Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Fifty Nine ( Chapter 59 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Jack stared at the phone, which was only giving him the dial tone now. Sighing, he set it back down on the hook. Of course he had a drink. He hadn't had one in over a year. He tried to justify his actions, but in the end he just ended falling asleep with his clothes on. When he woke up in the morning, he held his head and groaned. "Never again," he muttered.

Brian and Daniel were both sleeping while still sitting on the couch when Constance woke up with a blanket over her. She sat up on the floor and stood. Looking around, the living room was trashed. Her arm was sore. Looking down at it, she could see the wound from the first shot the day before and another shot that she couldn't remember getting. She moved to Brian and Daniel and shook them lightly.

"Brian, Daniel, it's morning," she said.

They yawned and stretched as they looked at her. Daniel's hand went to her cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Ok, I guess," she shrugged.

"Well, you won't be getting the first drug you had yesterday anymore. We have you back on the normal one," Brian said.

Constance sat on the couch with them and laid her head in Daniel's lap and her legs in Brian's. "Did I do all this?" she asked gesturing to the living room.

Brian smiled. "It's ok. What's important is that we all survived it," he laughed.

A month passed. In that time Jack felt livelier then he had in quite a while. A part of him was almost dreading going back to Daniel's, but he knew that he had to. He had to see her again to see how she was doing. He had her gift tucked in his suitcase. He honestly had no idea what he should get her. The Constance he knew would just want some rough sex for her birthday, but this one.... Well, he went with his gut and hoped he wasn't wrong.

The taxi was waiting for him at the airport. He had told Brian not to bother with picking him up, he was certain they had more important things to do. When he finally did arrive at Daniel's house, he saw that the lights were out. It wasn't that late. What could they be up to? They were probably down in Daniel's laboratory trying to find a cure for Constance. Shaking his head, he used the key that Daniel had given him and just let himself in.

Constance groaned. It was her seventh shot in a full month and all of them had ended badly. She was bored and hoped that this shot would do something better than the others. Her mind was racing. Jack was coming home today and seventy five percent of her memory had returned, along with a lot of her old feelings for Jack. She was restless.

"Sit still," Daniel said to her and she obeyed. He put the needle to her arm which was now covered in bruises from the other shots along with little red dots of five needles in a circle. She was use to the pain so when he finally shot her with it, she only shook and yelped. Daniel rubbed her arm. "Are you sure you are ok with your arm? We can always..."

"I'm fine, Daniel!" she assured him with a smile. "Besides, they are working. My memory is almost all back and I can't stop now!"

Daniel smiled. "Ok."

Brian started checking her pulse and her blood pressure while they waited to see if she would react badly to the drug.

Jack looked all around the house, but there was no sign of them. Throwing his stuff in his room, he checked the kitchen. It was almost dinner time and yet nothing had been prepared. "Bloody workaholics," he muttered. He began whistling as he raided the fridge for something to prepare. He was amazed they hadn't starved while he was gone. He knew that he should be more excited about being back and able to see Constance, but the truth was that he was worried.

Whenever he asked Brian how she was doing, he tried his best to be as vague and mysterious as possible. At first he thought it was just because Brian liked to annoy him, but after this long he figured that she simply hadn't remembered anything.

"Stop staring at me so hard. It's creeping me out, Brian," Constance said as she rubbed her sore arm.

Daniel moved her hands from it and began applying some medical cream to it. "He's just worried."

"I want to make sure this one works this time."

"Side effects could take hours to occur, Brian. Don't be so tense," Daniel said and started to wrap Constance arm.

"I can't help it. A lot of bad things have happened when we tested these things on her. Makes me nervous," Brian said and finally sat down.

Jack set the stew to boil and washed his hands in the sink. They didn't have much to work with so he just took what they had, threw some water in it, mixed in some spices, and voila they had had soup. While the soup cooked, he went to his room to change and freshen up. Already he could smell the aroma of the food and it was making him hungry. A bottle of water and stale peanuts wasn't exactly a meal fitting of the price of his ticket home, but it had been worth it to get back. He looked toward the entrance to Daniel's underground laboratory. Smirking, he turned on the vents above the stove, knowing that the scent of the food would slowly drift into Daniel's lair.

Constance stood. "Something smells great..."

"Most likely Jack's home," Daniel said while typing on his laptop.

Constance smiled brightly. "Let's go see him!"

Brian stood and Daniel followed. They all walked out of the lab and went to the stairs. Constance skipped a lot of the steps so she was the first one to the door. She swung it open and ran to Jack. Throwing her arms around him, she held him close.

"You're home!" she screamed happily. "I've miss you!"

Jack barely had time to react before he was nearly knocked over by the pint-sized abomination. His eyes were wide as she hugged him. Looking back at Brian and Daniel, he tried to decipher clues from them, but they gave him nothing. "I've...missed you to," he said, wondering just what he had missed in his absence.

"I have so much to tell you, Ian! We have so much to catch up on!" she said as she pulled back from him.

Daniel smiled at Jack. "How was your trip, Jack?"

Brian started tasting the soup. "Mmmm, something other than take out. This is good."

Jack froze. Ian. She'd called him Ian. Just how much of her memory did she regain? He was solely transfixed by her, so it took him a few moments to register that Daniel had been speaking to him. "It was...good, but apparently I missed a lot while I was gone." Looking back at Brian he reached out and rapped his shoulder with his cane. "Save some for everyone else."

This was all so much to take in. Looking back at Constance, he smiled. "How much...I mean...you.... How much do you remember?"

Constance made a large gesture. "A whole lot!"

"She's gotten seventy five percent of her memory back. We've been working hard on getting her back to the way she was," Daniel said.

Constance showed Jack her arm. "Lots of different test drugs," she said.

Brian patted Constance head. "She has been very dedicated."

Jack smiled and caressed her cheek. "That's great!" He let his hand trail down her arms where she'd taken all the shots. The bruises looked nasty, but no serious harm had come to her and for that he was grateful. "You'll have to tell me just what all you remember." He was excited, probably more so then he should be, but just seeing her now...and realizing that she was excited to see him. Hell, hearing her call him Ian nearly made him jump for joy.

She dropped her smile. "You're staying right? You're not going anywhere are you?" she asked. "You're back for good?"

"No, I'm not going anywhere." He had planned on going back to England if she hadn't recovered her memories, but seeing as how she had made such progress there was no way that he was going to leave her now. "I'm here to stay."

She smiled again. Dinner was far from quiet. Constance talked the whole time, letting Jack know everything she remembered. The only things she seemed to still be missing were the intimate moments she spend with Jack and the battle with Shadow right before she was put to sleep.

Daniel and Brian had to remind her often to talk less and eat more.

"Well, it certainly sounds like you guys have been busy in my absence." Jack shook his head in disbelief as they told him what all they'd been doing. Taking his bowl, he put it in the sink and excused himself to his room. He came back later with three boxes. One for each of them. He gave Brian and Daniel's theirs, but kept Constance's to himself. "You'll get this on your birthday," he informed her.For Brian he got a rather intimate set of items and toys for whenever he started playing the field again. For Daniel, well, he didn't know what to get Daniel he had a seamstress stitch together a Constance plushy.

Constance pouted in her chair as she watched Brian and Daniel open their gifts. Her eyes fell on Brian's gift and instantly Daniel covered her eyes. He glared at Jack. "Really, you could have waited for that one too," he said.

Brian laughed. "How...unpractical," he said standing and heading to his room.

Daniel uncovered Constance eyes and she took the doll of her. "That's creepy..."

Daniel took it from her. "I like it," he said smiling. "Thank you, Jack," he said. He too left for his room.

Constance stood. "You could have gotten me two gifts, one for now and one for my birthday," she said."

"True," Jack said with a smile. "But then Daniel would think that I was spoiling you, and that just wouldn't do at all."

Constance groaned. "I like being spoiled," she mumbled.

Jack leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "I know you do," he whispered. Standing up, he just smiled at her as he took her present back to his room and put it back in his luggage.

Constance followed Jack to his room and sat on his bed. "Did you think of me while you were gone, Ian? Only me? No one else?"

Jack looked at her, his lips turning into a large grin. "Yes, I thought about you. Only you, and no one else," he told her. "You were constantly on my mind."

"Constantly Constance," she whispered then smiled. "Come, sit with me so you can tell me about your trip." She patted the spot next to her on the bed.

There wasn't much to tell, but he figured that he'd humor her anyways. Sitting beside her, he hesitantly wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. "Well, let's see. I got there. I went home. I met up with some old acquaintances. Then I spent the rest of the time trying to find the perfect gift for your birthday."

Constance heart fell. "Old acquaintances? Women?"

"No, nothing like that," he assured her. "They were just people I knew when I lived there. One of them had been watching my house for me while I was gone. We talked and hung out for an afternoon, but it was nothing romantic I can assure you."

"Good," she said while letting out the deep breath she was holding in. She laid back on the bed, cradling her bruised arm. "It was boring here, expect when I went mad at times. There was this one time when I got a shot that instantly made me cry. I cried for twelve hours straight until it was out of my system."

"That...doesn't sound healthy." He took her arm and held it up so he could see. Leaning forward he pressed his lips against each of her bruises, kissing them tenderly. "I'm glad that they're helping, but it looks like they're taking their toll on you."

Constance pulled her arm back and smiled at the bruises. "They helped me remember you, Ian. How can I not love each of them?"

"Fair enough," he told her. He rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand. He couldn't keep his hands off of her. It was as if she was going to vanish at any second and he'd wake up in his room alone.

Constance moved her hands to his chest and pulled his shirt. As she laid there, he eyes roamed his. "Ian...I missed you," she whispered.