Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Sixty Four ( Chapter 64 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The boss looked back where Jack had been, but already he was gone. "A phantom," he muttered sourly, finally getting the joke about Jack's codename. He did his work behind the shadows, moving each piece according to his will. He was a phantom among assassins. Looking at Constance, he couldn't believe that he was going to die this way. Die at the hands of the little girl who had given everything to. If there was a god he was certain that he was being mocked right now.

"It was me, Constance." Jack had hoped to stay hidden until she had killed the boss, then he would help her take her shots. When Constance started demanding the boss to tell her, he knew that it would be better to reveal himself then to let her find out from him.

Constance stood. "Is it that you don't trust me to kill him or the fact that I can't seem to do anything on my own without being babied!" she screamed. The drug was setting in. She didn't have time. It was controlling her. She shook her head. "No time."

With the letter opener in her hand, she slide on the boss's desk, knocking everything off and jamming the letter opener into his neck. She watched as the blood rushed out and she ran out. The place would be swarming with cops and she was begging herself not to lose control, not to kill anyone else. She was breathing hard. She needed to get back to the other buildings roof to her bag where the other shot was. Running down the halls, she remember Daniel telling her the building was built the same as the other one. The secret escape tunnel was in the same spot she just needed to get to the underground floor and to the back room.

As she ran down each floor, she stopped when the cops noticed her. Yelling at her to not move, she ran. Avoiding sharp objects and discarded guns from the men she killed, she did her best to focus on her task. Get somewhere safe...get to the needle. Get home. She was screaming at herself to hurry, time was wasting. The cops fired at her and she couldn't dodge them all without breaking their hands and taking their guns. She told herself not to hurt them while another part of her screamed to kill them all.

Rounding a corner to the next set of stairs, three bullets hit her. On in her shoulder, another in her arm, and the final one in her back. Constance went to her knees screaming in pain. Her hand went to the wall.

"Get up!" she screamed at herself.

Raising to her feet, she began forcing herself to find the strength to run.

"Come on." Jack was beside her. Murderous blood rage or not, he wasn't going to let her die. Throwing her arm around his shoulder he helped to support her weight as they ran. He had an idea where she was going, so he helped to guide her. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small silver canister. The cops were closing in on them so it was time to slow them down. Tossing the canister behind him, he heard it hit the ground and bounce before a white gas began to expel from it.

Finally on ground floor, she pointed to the back room and Jack helped her move there. "The wall...the hidden tunnel," she said while trying not to lose control or blacking out from pain. She watched as Jack went to the book shelf and push it back, showing the hidden tunnel.

They moved inside and Jack closed the shelf behind them. She leaned against the tunnel wall. "Three blocks away...the bank building...on top is my bag," she mumbled to him. "Get it and call Daniel..." She placed her hand on his cheek. "I...can't...go..." she whispered. Tears streamed her face of pain, wiping some of the blood from her face. "Take the bag to Daniel...so no one finds it...get out...leave..." She dropped her hand from his and fell to her knees again. Blood covered the floor and she started screaming in more pain.

"Like hell I'm leaving you," Jack told her. Reaching down, he tore the sleeve off of his shirt and quickly began to apply pressure to her wounds, making makeshift tourniquets he had to keep her from bleeding out. Once he had done that he kissed her forehead and lifted her up bridal style. "We're leaving together, and Daniel and Brian will fix you up just like they did me." His entire body was shaking. While he was stronger then he had let on, he was at his limit; but he wasn't going to let her die. Not like this. Not now.

Escaping out onto the street he quickly moved her into the back of his rental car which he had parked outside of Epsilon just for this reason. As she laid in the back he dialed Daniel. He wasn't certain what he should do first tend to her wounds or her psycho rage. Kissing the top of her head once more, he started the car and drove to the building she had designated. Going to the roof he grabbed her bag and started back to her.

Daniel answered his phone after getting off the phone with Brian. Brian was only a few blocks from Epsilon and trying to track Constance chip. Hearing Jack's voice on the phone and the state of panic he quickly told him what to do. The shot needed to be given to her right away, otherwise, there was no controlling the rage anymore. He told him afterward to get somewhere safe and call Brian, he wasn't far. Afterward he hung up the phone and dialed another number while pushing Jessica to the car.

"George, it's good to hear from you. I need a favor," he said. "My apprentice and Constance are in your area and need a place to lay low until I get there. Constance has been shot and needs your medical hands." Daniel waited while George spoke. "Thank you. I'll be there as soon as I can, old friend." He hung up the phone.

Jack gently caressed Constance's face as he gave her the shot. He watched pain etch across her face before there was almost a calmness about her. Quite honestly that scared him more then anything. Looking up, he was able to pick Brian out of the crowd and quickly waved him over. "I tried to stop the bleeding, but I didn't have the tools or time to due much other than to slow it down."

Brian picked her up as the new medicine set in and she blacked out. "Daniel told me he has a contact not far from her. We can walk. Driving will take too long with traffic being pushed back." He looked down at Constance. For once he was scared. "I...don't know if I can save her..."

They walked with Constance wrapped in a blanket so the blood could be hidden. Walking to the address Daniel gave him, Brian knocked on the door. An older man came to the door and looked at them. He had glasses on and short gray hair with a small gray beard.

"Come in, hurry," he said ushering them in. "The back room is my doctor office. We can work on her there," he said closing the door and locking it.

Jack paced back and forth as they took her into the back to operator on her. Brian didn't know if he could save her. How could he not know? They'd brought him back from the brink of death, and he'd been a lot more grievously injured then she was. Then it hit him, perhaps it was Daniel who really saved him. Brian still had a lot to learn from him after all. Jack continued to pace, not knowing what else to do. He couldn't go in there and help them, he'd just get in the way. "Damn it," he whispered. He swore that if she survived this that this would be the end. No more guns, no more killing, no more lies. None of it. Even if she didn't love him he didn't care. He just wanted her to survive.

Brian was stressing. She was bleeding too much and even though George was a skilled doctor, he too was having trouble fishing out the bullets and repairing the damage. After nearly eight hours in surgery, someone knocked on the door. Brian and George looked at each other, fearing a cop was the one behind the door. George left Brian to work alone and he took of his coat and washed the blood off him as he walked to the front door. Jack was hidden in another room. George opened the door and Daniel rushed passed him. Jessica walked behind him and George closed the door again, locking it.

Daniel didn't waste any time. He washed up, and put gloves on. He looked down at Constance's body then at Brian and George. "She was shot in the back?" George nodded. "Did...it hit her spine?"

Daniel told her to go wait with Jack, so Jessica did just that. Opening up the door, she nearly felt her heart break as she saw the look on his face. Obviously he had been hoping to hear some new from someone...anyone. "Oh," he said, trying to smile. "I take it that Daniel's here."

Jessica nodded. "He's going to go look at her now. So I'm sure she'll be fine. My bro is the best there is."

"Yes, he is." He was relieved that Daniel was here. That man could perform miracles when it came to stuff such as this. He had no doubt that Constance would be okay. At least, that's what he wanted to tell himself.

Three more hours later, Brian, Daniel, and George sewed Constance up. Her heart was fighting, but the beat was weak. She lost a lot of blood, but thanks to George, he had contacts that sent some of her blood type over. With more tubes connected to her body and her lying on her stomach, Daniel and the others cleaned her up the best they could. Her bloody clothes would have to stay along with most of her body covered in her and her victims blood. Daniel sat down next to her while Brian walked out to see Jack. George started making calls to get Daniel and the others home while trying to find a train that will take Constance without question.

Brian pushed open the door and looked at Jack. "She's stable...but...we aren't sure of how much damage she took...or," he had to look away, "if she will ever wake up."

Jack's mouth moved but no words came out. Jessica thought that he looked like he was going to cry, but all at once his face just hardened and it instantly became impossible to tell what was going on in his head. All she could really tell was that he was in pain.

"May I see her?" He fought to keep his voice stable.

"Yeah..." Brian said moving to the side.Daniel was alone in the room with Constance. He had her hand in his while his head laid on the operating table. He was crying despite the fact that he wanted to be strong. He felt weak and helpless...defeated. "I have failed you. I should have never let you go," he whispered.

Jack stood by the door. "We both failed her. You failed to stop her and I failed to protect her." Walking up beside him, he let his hand caress her soft face. "Tell me, what are her chances of coming through this?"

Daniel stood and quickly wiped his eyes he stepped away from her, letting her hand drop from his. "I don't know. It's...hard to tell," he said. He moved to the door. "I'll leave you be."

"No, it's okay." Jack leaned forward and kissed Constance's cheek. "You deserve to be with her more than I do. I'll come back when you're through." He placed a hand on Daniel's shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze before he started for the door.

"Thank you...Jack..." he said in a low voice. He turned back to Constance and grabbed her hand again. Slowly, he stroked her blood soaked hair.

Jack walked back to where Brian and Jessica were. Looking at Constance's bag, he smiled as he pulled out the bear that he had given her. Stroking its fur, he sat down and just stared at it. He would let Daniel have his time. He did this, because it was all he could offer him.

Jessica felt like she was at the funeral of someone she didn't know. Everyone was so morbid and sad, and while she was sad that Constance had been hurt, she just didn't have that emotional attachment to make it truly traumatic.

Brian looked at George as he hung up the phone. George gave him a weak smile. "I've called in a few favors. If you guys can get her to the train, a friend will help you keep a whole cart to yourselves. Where is Daniel?"

Brian nodded to the room where Constance was. George knocked on it and Daniel came out. "I must speak with you," George whispered and Daniel glanced back at Constance for a moment then nodded.

He and George walked outside. Brian placed his hands in his pockets and pulled out the little hair pin he got Constance for her birthday. He took it out of her hair while operating. His thumb ran over it, looking at it splattered with blood.

"Is it a good idea to try and move her so soon?" Jack was standing the instant he heard that. Her small bear was held in his hand as he looked over at Brian.

"We don't have much of a choice. She needs to be out of this city and we have a better office at Daniel's. As long as we can keep her stable, she should be fine," Brian said.

Jack nodded. He had learned to trust their judgment for the most part. "Okay, is there anything that I can do to help?"

"I would like to help too," Jessica said softly. Everyone was so busy, the least she could do was try to help in some way.

"We won't be able to have a bed for her so she will have to be carried. That means that she will be off the machine that monitors her heart and pulse. We will need someone to check her pulse often and someone to keep her IV elevated. But that's pretty much it. Daniel and I can cover that," he said. "Why don't you go sit with her until we leave?"

Jack had no objections as far as that was concerned. He and Jessica did as they were asked and went to Constance's side. Jack took her hand and held it while stroking her hair. There was a smile on his face, but it din't quite reach his eyes which seemed so dark....

"You'll be okay," he told her thought it was more to reassure himself then anything else. "Daniel will get you all fixed up and you'll be good as new."

It was nearly an hour later before they finally moved Constance. They wrapped her in blankets to shield her from the cold and wandering eyes. Brian held up her IV while Daniel carried her, careful of her wounds. George drove them to the train station and saw them on safely. It would take a day to get back and already Brian was worried about her heart. Her breathing became ragged and spaced.

Jack never took his eyes off of Constance, even when they got onto the train he still stayed beside her so that he could watch over her.

Jessica let the others do what they had to. She explored the car, finding a quiet place she turned on her ipod and opened her laptop. There was nothing she could do for any of them other then stay out of their way and that was exactly what she intended to do.

More than one occasion Brian and Daniel had to do CPR on her. The twenty-four hours were too long and when they finally arrived to their designation, they all got into Daniel's car and rode home. Getting Constance to the underground room and set up was like a blessing. Daniel and Brian put her on a monitor and a breathing mask. While they did that, Jessica brought down a clean night gown and panties for her. With the help of Jack, they cleaned her and changed her.

"So, now that she's here, she's going to be okay. Right?" Jessica was even worried about her at this point. She'd never seen something look like death itself.

Jack just sat down by her side. Now that she was hooked up it was just a matter of time. All they could do for her now was to wait and hope that she would pull through this.

Daniel was about to speak when suddenly, Constance's eyes popped open. She looked around the room frantically until she saw Jack. Daniel and Brian gathered around her.

"Holy hell," Brian said smiling.

Constance brought her arm up to remove the mask, but Daniel put her arm down. "Just rest. You can talk later," he said as he ran his hand through her hair.

She moved her hand to the locket and gripped it with a nod.

Jack's heart nearly popped out of his chest in fright. She was awake. That thought didn't register until his heart beat returned to normal. She was going to be okay. He couldn't believe it.

"I'll go and fix us some dinner," Jessica told them. "I hope you're all okay with mac and cheese." A professional cook she wasn't, but she could at least prepare something for t hem so that they could eat.

Daniel and Brian checked her IV and her medication before taking a seat. "Wow...I really didn't think she would wake for days," Brian said.

"She said she would return in three days. Her three days were up. Constance doesn't like lying," Daniel said with a small smile.

Jack had to smile at this. "No, she doesn't." Taking out her bear he set it beside her so that she could sleep with it. Sitting back down, he looked over at Daniel. "So what happens now? Epsilon is ruined, and the contract on her head is gone. Can she finally lead a normal life?"

"Yes," Brian said. "That's the plan. To let her live a normal life. And as long as she lets me keep testing on her, I know that one day she won't have to keep taking that drug just to keep her sane."

Daniel moved her hand from the necklace and put it down beside her. He fixed the locket then sat back down. "She's not out of the red yet. If she wakes up in a few more hours, we will know more, but just because she opened her eyes doesn't mean her heart won't give up at some point in the night. She's had a lot of trauma and a lot of damage."