Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Fifty Four ( Chapter 54 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The week went on in the same pattern. Daniel and Brian tried jogging Constance memory, showing her pictures and talking about what happened, but nothing came back to her. By the end of the next week, Constance decided to cut her hair again. Daniel asked her why, she answered that she wanted to go back to the way she was. She didn't like the girl she saw in the mirror. He saw in down and cut her hair to her shoulders and smiled as all the weight left her and the curls suddenly came back to life. As time went by, she started to return to her normal self. She smiled and laughed though she still hadn't had a spark in her memory. But the biggest change was that she actually started talking to Jack without him talking to her first.

Constance moved next to Jack on the couch. She smiled at him. "Can I ask you a question?"

Jack muted the show that was on and looked over at her, a curious expression on his face. "Sure, what is it?"

"So we were in love right?" she asked and waited for him to nod. She smiled bigger. "Did we have sex?"

Daniel choked on his coffee and Brian walked out the room with a fast pace. "Constance!"

"What!?" she yelled back. "I have a right to know if I once had sex!"

Jack's face turned blood red. No matter how old he got he never truly thought that he would feel comfortable about this discussion. Especially not with her looking as she did now, so young and energetic. "Well, she does have a right to know," he admitted slowly, though he knew this wasn't going to end well. "Yes, we had sex on quite a few occasions."

Daniel paled. "Oh," Constance said. She sat back in the couch and relaxed. Daniel went back to his coffee, hoping that was the end to it, however, Constance turned to Jack again and smiled widely. "Was I any good?"

Daniel slammed his cup down, coffee going everywhere. "Constance!"

"WHAT!" she screamed.

Jack's face turned three shades of crimson even as he was trying hard not to laugh at Cosntance's reaction to Daniel. "As much as I'd love to answer that question, I'm fairly certain that Daniel would take away my pain pills if I continue this conversation."

Constance placed her hand on his. Daniel tensed. It was the first time she had touched him since she woke. She leaned into Jack and Daniel narrowed his eyes. What was she going to do?

"You can whisper it to me. I can keep a secret," she said sweetly.

"Constance, don't pester the man," Daniel said.

Constance growled at Daniel. "Hush, Daniel. I'm talking to Jack."

He couldn't help it. When she touched him he smiled, and his defenses turned to mush as she got in closer. Looking over at Daniel he just shrugged. What harm could it do? Besides, he was especially glad that she was paying him more attention than Daniel. "Yes," he whispered. "You were very good and very insatiable. You truly enjoyed sex."

Constance pulled back and blushed. She stood. Daniel watched her walk to the door.

"Constance, don't forget your coat. It's snowing," he said.

Constance shook her head. "The cold will do good for me..." she mumbled and walked outside.

Jack smiled. It was rather nice seeing her blush for a change. Seeing Daniel's expression only added to his own euphoria. "I...think I'm going to take a walk as well." He went outside, smiling at Constance as he did. "I'm sorry if I said anything you didn't like." Of course he knew that wasn't the case, but he was curious to see what she might say now that Daniel couldn't hear her every word.

Constance turned to him and smiled. "No, I like honesty." She picked up some snow and threw it in the air. Daniel came out.

"Constance," he said while holding her jacket. "You'll catch a cold."

She ran over to him and put the jacket on then went back to the snow as Daniel went back inside. She smiled at Jack again. "So, we were really in love, huh?"

Jack nodded. "They say that love is about sacrifice, and we made numerous sacrifices for each other. Despite everything we'd been through, somehow we still managed to find each other time and time again. So yes, we loved each other."

Constance opened her jacket and lifted her shirt. The scar from the bullet she took for him was enhanced with the scar from the knife. "Daniel said I loved you so much, I was willing to suffer for you," she said then put down her shirt. She closed her coat back. "I...don't really understand why I would do that. I can't ever remember getting hurt during a mission, so it's odd to wake up with the scar and not know where it really came from." She sat in the snow, letting the cold air hit her face. "I...don't remember ever loving anyone other than Daniel. I always thought I would end up with Daniel once he realized that he and I belonged together." She laughed. "But," she looked up at Jack. Looking at you, I can see why I choose you instead." She smiled.

Jack paused at this. Sitting down beside her, he stared at her for a moment. "Why? Why do you think you chose me? That's one thing I've never really be able to figure out." She could've chosen anyone, anyone in the world. So when she saw his picture so long ago, why did she choose him? That was something that he had thought about long ago, but had forgotten to ask her.

She smiled and leaned in. Her nose pressed lightly to his. She moved in side to side, rubbing it lightly with his before pulling back. "Because, Jack," she reached in her pocket and pulled out the picture of Jack, the same one she had first seen of him and the same one Brian had saved for her. She found it in the clothes Brian bought her, no doubt he sunk it in to remind her of him. "You were the only one smiling out of all the pictures we had of all the assassins," she said showing him. She had told that to Daniel a very long time ago when he asked her the same thing. He wrote it down in one of his many reports on her and she read it the other day. "Daniel said all the pictures were taken of random moments and out of all of them, you were the only one randomly smiling." She pointed at his lips. "I was impressed with that smile."

He blushed as she pressed her nose against his. It was probably the most intimate thing she'd done in quite some time. Though she seemed relatively at ease with touching him now. Jack looked down at the picture. Judging from the area and look on his face, he actually remembered that day well. "That was the day I got to save a life instead of take it. An idiot kid had run out into the street to grab his ball. I ran and pulled him out of the way of a car. Everyone cheered. It felt nice to be a hero for once." His lips curved up slowly and he allowed himself a smile. "That was the reason behind my smile that day."

Constance smiled. "And what's the reason behind the one today?"

"Because you finally feel comfortable enough to touch me," he told her. "That and I just enjoy spending time with you."

Constance just smiled. She laid back in the snow, her curls spreading in the snow. "It's worth it, you know. To see that smile," she said looking up at him. "It took me a while to realize that, but Daniel always says better late than never."

Jack couldn't help but to think that she sounded older as she said that. Wiser and more mature then he'd ever heard her talk before. His hand slowly ran through one of her strands of hair as she lay on the snow. "Kings and beggars alike have fought wars and killed friends all to see the smile of a beautiful lady."

"Lucky lady," she laughed. "Jack..." she let her smile fad and she looked up at the sky, "Daniel and Brian tell me a lot about what happened a year ago...but a lot of it they don't know," she looked at him, "because I was with you at the time. Can you tell me...about us?"
Jack grew quiet at this. "What would you like to know?" There was so much to tell, and yet so very little all at the same time. He didn't even know where to begin.

She sat up. "Tell me about when we fell in love. What did I say? What did you say? Was it romantic?"

Jack ran a hand through his hair. It was close to a year and a half ago when that happened. "Well, its hard to say when we fell in love exactly. After you...well, after Daisy died you and I grew very close. I'm not certain when you fell in love with me, but I remember the first time you told me. I was jumpy, because you'd shot me, and we got into an argument and you just blurted it out."

He laughed at the memory. Those had been such simpler times. "Then we proceeded to dinner and try and tease me beneath the table. At that time I wasn't sure what to make of you. I was afraid, because I was so much older then you that I was taking advantage of you. Then when I was forced with the prospect of losing you, I knew I couldn't. It was at that moment that I realized I truly did love you."

He knew that heartache all too well. How many times had he'd thought he'd lost her since then? "I traveled for twelve hours, on different trains to catch up to you and Brian. You were upset, because you thought that I was coming just because you were a job. Finally, I broke down and told you while we were on the train. Then we just held each other...until you wanted to have sex on the train."

Shaking his head again, he opened his eyes and looked at her. "Our love wasn't...isn't a story book romance, but it would make for a very interesting story."

Constance laughed. "It took you so long to tell me you love me. How silly, Jack," she said. She looked up at the snow falling on them. "Seems unfair though...that you are still here and I don't remember any of that. Don't you get lonely or feel cheated? Don't you want to pick up life where it left off before me and you became a...we?"

"Yes, I do get lonely and I do feel cheated. Every time I look at you it hurts, but I think that being away from you would hurt more." Looking down at his hand, he slowly balled it into a fist. "Besides, even if I wanted to I could never go back to my life before. My life revolved around killing, and now I can barely walk up the stairs or use a fork, much less chase after a target and shoot a gun."

"Who revolves their life around one single thing?" she asked. "I killed just like you, but it wasn't my life. It was only part of it, a part that I happened to be the best at, but only a part. I had other things, like Daniel and Daisy...those things make life worth smiling about. And if you can't smile, why bother living at all?"

Jack actually smirked at that. "Actually, that thought has crossed my mind as well, but whenever it does I always end up thinking about you. I couldn't leave, simply because I would be thinking about you every waking moment, and that would be torture. So instead, I'll stay here and wait patiently by your side until you regain your memory."

"And if I don't?" she asked. Her eyes fell on his. "If my memory never comes back?"

Jack smiled. "Then I'll make you fall in love with me all over again."

Constance laughed. "Do you think it will be that simple?"

"Well, I didn't have to do too much the first time, so I'm hoping that all I have to do is let you be attracted to my natural charm." He smirked,

Constance smiled. "At the time, we worked together and Daisy's death drove me close to you," she pointed out. "It's a lot easy to get something you don't want than something you do want."

"True," he smiled. "But I still think I have a fighting chance."

"Even though I love Daniel?" she asked, still smiling.

Jack's smile fell. She loved Daniel. Her words that day before they left for Iceland came back to him. If things had been different, she would've been with Daniel. His eyes traveled to the ground. "Yes, even then," he said softly.

She lifted his chin. "I'll give you a head start," she said. Leaning in, she placed her lips on his lightly. Her tongue ran over his lips and she massaged his lips with hers. Slowly, she pulled back and smiled. Standing, she walked back inside where Daniel had hot chocolate waiting for her.

As soon as she went inside Jack laid back and laughed. Pressing his fingers to his lips he smiled. How he'd missed that. He didn't care what he had to do, he was going to win her over. Pushing himself off the ground he nearly felt like skipping. That idea was quickly nullified as soon as he tried. "God I'm getting old," he muttered. Going inside he looked back at Constance, a small smirk on his lips as he headed to his room to do his therapy for the day.