Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Fifty Eight ( Chapter 58 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Looking at Jack as she sat on the counter, she let her eyes run over his from. The smells of the food cooking hit her nose and she took a deep breath. Her head began flashing again and the room started to spin lightly. Reaching her hand out, she grabbed the counter for support. Her eyes closed and flashes of the night Jack came home with the collar Brian gave him came rushing back to her. She was sitting on the counter...just like this.

Constance smiled at the collar. She ran to Ian and hugged him from behind. "Ian! You're staying!" she sang. "We will be together forever!"

Ian nodded as she hugged him. "Yeah, we'll be together forever," he repeated slowly. She was happy, and he didn't want to ruin her moment with reality.

Constance turned and faced him. She held up the collar. "I can get Daniel to change the name to Muse so you can wear it on a mission!" She hopped up and down. "Ian, I'm going to make you so happy!" she promised and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips against his.

Ian smirked. "Sure, why not," he said talking about the collar. Before he could tell her what he really thought of it, she was pressing her lips against his. She was going to make him happy.... He let her kiss him and when she finally did pull away he smiled. "I'm sure you will."

Constance sat on the bar and pulled him to her, moving her legs apart so he could get close. Her hands fisted on his shirt and she scooted closer to his hips. She smiled at him sweetly. "Are you happy, Ian?"

Ian swallowed hard when she asked him that question. "Yes, I am," he said softly. His hand slowly reached out and touched her face, his thumb caressing her cheek.

Constance beamed. She was happy too. Being with him exceeded everything. She closed the gap between them and met his lips with hers once more. Her heart nearly hurt at how hard it was working behind her chest. Her hands went to the bottom of his shirt and began pulling on it.

Ian was surprised at the force of her kiss. For a small girl, she was strong. The next thing he knew she was pulling off his shirt, and despite his hesitation, he didn't stop her. Instead, he did something which surprised even him. He let his tongue slip to her lips and slowly work its way into her mouth. Constance body tingled as his tongue entered her mouth. Her hands went to Ian's shirt she was wearing and she began unbuttoning it. Her legs moved around his waist, pulling his hips tightly against her own. Her breathing increased.

As Ian pressed against her, his hands went to hers. Breaking the kiss he looked at her. "W-we're going too fast," he said in between gasps of air. Even though he wanted this, in the back of his mind he couldn't shake the fact that she was still just a kid. A kid that he was taking advantage of.

Constance dropped her hands to her sides. Her eyes fell. "Why?" This was hard for her. The only person who had ever really told her no was Daniel. Before Daniel was...her father.

She remembered it so clearly, his lips pressed so tightly to hers and how she so badly wanted it. She licked her lips thinking of his hands on her body.

Jack placed his hand on hers. She was pale. "You okay? You don't look so good," he said, worry etched on his face.

Constance opened her eyes slowly. She looked at Jack and her hand went to his cheek. "Ian..." she whispered. "I'm...going to make you so happy..." She moved her hand to her forehead. And shook the words from her mouth. "My head hurts..."

Jack froze and he felt his heart skip a beat. Just as soon as he felt the tiniest ray of hope it was gone. "Come on," he said, offering her his hand to help her off of the counter. "Why don't you go lie down?"

"No," she said. She was confused. Her feelings were mixed up. It was obvious that she wanted Jack more than ever in that memory and looking at him now, she felt lost. She wanted to feel that way again...complete, whole...happy. Her hand extended and she pulled him close to her, resting her head on his shoulder. "I want to feel like that again. I want to feel that warm sensation. Please, Jack, just hold me for a moment."

Jack took a deep breath. Her scent filled his nostrils, and just like that he was putty in her hands once more. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her as she asked. How long had it been since he'd been able to do this? How long since he'd been able to hold her in his arms? Too long, far too long for his liking.
She could feel her heart pounding hard, but what she felt in that memory wouldn't come back to her. She held him tighter as if trying to push him into her to force the feeling, but still, it didn't come. Silently, she began to cry. "I don't understand. I don't understand at all. Why is this so hard?"

Jack pulled away from her as he felt her tears hit his shirt. Letting his hand caress her face, he gently tried to wipe away her tears. "It's because...you still don't love me," he told her. "That feeling, it comes from when you love someone with all your heart. Without it...it's nothing."

Constance pushed him away roughly. "This is unfair!" she yelled and jumped off the counter then ran upstairs. Daniel ran after her while Brian walked over to the kitchen to Jack.

"Well, that seemed a little unpleasant."

"A little?" Jack shook his head. So close yet so very far. "Now, I'm not so certain if I should go back or not. She's getting her memories back pieces at a time, but it seems that she's getting more back each day."

"Are you planning on going somewhere?" Brian asked.

"Yes. I thought it might do us all some good if I stayed in London for a little bit, only a month or so. Just so that everyone could have their space." Of course now he was starting to have his doubts about the idea.

Brian shrugged. "If you feel that way, then maybe you should go," he said. "The change of scenery could do you some good. You've been here too long. I'll keep you informed of Constance's change."

"Thanks. I'll make the arrangements tonight and fly out tomorrow." He nodded to Brian before heading to his room so that he could pack.

Brian walked upstairs to Constance's room. He opened the door and walked over to Constance while Daniel held her as she cried. He asked to borrow Daniel and Constance nodded. The two of them walked out and closed the door behind them.

"Jack is leaving for London tomorrow," Brian said.

Daniel nodded. "He's free to do what he wishes. No one is keeping him here."

"What about Constance?"

"She doesn't love him, not at the moment anyway. Maybe with his absence, she will get more of her memories back and start to miss him. It could be good for the both of them."

Brian sighed. "That could happen. Or..."

"We can't think of anything else."

Brian nodded.

Jack didn't pack much. He still had his place in London assuming that no one had burned it down yet. He still wasn't confident that this was what he needed to be doing, but he knew that time away would do him some good. He couldn't stay cooped up here all the time waiting and hoping that she would get her memory back. It was driving him mad. Once he was all packed he called the airport and made the arrangements. He'd leave first thing in the morning.

Constance laid next to Daniel in her room while Daniel read a book until he was convinced she was in deep sleep. He left her with a loving kiss on her forehead then went to his room. Brian and Jack were already sleeping. He passed their doors and then opened his door and undressed. He put on his pajama pants then crawled in bed, turned off the lights, and closed his eyes. Tomorrow would be a new start.

In the morning Jack didn't bother to say his goodbyes. He wrote them a note, telling them that he didn't want to wake them while they slept. The taxi came and he left, just like that. He was going home, back to London, back to a life that he thought he'd forsaken. He wasn't certain what he was going to do, but it had to be better than just waiting.

Constance was the one to find his letter and as soon as she did, he mind began spinning again. The memory of Jack leaving in Ireland came back to her, and just like before, she ran down the drive way as if she wanted to catch up to him. Why was she running? Why did she suddenly felt abandoned? While still holding his letter in her hand and standing in her pajamas in the snow, the wind blew harshly at her. The letter slipped from her fingers and danced away from her, flying into the unknown and leaving her feeling empty and alone.

Jack shivered as he started on the long path toward his house. With a cane in one hand and his bag in the other, he nodded to people who looked his way. His house was dark and quiet, but he couldn't help but to smile as he plopped down on his bed with a groan. He was home...for whatever that was worth. He was home....

Constance laid on the lab floor playing with her curls while Daniel and Brian played with their experiments. She was bored. And a part of her felt like she wished Jack was there.

"Come on, Constance," Daniel said patty the chair.

Constance sat up with a sigh and stood. She sat in the chair and extended her arm. The new medication was at lot more than she thought. The syringe was huge and the needle wasn't just a single needle. It was five needles made in a circle.

"This will hurt, Constance," Daniel said sternly.

She nodded. Brian walked over to her and placed something in her mouth to bite on. Daniel put the needle on her arm and pulled the trigger. Like a gun, it fired off and Constance's body shook. Her hands fisted as the medication entered her blood stream and her eyes closed tightly. Even with the mouth piece, both Daniel and Brian could hear her screaming.

Jack smiled as the waitress brought him a lager. It had been quite some time since he'd partaken of alcohol. It tasted good, and he realized that he'd missed it a lot more then he thought he'd had. The ladies there looked at him and whispered, giggling and smiling when he looked their way. A few of his old lovers had contacted him since he'd been in town, but he'd turned them all down. He wasn't looking for someone to bid his time with. He had given himself to Constance, and he wasn't going to fool around till he was certain of who she wanted to be with. Either him or Daniel.

The day went on and Daniel watched Constance closely. The new medication was suppose to help her with her concentration and maybe help her gain her memory back, but the only thing that seemed to be happening was her utter silence. She hadn't spoken a work since she has it, and most of the day she sat outside in the snow. Brian had to go get her and by that time, her lips were blue.

Jack made his way back down the empty roads of London. He'd had far too much to drink, but that was alright. It just made him slightly giddy. Chuckling at a joke he'd heard hours before, he barely managed to get his key in the door. When he finally did, he landed on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. This had been a wonderful idea. Just a way to get away from it all. Checking the clock, he took a few deep breaths before phoning Brian to see how things were going.

"Are you drunk?" Brian nearly snapped as he heard Jack on the other line.

Constance looked up and Brian slowly walked from the room. Daniel was on the phone with someone else, making an order for something. Constance was putting a puzzle together.

"I'm slightly inebriated, not drunk. There's a difference," Jack said. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and tried to stifle a yawn. "After all, this is bloody London. There's not too much else to do but drink." Clearing his throat, he tried to sound as sober as possible. "Anyway, has there been any new developments?"

Somehow, Brian was mad. "Jack, you leave for London because you think it would be a good idea to get some space, but you get there and drink. It hasn't even been a full twenty-four hours." He peeked in on Constance who had now thrown the puzzle on the floor. Daniel had hung up his phone as Constance started to grab other things and started throwing them. "I don't have time to talk to you like this, Jack. Most likely you'll forget it in the morning. I have to go," as he said this, there was a crash in the background. Brian hung up the phone.

Rushing to Daniel who was trying to contain Constance while she was screaming, Brian looked Daniel in the eyes. "What happened?"

"Side effect to the drug I suppose. We need to change it," Daniel said and Constance started thrashing.