Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister's Keeper ❯ To Protect ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Sister's Keeper
By: Melissa Norvell
Chapter 2: To Protect

The air is cold against my pale skin as I walk home from the concert hall, where our dancing competition was held. I'm scared. My arms slowly wrap around my frigid form as I shiver against the night air. I feel like crying. Stubborn crystalline tears cling to my blue eyes as I bite back a few sniffles.

I am alone now and I recall everything with such vivid sensation. I know that I should purge these vile thoughts from my mind. I shouldn't think of what happened between Ricco and me. I want to tell them what happened. My gaze shifts down the cold, unmoving concrete below my feet. I really and truly do but I'm afraid. He might show up at another street dancing competition. If he knows that I told someone besides Tadao or if Tadao calls the police then I could get it even worse if I show up around him again.

Stopping cold in my steps, my eyes widen in fear and a small gasp escapes my mouth. I can feel my heart slam in my chest. It is painful, so much so that I feel as if it will burst through my sternum. I'm so afraid…and I don't know what to do! I have to talk to Tadao later and hope that he didn't call the police.

My body begins to move in the direction of my house once more. Now I walk even faster than before. My paranoia fuels my body as adrenaline rushes and my breathing escalades. All I think about is how I really want to get home quick.


What am I going to tell Ushio and the others? I lied to Endo about what happened and just told her that some perverts tried to feel me up in the alleyway. I didn't tell her that I was nearly raped. It wouldn't be wise at this moment in time to tell her a story like that. I frown and continue to advance towards my house as the thoughts of what could happen plague my mind.

These nightmares and flashbacks that I can't seem to shake…

What do I do?

Do I keep lying to them? Ushio would never approve when he found out. He would want to kill that guy and knowing him, he would go to jail gladly for it. I don't want to do that to him. I love him far too much to see him suffer anymore.

As I come to the door of my house, the thoughts fade. I don't want them to worry about me or question the sorrowful expression on my face. I quickly fix my expression before I knock on the door and tell everyone that I am home.

As I walk inside, everyone is sitting around drinking and laughing in the living room. The room is very lively and the mood matches the pale yellow walls and light beige carpets. The feeling lifts my spirit a little. A small smile crosses my face as I see Endo, Takeshi and my brother sitting on the couch.

In front of them is a cherry wood in table with various glasses of alcohol as well as a few bottles that were nearly empty or half empty.

Endo smiles at me and holds up her half-full margarita. "Hey, welcome to the party!" She greets me as Takeshi comments that I'm a little late.

"Yeah, sorry about that, the crowds were so big and Tadao was talking to me-" My sentence is cut off by my older brother's deep, smooth voice.

"Tadao?" He asks as he arches a dark blue eye brow in question. Something tells me that I should not have brought up that subject. Those two have never gotten along. I don't know why but my brother seems to hate all of my boyfriends.

"Yeah, he wanted to spend time with me but I told him that I had to come here and he got mad." I explain. I tell him the truth as I usually would. I have no reason to lie to him.

"Really, because you spend all of your time with me, right?" Ushio runs a hand through his short, dark hair. He seems proud of himself for that remark. I guess he's just happy knowing that he can spend as much time with me as he wants.

"How-" I begin to ask but now Takeshi cuts me off.

"Aw man, boyfriend and over protective brother. Those types of relationships don't ever work out." He tells me from his spot on the couch.

"What do you mean?" I ask and glance back to him.

"It's true," Endo agrees. "They always fight for your time." It seems true. It's an eternal struggle just to keep the two of them happy. They can really wear a girl out.

"Family is far more important than insignificant people like him." Ushio sneers then he nears my face and for that moment in time, my breath is caught in my throat. He is always close when he speaks to me but I can't help but notice little things about him. The way his narrow blue eyes sparkle, there's a weird glint in them that I've been noticing lately and I can't seem to shake it. It's almost as if he can bore a hole into my soul and see everything on the inside. I can't help but to look into those slender eyes, framed with thick, black lashes. Ushio smiles kindly at me. I wonder what he is thinking. "Don't you think so, dear sister?"

"Uh…" I hate being caught in between those two. I also hate that I'm blushing right now and I'm not exactly sure why. "Yes, I think so," I answer him, even if I told him otherwise, my blush would contradict my words.

"Good, as long as you think that and put me before him, then we won't have any problems will we?" He withdraws his head and walks back over towards the couch. As I watch him, I notice that he's in more casual clothing now. He wears a light blue, long-sleeved button up shirt with a pair of black slacks, socks and shiny business shoes. His wrist watch and diamond ring sparkle in the fluorescent lighting of the room as he moves.

I keep thinking about my current situation. So many things run through my mind at this moment that it's hard to think. Ushio's words and the way he acts around me, Tadao and my worries of him calling the police, the fact that Ricco may find me again and do something worse to me and how to hide my true feelings around everyone here. I'm beginning to worry myself sick!

"That won't stop Tadao though. He's so stubborn after all," Takeshi just had to fuel the fire. Great move, porcupine head.

"Give him some credit. He's trying to be a good boyfriend," Endo replies. Thanks Endo, I was beginning to feel really bad about what they were saying. I don't think Tadao is doing anything bad, in fact, I think he's doing a good job considering the fact that he has to put up with Ushio…That is no easy task, even for me.

"I am not giving him any credit." My brother glares in pure hatred at Endo for even daring to defend my boyfriend. I become a little worried so I ask him if he's alright. His reply is something that I a dread hearing but it comes all the same. "I hate him."

"You've never liked any of my boyfriends, why?" I ask with an complex expression on my face. Sometimes I hate being female. Moments like this tend to make me a little emotional and everything that's running through my head is getting to be overwhelming. I don't need another negative thing in my life right now and Ushio really isn't helping me.

"They don't deserve you," he frowns at me, as if he scorned the fact that I loved someone else and cast me a warning glare.

"So what do you want her to do?" Endo throws out her arms in question. "Stay single all of her life?" It is a little impractical and irrational of Ushio to make such a statement to me. I know he's just trying to keep me innocent but I think I should be allowed to date at least.

"Anything's better than Tadao," my brother remarks coldly.

"Why? Because he actually wants to spend time with me?" I ask in a fit of emotion. Why does it seem like everything that is happy in my life right now is being threatened? "Is it because he shows me real love?" I continued, not knowing what his reaction will be. I don't really care either. I'm so tired of everything.

"Real love?" His face wrinkles in disgust at the mention of the phrase. Ushio acts like I don't even know what that means, so I feel I must justify myself.

"Yes," I stand my ground this time. "He touches me and kisses me so sweetly…" My face softens at the thought of him being near me. I don't care if Ushio likes it or not, Tadao makes me happy. I have fun when I'm with him. I love him. "There's passion in everything we do. He holds me so gently and I feel like I'm on top of the world when he's with me." My voice is distant and I feel overcome with warm feelings of happier times and for a moment, I feel some of my pain and sorrow wash away.

I can faintly hear the sound of glass trembling and then a shatter echoes through my senses. I snap my head over to look at my brother, who is holding the stem of a wine glass. Endo and Takeshi were also staring at him with perplexed looks on their faces. I looked closer at his hand to see that there was blood mixed with his wine. It faded out as the two substances mix and his hand trembles. He wears a livid look on his face at the very mention of doing things with Tadao. I am stupid for saying something like that and now I've sparked his temper.

I wonder what he's going to do and for that moment in time I feel like a half dead mouse in the talon of a mighty hawk. Uncertainty rips through my heart as I can do nothing but look at his cross face. I know I should not have overstepped his boundaries.

"Is that so?" He asks with a crazed look on his face. I think he's trying to calm his anger in front of Takeshi and Endo. Neither of them dares to speak. They know of his irritation just as well as I do.

This is just not my day.

I don't even know what to say to him.

"I don't want to know about this,” he looks away with a frown through gritted teeth as he looks to the ground. The longer hairs on his bangs and cheeks cover all but those teeth and his nose.

He almost looks hurt and I don't mean physically. I mean mentally.

They say that emotional hurt is the strongest and most long lasting hurt that you can feel.

I feel like such a horrible person for making him feel bad like that.

I feel so guilty…

"Ushio?" I ask in a quiet voice. I don't want to seem like I'm a threat to him. It could spark his anger at any time. He is like a grenade, waiting for someone to pull the pin.

"How dare a nothing like him taint my sister in such ways!" He is beyond pissed and Endo decides to try and cool him down before he hurts himself worse.

"Ushio, you should chill out," she puts her hand gently on his shoulder to try and reassure him.

"Yeah, we're supposed to be celebrating," Takeshi tries to lighten the mood as well. I'm glad that they are here. It's hard to handle Ushio's rage on my own.

"How far have you gone?" My brother's voice is low but still angry.

"What?" I ask in surprise. I really don't want to answer him. I don't want to tell him the truth about us. He really wouldn't understand how I feel around Tadao. Tadao is the only good thing that's happened to me besides having Ushio around.

I don't want to keep being alone like this.

I need love too.

"Did you have sex with him?" What is this, a set-up question?

"Not yet, we haven't even been going out that long." I wasn't lying. We haven't done anything indecent at all. Making out was as far as we've gotten.

"Do you think he's better than your previous boyfriends?" Ushio seems calmer now. At least I could deal with him. Takeshi and Endo really bailed me out of this one.

"Well, he's closer to me. I've never felt a connection like the one that we share." I can't help but blush when I think about Tadao. I damn myself for that mistake. I know Ushio hates me for feeling this way. "I think we have something special."

"Something special, huh?" My brother asks and nearly chuckles at my words of devotion.

'What's with him? Why is he being so protective and jealous?' I think to myself but I dare not to say it. There really is something strange about it that I cannot seem to put my finger on at all. Lately he's been extra jealous and mean, ever since I started going out with Tadao. I wonder what's wrong with him. I answer his question with an unsure 'yes'.

"More than any man?"

Is he trying to verbally trap me again? "Well, we could never be as close as you and I, of course." I respond in truth. Ushio and I are family and nothing is closer then the bond of family, plus the two of us have been through a lot so I can say it without prejudice. I've always been there for him and he's been there for me. I like our bond but sometimes he's just so overbearing.

Before I knew it, his face is close to mine again and he gave me that same soft-eyed look. When I stare into his face, I wonder what he's thinking about when he looks at me. I am then pulled into a hug that makes me feel a little uncomfortable. He wraps his lean arms around me in a very close and dare I even think it- sensual- way. I don't want to take it that way. I mean, why would my own brother hit on me? That's just creepy.

Ushio has always been sensual in nature and things that were considered normal movements even seemed sensual so I took it as being in his nature. I just sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his moderately built chest. I could smell the spices of his cologne as I tried to reassure him by telling him what I really thought. "Ushio, no one can ever replace you. You'll always be number one to me."

I know he can be insecure about things another man being close to his sister, so I had to understand from his point of view.

"Don't forget your blood ties," I hear him whisper against the top of my head. His breath rustles my wavy blue hair, causing it to make my scalp itch. I can also feel a warm spot where his breath hits my head.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I smile up at him. "Besides, when guys insult me and stuff, you always make me feel better."

"This one will be just like the others. He'll love you, and then leave you and all you'll need is me. It will be just like when we were younger and I'd comfort you when you cried,” my eyes widened as his statement reminded me of something that had happened when I was younger with a boyfriend who had promised me the world.

I was twelve years old and I sat on a white wooden bench, dressed in a black and white Gothic Lolita dress with a matching umbrella that had black lace and bows on it. Although it was raining heavily, I didn't care. The umbrella sat in my lap as I wept in the rain. I was glad that it had been raining so no one could see my tears. At that moment in time, I wanted nothing more than to vanish from the world and be forgotten by all.

After a few moments, an older school boy approached me. He was dressed in his coat and black pants with a white undershirt and tie. His school emblem was familiar and adorned the right breast pocket of his jacket. He was a very charming boy who had a familiar dark hair coloring and the most beautiful blue eyes that I had ever seen. The boy was very tall and thin but not anorexic or anything. His pale skin seemed to glow against the rain and he reminded me of a prince for that moment in time. I'm not sure why, perhaps it was what he said to me.

'Look what it is, a fallen angel, waiting for me.' His familiar voice spoke to me, kind but slightly seductive as he glanced at my saddened form.

'Big brother,' I said in a fit of my own emotions as I wiped the stray tears away with a balled fist. 'What are you doing here?' I wanted to run and I didn't like it when he saw me like that. I was at my worst and I looked like crap. It was so embarrassing when your older brother say you crying, especially when you were twelve and he was nineteen.

'Well, what are you doing here, Sumerie? You'll catch a cold like that.' He explained as he walked up to me.

'I was waiting for Hisaki but he never came. One of his friends walked by and told me that he was with Hisoko a couple minutes ago and they were kissing.' My heart ached and I felt the tears well up in my eyes again. My vision went blurry and I felt that familiar warm, stinging feeling that accompanied crying. I don't want to cry in front of him…

I wished that these tears would just stop.

Ushio sat on the bench, beside of me and lightly wrapped his arms around my trembling form. He rested his chin on top of my water-soaked lace bonnet and smiled. 'It's okay. You don't need him. You love me, right?'

'Of course I do," I said innocently enough, with the adoration that I had for Ushio back then. I did love him, more than anyone else back then. My brother meant too much to me.

He was my savior…

My best friend…

My everything…

He placed his large hand on the side of my young face which caused me to blush, even back then and lowered his head. Soon, our lips touched and I felt as if the freeze of the rain was nothing. I felt so warm as the cold water fell all around me.

Things around you seem so trivial when you're sharing a moment with the one you love and it almost seems surreal, as if you're in your own world. Should I really have felt that way around my brother? I have no reason not to.

Back then it was innocent love between siblings. It was something cute and child-like but if something were to happen like that now, we'd be considered incestuous.

A few moments of kissing passed, it was nothing bad just lips against lips. Ushio pulled back and told me that he loved me and asked me if I would cheer up for him. I smiled and lightly rested my head on his shoulder. The phrase of devotion and love poured from my mouth without inhibition- 'I love you.'

'I love you too,' he hugged me in the rain.

"I'll comfort you just as I did when our parents died." Ushio speaks to me, his lips are moving against my pale blue hair and I gasp as I remember that dreadful time in my life. It was the time when I truly had no one to lean on but my brother.

I lay on the white, poofy bed on my stomach with my arms folded around my face as I buried it further into the spongy material of the bed covers. I heard the door open as well as familiar footsteps as they approached me. I knew who it was but I didn't raise my head up until a few moments later and by that time, he was above me. His hands and knees were on either side of my form.

'Ushio?' I was surprised that he'd do something like this, considering it seemed to sexual in nature but I simply had to remember just who I was dealing with. It was always like this. I always let him get away with stuff like this.

He ran his hand gently through my hair, stroking the top of my head. His dexterous finger ran through the silken strands of my wavy hair. 'Shh…It's alright.' He cooed and gently lifted my torso into his lap. Ushio's strong arms wrapped around my chest tightly, 'We'll pull through this. With my job being a street dancer, we can make enough money to get by with the bills.'

'I can't believe that we'll never see mom and dad again. It really is just us now.' My voice faltered. That stinging sensation overcame me once more and I fought very hard to keep it back.

'Do you feel alone now?' He seemed a little crestfallen.

'Yes,' I looked down.

'Don't worry. I'll be here, Sumerie. Nothing will happen to me. I promise to always stay by your side and protect you. We'll be really close.' His words were gentle and seemed to hold a great promise within them.

I lurched forward and hugged him tightly. 'Don't leave me.' I said. I was scared and he was the only one I had left to cling to. The only one who understood me and at the time, the only one I could trust with all of my heart. It was a fragile time in my life and I was glad to have him for support.

He then gently placed his hand under my chin and tipped my head up. Before I could say anything, I had already known what he was going to do. Ushio placed a small kiss upon my pink lips and spoke. 'I know that I seem too old for this because I'm nineteen and you're fourteen but consider it a promise between the two of us.'

'I know that you do it because you love me.' I replied and placed a kiss on his cheek as I rested the side of my face against his. 'I know that you'd never hurt me, Ushio.'

Even at that age, I was used to his strange ways of affection and had always taken it as he was a sexual person and just wanted to be close by means of touch but now I'm a little unsure.

"I made a promise to you, remember?" He pulls away from my face and levels me with a serious face. I nod in response. "I intend on keeping it." It is almost as if he swears by that statement.

"Alright, are we going to keep partying?" Takeshi interrupts the moment. I think he just wants to relieve the tension and serious atmosphere to the room.

"After I bandage Ushio's hand?" I point to my brother's still-bleeding hand and smile.

"Damn it, I touched you with it too. You'd better check yourself for blood." Ushio looks at me as if he didn't mean to touch me at all.

"It's okay, I don't mind," I say to him. What's a little blood anyway? He's hurt and it's my job to help him out. I can't shriek or complain about a little blood on my shirt, not after everything that Ushio has ever done for me.

"Well, I'm going to go and take care of this. Can you clean up that mess for me?" Ushio indicates to the shattered glass with his non-injured hand.

"Sure!" I offer. "Then we'll come back and really celebrate!"

"Hell yeah!" Endo cheers from behind me. "We deserve a party after winning the street dancing competition like that!"

"Definitely!" Takeshi agrees. "We'll try and save you a few drinks, Ushio!" He holds up his glass and smiles his fox-like smile.

"You drink my wine and I'll shave you bald porcupine head." My brother grinned at his friend and I couldn't help but smile at the two men's playful gestures.

"I'm wounded," Takeshi holds a hand to his chest in a melodramatic way. "You just had to offend my hair, didn't you?"

"You can't help it when your head looks like an azalea bush," He teased.

"Oh, go clean your hand," Endo smiles.

Ushio smirks, "right," He then walks out of the room to go and help himself. As soon as he's gone, Endo shakes her head.

"What a mess."

"For a minute there I thought he was going to fly off the handle about Tadao." Takeshi seemed relieved.

"Tadao's a nice guy. I don't see why he doesn't like him," Endo says.

"Tadao is jealous of my brother too thought," I make a point. It's not like Ushio is completely the bad guy here. "It's like if I spend time with one, the other is angry." Therefore, I'm always arguing with someone. No wonder I'm so stressed now-a-days.

"Man, there's no pleasing those two." The blonde takes a glance towards the direction that my brother walked off to.

"You've got to understand though, up until Tadao's been in your life, it's just been you and Ushio. Of course he expects your attention because he's used to it." What Takeshi says is true. If someone is used to just being with you all of the time, then it would be hard for them to share you with another person.

"You've got a point," I comment. Maybe Ushio feels left out or less important to me. Maybe he feels threatened by Tadao so he thinks he has to be super protective of me.

"He's just a jealous brother who's protective of you because you're the only thing he's got. I mean, your parents were killed four years ago," Takeshi continues.

"You know what's weird though?" Endo asks.

"What?" Her spiky-haired friend asks.

"Ever since then, Ushio stopped dating," the blonde brings out something that makes me think about his current demeanor towards me. I begin to wonder about our relationship and how exactly other people think of us as brother and sister.

"Weird…When he was younger, you couldn't keep him away from the girls and now he acts like he hates them or something." Was Takeshi trying to say that my brother was gay? But that can't be true. He likes me, and I'm a girl…

"He turned down a girl who really loved him a couple of weeks ago. She was crying so hard. I felt really bad for her." Endo places a hand over her heart and looks to the side in sympathy. She really must have felt bad for the girl that she had spoken of.

Maybe she knows her personally.

"Maybe he's just not ready to date. He could be afraid of loving someone close to him. Maybe that's why he's so close to you, Sumerie." Takeshi points out. It makes me feel a little bit better.

"Probably, it just gets a little over bearing at times. I mean…He saw them get killed…I should try to understand his feelings more. Thanks you guys, you really helped me out. I really appreciate all you've done for Ushio." I feel a little bad for how I've been feeling towards him. I know it must have been hard for him and maybe he's still dealing with things from the past.

Perhaps I really should try to understand his feelings as well.

I'm glad that Ushio had such good friends to take care of him during his hour of sorrow. Takeshi and Endo have done so much for him. I'm glad that they are such good friends to him.

"We appreciate you too, Sumerie." The spiky-haired man smiles at me; he's such a good friend to Ushio.

"Yeah, we're all in this together," Endo tells me with confidence and my heart feels a little lighter and happier now. I feel the warmth bubble up from my chest as a smile creeps to my pink lips. A giggle even manages to escape my mouth.

Thanks guys, I never have to worry with you around to give me advice and guide me.

After Endo cheered me up, my brother soon walked casually back into the room. I look at his hand to see if he had bandaged it properly. Sure enough, he had wrapped it up and a little of the blood had seeped through from his still-bleeding cuts.

Those familiar feelings of guilt return when I see his face. I feel bad not considering his feelings after all he's been through.

"Alright, he's back!" Endo cheers and snaps me out of my current thoughts. I return the smile to my face as Ushio walks up to us.

"Now, Let's party!" Takeshi cheers.

"Yeah!" We all agree in unison and jump up in delight as we continue to party. I begin to wash myself of the horrible thoughts that are still going through my mind. I don't want to inconvenience anyone, despite what I feel inside.

I think I'll just keep my thoughts to myself, no matter how much they hurt…

To Be Continued…