Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Fifty Three ( Chapter 53 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Daniel placed his hand on the mask and Brian readied himself. Being easy, Daniel pulled the mask off Constance's face. He set it aside. Holding his breath, Constance eyes fluttered open. Her red eyes glanced around and blinked constantly to adjust to the light in the room. Licking her lips she looked up at Daniel.

"Daniel?" she whispered. Daniel smiled at her. Her hand went up to his face but was stopped by the restraints. She pulled at them, but she couldn't move. Her hand went down and she took a deep breath. "Where am I?"

Daniel wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Her naked body shifted under the sheets lightly. "I'm so happy...you are awake," he whispered.

He pulled back and Brian lowered the gun. Both of the started to undo her feet and hands.

Jack limped toward her, wincing with every step that he took. It hurt, but it was worth it just to see her awake again. Just to see her smile. He'd been through the pits of hell and came back just so she could wake. It was worth it, now that he could hear her voice, to feel her touch, and her kiss. "Constance," he said with a small smile. "I'm glad to have you back among the living."

Constance grabbed the sheet and moved towards Daniel. "Who...who is he?" she asked.Daniel looked at her and Brian stepped back. "That's Jack, Constance. He's your Ian.""My...who?" Constance said.

Brian moved to touch her and she screamed, pushing herself against Daniel hard. "Don't touch me, Brian!" she screamed.

Brian moved back again. "Oh God...has she forgotten everything that happened a year ago?"

Constance pulled the sheet closer to her. "Tell them to leave, Daniel. Tell them to get out!"

Jack's smile fell. What...was going on? "Constance...it's me! Don't you remember me?" Looking at Brian and then to Daniel, he tried to get some answers between the two of them. "What's going on? Why doesn't she remember?" This couldn't be happening. Not after everything they'd been through. Not after the hell he'd been through to keep her safe. His body was in ruins because of her, but that didn't matter because he was suppose to have her! Why now...why didn't she remember?

Daniel took off his doctor coat and wrapped it around Constance. She snuggled in it, looking lost and confused. "Stay here. I'll be right back," he promised her.

Constance bit her lip and nodded. His touch left hers and Daniel pushed the other two out the door. He closed the door behind him. Looking at Brian and Jack, his face was pale.

"I knew that there would be a chance that something would change in her, but I never thought her memory would be stolen from her. There is no telling how far back she doesn't remember but she seems to know Brian so it could only be a few years or so. I'll have to talk with her to find out her last memory. Maybe...there is a way to get it all back. After all, memory doesn't just vanish. It's always there, in the back of the mind," Daniel said. He took his glasses off and rubbed his head.

Brian began to pace. "If she doesn't remember Jack then she won't remember what happened or that Epsilon turned on us. She will want answers."

"I'm going to tell her the truth...about it all. There is no point in hiding it. If we want her to remember, then we need to start talking about everything."

Jack cursed. He knew it was too good to be true. "Fine, just...let's just do whatever we have to so that she can get her memory back." He had come to the point that he just didn't care. If it was bad and it could happen, it would happen to him. That was the simple fact of life, at least his life.

Slamming his fist into the wall, he winced in pain. After all of this.... She had to get her memory back, she just had to.

Brian placed his hand on Jack's shoulder. "We have nothing but time," he said. "The boss stopped looking for us a long time ago. He expects us to go to him. According to our resources, he's got himself on lock down until she is found. Though, he hasn't order her death, he just wants to know where she is at all times so he knows she isn't near him. So we have time."

Daniel walked back in the room and sat next to Constance. He pulled her close. "Constance...there is something I have to tell you and you must try to understand. You know I wouldn't lie to you so just listen to me very closely." Constance nodded against his chest.

"Yeah, nothing but time," he muttered sourly. That was all their life had been, hiding, waiting, recovering from wounds. He was tired of all of it. He was just tired of not knowing whether or not they were going to live or what was going to happen. If this was t heir fate, he wasn't certain that he could take much more of it.

There was a loud cry from the room where Constance and Daniel were. Brian turned to the door. Constance was crying and screaming questions like "Why?" and "How could this happen?" Before Daniel could answer, she was screaming other things like "I don't understand!" and "Why can't I remember?" Daniel tried calming her but she just kept crying. She didn't understand. Daniel did the best he could to explain, but she just shook her head. It was just so much at one time.

"I would remember something like that!" she yelled. "I would remember falling in love and running away! I would remember getting shot and Epsilon turning on me! How could this happen?"

Brian turned to Jack. "I can't imagine how you are feeling right now. It has to be had to give your life up for her and then not have her."

"You're right," Jack said softly. "You can't imagine." Using his cane he started hobbling back up towards Daniel's house. Constance would need some time before she'd be able or willing to see him. Even then he was uncertain as to what this would mean for them, if there was still a them. Shaking his head, he wanted to hit something. He wanted to run. Hell, he wanted to shoot something. However, he couldn't do any of those things, not anymore.

He had sacrificed everything for her. And now, it was truly all for nothing.

It took a week for Constance to agree to come out of the room. Brian had went to town earlier that week and bought her clothes. She had decided to keep her long hair, though looking in the mirror, she often complained she didn't look the same. She didn't. She looked older, though much thinner. Daniel had said she looked as light as a feather.

Coming out of the room, Constance wore a winter dress with stockings and boots. She had a beret on her head with ruffles. Taking Daniel's hand, she went to his house then put on a winter jacket and went outside. She sat in the snow on a blanket looking out at the land she didn't remember. She had stopped crying days ago, but her heart fell each time she thought of what Daniel had told her. Though, she couldn't escape the feeling that something was missing. Daniel left her there alone and sat on his porch, drinking coffee and watching her. Her silver hair was long enough to reach her lower back and the curls had turned into deep waves.

Brian sat next to Daniel and they talked about Constance and how she was coping.

Jack started back toward the house. He'd been out attempting to jog. It hadn't ended well. He'd never felt as old and decrepit as he did now. As he made his way back toward the house, he saw Constance there. His jaw dropped and his heart sank. Clearing his throat, he started toward her. He'd forgone the cane this morning, which meant that he was moving slower than usual. "Hello, Constance," he said, nodding to her as he came upon her.

Constance looked up at him. This was the man she loved? This was the man Daniel had told her all about? The same man that sacrificed his health for her? That ran away with her? That loved her back and promised to protect her? As she stared at him, her heart jumped. She swallowed hard. Her eyes ran over his lips to his eyes. Suddenly, she felt warm all over. Was this normal?

"Hello, Jack," she finally said.

Jack? She never called him Jack. "How are you feeling today?" Now that he was close enough to the porch, he leaned against one of the wooden pillars so that he could rest. His eyes trailed over her. She had changed so much in a year, yet she still stayed the same in so many ways.

Constance looked back at the scenery. "Fine, I suppose, for someone who's last memory was their sixteenth birthday..." she said. She laughed lightly. Daniel looked over at her. It wasn't much, but it was the first laugh she had since she woke up. It was like music to his ears.

Jack smiled. Tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear he lowered himself and sat down on the porch steps. "Well, that's not too bad," he told her. "I remember all twenty-four of my birthdays, and they're really nothing special."

"I got a new iPod on my sixteenth birthday and Daisy made me a cake. But...I was told I killer her," Constance said. She pulled her legs to her chest and rested her head on her knees. "Birthday's were special because Daniel and Daisy made them special. Somehow, I missed my seventeenth birthday and my eighteenth is right around the corner. I don't feel any older...but...I look older..."

Brian glanced at Jack, running his hands through his red hair. Daniel sat in silence, soaking it all in. She had told him three days ago that she wanted nothing to do with Jack because he wasn't Daisy, but seeing him had somehow changed her mind. She was even talking to him.

"Eh, the scientist nowadays say that you're only as old as you feel," he said as he looked over at her. "But we'll have to do something special for your eighteenth birthday. After all, you only turn eighteen once in your life." There was a pause as he looked back and smiled. "I'm sure you'll get your memory back, Constance. Then you'll remember all the good things that happened last year."

"Good things?" she said. She stood and turned to him. Her eyes narrowed. "Good things? I killed Daisy, my name was handed out by Shadow, I ran for my freedom, was betrayed by Epsilon, killed some person named Sheila because she kissed you, moved four times, got shot, stabbed myself, killed a building full of assassins as well as Shadow and someone named Natasha, and somehow in all of that, I fell in love with someone that I supposedly took a bullet for. Oh, and let's not forget I was in a deep sleep for a full year! Doesn't sound really good to me! Just sounds like a bunch of heartache and crap!" she yelled throwing her hands in the air. She sat back down, still facing him. "And I can't remember any of it. How could I have found time to have something good when all I did was do things that seemed so sad?" She started to cry silently. "It's so unfair and I don't understand."

Jack pushed himself up and walked over to her. Grunting as he fell to one knee, he slowly began to rub her back. "Well, let's see, there was that time that we spent the entire day at the mall for an assassination job. I bought a DVD player, and you spent an hour looking in a store that was pink. That was a good day for the most of it." He smiled as he remembered that day, at least until Shadow blew up their apartment.

Sighing, he stared out at the view. "Well, I'll admit, most of it was crap. But there were a few moments which were excellent; and those moments made it worth it."

Constance moved away from him. Standing, with her head low she looked down. Her hair hiding her face as her hands fisted. "Do not touch me. Not ever again," she said. She stomped back inside, slamming the front door. Daniel followed after her.

Brian got to his feet and walked over to Jack. He helped him to his feet. "Don't let it get to you. It was easy when you first met but knowing more than she does is intimidating. She has to warm up to you like she had to warm up to me. For both of us to touch her, she has to trust us first. We have to work for it."

Jack stood with Brian's help. He just sighed as she walked away. "Yeah, just have to wait a little longer." Of course a little longer could be quite some time. There was no way to tell if she'd ever feel the same about him again.

Constance sat at the dining room table looking over the notes Brian had written about her and her reactions to Jack while they were on the run. Brian sat beside her and she looked at him. Pulling out his phone he slid it over to her. Constance's eyebrows wrinkled as she took the phone. Opening it she gasped as she was met with a picture of her with her black hair. It was Brian's wall paper.

"Push down," Brian said.

Constance did as he said. His photo album came up. Constance lips tightened as she flipped through each picture. Most of them were of her and Brian. Brian had taken them on and off the whole time. She was laughing, smiling, she looked happy. There were also pictures of her and Jack. He held her, kissed her cheek, his hands on her gently. She looked even happier. The photo album was filled with pictures of her and them. She looked up at Brian.

"You had time to smile and to laugh. You made time to love and be loved. And you loved him very much, Constance. So much that it scared the shit out of Daniel and me. Daniel explained to you before that you punished yourself just for hurting Jack's feelings. What else could that be for you other than love?" Brian said.

Constance closed the phone and slid it back to him. "It doesn't mean anything, Brian, unless I remember how I felt. And I don't," she said slowly.

Brian's heart fell.

Jack nearly dropped his drink as he heard that. Leaning against the wall he listened to their conversation. Finally, when he didn't want to hear anymore he set down his glass and left. He wasn't certain where he was going, he just had to get out of there for a little bit. It didn't matter that he'd forgotten his cane and that his legs hurt every time he moved. It didn't matter that he could no longer protect himself if he needed to. It didn't matter that they were miles away from civilization.

The only thing that mattered was that no matter what he did or said it would never change the fact that he loved her; and she didn't even know who he was.