Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Forty Four ( Chapter 44 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Jack shook his head. Even when he tried he failed. He grabbed the pieces of the broken bowl and began to put them in the garbage. Once he was done with that he went back into the parlor to get his shirt. He wrote a note to Brian, telling him that he was going back to his place and that he would go with them to Russia, but he needed to do something first.

Rubbing Daniel 2 behind its ears, he smiled before leaving. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

Brian watched as Constance handed Daniel 2 over to the airport. She waved goodbye with her bandaged hands. Brian grabbed her wrist since her hands were still sore and half bleeding. She wore a knitted hat to hold her curls around her face and a dress covered with a long jacket. Brian pulled her closer to him as he scanned the crowd for Jack. Boarding would start at any moment and Jack wasn't there. Constance was told Jack was coming, but she had said nothing to object or to agree with it.

"He's running late," Brian said and Constance looked up at him. Worry all over her face. "Don't worry; they will take good care of Daniel 2." She nodded. "You'll see him when we arrive in Russia."

Jack had spent most of the night torching the place he had used to modify his doubles. If that place had been discovered the lie would be up. Once that had been taken care of he spent the rest of the night spreading the word that he was done. He'd done what no other assassin could accomplish. He was through with all of it. Then he made up a lie about going to Miami. Though that sounded far better than Russia, it would hopefully detour any would be assassins who would now be looking to take him out for being number one.

Needless to say, he hadn't gotten much sleep, so he looked like the walking dead when he finally did get to the airport. He tried hard to stifle a yawn as he kept his head down and moved through the crowd. His attire was simple, consisting of a modest suit and a hat to hide his face. He chose earrings which resembled a bat today, because he felt like the sunlight hurt his eyes at the moment.

"Sorry for running late," he said, yawning once more. "Took longer than I thought to get everything done."

Brian smirked. "You look gay with those earrings," he said. Constance glanced at Jack for only a moment before looking back at the people. Brian sighed. "She'll come around. I'm sure of it."

The plane boarded and they got on. Constance messed with her jacket while Brian put some headphones on her so she could watch the movie they had up. She sat on Brian's left and Jack sat on his right. Brian looked at Jack.

"So, you ever been to Russia? Better not be anyone there kissing or fucking you while we are there. I'm tired of moving," he joked.

"I do not look gay!" Jack just groaned until they got into the plane. Closing his eyes, he wanted to get some sleep, but Brian wanted to chit chat. "I'm not a whore! I don't sleep with someone everywhere I go," he muttered, sourly. There was a tiny pause before he added. "But yeah, I've been to Russia twice. One was a sniping gig, the other was more...personal." His thoughts wondered to Natasha. He didn't know how she'd been able to find him in Iceland. Luck? Or something else. Either way, while he was heading to Russia she was hopefully heading to Miami.

Brian groaned. "Don't fuck this up, Jack. If you see someone you know, let me know before you get us involved." He glanced at Constance she was already asleep and the plane had only been in the air for a few minutes. "She didn't go back to sleep after you left, which meant I didn't either. Daniel 2 slept peacefully, however."

"Don't worry, my time in Russia was brief with very little contact. Those I did meet were my targets, so you shouldn't have to worry about me running into anyone I know," he assured him. Relaxing in his seat, he looked over at Constance. "So...why didn't she sleep last night?"

"She cried," Brian said in a serious but low voice.

"Why did she cry? Because of what I said?" Jack looked over at her once more. "I'm not...I'm not good with the whole comforting and emotions things like you are. I just don't get them...."

"She cried because you kissed someone else. She cried because you left even though she told you to. She cried that you came back, even though she wants you to. She cried about a lot of things, Jack. But all of them were about you," he said.

"Gee, that's comforting," Jack sighed. "I didn't...I don't want her to cry because of me."

"You should have thought about that before you broke her heart," Brian said and sat back.

Five hours later, they were in Russia. Brian held Constance close as her half woken body walked towards a cab. Daniel 2 was in her pocket, tossing and turning to get comfortable.

Jack shivered. God he hated the cold. Putting their luggage in the trunk he squeezed into the cab with the rest of them. He was trying hard to make certain that he didn't hurt the poor kitten, which seemed to think Constance's pocket was a suitable bed for it. He was only vaguely familiar with the territory they were in so he wouldn't be too much of help when it came to the layout of this place.

They were taken to the hotel like Daniel had said. Constance had fallen back asleep. Brian got out and scooped her out of the cab as the hotel workers got their things. It was a very fancy hotel. Everything was painted in gold and delicately carved. He checked them in then got in the elevator with Jack. Daniel 2 crawled out of Constance pocket and curled up on her stomach while Brian held her. Brian smiled.

"We have to get her some winter clothes. She doesn't have any. Neither do I. I assume you don't either."

"That sounds good to me," he told him as he explored the suite. He stopped at the cabinet which held the alcohol. Ah, the Russians had good drinks. "I think I'll get one of those fuzzy hats you always see the Russians wear."

Brian grabbed one of the workers before they left. He pointed to the cabinet and they started taking the alcohol out. "You are not drinking if you are staying here. If you want to get in good with Constance, you need a clear head, and nice breath," he said. All the alcohol was taken out then the workers left after Brian tipped them well.

Jack sighed. "Fine, but I still want a fuzzy hat," he said solemnly.

Less than an hour later, Constance woke. She sat up in the large canopy bed and looked around. "Brian?" she called out.

"In here, Constance," he called back to her.

Constance made her way through the maze of doors and rooms to get to Brian. She found him going through his notes on her while Daniel 2 was curled up in Jack's lap. Her lips tightened. Casually walking over to Jack, she grabbed Daniel 2 before giving him a death glare.

"God get your shoes and jacket on. We are going to get some winter clothes," Brian said looking up from his work. Constance left and he smirked at Jack. "Don't take that look personally. I don't really get to hold Daniel 2 either. She's very possessive with him."

Well, she didn't seem all that happy with him there, but at least she wasn't trying to kill him. "I'll keep that in mind." He couldn't help it if the kitten liked him. It was so adorable that he just had to hold it.

Standing, he grabbed his jacket and started to bundle up. It was cold enough outside without being given the cold shoulder by Constance.

Constance came back out of the room and Brian put a hat on her. He looked at her bandaged hands then pushed her to the door. They all got in the cab and ended up at a mall. Brian shopped for him and Constance while Constance stayed close to him. Occasionally she would still glances from Jack.

"Go talk to him," Brian said as he held up a sweater on her.

Constance pushed the sweater away. "Why?"

"Because you can't stop looking at him."

Jack was stocking up on long underwear and thick coats. True to his word he also grabbed one of the fuzzy hats. He was going to have to find out what they were called. He tried to keep his distance from Brian and Constance while they shopped, but he was all too aware of the fact that she kept stealing glances at him. He'd given anything if he knew what was going through her mind right now.

Brian told her to go and she shook her head. "He won't bite," he said.

"No...but he kissed another girl and did God knows what with her before...and the guy from..."

Brian put a finger over her mouth. She stared at him. "Unless you intend to talk to him about this, I don't want to hear it."

Constance grew quiet. Brian turned her around and pushed her at Jack. She went crashing into him while Brian went to the other side of the store, grabbing clothes as he did so.

Jack nearly jumped out of his skin when she collided with him. Turning to make sure she was okay, he dusted her off and gave her a small smile. Looking over her shoulder, he tried to see where Brian was, but of course he had already fled. "Hey...what's up?" He felt slightly weird around her. He didn't know what to say, and judging by the look on her face she hadn't come over to talk to him by her own free will.

Constance face was bright red. She was embarrassed beyond belief and completely pissed off at Brian. Her hands hurt and the collision had pulled on her stitches. She looked down at the ground, calming herself and not daring to look at Jack.

"I...tripped..." she mumbled. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay. It's not a problem." He stopped as he looked down at her hands. "Crap, your hands are starting to bleed through the bandages."

Constance pulled her hands to her chest. "It's fine. I can handle it," she said. Daring, she looked up at him. Her eyes swirled into his and she took a step back. Her heart begged for him and yet her head had a tight hold on her, reminding her that she wanted to hate him. Her lips parted slightly, remembering his kisses. They closed as she remembered him kissing Sheila.

"Still, you need to take care of them," he told her. Hesitantly, he put his hands on hers and slowly pried them from her chest so that he could look at them. They weren't so bad, but she at least needed some new bandages on them. Nodding to a nearby bench, he lead her to it before making her sit down. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out some bandages which Brian had given him before they left. Undoing her current ones, he began to redress them for her.

"You don't have to. Brian can do it," she said, but not once did she pull back or away from him. Even though she yelled at herself, she couldn't deny the fact that she missed him like the dessert misses rain. He was like her oxygen and she needed him. Her heart began pounding hard in her chest and her breathing picked up. She tried hard not to stare at him for too long, but all she could think about was kissing him and pulling him to the nearest dressing room to feel his naked skin on her.

"It's okay. I want to." Once he was finished wrapping her hands back up, he hesitantly leaned forward and kissed them both. "There we go. They should feel better now." He smiled, noting the small streaks of crimson on her cheeks.

Constance pulled her hands back to her chest. They tingled though she wasn't sure if it was from the pain or his kisses. Before she knew what she was doing, her lips were pressed against his, hungrily. It was short, however. Quickly, she pulled back and stood. Her hands went to her lips and fear swam through her eyes. Before Jack could say anything she took off running. She was so mad at herself. She had given in when she hadn't even forgiven him. She felt weak. Was love suppose to be so complicated.

Brian grabbed her arm as she ran by and he pulled her to him. She started to cry.

Jack sat back after she kissed him. He let his fingers touch his lips gingerly before he smiled. "Yes, it's definitely a start," he whispered. Grabbing his clothes again, he began focusing on what to get to wear while Brian dealt with Constance. If Brian could handle the emotional part of this, then Jack might be able to do the rest.

Another hour went by and they were heading to dinner. The cab stopped by the hotel long enough drop off their things then was off again to a restaurant. Constance sat next to Brian completely uncomfortable while they waited for their food. She excused herself to go to the bathroom and Brian looked at Jack.

"You should have went after her back at the store. You should have been the one holding her, not me. If you can't deal with her tears, how do you expect to love her?" Brian groaned. "She wants a normal life, and one day that might involve speeding it devoted to you. I won't always be there, so if you want her, you need to deal with all of her. Even the broken, sad parts."

Jack sighed as he toyed with his glass of water. "I don't know how. Do you have a How To book on this or something? Because when she cries, I don't know what to do. When she's upset, I just freeze. I speak sixteen different languages, and none of them are emotions."

"If you really love her, it will all come together," Brian said with a smile.

Constance came to the table and he let her slide in. The food came and they ate. It was quiet, but it wasn't as bad as Constance thought it would be. The ride home was worse. Without the busy sounds of the restaurant, the cab ride was much too quiet. When they got home, Constance picked up Daniel 2 and headed for the bathroom. Brian helped her draw a bath then left her. Daniel 2 played with his toys on the floor as she stripped and slipped into the warm water.

Brian went back to the papers he had before and began writing on them again.

Jack checked his computer to see if there was any word on what was going on in the assassin world. He whistled when he saw the price on his head. "Apparently Daniel's brother put a rather nasty reward on my head." He turned the computer so that Brian could see the figure. "I guess since he thinks I killed you and Constance, he wants me to pay. Then again, he just never really liked me. Oh well."

Shutting his laptop, he began to unbutton his shirt. "Anyway, where's the restroom in here so I can grab a shower?"

Brian smirked. "Down the hall on the left," he said. He knew Constance was in there, and there was another bathroom in the master bedroom, but this was the perfect opportunity. Constance wasn't one to care about being naked in front of people, so she wouldn't mind, but Jack was never comfortable seeing naked people or being naked. And adding Constance body to the mix was the cherry on top.