Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Killer ❯ Chapter Sixty Five ( Chapter 65 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
"She'll be fine," Jack said with the same confidence he had told them before when they worried about taking her off of her medicine mask. "She's too stubborn to let this stop her."

"Let's hope so," Daniel whispered.

Within the hour Jessica brought down three bowls of macaroni and cheese for them. Despite Daniel's protest about bringing food down to the sterile place, she told them that they needed to eat and that she knew they weren't going to leave her side to go up there and eat, which meant that there was only one logical thing to do.

"How's she doing?" she asked as she leaned over her brother's shoulder.

"She hasn't moved since last time. Hopefully she's just sleeping and not slipping into a coma," he replied. He picked at his food.

Brian, on the other hand, had gobbled his bowl down before anyone had time to take one bite. "This is good stuff."

Jessica beamed. "It's the only thing I know how to cook. I practically lived off the stuff in my dorm," she told him.

Brian nodded. "Well, at least you're good at it," he said.

Constance opened her eyes again. Daniel put down his bowl and once more her hand went to the mask. This time Daniel didn't stop her. She tugged at it lightly and Daniel reached up to help her slide it off. She lazily looked around.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" she said in a scratchy voice.

Daniel leaned in and pushed his lips to her forehead.

Jack was on her other side, a warm smile on his face. She was okay. Just as he knew she would be. "We were worried about you," he told her.

Constance groaned. "Body hurts." Brian stood and grabbed a needle. He pushed it in her IV and in a matter of seconds she moaned. "Better."

Brian grabbed a juice box and held it out. She smiled. He moved it to her lips and she sipped on it. "You missed me the most right?" he said.

Constance wanted to laugh, but it wouldn't come out. "I missed you all the most." She looked at Daniel. "What...happened?"

Daniel looked at Jack. "I don't really know...I didn't think to ask."

"After you killed the boss you started toward the secret tunnel. Your medicine was starting to take over and while you were battling to stay in control you got shot by the cops. I helped you to the secret tunnel and from there we met Brian," he told her.

Constance smiled. "Ha...I got shot by cops." She found this funny. "Kill millions of people and no one can break my skin but I get shot by cops...the good guys," she mumbled. "I want ice cream."

"Too bad. You get soup," Daniel said.

"I got shot. Don't I get special treatment?" she pouted.

"Sure. You get to lay in bed all day long while the rest of us have to do chores," Daniel smiled.

Constance groaned. "Can I at least be moved to the couch so I can socialize?"

"Sure. When you can walk there." Constance started getting out of the bed. Daniel pushed her back in. "I'm joking."

He moved his arm under her and her arm went around his neck. Brian grabbed the IV and started handing Jack and Jessica equipment.

Jack quickly grabbed what he had to. They moved her up to the couch where they got everything that she wanted and needed to be comfortable. While Daniel was setting up her IV Jack went into the kitchen and got her a bowl of ice cream. "Here you go," he said with a smile. She got shot... a little ice cream wouldn't hurt her.

"He spoils you," Daniel said.

She smiled. "I like being spoiled."

"Of course you do," he replied. He looked at Jack. "And you can either hold the bowl for her or feed her because she can't use her right shoulder or arm," he added as he put her arm in a sling.

Brian pulled out her hair pin and pushed her hair back with it. She smiled at him as his hands lingered on her face. "You really scared the shit out of me. I worked on you for eight hours without Daniel. You collapsed on the table twice."

Reaching her hand up, she caressed his face. "I'm sorry, Brian."

He kissed her hand. "Don't do it again." He patted her head then sat down on the other side of the couch.

Jack smirked. "Open up," he told her as he scooped the ice cream into a spoon. He was going to baby her as long as he could.

Jessica sat back and watched as everyone tended to Constance. Though she was happy that she was alright, but at the same time she wished that her brother paid half as much attention to her. "Daniel, when you have a moment can we talk about my college?"

"I have time now," Daniel said. He walked to her.

Constance grabbed the spoon from Jack. "I'm not a baby, Ian," she said and put the ice cream in her mouth. "Cold..." she said with a mouthful.

"No, you're not, but you could've at least humored me," he said. Holding the bowl, he just stroked her head as she ate.

Jessica waited for her and her brother to get somewhere that no one could hear them. Wringing her hands, she took a deep breath before beginning. "I don't want to go back to college. Not right now at least. I was wondering, if I might could stay here with you for a little while."

Daniel was quiet for a while. He thought about it long and hard. Now that he was the only family she had, he couldn't turn her away. It was then that he looked at her and saw that it still hadn't hit her that her eldest brother was dead and the killer was in the same house as her. Reaching over, he pulled her into his chest.

"You will always have a home here, Jessica," he said. "Just learn to be respectful and try to stay out of trouble. You don't have any place to go if you mess things up here."

Jessica was surprised. He was actually hugging her. Really? When was the last time he'd hugged her? Right before she was sent away.... Jessica hugged him back and nodded into his chest. "I'll try to be good," she promised.

"Don't try, Jessica. Just do it. You're smart. You know right from wrong so put two and two together," he said. He pulled her back. "We are the last of the Havens so we need to live up to the name. Especially you. You are the only one who doesn't have blood on your hands."

The last of the Havens. Jonathan was dead. "Did he deserve it?" She looked at Daniel with questioning eyes. She knew that her older brother had always been strict with her, almost cruel at some points. Still, he was family.

"He grew too powerful. He wanted to control things that were never meant to control," he said. "It's why I stayed so long with him. He saw power in Constance and wanted to harness it. It was my job to keep her sane until he wanted her unleashed. He was her greatest weapon and he never intended to ever let her have a normal life." He placed his hand on her cheek. "When she was younger and she held on to me, I always saw you. I always felt like it was unfair that she had to live a life of killing when other girls her age got to go out and play. The only childhood she got to have involved bathing in blood. And every time she looked at me with those innocent eyes all I could think about was what if it was you? Would I let you be pushed to do that? Would I let him control you?" He smiled. "I had to get her out and our brother didn't like that. He wanted her and if he couldn't have her, he wanted her dead. In the process of protecting her, I pushed you away, but only because I knew that if you ended up wanting to stay with me, he would push you into the business and I don't think I could have stood by and watched you go through the same thing Constance went through. He's better off underground where no one else like Constance will ever have to worry about him again."

Jessica bit her lip as she listened to his explanation. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to smile. "I trust you, Daniel. If you think that's what best, then I won't doubt it." She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "And I'm glad to know that you thought about me. For a while there I thought you'd forgotten about me completely."

Daniel smiled. "Don't be ridiculous, Jessica. You're my baby sister. I'll always love you just like I'll always love Brother."

She squeaked when he poked her. "I wasn't being nosy, I'm just curious," she told him. "After all, it's been so long since we've talked I have no idea what you like nowadays."

Daniel sat down. "When I first met her, I was only sixteen years old and I had just sent you off to your first boarding school because our brother wanted my help and I didn't want you to be part of it. She was so small, so fragile. She was only eight. As soon as she saw me, she started crying. I picked her up and she didn't let go of me for hours. I never really understood why she liked my so much, I'm not sure if she had an older brother that was my age and died or went away. She doesn't talk about her family and I don't force her to. When I did some digging on her past, I could barely find anything on her family so she could have had other siblings, but I'm not positive." He pulled her down next to him to sit.

"I didn't fall in love with her until she was twelve and I knew how wrong it was so I never said a words about it, though she made it obvious that she wanted no one else but me. I never even hinted to her that the feelings were mutually. I always thought that as she got older, she would fall in love with some other young man and I didn't want her to feel obligated to be with me because I had practically raised her. When Jack came along, I knew she would love him. And I knew he would love her. I'm a physiologist, I know this things," he said smiling. "But I also knew that he if had her, that meant I couldn't. And she fell in love with him so fast that it just seemed right. I didn't want to stand in the way. However, went she lost her memory, in order to keep her from doing things she might have later regretted, I promised her that when she remembered everything about her and Jack then if she still wanted me, I would be hers. And now she remembers."

"And judging from the way she's been acting since I got here...she doesn't love Jack?" Jessica looked at him to see if what she had guessed had been true.

"No, she doesn't," he said. "But before I made that promise to her, I was sure she would regain her memory and love him again." He looked away. "I should feel somewhat guilty for saying this, but a part of me is happy that she doesn't love him. Because it gives her and me a chance, that is, if she wants it."

Jessica smiled. "You deserve happiness to, silly. When she gets better, you should ask her if she wants to be with you. I might not be that fond of her, but as long as you care about her I'll be okay with it."

Daniel smiled. "I wish it was simple like that," he said. "But I could never go to her like that. It wouldn't be fair to Jack. If she wants me, she will come to me. Or if Jack should leave and I don't see him doing that," he said with a light laugh. "It would have been better if I had never said anything about loving her. Then she wouldn't have to choose."

"Well you could always just rap her on the head and make her forget. Or use some of your drugs to do it for you." She stopped as she looked at him. "But the truth is you don't want her to forget, because you want her to know that you love her." She smiled.

He took a deep breath. "I do. But I didn't want Jack to know. I don't want him to think that my intentions were to ever steal her from him. If she were to deny him, I believe he would never look for love again and would live a very lonely life because of it. I don't want to be part of that."

Jessica smirked at this. "Come on, bro. No one is that emo that they'd just hole themselves up in a dark room because they got rejected."

Daniel laughed. "You do not know, Jack. I think he wrote a book on Emo."

Jessica just shook her head. "Am I the only one here that doesn't have some sort of mental problem?

Daniel tapped her nose. "I'm pretty stable and so is Brian. And it's not Constance's fault she's the way she is. Her father is to blame. As for Jack...his mind is fine, it's just his way of thinking that needs work. If he can't have what he wants, he doesn't want anything at all."

Jessica rubbed her nose, pouting slightly. "Fine, if you say so." She let her hands fall to her side as she looked at him. "So...it's really okay for me to stay here for a while?"

"If you keep asking, I'll take it back."

Jessica smiled and hugged him. "It'll be like we're a family again," she whispered.

Daniel smiled and placed his hand on her back. "We have always been family, Jessica."

Jessica nuzzled his shoulder. "I know, but it's hard to feel like a family when you're so far away."

"Well, I suppose this will be good for the both of us. My house will feel very empty when the others leave."