Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Sixty Three ( Chapter 63 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Jack nodded as she went upstairs to get ready. Looking at the others, he sighed. "So much for her birthday." In the chaos of her announcement they had completely forgotten it. Going to his room, he grabbed her gift. Knocking on Constance's door, he held the box out. "Happy birthday, Constance." He had to contact five different stores, but he'd finally found the doll he had been looking for. It was the same bear he had gotten her so long ago. The one she had named Jack.

Constance held the bear out. Her hand ran over the fur and she smiled at him with water in her eyes. "Thank you...so much..." she whispered.

Jack just smiled at her. "It took me awhile to find it...but I wanted you to have it again."

She wrapped her arms around him for a soft hug. "You shouldn't have gone through so much trouble," she whispered.

"You're worth the extra effort," he told her. He was glad that she liked her gift. He hadn't known what to get her, so he figured he'd just get her something sentimental to help jog her memory. It seemed that the only purpose it served now was to be hugged and cuddled.

Constance pulled back and smiled. She grabbed her backpack off the ground and strapped the bear onto it. "There, now it's like your coming with me too!" she said sweetly.

Putting her backpack on, she took his head and they walked down stairs. Brian and Daniel were waiting for her. Brian turned her around and put her shots in the bag along with snacks and juice boxes. When she turned around to face him again, he held out a small box with a little ribbon on it. Constance smiled and pulled the ribbon while he held out his hand. She took the top of the box out and pulled out a diamond hair pin in the shape of a butterfly. Brian pulled it out of the box while smiling and pined it in her hair, pushing back some of the curls.

"It's so beautiful, Brian. Thank you!" she said as he snapped it shut.

"It suits you, a butterfly that is. You're becoming a beautiful young woman," he said as he played with her curls. He kissed her cheek. "Happy birthday."

She turned to Daniel who only smiled at her. "I wanted to ask if I could take you to the train station. Just the two of us?" he asked.

Constance turned to Jack. She leaned in and placed her lips to his cheek while her hand gently caressed the other cheek. Slowly she pulled back and met his eyes. "Goodbye, Jack. I'll see you in three days. I hope you will be here when I return."

Jack hesitated, but nodded. "Of course I will be," he told her. "Just make sure to bring yourself back."

Jessica nodded at Constance and gave her a little salute. "I don't know what's exactly going on, but bro would be upset if you died. So don't die on him."

Constance only nodded to her. She gave Brian a long hug and kissed Daniel 3 on the head while he slept on the couch. Afterward she walked with Daniel to the car and got in. As he pulled out of the driveway, she kept her eyes on Jack until he and the house disappeared from sight. Reaching over, she grabbed Daniel's free hand while he drove with the other. They stayed silent for the ride as well as for standing in line for the ticket and waiting for the train to arrive. After nearly dying of silence, Constance stood while the train pulled in and the conductor started boarding passengers.

Just before Constance boarded, Daniel walked up behind her and placed a necklace around her neck. She looked down at the necklace and lifted it lightly to see what it was. It was a locket. She opened it and inside was a picture of her and Daniel when she was about twelve. It was taken so long ago, but it was a picture of her sitting in his lap while he read her a story. She smiled. His arms came around her body and lightly pulled her back to his chest. Constance placed her arms on his as his lips met her temple.

"Happy birthday, Constance," he whispered.

Instantly, he let go. "Goodbye, Daniel," she whispered. And without looking back, she got on the train.

Daniel stood there on the platform until the train left and he could no longer hear it.

Jack wasn't certain what he should feel at this moment. All he knew was that there was a longing feeling, which was only encompassed by a growing numbness as he knew what he was going to do. "I'll be in my room," he said, nodding to Brian as he started up the stairs.

Jessica watched him before giving Brian a curious look. "So, now to sound heartless or anything...but what happens if she doesn't come back. I mean, she's practically all you three think or care about, right? So, if something happens to her...then what?"

"She's not all we care about, she's just has her own place in each of our hearts. If she doesn't come back...well...I don't really have any idea how Jack and Daniel will react. Though, if I know Jack, he will go back to London and sit in a dark room for the rest of his life," Brian said. He sighed. "That sounded a little too cold..." Shrugging he turned to her. "As for your brother, he will remain here and live out his life. Maybe he will find someone to love and one day marry. When it comes to me, since I will no longer have Constance to help me progress in my studies of medicine, maybe I'll go find a job with an institute of medical studies. Maybe I'll move to some remote island and settle down with some girl or guy. Maybe have some kids. I can't really say. I don't really like to think about her not coming back. So in my head, she will be successful and return in one piece." He smiled at her. "Why, exactly, do you ask?"

She just gave him a small smile. "I've just never seen my brother care about anyone like he does her. All of you dot eon her and succumb to her every wish. I know, from what my brother's told me she's had a really hard life; but I think it was worth it if in the end she got all three of you."

Brian looked at the stairs. "Yes, she is lucky, but some of us don't feel so lucky..." He turned back to her and smiled. "But really, it's not that she has all three of us, it's that she ONLY has us three. She can't touch anyone which makes it hard to make friends. If she doesn't attach herself to you and you can't earn her trust, then you don't mean anything to her. She shuts herself off from the world to protect herself as well as others. Jack can tell you firsthand what it's like to be with her and have her snap. She's dangerous and violent, but if you let her, she can be the most caring, faithful, and loving person you will ever meet."

Jessica leaned back, taking in what Brian had said. "Maybe so," she admitted. She looked lost in thought for a moment, before she finally shrugged. "Oh well, I'd better start looking for colleges so Daniel won't yell at me when he comes back."

"You know," Brian said as he started writing on his notepad. "Daniel may seem like a hard ass right now, but all you have to do is flash a smile at him and he will melt. He's really a big softy as long as you learn to stay out of other people's business. And," he looking at her, "if you need anything, you can come to me, but don't expect me to treat you with respect if I don't get any in return." He smiled. "Looks like you will have a room to yourself for three days. Better enjoy it while you can."

"Will do!" Jessica started up the stairs to her room. On her way, she wanted to peek in on Jack to make sure he was okay. He looked so sad when Constance left. Knocking on his door she was surprised when she didn't get an answer. She waited a few minutes, knocking again before finally just opening up the door to see what was going on. Peeking her head, she was surprised to see that no one was there. "Huh," she muttered. Where did he go?

Daniel sat down on the couch and Daniel 3 crawled in his lap. It had been about five hours since Constance had left and Jessica had told him and Brian that Jack wasn't around. Daniel groaned.

"He's so dramatic sometimes. I bet he's off somewhere doing something reckless and most likely will meet Constance. Knowing her, it will hinder her performance."

Brian grabbed his phone. "Should I make arrangement?"

"Yes. Tomorrow I think it would be best if you left to also meet Constance. That way when she takes the second shot, you can track her down before anyone else gets to her. Bring you medical bag, she will be really messed up...or..."

"Don't even say that, Daniel. Because I don't want to hear it."

Daniel nodded.

Jack took his drink and relaxed. They were going to land in thirty minutes. Constance had wanted to go by train, well he was going to go by plane to ensure that he got there before her. He had to do something. He had to see this through. More importantly, he had to make certain that she would come back. He had no intention of going in there guns blazing, or of Constance even knowing that he was there. No, he had other things to attend to.

The next morning, Constance's cell phone alarm went off and she woke up. She yawned just as the conductor announced that the train was stopping. It was her stop. She stood, grabbed her bag and got off the train. She didn't waste any time in getting to a cab. She gave the man the address and told him to stop three blocks away from it. He did as she said and she got out. Walking to an alley way, she climbed up the outside fire escape to the top of a building. Placing her bag down, she got out two hand guns and attached them to her thighs under her skirt. She moved her bag to the other end of the top of the building and grabbed some binoculars. She smiled as she peered at the Epsilon building a few blocks down. It even had guards outside. Exciting.

Jack checked his watch as he sat at an outside diner not too far from the Epsilon building. If the train conductor had told him right and the train would be on time, adding in traveling in a taxi with today's traffic, and Constance's anticipation of what was to come, the fireworks should be starting soon.

He paid his tab and slowly stood. Making sure his disguise wasn't affected by his meal, he slowly started toward Epsilon so that he could get a better view.

Constance walked to the building. Instantly she could see the guards on their radios letting everyone know she was there. Constance pulled out her phone and dialed the boss's number.

"Hello, Boss Man. Miss me?" she sang. "Hope you have a plan."

She hung up the phone and pulled out the first needle. The guards' hands went to their guns, readying for anything. She smirked and stuck the needle in her arm, pushed the medication in then dropped it to the ground. Already she could feel her heart speeding her the blood rushing to her hands. Each hand shook with anticipation.

"Yesss," she hissed.

Jack watched as Constance made her way toward them. She had already taken the drug which meant that she was now a force of nature more than a killer. Shaking his head he started for the back entrance. While everyone was focused on her, they would pay little attention to him. After all, he was just a cripple. He could hear Constance's rain of destruction coming over the com channels from the guards’ radios. She was killing them faster than they could warn the others. How exciting.

He made use of the back ways, navigating the halls stealth-fully and quietly while Constance tore through their ranks. The only guards that he encountered were the one's stationed by the boss's door. As he came upon them, their guns were raised, not knowing what to expect from this seemingly old man. As he walked, his steps straightened and became more fluid, within two quick strides he was upon the shaken guards. Using his cane as a club he knocked one upside the head. Punching another in the throat he then kicked the last one before hitting a pressure point to knock him out. They'd be out for three minutes max. Constance would be to the boss's door in four unless he had more surprises for her.

A cold smile appeared on his lips as he pushed open the door. The boss stared at him, confusion filling his face until Jack took off the face beard and wig. "Surprise," he whispered coldly. The boss was reaching for his gun, but like the others he misjudged Jack's nimbleness. Using the hook part of his cane he effectively yanked the gun out of the boss's hand as he crouched up on the desk. Catching the gun in his free hand he slowly pointed it to the boss's head.

"But you're a fucking cripple!" the boss spat.

"Yes, that was a rather good act if I do say so myself," Jack said with a smirk. "We were all quite aware of your spies keeping a look out on us; but I went that extra mile to fool you." The boss tried to reach for the alarm, but Jack quickly dropped his cane and grabbed the boss's letter opener. Stabbing his hand to keep it in place.

"You took something very precious away from me," Jack said coldly. "First you took my hands and legs. Do you know what kind of hell that was? Learning to crawl, learning to walk, learning everything all over again was hell. But it was nothing compared to when you stole Constance from me. Because of your stupid arrogance...." He paused for a moment to control himself. Constance was getting close.

"Let me tell you something. Do you know the real reason I came here? Not because of your job or anything like that. You see, I'm a special kind of assassin. Sure, I'm good at killing people, but my real talents like is espionage and planting seeds of mistrust. My real goal, my real objective wasn't to work for you. It was to bring Epsilon to the ground."

The boss's eyes widened as he heard this. "You know what the funny part about all this is? I told them to shove the mission a year ago. Why? Because I fell in love with Constance. I wanted to be with her and to escape this life. Then wouldn't you know it, you went ahead and brought this down upon yourself."

"Whatever they're paying you-"

"Oh, it's not about the money," Jack told him. "And I'm not even going to kill you." He pulled the letter opener out of his hand. "You see, Constance is in a bad mood and only your death will appease her. I just came to make certain that she doesn't get hurt and that the monster inside her doesn't consume her." As he said this he backed away to the far corner of the room right out of view of the door where Constance would be coming it. He held his finger to his lips to tell the boss to be quiet. Constance was almost there.

Constance had blood dripping off her from each and every corner of her body. She wiped the blood from her eyes so she could see better. Not a scratch on her. Already she could feel the drug taking more control like a poison. She was fast, but the building was very large, her two hours were almost up. She stood outside the boss's door and shot the two guards that had just stood from the ground. Someone had been there before her. She kicked in the door and glared at the boss. He was holding his hand and she could see blood covering his desk. She dropped her empty guns and walked over to him. Slowly, she sat down in a chair in front of his desk. She had less than thirty minutes until she had to take the second drug.

"Who was here before me?" she said coldly. Reaching over, she grabbed the letter opener. Obviously it had been the weapon used against him. "Hurry up. I don't have all the time in the world."