following the path. It didn't seem to lead anywhere and she was sure someone would worry if she didn't return soon. Just as she was about to turn around, she heard rushing water. Going forward about another ten minutes, she came to a small stream. It wasn't deep but it was nice. Constance smiled and took off her shoes and socks then slipped her feet in. The water went to her knees. She had never lived in the country, never really even been to it, but she liked it. A part of her wanted to hide in the area until her plane left so she wouldn't have to leave. She wanted to stay in the peacefulness forever.

Daniel and Brian pulled up to the house and Brian grabbed all the bags. They walked inside and Daniel looked at Jack. "Where's Constance?"

"She took a walk," Jack told him. "She was upset about you leaving and wanted some time alone."

Daniel dropped the bags. "Brian?"

"I'm on it!" he said and was gone before Daniel could say anything else.

Daniel looked back at Jack. "I gave everyone one rule. Just one. She wasn't allowed to be alone out here. She doesn't know the country and she doesn't know what to avoid," he snapped. He went to the cabinet and grabbed a gun and put it in his jacket pocket then walked out. He saw the bushes to the right move so he figured Brian went that way. He went to the left.

So Jack was alone once again. He didn't see what the harm of letting her have some alone time was. She was human, and she wanted to be alone. Besides, none of them knew the country there except for Daniel, so what was the big deal?

"Better go play the hero," Jack sighed. Grabbing the kitchen knife, he twirled it between his fingers as he went outside. Judging from the way she'd been going when she left, she probably headed in this direction. Kneeling he touched the dirt where it had been disturbed. She'd definitely gone this way. Given that she'd been gone for a good while he started to jog so that he could catch up to her.

Constance got out of the water after seen the black worms attach to her. She tried to pull them off but they hurt too much. She grabbed a rock and began beating them off her. Blood covered her legs from the worms and from the blood drown out of her. She hissed at the pain and put her hands in the water to wash the blood, however, more attached to her. She screamed.

"Get off!" she yelled frantically.

Jack heard her yell. What the hell had she gotten into? When he finally caught up to her, he just shook his head as he saw the leeches on her. "Come here," he said, pointing to the place in front of him. "And stand still, I'll get them off of you." Daniel was going to be pissed at him, but at least she wasn't seriously injured. Personally he blamed Daniel for this. He shouldn't have sheltered her so much from this. Seeing as how he was wearing Brian's clothes, it was only natural that there was a lighter in there. Taking it out, he looked at her. "You have to use fire to get them to come off easily."

Constance stood before him covered in leeches in blood when Daniel and Brian came running. Brian took one look at her and freaked. "What the hell happened!? You look like you had a blood bath!"

Daniel moved to her and snapped his fingers at Brian. Brian pulled out another lighter and he and Jack began burning the leeches off her. "You shouldn't have left the house without someone," he said to her. "And you shouldn't go to places you don't know."

"I'm sorry, Daniel," she said. "But the worms attacked me!"

"They are leeches, Constance. Not worms. They suck blood out."

Constance shrieked. "What did I ever do to them!?"

"You invaded their home."

Brian stepped forward. "You shouldn't go off like this. You really scared us. It's not safe for you here. We could have been followed and having you alone like this would have been the perfect time for someone to attack. Your guard was down and you were busy with the leeches to really scan the area," he said to her. She looked down. "Just don't leave again without me or Jack ok?" She nodded.

"God I hate leeches," Jack muttered as he moved down to her legs to burn them off as well. They were disgusting little things, really they were. He detested them. Just the mere thought of them made his skin crawl. They were nearly as bad as spiders. If there was one thing that truly terrified him it was those stupid arachnids. He could take getting shot, stabbed, and burnt, but don't you dare put a spider near him.

"There you go," he said as they got the last leech off of her. "Let's get you back inside so we can wash you off and doctor those bites."

Constance nodded and Brian pushed at her. She smiled. "Piggy back ride?"

She tilted her head. "What?"

He turned around and bent down a bit. "Get on," he said. Hesitantly, Constance wrapped her arms around his neck and hopped on his back. He stood and she laughed. "Piggy back ride."

Daniel pushed them forward. "Hurry up. I want to bandage her before she leaks enough blood to actually bathe in."

"It won't do too much good until the anti-clotting stuff runs it course." A leech bite will bleed for hours due to the toxins in its jaws which keep the spot from clotting. Luckily there weren't enough bites on her to really do too much damage, but she was still going to have a fun time until all the bleeding stopped.