Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Forty Three ( Chapter 43 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Brian rolled over in the bed. He had decided to spend the night at the house before taking a plane to Russia. Constance lay peacefully next to him, her breathing easy and cheek flushed. He messed with her night gown to cover her exposed chest. Though he cared about her, he wasn't ready for the fantasies of seeing her with nothing on. Daniel 2 laid curled next to Constance and her hand lay over him protectively. Brian smiled. The cell began to ring.

Brian dashed for the phone, wanting to get it before Constance woke. He failed and Constance sat up with a yawn as he flipped the phone open.

"Is she safe?" Daniel seemed in a panic. Brian didn't answer fast enough. "Answer me!" he yelled. Constance shook. Even she heard him.

"Yes! She's fine!" Brian replied. Daniel began taking deep breaths. "What's wrong?"

Brian put the phone on speaker so Constance could hear. "It's been all over the assassin board. The Muse was killed a few hours ago. Along with the Flame."

Constance's eyes darted to Brian. "But...I'm not dead..."

"It says that the Phantom killed you both."

It grew quite. For a while all that was heard was the three of the breathing. Daniel 2 meowed.

"Do you think he used a decoy?" Brian asked. "Do you think it was just someone who looked a lot like us that were killed?"

"I don't have answers for those questions. But I do know that they do not pronounce an assassin dead without a full scale search for scares and birthmarks. If Jack made decoys, he made ones that were good enough to rival my work." Daniel shifted the phone. "Do you think it would be safe to go to his place again, Brian?"

"Again? When did you go? You know where he is?" Constance said sharply. "Why didn't you tell me!?"

Brian pulled her close. "Because you are doing so well without knowing."

"What else are you keeping from me, Brian?" she asked and pulled back. "You have to always tell me things. I can take it."

Brian sighed. He didn't think she could take it all, but he knew he couldn't always keep things from her. "Tell her everything you know, Brian. Then pay Jack a visit. Make sure you are unseen. Goodnight, Constance."

"Goodnight, Daniel..." Constance said in a low voice. Daniel hung up and Brian closed the phone. "Can I go..."

"No," Brian said before she finished. "You will stay here while I go. If everything turns out ok, then we will be leaving for Russia in the morning." He looked at her. "And if not...then we are still leaving."

"Can't we stay!?"

"No, it's too risky."

Constance pulled Daniel 2 to her and began petting him. Brian pulled her face up to look up at him. "Do you want me to tell you everything I know about him?" She nodded. "He lives a few blocks down and he started picking up where he left off here, taking jobs as a free lance assassin. After he brought you to me the other day, I paid him a visit, hoping to thank him for everything, however...before I left..." He grew quiet and Constance gave his hand a squeeze to go on. His hands fisted. "My opinion completely changed about him when a young man showed up at his door. It was obvious that they were intimate."

Constance's head went down. She moved her hands from his and began to cry silently. "He...doesn't...love me anymore..."

Brian pulled her to him. "We don't know that for sure, Constance. He could have had a plan. When I talk to him, I'll get some answers." She cried on his shoulders while he rubbed her back. "Right now, I owe him my life for killing us off. So I should at least let him explain what the hell is going on with him."

Constance pulled back and looked at him. The moonlight danced off her tears. "If he wants to come back...."

"We can talk about that later. Stay here, do not answer the door. Keep your phone on you and call if you hear anything." He lifted her chin. "Promise?" She nodded. He kissed her forehead.

Leaving her in the room, he dressed and ran out the door. It was after midnight and everything was quiet as he walked down the street to Jack's door. The lights were off and the door was locked. Brian when to a window in the back and lifted it. He crawled in and made his way around the place to the stairs. He peeked in every door until he found Jack sleeping in the master bedroom. Walking in, he took a seat in a chair not far from the bed. He threw something at Jack and watched his eyes shoot open.

"Easy, it's just me. We need to talk," Brian said seeing the alarm in Jack.

Jack groaned as he sat up. After everything he'd done that day he was ready to crash. He'd even been too tired to drink. That was saying a lot nowadays. "You look pretty good for a dead man," he said, trying hard to stifle a yawn.

"Am I going to have to play a guessing game or are you going to spill it. I don't really have a lot of time, Constance is waiting for me," Brian replied and made himself comfortable in the chair.

Jack nodded, holding up a finger for him to wait a moment as he yawned. Standing, he walked over to his dresser. He pulled out a small folder and handed it to Brian before sitting back down on the bed. "I figured you guys would want some documentation to prove it's not some set up." Rubbing his eyes, he stood again to grab a bottle of water due to being parched. Once he had a few gulps, he relaxed as Brian looked through the paperwork.

"I figured that Shadow would catch up to you if you stayed in a place for any extended amount of time. So, when you guys showed up in London I started preparing something. I used the money from my new gigs to order some supplies. While Daniel had me in the infirmary before I left, I took note of everything he used to do what he did to me. I've had some experience with it before, but you guys use the good stuff. Once here, I ordered what I could in case I needed it."

He stopped as Brian got to the before and after pictures of Brad and his sister. "Brad's sister already closely resembled Constance. That's the reason I stayed so close to him. He was around your height, so a few modifications here and there made him pass, but they weren't really interested in your body."

"No, they wouldn't be," he mumbled as he looked at the pictures. "She looks so much like Constance. The curls in the right place, the small birthmark on her shoulder. If I had seen her, I would have mistaken her for Constance as well." He closed the folder. Looking Jack up and down with his shirt off, he could see the bullet wound. It was very poorly patched up. "Get dressed. Follow me back to my place. I'll sew you up. It's the least I can do." He stood. "Hurry up. I don't like leaving her alone."

Jack was surprised by his offer. He had most of the stuff he would need to patch him up here, but instead he wanted him to go back to his house. Jack tried to keep his emotions in check as he nodded and grabbed a shirt to put on, wincing as he did so. Once he was dressed he nodded to the folder. "You might want to burn that when you get the chance. That's the only piece connecting Brad and Jessica to this. As far as everyone else is concerned he got a promotion and left."

Brian nodded. He took out a lighted and began burning it. He threw it in the fireplace across the room. "You know, I find it kind of odd that you would kill not one, but two innocent people after giving Constance such grief for killing someone you kissed and may or may not have fucked. She is going to have such a hard time understanding this." He watched the paper burn, leaving nothing but ash. "I'm not exactly sure if she will want to see you again, but I need to know if she will accept you if you came back. Because, honestly, things are a lot easier when you have four hands instead of two."

"I did it for her. Believe me, that's the only reason I allowed myself to do what I did." He was quiet the rest of the trip back to Brian's place. He wasn't certain what to make of all of this. He had done what he had in hopes of giving her a normal life. He had never thought that it might actually give him the chance to see her again.

Brian opened the door and Constance rushed to him, Daniel 2 at her heels. She threw her arms around Brian. "You were gone so long, I thought about coming for you."

Brian laughed. "You don't know where he lives." He pulled her back. "Go get my medical bag."

Constance looked at him with question then saw Jack come in the door. She stepped back a few steps as her eyes fell on his. Looking at Brian, she nodded and walked to the other room to get his bag. Brian turned to Jack.

"Make yourself comfortable," he said as he flipped on some lights and closed the door behind Jack then locked it.

"Uh...yeah, sure," he said slowly his eyes following Constance as he left. He walked to what he could only assume was the parlor. This place was rather nice. He'd seen it from the outside on one or two occasions, but the inside was rather nice as well. Once he was seated, he began to unbutton his shirt so that Brian could fix up his wound.

Constance came back in and handed Brian his bag. She picked up Daniel 2 and sat in a chair across the room. She tried not to stare at Jack while Brian worked, but every time she looked away, somehow she ended up looking at him again, however, she never said anything. She sat quietly just watching. Brian gave Jack a shot to numb his wound. He cleaned and began sewing it.

"So you shot yourself to make it look like one of us did? Obviously this is a self inflicted wound," Brian said while sewing.

Jack bit his lip, but nodded after a minute. "Yeah, I knew there was no way they'd believe that I killed you guys without getting a little hurt. Luckily you couldn't really see the wound when I was fully dressed. I made it look as real as I could."

"If they had looked close, it would have given you away. Let's hope they stay stupid," Brian said as he finished up. "Constance, will you get some warm water?"

Constance stood and did as he said. A few minutes later, she came back in with a small bowl of warm water and a rag. Brian stood.

"Clean it up for him while I wash my tools off," he said and started out to the kitchen.

"But..." Constance started with a loud tone. Brian waved it off.

Constance nervously sat down in Brian's spot in front of Jack. Slowly, she dipped the rag in the water and gently blotted the area where his wound was, cleaning the extra blood off. She focused all her attention on the wound so she wouldn't meet his eyes, but she could feel them burning on her face.

Damn it, Brian, why did he have to do this now? Jack stared down at her as she began to dab at his wound. What was he to do? What was he to say? He honestly didn't know. He'd been preparing for numerous scenarios and this just wasn't one of them. Letting his lips form a thin smile, he tried hard to meet her gaze. "I saw you got a kitten. It's cute," he said softly. "So, how have you been?"

Constance narrowed her eyes, forcing herself to not look him in the eyes as she cleaned his wound. "I've been fine. Brian takes good care of me," she said in a low voice. "I heard...you found someone else..." She bit her lip and swallowed her tears. "I'm...happy for you."

Brian stood in the kitchen, cleaning his tools very, very slowly. He listened in on their small conversation.

Jack sighed. "Whoever told you that didn't have all the facts," he told her. "The person I was with was Brian's double. His sister was yours. That was the reason I stayed with him, so that I could keep them close should a situation such as this should arise."

Constance hand stopped moving over his wound. She felt her breath caught in her throat and she had to remind herself to breath. Daniel 2 rubbed against her leg and she blinked. Pulling the rag away, she grabbed the bowl and stood. "I'm sorry someone else you had relations with had to die because of me," she mumbled and walked to the kitchen.

Brian looked at her as she placed the bowl in the sink and began rinsing out the rag. "You should go back in there." She looked over at him. "He's trying to explain and you need answers."

Constance cleaned the rag. "I don't understand why it's ok for everyone to kill people that aren't a job but I get in trouble if I do it," she whispered.

"Maybe you should ask him that."

"Does it matter? He doesn't care for me anymore...I should learn to..."

"Did he say that?" Constance eyes met his. "Well?" She shook her head. "Then how do you know for sure?"

Jack cleared his throat as he stood in the doorway. "You guys really weren't that quiet," he said, his eyes glancing down at Constance. "I did...kill innocents; and Constance what I did wasn't right. I shouldn't have done it, and I'm going to carry that burden; but I don't regret it. I'm sorry for before. When you killed Sheila, I blew up at you. I shouldn't have. We're killers...it's what we do. It's in our nature. So...I'm sorry."

Constance kept her face to the sink. She started cleaning the bowl, but her hands were too rough and the bowl snapped, breaking into pieces and cutting her palms. Brian pulled her hands out but she pushed him away.

"I can be more...than just a killer..." she said. She rushed out the room and ran upstairs.

Brian rushed after her, but stopped at Jack. "Stay. I know you don't have much else going for you, but if you would kill for her then stick around. She'll eventually loosen up. We leave for Russia in the morning. There will be a ticket for you if you choose to come along." He started up the stairs. "I can't give her what she had with you and I know you still love her. So fight for her. She's still bruised."

He rushed up stairs and found Constance in the bathroom crying and running her hands under water. Slowly, he pulled her hands out and grabbed the things needed to sew her up.