Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Thirty Five ( Chapter 35 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
After another shower and another change of clothes, Constance sat in the bathroom on the toilet seat while Daniel watched Brian bandage her. She listened as Daniel instructed Brian how to keep the bandages tight but not too tight. Brian had a serious look on his face while fixing her up and she kept quiet. Even now, Daniel was still getting Brian ready to be he doctor.

Brian pulled back and Daniel looked over his shoulders then nodded. "Perfect," he said and patted his shoulder. Brian smiled.

Constance stood. "So I can't leave...what am I suppose to do here?"

"Stay out of trouble and avoid hurting yourself again," Daniel said. "Want some tea?"

She smiled. "Yes!"

Daniel turned to Brian. "Make her tea."

Brian nodded. He knew pretty much everything there was to know about Constance at that point. Even her favorite tea, the exact amount of honey, and the exact amount of sugar.

"If you want, I can piggy back off of one of the satellites and pick up some internet and my laptop. You can watch some movies on there if you want to." By 'piggy back', he meant that he was going to keep relaying the signals through various points so that if anyone tried to find out where he was they would have to go through a hundred different access points, and of course by that time he'd be long gone.

"If she wants movies, I have a T.V.," Daniel said as they walked to the kitchen.

"It's boring here, Daniel. Can't I go to town?"

"No!" both Brian and Daniel said together.

Constance pouted.

"Actually, town might be a good idea," Jack said slowly. Now even he was afraid of incurring their wrath. "I mean, I could use some new clothes so I don't have to keep borrowing Daniel's. It would only be for an hour or so, and she can grab a book to read or something while she's there so that she can pass the time here."

"You can go, Jack. No one is looking for you," Brian said.

"But Constance cannot," Daniel finished. "I won't risk her safety, not even for a second. Assassins are everywhere, not just the city. She isn't safe here. When she gets out of the country, she'll have a little more room to expand."

Constance sighed and Brian passed her the tea.

Jack sighed, looking over at Constance he shrugged. "I guess I'll be back soon then." Leaning forward, he gave her a quick peck on the cheek before heading out. He wished that she could've come with him, but he wasn't about to try and argue with both Brian and Daniel. That was just suicide. Besides, he could use a break from both of them right now.

Constance gave Jack a small wave as he headed for the door. After he left, Brian sat down. "Is there any way we can get the flight moved up?"

Constance glanced at Brian then at Daniel. "Actually, I'm sure there is. Why?"

"I just think that having you and him under the same roof isn't a good idea. It's bad enough that I'll be with him in Ireland, but having both of us against him at the same time could make him feel unwanted."

"He's not unwanted!" Constance said.

"I just think the quicker we leave, the better off the tension will be," Brian said.

Daniel got up and grabbed his phone. Constance grabbed his hand. "Wait! That means less time with you!" she pouted.

Daniel kissed her forehead. "This is more important."

Sighing, Constance let go of his hand and Daniel dialed his contacts.

Alcohol. Sweet, sweet, alcohol. As Jack passed by some of the local bars, he sighed. Sure he was old enough to drink now, but he didn't want to go back to the house drunk. That just simply wouldn't end well. Still, one drink shouldn't hurt. After purchasing a new wardrobe, a few dvds for him and Constance, and a few other trinkets he stopped by and grabbed a beer for old times sake, taking his dear sweet time to get back to Daniel's house. If he really stretched it, he could probably make this beer last for an hour at least.

Daniel put the phone down. "Tomorrow morning," he said. Brian nodded. Constance sighed loudly. Daniel sat down again and pulled Constance to look at him in the face. "In Iceland, I want you to know that I expect you to trust Brian as you would me. His judgment is honest and good and he is there for you. If he tells you no, you must listen. He's above law." Constance's eyes began to water.

"He's not you, Daniel. Come with me," she begged.

Daniel smiled and placed a hand on her cheek. "I can't. I have to fix things here first." He got up and grabbed something from a draw and handed it to her. It was a cell phone. "Brian and I have one exactly like it. This phone can dial to me and to him only. If you ever need me, I'm only a phone call away." Constance took it with a smile through her tears. She hugged him. "I'm never that far away."

Jack sighed as he got back to Daniel's. He was dreading this. He all but tried to sneak into the house. Making his way up to his and Constance's room, he dropped the stuff off on the floor before heading back down to see what he'd missed. "Hey, I'm back," he said, quirking an eye brow. Evidently he had missed something.

Constance cradled the cell against her chest as she sat back in her chair. "We are leaving in the morning," she said and looked up at Jack.

Brian stood. "I'm going to pack our things."

"Really? Why the sudden change in times?" Though he tried to hide it, he was actually rather relieved. The sooner they left, the better for all them...well, maybe not for Constance. He wanted to make sure that she was okay, but he could do that later. As much as he hated to admit it, she should spend what time she had left with Daniel.

"Brian feels it's better if you leave as soon as you can. Better for Constance," he said. "And since he's the one taking care of her now, he has the right to make those kind of decisions."

Constance sighed once more. "I can make decisions for myself," she said.

"Not about this stuff, Constance. Not when it comes to keeping you safe," Daniel said and patted her hand.

"Oh, well I guess that makes some sense," he said slowly. Going over to Constance, he gave her a small smile as he leaned forward. "How about I help you make dinner for Daniel tonight?" he whispered softly.

Constance shook her head. "I'm not hungry," she mumbled. She looked over at Daniel. "Will you tuck me in?"

Daniel stood and held out his hand. Constance took it and he led her upstairs.

Jack sighed. Well, there went his idea to cheer her up. Oh well. Going over to the refrigerator he pulled out some food and began preparing it anyways. He was hungry and the others probably were to. He'd let Daniel help Constance, because quite frankly he wasn't the emotional type like Daniel was. There was a small pause as he thought about that....

Constance needed someone who could be nurturing and loving, and Jack just didn't know if he could be that for her. Certainly he could try, but he just didn't know how. It went against everything he knew to do something like that. Which meant that if he wanted to be that person he was going to have to learn from Brian. He shuddered at the thought.

Daniel sat on the bed with Constance and played with her curls while she stared at him. "I'll stay until you fall asleep." A small tear fell from her eyes. He quickly wiped it. "Now, now. None of that."

She grabbed his hands and pulled him down to her. She ran her lips over his cheek lightly. "If I were not on the run, would you have kept me, Daniel?"

Daniel smiled and rubbed her cheek. "I've had you all these years, Constance. It's Jack and Brian's turn. I must learn to share and you must learn to let me."

Constance nodded, but tears came anyways. He pulled her close as she closed her eyes. "Go to sleep, Constance. I'll be here."

Jack set the food to simmer and he began to walk around the house. Daniel was still upstairs with Constance, so he decided to check on Brian instead. "Hey," he said softly. They hadn't really had a chance to talk since all of this happened. Not since he'd read the truth about him. "So um...need any help?" Jack couldn't help but to feel like an outsider here. Both Daniel and Brian's sole goal in life was to take care of Constance, and his wasn't. He wasn't certain that he'd ever feel truly comfortable with Brian now, not like he had back when he thought he was just a killer.

Brian had placed the last few things of his and Constance clothes in the suit case. "I've got it all, thanks," he said and smiled. "I'm dreading having Constance on the place. She hated the long train ride. I can only imagine what the plane ride will be like." He laughed lightly. "But I am looking forward to Iceland. It's beautiful there from what I am told. So green and warm."

"Wait, Iceland is green and warm? I thought that was Greenland...." Had he been to Iceland? He remembered he had a mission in one of those places.... No, he would definitely remember it if he had. That would be his luck, going somewhere where people knew his face. Oh well, he'd have to pack the stuff he just bought into his own suitcase as soon as he could get back into his and Constance's room. "Oh well, I'll try to keep her entertained on the flight. It's only about what...eight or twelve hours. That's not too bad. I bought a lot of movies so we can watch most of them while we fly."

Brain laughed. "Most people think Iceland is cold and Greenland is warm, but they are opposites. Greenland is full of ice and Iceland is full of green." He placed the suit case at the door. "She grows bored easy, but let's hope the movies will contain her."

"Right, well if not you're right...it will be a long flight." He gave Brian a small smirk. Iceland was their destination. tomorrow was going to prove to be a challenge simply because of Constance. Oh well, at the very least they'll be safe once they get there so she can go look around town and not have to worry about her being attacked. Even so, he wondered how long until Shadow found them. He was certain that it would only be a matter of time until he poked his ugly head around them again. "Hey, they don't show adult movies on the plane do they?" There was a small smirk on his lips as he asked this. Hopefully Brian would realize he was partially joking.

Constance held Daniel's hand tightly as it was announced that the plane was boarding. She began to cry. "Please change your mind before it's too late! Let me stay or come with me, I beg!" she pleaded with him.

Daniel pulled her close. "Please, Constance. Don't make this harder than it already is for me." He could feel her pulling on his shirt. "I will call soon to check on you and we will see each other again in a few years." He pulled her back and cupped her face. "I will come for you, Constance. I promise."

She shook her head as she cried and he kissed her forehead. Tear jerking like, he pulled her grip from him and passed her hands to Brian. He fought with her to get her on the plane and she cried for nearly two hours. Brian kept his hands on her at all times so she wouldn't feel alone, but she often pushed him away until the third hour where she finally fell asleep with her head resting against his shoulder and her hand tightly around Jack's.

The plane ride was fairly uneventful. The times that Constance was awake she was in a somber mood, and though Brian tried to cheer her up it was to no avail. By the time they arrived in Iceland, even Jack was ready to go run around for a couple of hours just so he could stretch his legs. Following Daniel's instructions, they hailed a cab and started off toward their final destination. As they drove through the town, Jack couldn't help but feel a strange déjà vu.

The cab took them to the country once again, miles from civilization. The closest house to theirs was ten miles away. The cab pulled up to a large, two story house, newly remodeled just for them. Brian got out and carried the luggage in, followed by Constance who drank in the beautiful country side. She walked to the white gate and opened it the followed Brian to the large front door. He held it open for her and she smiled at the inside. It was perfect. Everything in it reminded her of Daniel's cottage, though it was much bigger.

"I guess that this is home sweet home," Jack said as he carried his luggage inside. Nearly everything about the place screamed Daniel, which was good, because at least now Constance would feel that she was still connected to him in someway. He carried his luggage upstairs, and the first room he saw he deposited the bags in before going downstairs to survey the house. "So, now that we're finally here what do you guys want to do?"

Constance walked through the house and smiled at the furniture. She went upstairs and walked through the rooms until she found the master bedroom. She smiled at the large bed. Running down stairs, she threw herself at Jack, wrapping legs and arms around him. She kissed him sweetly.

"There is a big bed upstairs," she said.

"I think I'm going to puke," Brian groaned. "Whatever room you two choose I want the one furthest away from."