Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Fifty Six ( Chapter 56 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"I didn't mean to sound old," he told her, offering her a smile. Seeing her like that, so cheerful and playful, it almost seemed like old times. The only real difference was the fact that she called him Jack now, something which he still found odd. "So Constance, you really don't remember anything that we did together? None of the intimate moments, the fights, the long journeys or anything like that?"

Constance shook her head. "Just the chicken," she said.

"Well, I guess that's a start." Pulling his jacket tighter around him, he tried to think of anything else to say; but in so many ways it was almost as if he was talking to a stranger now. None of the moments they shared meant anything, so he was going to have to start from scratch in trying to make some new ones. "Well then, we'd better head inside. I'm sure that Daniel is probably worried that I'm out here doing naughty things to you."

Constance smiled. "What's wrong with that?"

"Well, I only want to get yelled at if we were actually doing something naughty," he told her with a smirk. He looked at her once more before adding. "So...want to do anything naughty?"

Constance smiled bigger. "It will be like my first time with you all over again."

Jack thought that over. That did sound promising. Though technically, their first time she had tried to kill him. "Yeah it would be," he smiled. She didn't have a gun on her, so he should be okay. "Minus the whole, you trying to kill me." He was still trying to gauge whether or not she was joking. He didn't want this to start to get serious, then her scream foul and Daniel shoot him.

She patted her body her body down checking for anything that she could use as a weapon. "I'm weaponless right now, so I think you're safe," she winked.

Well that was a relief. He took a step closer to her, letting his hand caress her cheek. "Well then, I'm willing to give it a try if you are." He looked in her eyes to see if there was any hesitation, when he saw none he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. He was taking a risk, and he knew that, but risk taking was what his life had been about for as long as he could remember. He knew the consequences, but if you don't play you'll never win. And just being able to kiss her again was more than enough for him.

Constance kept her eyes open. She tried thinking of Jack in a romantic or sexual sense but nothing ever came. So she just stood there, letting him kiss her. Part of her wanted to pull away but the other part felt she owed him enough to let him do what he wanted...at least for now. Her chest grew hot as she watched him kiss her, but she didn't move.

When he didn't feel her kiss him back or even move to do anything else, he slowly pulled away. Looking at her, he tried to read her face, but nothing came. "You...don't really want to. Do you?" He wasn't going to do something with her, just because she pitied him or thought that she owed him.

Constance shrugged. "It's ok. I'll let you touch me, Jack. I'm ok with it. Honestly," she said. She started to undo the buttons on her jacket.

"No, it's not okay," he muttered, stopping her from unbuttoning her jacket. "I don't...I didn't...." Growling in frustration he turned and started back to the house. "Just forget it. I thought that maybe you actually wanted to. I don't want to do stuff just to do it. I want it to mean something." Going inside he didn't bother to look at anyone as he made his way to his room. On his bed was the bloodied and torn costume he'd worn so long ago. He laid it there every day just to remind him of how close he'd actually come to dying. Tossing it to the ground he laid on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He didn't want her pity.

Constance stood there in the snow completely confused. After a few moments, Daniel came out to her. He brushed her hair back. "What happened?"

She shook her head. "I don't know...I thought I was giving him what he wanted..." she said.

Daniel pulled her to him. "He wants your love, Constance, nothing else."

She fished his jacket in her hands. "I can't give him that, Daniel...I don't love him."

Jack wasn't quite certain how long he stayed in his room. He'd lost track of time, and eventually in his anger he'd somehow managed to fall asleep. His dreams were restless, as they often were as of late. Even in his dreams he recounted how he suffered at Shadow's hands. Though lately it hadn't been Shadow tormenting him. It had been Constance.

Constance rolled over in her bed. She couldn't sleep. Her thoughts wondered back and forth between what she remembered, what she had been told, and what she felt. It was hard for her to understand that there was nearly two years of her life completely gone and that the things she felt at the moment weren't how she felt when she was put in deep rest. At the moment, she loved Daniel, only Daniel. She had imagined her life being with Daniel many times solely because Daniel had been the only person she remembered she could touch that knew everything about her, even more so than herself. Daniel had always promised to be there for her. The worse part of all this was that the last thing she remembered was opening Daniel's gift on her sixteenth birthday then going to sleep as he put the headset on her head. Suddenly, she woke up almost two years older.

None of it had seemed real until she had a faint memory of eating chicken with Jack, who at the time was Ian, the made up persona Daniel gave him. Even though she supposedly loved Jack, her heart only found Daniel. She was confused beyond what she thought was possible.

Getting up out of her bed, Constance walked out of the room and down the hall. She pushed open Daniel's door then closed it behind her. She moved to his bed and crawled on top of Daniel while he slept, her legs on each side of his was waist. Daniel stirred then let his eyes open. He peered up at Constance as she sat on him.

"Constance? What are you doing?" he asked with a small yawn.

Constance moved her hands over his bare chest. "Daniel...can't we be together? Tonight...can we...can we be intimate?" she whispered to him.

When Jack finally awoke in a cold sweat. It took him a second to remember where he was. It took him another second to remember that he was safe, that he wasn't going to be harmed. Looking at the clock, he saw that it was one in the morning. Running his hand through his hair, he got up and started for the kitchen, he needed something to drink. Perhaps some liquor would do him some good.

Daniel smiled at Constance. He pushed her curls from her face. "Constance, I couldn't do that to you. I know a part of you still loves Jack, you just have to remember that love. I don't want you and I to do what you are asking and then you wake up one morning realizing that you love Jack. You'll resent me for letting us do it. You'll come to hate me," he said taking her hands and kissing them both.

"I could never hate you, Daniel. I love you," Constance said in almost a plea.

"I've always loved you, Constance, but I knew I was much too old for you when you came to love me. I told myself that when you turned eighteen I would let you decide if you were ready to be with me but not before that. When Jack came along, I knew you would fall for him, so I did everything I could to keep you two together," he said while brushing her face. "As much as I want you all for myself, you don't belong to me, Constance."

Constance looked down. Her eyes clouded with tears. "I don't understand anything...you say I love him...but I don't even know him."

Daniel's hand rested on her cheeks. He forced her to look at him as his thumbs wiped her tears. "You didn't know him when you fell in love with him all that time ago, but that didn't stop you form getting what you wanted. You took one look at his picture and said you wanted him. I wish you could do that now, but with everything going on in your life, it's understandable for you to be so confused." He smiled at her again. "When you get your memory back, you will remember how you felt for him and if you still decided that you want me instead of him, I won't deny you. But I cannot give you the relationship you want with me now until you know for sure what you want."

Constance hands went to his on her cheeks. "I want you, Daniel. I've always wanted you."

"Not always." He sighed. "Promise me you'll do your best to work hard to get your memory back." She bit her lip. "Promise me, Constance. Because I need you to remember everything you had with him before you decide that this is what you truly want."

Constance finally nodded. "Ok...I promise."

"Good." He lifted her up slightly and placed her next to him. "Now go to sleep." He kissed her forehead and Constance closed her eyes.

Jack stared at the bottle of bourbon he had bought quite a while ago. It was still sealed, and up until now he figured that he would save it for the day that Constance regained her memories. Now he wasn't so certain. He left the bottle on the table as he went to the fridge. There was the leftovers with a note on them Brian followed by a little heart. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the food and tossed it onto the table. He wasn't going to bother to cook it. After grabbing a glass, he looked back at the bottle. With a soft sigh he instead grabbed a glass of soda and set them both on the table.

"Looks like neither one of us will be getting much use for awhile," he whispered, popping the top on the can of soda and pouring him a glass while he ate his late night meal.

Daniel picked up Constance in his arms after waking him and dressing. He held her close to his chest as she slept. The morning sun smiled down on his bed as he turned to face the door. Silently he walked out of his room. Brian yawned as he saw Daniel making his way to Constance room. He stopped him and smiled down at Constance.

"She always looks so innocent when she sleeps," he said. "But looks are deceiving, I'll make breakfast."

Daniel nodded and Brian started to the kitchen.

Jack was just coming in when he heard the others start to move around. Setting his cane by the door, he grabbed the towel he'd taken with him and dabbed at his forehead. Even with it snowing one could break a sweat if you tried hard enough. Throwing the towel around his shoulders he nodded to Brian as he saw him. "Breakfast is on the stove. I fixed bacon, eggs, and French toast. I hope it's enough."

"Wow," Brian said as he got to the bottom of the stairs. "Let me guess, you didn't sleep last night?"

Daniel laid Constance down in her bed and slowly walked out. He closed the door behind him and walked down the stairs. Nodding to Jack, he grabbed a mug and poured himself some coffee. After taking a few sips, he grabbed the paper from the table and sat down.

"Morning, Jack," he said while reading the front page.

Jack shook his head. "Woke up around one couldn't sleep." He didn't elaborate. He didn't need to. Nodding to Daniel, he noticed that Daniel seemed even colder to him then usual. There was no telling what had gone wrong now, but like always he'd probably hampered Constance in some way or another. Without bothering to ask what was up, he just excused himself and started to his room. He stayed in the shower for quite a while, letting the warm water work out the aches and pains of the cold. Once he was dressed, he grabbed his Halloween costume off the floor and stared at it. He slowly traced the tears, bullet holes, and the blood stains which had all but ruined the thing.

Shaking his head, he tossed it on his bed before going out so that he could eat breakfast with the others.

Constance woke about thirty minutes later. She didn't bother to dress as she lazily made her way down the stairs while rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Good morning, Constance," Daniel said still not looking up from the paper.

She walked over to him and kissed his cheek gently then sat down at the table as Brian put a plate in front of her.

"How did you sleep?" Brian asked while pulling one of her straps back on her shoulder.

"Didn't sleep until I went to see Daniel around one or so in the morning..." she groaned. "Can I have some coffee too?"

"No," both Brian and Daniel said.

She looked up at them. "Have juice. It's better for you," Daniel added and flipped the page.

Again, Constance groaned.

Jack stiffened as she talked about going to see Daniel. Finishing his meal, he stood and began to wash off his plate. After that was done, he turned to the others and leaned against the sink. "I'm going to town today. Would any of you like to come with me?"

"I'll go..." Brian started but was quickly hit in the arm by Daniel. He turned to Daniel with shock.

"Constance, why do you go with Jack? I'll give you some money to get some things. You haven't left the house since you woke," Daniel said while Constance ate.

She nodded with a mouth full of French toast. Daniel smiled. "Good. Eat up and go change," he said.

He kissed her head and Daniel went upstairs to get some money.

Jack smirked. He hadn't intended for this to be some way for him and her to spend time alone. He just wanted to go to get out of the house. Still, he was appreciative that Daniel had done this. Hopefully Daniel would let him borrow the car. It had been a while since he'd driven, and he hadn't tried to since he'd been maimed, but he was fairly certain that he would kill them in some horrible car accident or something such as that.

Constance shoved the rest of the food in her mouth and ran upstairs. Changing quickly, she was still putting on her shirt when she ran back down the stairs...and still chewing. Brian handed her some juice and she downed it then smiled. "I'm ready!" she said.

"You're shirts on backwards," Brian pointed out. Constance made an 'o' with her mouth and quickly fixed her shirt then turned around and Brian nodded.

Daniel came down stairs and handed her some money and threw Jack the car keys. He pulled out his cell and handed it to Constance. "Call Brian's cell if anything happens. Don't stay out too late," he said as her started to put her coat on, and scarf, and hat...and gloves.

"I will...we will," she smiled then kisses his cheek, walked over to Brian, kissed his cheek and ran out.

Brian smiled. "She kissed my cheek," he said.

Daniel smirked. "Well, she did say with you around, it's like having two of me. Maybe she finally understand how you were to her back then."

Brian beamed. "About damn time! I'm important too!"