Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Fifty Five ( Chapter 55 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Brian stood next to Constance in the kitchen. He looked terrified. Constance wore an apron and was standing over the stove...cooking. Daniel was behind her watching closely. With a smile on her face, Constance poked the chicken with her fork.

"Stop poking it, Constance," Daniel said.

"But it's pink! It's so cute!" she said excitedly.

"It will be white soon," Brian added getting a little braver and moving closer. The chunks of chicken were cooking slowly in the pan while she poked each piece lightly. "Here, turn the heat up just a bit," he said and moved the nob up.

Daniel stepped back with a smile on his face as Constance invited Brian over to her space. It was his idea to teach her cooking and Brian had somehow taken over. It was his plan all along, to get them two back to the way they were. It was time to move the chicken. Brian moved behind Constance and pushed his chest against her back. His hand went over hers as he guided her fork to move the chicken about.

"That's it. Easy does it. You can't be harsh, you have to be gentle so you can cook all the pieces," Brian said in her ear.

Constance instantly became very serious as if she was focusing hard on not messing the chicken up. Brian picked up some garlic and slide it in her other hand. She lightly sprinkled it on the chicken. Brian wrapped his other arm around her waste to hold her steady while she moved the chicken about. She looked up at him.

"How am I doing?" she asked.

Brian smiled. "You're a pro."

Jack sniffed the air as he came out of his room. Something was starting to smell good. Going toward the kitchen, he froze as he saw Constance and Brian cooking. If the place suddenly burst into flames he was a goner. Bracing himself, he made his way over to them. "Hey, what smells so good?"

"I'm making chicken Marsala!" Constance said.

"I thought it would be ok to teach her," Daniel said smiling.

Brian moved her hand to the noodles and stirred. "No fire yet so all is good," he laughed.

Jack laughed. "Well that's good. I left my flame retardant clothes in the bedroom." Shaking his head he looked down at what she was preparing. All in all it didn't look too shabby, and she seemed to be enjoying herself while she was doing it. She once had been worried that she wouldn't make a great wife, but he knew that she would make a spectacular one. "You're a natural," he said giving her a small wink.

Brian moved her hand to the sauce and dipped the spoon in. He brought it to her lips to taste. She blew on it lightly then tasted it. Constance dropped the spoon. Instantly her hands when to her head. Brian moved back from her as she started to sway.

"My...head..." she moaned. Daniel moved quickly to her holding her close. Her legs gave out and Daniel moved her in his arms. "The...apartment...dinner...I remember...." she said while still holding her head.

Daniel brushed her head. "Just ride it though, Constance."

Brian and Jack sat in silence for about ten minutes. Constance's face relaxed and Daniel set her down on her feet. She wobbled a bit then leaned her head against his chest.

"I've had this food with Jack before...back at my apartment..."

Daniel looked at Jack.

Jack ran a hand through his hair as Daniel looked at him. "Yeah, I fixed it once before. Chicken Marsala is a specialty of mine," he said softly. He'd almost forgotten that he'd even made it for her before. She had been so happy to learn that he could cook. His breathing was shallow as he waited to see if she had remembered anything else. Anything at all would be nothing short of a miracle at this point.

Constance stumbled on her feet and Daniel led her to the living room. "Well, let's just let her relax for now. Brian, finish dinner," he said as he sat Constance down.

Brian smiled as he picked up the spoon and threw it in the sink the began finishing dinner. "This is a huge step. For a moment I thought she wouldn't get her memory back at all, but this changes everything."

Daniel smiled as he cupped Constance face, checking her eyes while her lids fluttered. "Yes, this is rather great," he said. He kissed her forehead. "A huge step in recovery." Constance smiled. "I'll make you some hot chocolate." She nodded and watched him walk to the kitchen.

Constance glanced at Jack. "You had a different face then..."

Jack just nodded. "That was courtesy of Daniel so that I could go to school with you," he explained as he sat beside her. "He gave me a younger face and a new identity."

Constance's hand went to his cheek and pulled his skin. "You don't look too much older." Her hand dropped. "I can't believe you cooked for us." She smiled. "Maybe that's why I wanted to make chicken Marsala, because I really liked it the first time I had it."

Jack rubbed his cheek where she pulled at it. "You did seem to really enjoy it when I made it. You wanted me to teach you how to cook, but I was terrified you'd kill us both if you did." He chuckled slightly at this, recalling the memory rather vividly. "That was the first meal I ever cooked for you."

Constance laughed. "Or maybe I just told you I liked it so I could get in your pants," she said poking him in the chest.

"Constance! Please!" Daniel yelled from the kitchen.

"Jeez, Daniel! I don't get to have any fun with you around!" Constance groaned.

Daniel smiled. "That's the idea."

Looking between the two, Jack suddenly felt like the boyfriend trying to impress the father. Shaking that thought from his head, he slowly pushed himself up. "No, you weren't trying to get in my pants then. Though you were rather relentless when you wanted them off."

Daniel cleared his voice and Constance looked behind the couch to smile at him. "Don't worry so much, Daniel. You're still my favorite," she said sweetly.

Daniel smiled. He walked over to her and gave her the hot chocolate and kissed her forehead again. "And you are my favorite."

She sat back. "Good."

Jack looked back at Brian and shrugged. "I had hoped for more, but I'll take what I can get." He sighed as he leaned against the kitchen wall and closed his eyes. "One memory down, another years worth to go."

Brian sighed. "You need to pick up the pace if you want her, Jack. She's very much attached to Daniel and as far as she can remember, she's still in love with him. If you wait too much longer, you will lose her," he said.

He glanced at Daniel and Constance. Constance was snuggling up to Daniel while drinking her hot chocolate and watching a movie.

Jack looked over at the two of them. Could he really lose her to him? He didn't even know how he had gotten her in the first place. She'd simply attached to him and refused to let go. So now that he had to actually fight for her heart, what was he going to do? Looking to Brian, he sighed and started back to where they were sitting. He wasn't going to let this happen, not without a fight.

Sitting beside them he let his hand slowly move to her back, rubbing it as he watched the movie. He remembered when they use to sit like that, and he'd rub her back. She loved it then, so why wouldn't she now?

Constance looked over at Jack. She smiled at him. "Want to go for a walk?"

"Dinner will be ready soon, so make it a quick walk," Brian said.

Daniel stood and kissed Constance cheek. "Have fun, don't go far. Put your coat on," he said.

She nodded and put her coat on then grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him to the door while handing him his coat. "Come on!"

"Easy," Jack said with a laugh as he grabbed his coat. "I can't move as fast as I use to." Somehow he managed to put on his coat as she dragged him outside. He was curious to see what she was plotting, and why she wanted them to go outside so badly.

Constance pulled him a good way from the house and smiled at him. "So, Jack, tell me, what's so important about me? Why are you really here?" she asked while holding his arm and walking.

"That's simple," he told her. "It's because I love you." He stopped and lifted her face so that she would look up at him. "You said that living for just one thing is stupid, but I live because of you. For a year I worked like hell, just so I could move again. All that time you were the only thing on my mind. You kept me going. I did it, just so they could take you off that machine so that I could hear your voice again. So that I could see you smile. So that I could be with you again. I'm here, because you're here."

Constance pushed his hand away from her face. She grabbed some snow from the ground and started playing with it. "Don't you think that sounds...a little..." she looked at him, "over used? It sounds like something someone would say to anyone just to get with them."

It would figure that the one time he tried to be all emotional and romantic it would blow back in his face. He was going to have to 'thank' Brian for that suggestion. "I'll admit, it does sound corny. It sounds like something ripped from the lines of one of the cheesiest romance movies ever made." Crouching, he watched her play in the snow until finally she looked at him. "But it doesn't change the fact that it's true, Constance. The best things in life are worth fighting for, are worth waiting for; and you're by far the best thing that's happened to me in quite a while." Standing, he dusted the snow from his jacket and looked down at her.

"So I'll wait and I'll fight for you."

Constance walked over to him and opened his jacket. She pushed the jacket off his shoulders and let it hit the snow. Slowly, she lifted his shirt, watching his skin form chill bumps from the cold. Her hands trailed over his chest, looking at all the scars on his body. Her eyes fell on the one just above his heart where she had once shot him. She remembered Daniel telling her about that. Most of the other scars were from the night Shadow took him. She bit her lip. 90% of them were because he loved her.

"It doesn't seem worth it...all the pain...all the scars," she said. Her eyes fell on his. "I'm just a girl, Jack. I'm not normal. I'm unstable and confusing most of the time. I won't make a good wife or a good mother...I don't have much of a future and I know that, I accept that I'm different and...sometimes...uncontrollable. Staying here...wanting to be with me...it's a really big risk on your life as well as your future. Aren't you scared that I'll snap?"

"With all due respect," he said, one of his hands coming and resting on top of hers. "I think I've been through the worst of it. Not much else can happen to me physically that hasn't already been done. If staying here and waiting for you does shorten my life, then so be it. I don't care."

His free hand caressed her face, moving some of her curls out of the way. "You're not normal, Constance. You're confusing, energetic, childish, and kinky. That's what makes you who you are, and that's what I fell in love with. I knew the risks when I decided it; and I'll admit, at times I have thought about the future and whether or not it was worth it. Yet here I am. Still, after all this."

"What I'm trying to say is...I don't care. I love you, all of you. That includes your flaws."

Constance blushed slightly. She backed away from him and dropped her hands from his chest. She turned her back to him, trying to think clearer. Her heart was pounding hard against her chest and her hand moved over her chest to feel it on her finger tips. She couldn't remember feeling like this. She couldn't remember having her heart hurt so much and at the same time, feel so good. The cold wind blew at her face and stung her eyes.

"Jack...I don't think you are choosing wisely," she finally said. "I...don't love you. But for some reason...I don't want to watch you get hurt. Usually I don't care, but I feel like I owe you something, so I'm going to tell you that I think you should leave. I think you deserve a life that doesn't involve everything that comes with me, all the pain...and waiting. What if I never remember how I use to feel?" She turned to face him. "What if I never love you again?"

Jack bit his lip as he stared down at the ground. That was a future he was trying to prepare himself for, yet despite how hard he tried to rationalize it, he just couldn't. Even thinking about it hurt. "If you never love me again.... If you fall in love with someone else, then I will be happy for you. Then...and only then will I leave you be. But until that moment, I will stay by your side, because being without you hurts. And quite frankly, I've had enough pain to last time."

Constance let out a long breath. "You are just as difficult as me, Jack. Maybe that's why I fell in love with you the first time," she said. Grabbing his jacket she handed it to him. "You'll catch a cold."

Jack gave her a small smirk as he took his jacket. "Didn't they tell you. Phantoms are impervious to things such as death and colds." Even as he slipped on the jacket he shuddered. He was freezing.

Constance smiled. "From what I've heard, there is no more Phantom. You're about as useful with a gun as a paperweight," she teased.

"Hey, the Phantom is alive and well...just rather decrepit and feeble at the moment." He sighed. "That's probably the only thing that really bothers me. The guy is suppose to protect the girl, keep her safe from harm and make sure she's okay. I can't even do that anymore."

Constance laughed. "Really? I've never met anyone strong enough to protect me. Haven't you heard, Jack? I'm the best there is," she said smiling. "And really, you aren't that old. You sound like you're thirty or forty. You are still very young."