Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Games and Love ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This is my property, no stealing! Copywrighted!

Of Games and Love

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter One

Once blue eyes turned gray as they silently observed the rain trickling down the window, it was already late, but he couldn’t find the strength to fall asleep. It was the same exact thing that happened when it rained like this; night would fall and he could hear a soft voice calling him, trying to coax him into the glooming darkness of the unknown. He had become quite accustomed to the mysterious voice, it had become a part of him and though unwelcome, like many other tings, it stayed.

He wondered more than sporadically if he was crazy, who wouldn’t if they heard what he did, but then again it was common in his family line to have some abnormality. Chestnut hair fell limply against his face and yet he was still vigil, he was watching for something and hopefully soon it would come. Whatever it was, person or beast, he willed himself not to be afraid; he had to be strong for himself if not anything else. The loud clap of thunder and the bright flashing of lightning shook the old house and the long tree branches scraped against the outside walls, the storm was getting worse.

Pulling the wool blanket closer around his form he could feel the cold trying to creep up on him. The chills and gooseflesh running up and down his spine causing the light colored hair on his arms and legs to stand on edge. Whatever was coming would be with him soon enough. Letting his gaze travel from the top of the crying mountain to the long crème-ish/yellow trails he once traveled, he swore his heart skipped a beat. It was coming from the mountains, weeping to him from the dark and muggy abandoned caves.

‘Speak only through a whisper Jacob,’ the voice said almost hypnotically. ‘See through only one eye that is blind. Hear only through deaf ears and taste without a lover’s tongue. I will be waiting for you Jacob, the rain shall be my Shepard.’

If it was possible for the rain to fall harder, it did and Jacob could see the green leaves and branches of the trees blowing almost violently in the wind. Squinting his eyes as he moved closer to the window, he watched in horror as something fell from the mountain, rolling down from the trail like a sack of potatoes. Without even the slightest thought, Jacob darted out of his room and into the hall. Lights flickered malevolently as a shadow darkened where he once stood. A reflection in the window, a mouth gaping open trying to call out as the blood trickled out.

Jacob raced out into the rain, his tennis shoes scraping against the concrete as though he was pushing himself into the air like a bird. His blue eyes were fixated on the mountain, searching for whatever or whoever had fallen. The ground was slicker than ice and Jacob immediately found himself trying frantically to keep from crashing to the asphalt. By the time he made it to the end of the cul-de-sac he was soaked to the bone and breathing harder than he ever had in h is life. His heart was beating like a madman and he gasped feverishly, the cold air stinging his lungs like tiny knives.

Hands on his knees and his back hunched over, he glanced up at the mountain for any sign of life, but his search was only in vain. There was nothing there, not a damn thing. Waiting till his pulse calmed and his breathing to even, Jacob closed his eyes and mentally cursed himself. Hallucinations- that’s all they were, just meaningless hallucinations. Obviously he needed to start going to bed earlier and lay off eating so much sugar; it was probably the reason for his actions and why he was out in the rain like an idiot.

Turning around Jacob opened his eyes and his blood ran cold. Torn and bruised flesh stared back at him with malice. Black blood and an eye swelled shut made his heart skip a beat. Dark chestnut hair was mangled and caked with redness and probably dirt. Clothes were ripped and hung pathetically off tanned and lean shoulders followed by more bruises, purple and black in coloring and covering the chest. He wanted to scream bloody murder as he stared at the mutilated version of himself, but his throat closed up and nothing came out. The rain pelted against him and Jacob struggled to move his feet, but they refused, he was nothing but dead weight. Hands appeared out of nowhere grabbing at his flesh and pulling him towards the monstrous version on himself. The fear building inside him was tremendous and he had no clue how to get away. His terrified scream rang out through the streets and the last thing he saw was black.


He never liked the rain, it usually symbolized the deepest fear coming to a head and showing down on the people around him. He tried to stay out of it as much as possible, but since recently he always seemed to be caught up in it. Closing the auditorium door behind the last person and locking it, he turned around and headed towards the church. Saint Mary’s Catholic School was always doing plays about the saints from the bible texts, but not many showed up. Looking for Sister Mary Clarence, the teenaged boy sighed, he had wanted to show his sister his stage makeup, but it was now beginning to run down his face.

Pulling out the handkerchief from his back pocket the eighteen year old quickly cleaned off his face best as possible without running into anything. Tugging his collar passed his ears he began walking faster, he still needed to get home and do his homework. Finding the elderly nun minutes later, he handed over the keys and stalked off to his and climbed inside to the waiting warmth. People who had been present were already gone, however the darkness surrounding him wasn’t filling him with fear, but with comfort.

Turning on the ignition and leaving the parking lot he started to make his way home where he would spend another night alone in his studio-apartment. How he was able to support himself was questionable, but then again, mommy and daddy’s money was always there for the taking. Slowing down near a stop sign, he ran his fingers through his damp hair, the rain was only getting worse. At least his car was getting a good cleaning though! The radio station he was listening to was playing nothing but static, but he made no move to turn it off or change the current station. All he had to do was wait until he was away from the mountain and it’d be fine.

It would be still a little while before he reached his ‘comfy’ studio and turning down the street, he barely had enough time to slam down on his breaks as someone ran out into the road and collapsed onto the blackened tar. He cursed under his breath and growled. How stupid were people these days? Didn’t they know that it wasn’t a smart idea to ‘play’ in the road? Hitting his steering wheel a few times, he managed to cool down before exiting his car and going to where the person lay in front of his car.

“Hey kid,” he said irritably over the pounding rain. “Hey?!”

Kneeling, he touched the person’s shoulder and rolled them over onto their back. He was more than surprised to find himself staring down at a teenage boy’s face. The boy looked so pale and vulnerable that he found himself instantly entranced by the innocent beauty. Going against his better judgment, the older boy picked up the younger one and carried him to his car. Either way he couldn’t just leave the poor kid out in the rain, he didn’t need the guilt trip if the kid croaked.

The ride home was short and he quickly yet carefully carried the unconscious boy to his studio, it wasn’t much but a bachelor’s pad was all he needed. Once inside, he headed straight to the bathroom where he deposited the boy into the bathtub as he began filling it with warm water. Normally he would have no problem undressing the kid, but then again the boy looked only fifteen and the words “twenty-five to life” and “jail bait” didn’t sound too appealing. Grabbing a few towels from the cabinet he took them back to the bathroom, there was no way he was going to get out of seeing the boy naked. He couldn’t leave him in his clothes, especially soaking wet ones.

Stripping the boy down to his birthday suit was no easy task and by the time he was dried, naked, and under a few heavy blankets, the older boy’s face was beet red. Letting out a heavy sigh he headed into the kitchen for something hot to eat and drink, he would have to go shopping for the necessities in the morning.

“Shit Shaine,” he growled to himself. “What the hell have you gotten yourself into this time?”

Morning had come hours later and the storm had died out a little after three. Shaine barely slept a wink all night, but then again it was expected since the boy in his bed had yet to regain consciousness. Tiredly yawning he rose from the uncomfortable chair and scratched his stomach. What he needed was coffee, and luckily he still had some left. Grumbling to himself as he prepared the coffee pot, he slowly made himself a bowl of Fruit Loops, it was a breakfast of champions.

It wasn’t long until the aroma of coffee filled the small studio apartment and he inhaled the scent deeply, he was already beginning to feel like himself again. It was surprising just how much influence a cup of steaming hot Joe had over him. Filling up his favorite and only coffee mug, Shaine grabbed his bowl of cereal and sat on the chair next to his bed, he might as well start off a Saturday morning doing what he did best, watching the ridiculous cartoons on the television. He scarffed down his food without breathing and on a few occasions choked on the cereal while trying not to laugh.

Finding himself bored, Shaine gave up watching the television, he got up and deposited the dished in the sink before heading to the bathroom. He was pretty sure that he needed to shower and probably a shave, besides, who was he not to care about appearances especially for absolute strangers who slept in his bed as naked as the day they were born. Pulling off his clothes as he turned on the hot water, Shaine felt himself standing at attention and groaned as he stepped under the pouring waterfall. He would have to reacquaint himself with his right hand and curse the chestnut hair-beauty in the other room. He was having the worst of lucky, but then again as his friend Sarah would have plainly stated, ‘bad luck is in the eye of the beholder’. That too made him shudder as he tightened his grip on his throbbing member, Sarah was in a class of her own , the weird little bitch. Resting his head on the cool tile as he came, Shaine tried to figure out just exactly what he was going to do.


Tired eyes fluttere4d open and met the white ceiling, he felt warm and safe wrapped up in the soft material surrounding him. Jacob’s mind was slow to filter in the previous night’s events and he soon found himself caught in a paranoid frenzy. The room he was in wasn’t familiar and throwing the comforters off his body he cried out staring down at his nude body.

‘Oh my god where am I?’ His mind screamed as he grabbed for the blanket to cover his exposed flesh.

He could plainly hear the running water of someone’s shower and he couldn’t help but shudder in fear. Had he been kidnapped? Raped? Who was with him and would they let him go without having to pay his life as a dowry? Tears stung at the back of his eyes as he feverishly looked around for any hint of clothing. He couldn’t take it being vulnerable in a foreign place without any form of escape that wasn’t futile. The sound of water stopped a moment later and Jacob could hear a muffled groan that made his blood run cold, he was alone with a man, possibly more than one by the sound of it.

Alarms went off in his head as the bathroom door opened and a thick cloud of fog poured out followed by a lean and tanned body exposed from the hips up to the man’s head. Onyx hair clung to pale skin and the strange man sighed delightfully before turning and facing Jacob. A smile came to the man’s face and he slowly came forward and it was then that Jacob began to panic.

“Hey there sleeping beauty, it’s nice of you to join the living.”

There was laughter voiced in his tone and even though he seemed harmless, Jacob couldn’t help but scramble away, clutching the blanket around his waist as the older boy sat down on the bed haphazardly. Curious eyes rose as he was watched, the way that he was looking at him made Jacob sick to his stomach. All the younger boy wanted to do was purge the fear from his very being.

“Wh-where am I?” Jacob asked stuttering, while trying to keep hi8mself from shaking.

“You are at my humble abode,” the older body replied as if he was surprised Jacob didn’t know the answer already.

“Who are you?” He questioned holding the blanket tighter, he was completely unwilling to let the mysterious and strange man any closer than he was.

“My name is Shaine Falk,” Shaine said as he began to number off with his fingers. “I have AB negative blood, no sisters, and I live by myself. I enjoy eating pizza and playing with-- Do I make you uncomfortable?”

The sudden subject change had caught Jacob off guard and the older boy took advantage of it as he leaned closer. Jacob could clearly see the water droplets falling from Shaine’s hair onto his shoulders and his throat ran dry. He didn’t know why his face suddenly felt so hot and the younger boy tried to move back only to go tumbling onto the ground with a surprised cry. Laughter came out of nowhere and Shaine stood up only sparing a fleeting glance at the bright red face of the no-name beauty.

“Guess so,” his laughter had died off becoming soft chuckling as he headed to the bathroom. “Well I’m going to get dressed. It’s a little chilly in here, so why don’t you relax… uh-- I didn’t catch your name.”

“That’s because I didn’t give it,” Jacob huffed glaring at Shaine. “It’s Jacob and I wouldn’t mind having my clothes back. I’m not too fond of being naked in front of a guy I don’t know.”

“Are you saying that you like being nude in front of the ones you do know?” Shaine suggestively rose his eyebrows before snickering rather loudly, the boy was just too easily riled and he knew that he was going to have a fun time with the younger boy.

Stalking over to the dryer, Shaine pulled out Jacob’s clothes and tossed them over to the boy before heading back into the bathroom. His lower regions had once again sprung to life and he would have to relieve himself for the second time. He laughed as the phrase his mom used to say came to him.

“If you play with it too much you’ll poke an eye out.”

-More to come so Review
