Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Fifty One ( Chapter 51 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Constance screamed. The whole placed went silent. Brian stepped away from her as she screamed louder, not from pain or heartbreak, but pure, utter anger. She reached down and pulled out her gun. People started screaming.

"Constance!" Brian yelled.

She turned to him and pointed the gun to his forehead. He swallowed hard as her eyes glassed over. "You will come and you will fix him," she demanded. He nodded.

Constance and him ran to the door. She scanned around and saw a large building to the side. They ran on, passing a large fence that Constance climbed over with ease. Brian was having a hard time keeping up with her. The building was dark and Constance busted in the door, listening to the echos. Brian pulled out his gun.

"You wanted me, Shadow! Now you have me! Come out and face me!" she screamed.

Brian had only seen her like this once before. She snapped in middle school when she was younger and everyone in the school died. She only used a pencil, a ruler, and a staple gun. He swallowed again as she smirked. She looked completely mad.

Shadow's laughter could be heard echoing through the building. "Oh please, Muse. We've waited this long. Let's enjoy it." From the shadow's he fired two bullets at her, knowing she would dodge them with ease. He was going to toy with her. To break her. He was going to enjoy this so much.

Brian shuttered as he watched her only side step the bullets. Not even phased by them at all. Shadow had no idea what he unleashed. He had no idea how she worked in this stage and he had no idea what fueled her. Brian feared what death she was plotting for Shadow and he also feared if she would stop with just killing Shadow. Would her blood lust be satisfied or would she turn on him?

Constance laughed. Her bell like voice echoing as her heels clicked on the floor while she walked. "Silly boys with silly toys. Are you afraid, Shadow? Come out and play. Hide and seek isn't any fun unless you are caught."

Shadow smirked. This was simply wonderful. Even with half a foot of water on the ground she was still able to kill them. Snapping his fingers, two machines came humming to life. Suddenly the place was filled with the sound of thunder. She was an intriguing one. He was going to enjoy watching the life seep away from her.

Constance didn't even flinch at the sound. She moved as if nothing had changed. Her hand extended and she grabbed one of the assassin's legs while he screamed. Using her leg, she broke his leg apart and threw him into the crowd. While they stumbled back, she ran and jumped, twisting her body in the air and firing her guns, head shots all around. Landing gracefully on her feet she looked around. No one remained. Her guns were empty. She was ok with that. She had worked with less before.

"Really, Shadow, don't you want to play with me at all? Isn't this what you wanted all along? Me here...waiting for you?"

Shadow smiled as he stepped out to meet her. "Well Muse, it seems you've exceeded my expectations. The boss told me that you'd crumple by now, but I knew better. You weren't so susceptible like normal people. You're special, Muse. I'm going to enjoy seeing you die."

Pointing his gun at her, he smirked as he fired.

Constance was gone in a flash. With a smirk, she twisted around, grabbed his hand and bent it back. She listened for the crack of his bone. A loud popping sound piece the air and she laughed as he screamed, catching his gun before it hit the floor. She jumped back, creating space between them. Playing with the gun, she smiled at him as he held his hand, yelling.

"The boss, huh?" she said. "Well, seems I have someone to add to the list." She twirled the gun in her hands and paced. "You wanted to watch me suffer? It's only fair that I return the favor. By the way, where is that pretty woman you so graciously allowed to cut Ian? I can't very well leave knowing she's around, can't I?" she said then burst into laughter.

"You mean Natasha? Well, I left her with the Phantom," he said, trying to keep his voice calm and composed. "In two minutes if I don't tell her you're dead, then he's going to die a very slow and painful death. It's amazing what acid can do to the human body when injected into the blood stream."

Constance still smiled. "Really? I would have never guessed." Before Shadow could react, she moved and his other hand was broken. She moved back to her same spot as he yelled. "Two minutes? I can do so much to you in two minutes. What to see?"

Shadow's smile fell. He couldn't move either of his hands. "Just know that whatever happens to me will be done to your dear sweet little Phantom. The cameras in this room are feeding directly to Natasha even as we speak!"

She moved close to him, only inches from his face. "Is that suppose to scare me?" she asked in a dark voice. Reaching down, she pointed the gun at his thigh, she pulled the trigger. His flesh flew everywhere as he hit the ground. "Because I don't take kindly to threats. And if your pet was smart, she'd keep Ian in tip top shape otherwise," she pointed the gun to his other thigh, "I might have to let her suffer like you." She pulled the trigger.

Shadow yelled as he fell down to the ground. Even though he was in pain, even though he came to realization that he was going to die, he didn't care. "Know this Muse! Your Phantom is dead! When Natasha gets through with him, you'll have wished you'd never met him!"

Constance shrugged. "I'm ok with that. I can live with knowing that he is dead. But I will hunt down each and every person connected to it. And they will all pay very slowly," she said. She put the gun to his head. "I won't be singing you to sleep." Again she pulled the trigger, letting blood splatter on her face.

She turned to the hall again. "Here, kitty-kitty. Constance wants to play with you now," she said as she walked the halls, searching each room. In the distance she could see a room with the lights on. "Stupid cat." She walked to the door, taking her time. Pushing it open she smiled. "Hello."

Natasha just stared up at Constance without any emotion in her eyes. Breaking Jack's other hand, she quickly stabbed another knife into his body before wiping her hands and standing. "I did what I wanted," she muttered. "I made him pay." Grabbing her gun she quickly pointed it at her head and smiled. "You won't have the pleasure of killing me." With that she pulled the trigger.

Constance moved as soon as she saw Natasha hold the gun up. She pulled it from her hands and pulled the clip out. She dumped the bullets to the ground and before Natasha could speak, she flipped the clip in her hand and jammed it straight in her throat, pushing it as far as she could and watch the blood poor out. She let go and Natasha's body hit the ground.

"Stupid bitch," she mumbled. Turning to Jack she moved her hand over his face. "Brian!" she yelled. Brian was there in a matter of seconds. "Is he dead?"

Brian moved to Jack quickly. "No, but he will be if we don't get help soon."

The boss stared at the reports. They'd all died. All of them had died. His hands shook as he set down the report and picked up the phone. "Yes, no, I want to speak to the leaders. All of them!" She would be coming. He knew she would. When she did, he was going to be ready.

It was nearly a week before Jack started to come to. At first it took him a second to remember what had happened. That thought was quickly filled with panic as he looked around the room. It was all white and really bright. More importantly he couldn't move his arms. Why couldn't he move them? Where was he? A hospital judging by the sounds coming from around him. Why was he in a hospital? What happened to Shadow and Natasha...and Constance. He heard someone moving.

"Hello?" His voice was dry and parched.

Daniel moved to Jack's side. "Finally, you are awake. We were worried," he said and started checking the monitor. "Constance gave you a lot of her blood. Seems you will be having a little of her running through your veins. Are you in any pain?" Before Jack could answer, Daniel inserted a needle into his IV. "That should help a little. You had to have a lot of surgery, so take it easy."

Brian came in wearing a white coat like Daniel and carrying a clipboard. He smiled. "Man, it's great to see you awake. We were a little scared you had taken too much damage to live."

Jack tried to smirk, but it just came off as a listless smile. "I'm indestructible," he said slowly, trying to register everything. "How long...I mean, how long have I been out?" The last thing he remembered was Shadow shooting him. Then everything just went black.

"A week," Daniel said. He grabbed a thing of water and a straw. He let Jack sip from it then he put it down. "But you'll be here for a while, so the rest is good."

Once he had finished with the water he laid his head back down on the pillow. "I'm almost afraid to ask what all happened to me. How long will I be recovering...and just where am I exactly?" There were two other questions nagging the back of his mind, but those two he was afraid to ask simply because he was afraid of the answer. The first question was where was Constance. The second was why he couldn't feel his hands.

Brian smiled. "You'll only be here for about another week or two. And by 'here' I mean Daniel secret lair."

Daniel groaned. "I told you to stop calling it that," he said and Brian shrugged.

"Sounds a lot cooler than 'Daniel's underground emergency room.'"

Daniel shook his head and looked back at Jack. "I built this place before I joined Epsilon. This is where I did my personal studies on cases like Constance. This is the place where I developed the basics to the drug that controls Constance. It was much later that it was enhanced." He glanced at Brian. "It is underground, but only because it had to be. We had to get you in a jet just to get you here to operate. Right now, you are about three hundred feet below my house."

"Wow...I'm sorry that I caused all this trouble. It seems that you guys have to keep moving because of me." He fell silent at this. He had just wanted to keep Constance safe, and instead.... "Where is Constance?" He had so many more questions to ask, but right now, he just wanted to make certain that she was okay. He didn't know how Shadow had found them, but he knew that with that maniac involved there was no telling what could happen. He'd seen just how sick he was. Or rather, he'd felt just how sick he was.

Brian turned around and pulled a curtain that divided the room up. He pushed it back until it revealed Constance laying in the bed a few feet from Jack. She had tubes all in her and a breathing mask on. She was naked, but there was a white sheet over her. Her eyes were closed tightly.

"She's a lot better off than you're thinking. Not a scratch on her, though she did open her wound on her side. The tubes are feeding her and monitoring her. The mask is releasing a gas form of her drug. Of course it's a mild dose compared to the normal needle, but we haven't moved her off it since we got here," Brian explained.

"It took four doses just to get her to calm down, and another one to get her knocked out. Surprisingly, she only tried to kill a few random people, but Brian was able to get the first dose in her. That when she turned on him." Daniel grabbed a gun that looked like a syringe. "I upgraded my tools, so I shot the last four at her. It's never taken that many to get her down, but she was pretty pissed about you being...well...half dead."

"The mask is the only way we can be sure she wouldn't do anything while we worked on you."