Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Games and Love ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This is my property, no stealing! Copywrighted!

Of Games and Love

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Two

Jacob’s paranoid feelings didn’t last very long as Shaine loosened up on his ‘flamboyant’ behavior. The older boy seemed to laugh non stop and had a smile that never faded, and his happy attitude had an effect on Jacob’s somber mood. The two boys became comfortable enough around each other that it wasn’t too long until they were both planted in front of the television, their eyes fixated on the screen as their hands moved frantically across the controllers. Obviously they both had a thing for video games.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and a glass of cold ginger ale is what Shaine whipped up for the two of them sometime later in the evening and by the time nightfall had come they were laughing hysterically over past experiences. The television no longer held any interest for either boys and they were comfortably laying outstretched on the floor. Shaine lay on his stomach a few feet away from Jacob who was staring up at the ceiling with his head resting above his arms, his chest slowly rising and falling in a rhythmic patter as the older boy told his story.

Time had seemingly gone by so quickly for the two of them and by the time the story was finished, Jacob’s eyes were shut lazily as if he ws fighting a losing battle against the need of sleep. Shaine smiled as he watched the younger boy, so many different things could have brought them together and he felt a little indebted to fate for the precious fit that was given to him. He was deadly aware of just how much his own preference unnerved Jacob, but something told him that the younger boy was only putting up a weak front. Sure it would be more than difficult on making the boy see his misconception and “fall to the dark side”, but Shaine was willing to make the sacrifice, he was willing to push the said boy to the limits in order to show him the pleasures of being a ‘team player’. The game had officially begun.

Worming his way over to where Jacob helplessly lay Shaine leaned over the smaller boy to get a better view. His mouth was parted slightly and it was so hypnotic that Shaine found himself desperately wanting to taste them. Shaine ginger swept the bangs from the younger boy’s face and held his breath as he moved, he didn’t’ want to upset Jacob by waking him up and being found in a compromising position. It would ruin the game or set him back if not by months, then longer.

Touching his lips briefly with his fingers, Shaine moved away from Jacob and climbed to his feet. The dishes needed to get done before he could sleep and the only way they’d get done was if he got off his ass to do them. Glancing reluctantly at the microwave clock it read one-thirty, at least there would be a little time for him to sleep before he had to begin his Sunday errands. Piling the dished into the sink as the hot water filled it with soapy goodness, Shaine sighed heavily. Things weren’t going as he wanted, but for the most they were looking a little better than they had previously.

He tried to hum a little tune as he slowly washed the dishes, he didn’t understand why he had so many it wasn’t like he was home too much. From being a full time student at the Saint Mary’s Catholic private college and the on-and-off again relationship with the sadist ‘boyfriend’ of his, Shaine didn’t know how he pulled things off. Sour thoughts filled his head as he thought about Nicholas, the twenty-three year old college drop out worked at a porn shop somewhere down town and formed a fetish for beating his partners into submission and boy had Shaine been the unlucky one to discover the hidden signs.

Sure at first it was kinky, but not for an everyday performance and soon enough he had found himself afraid of the older man, avoiding any kind of contact and trying hard not to anger the sometimes short tempered man. Things had gotten better after awhile, Nicholas learned how uncomfortable Shaine was, but when he had let up it left Shaine feeling more alone than he had ever been before. So he did what he did best, he submitted.

Cursing under his breath, Shaine cleaned out the sink before wiping his hands on his jeans, those thoughts would be the death of them if he didn’t stop thinking them. Unplugging the video games from the television he put them again in their proper place, cleanliness was happiness as his nana used to put it. The studio was deathly silent besides the rhythmic sounds of Jacob’s breathing and soon enough he found himself biting back the yawn in his throat. He was still exhausted from the sleep he had been avoiding as of late.

Grabbing a few pillows off his bed Shaine carefully placed one under Jacob before laying down not too far away and focusing his attention on his ceiling. There was nothing about it that was interesting but the way the people had done the spackle paint it was like a maze waiting to be followed. He was always able to clear his mind and find his thoughts better when it was only the natural sounds around him and tonight was no different. Shaine smiled as he thought about the many possibilities that lay waiting in the future, all the roads left uncrossed that would be traveled.

Yawning for a second time he lazily looked to his companion who was unsuspecting and sleeping peacefully, it made Shaine’s heart warm and he couldn’t understand quite what he was beginning to feel. It wasn’t completely lust, because he had already experience pure lust on a few occasions, but the feeling was as if something was going to happen that would change his life forever. Closing his eyes after a few moments of heated staring, he swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to relax as best he could.

There are things in life that couldn’t be changed, situations that happen that can’t be forgotten, but it is the joy in life that makes all the bad things become insignificant and eventually fade. Not all people think this way, but it’s the ones who do that will live the lives they dream of, it is them that make hope just that much stronger.


Sunday had come and gone like a fleeting memory and that night Jacob went home with a smile on his face an a phone number and address in his hand. The two of them agreed that hanging out in the future would be a good idea and neither regretted the actions leading up to their farewells, well maybe except for Jacob towards Shaine’s touchy feely attitude. The school week past by quickly for the younger boy, homework, studying, hanging out with his friends, and chatting with Shaine occasionally on the phone kept him busy for the most part.

However, somebody else thought of it as a sign of irresponsibility and possibly a small scandal of its own. Yes, you probably guessed it right, Jacob’s girlfriends since sophomore year, Katherine Powell. Now don’t think bad about her, she’s a nice kid, naïve and overprotective, but nice. She was an ordinary girl with an ordinary life seeking extraordinary thrills and adventures. A year younger than Jacob and in the top fifteen percent of her class, she had the smile one couldn’t resist and the perfectly straight dark red hair that caught almost everyone’s attention. The girl had bit off more than she could chew her senior year, but she was too stubborn to let anyone take what was hers, Jacob was included with this.

Every morning she would meet him near the bus bay, flash him her perfect smile and give him a simple chaste kiss. It was like clockwork, an empty routine that he followed without any thought about it. What straight, sane guy wouldn’t want a girl like her? Katherine’s frustration had been evident by the broken routine but nobody blamed her, Jacob had other things on his mind, unspeakable things and he would pay for it, Kelly would make sure of it. Her pestering him constantly drover Jacob and his friends absolutely bonkers, but then again he did nothing to ease her mind so like expected, she continued to whine, complain, and sometimes even scream.

Speaking of friends, Jacob was currently sitting bored on the city bus waiting for his stop to come so he could visit Sebastian, his good friend who was wasting his time working part time at Esther’s - a small homey restaurant near the intersections by Dobson Road and Thirty-first Avenue. Sebastian was like a brother to Jacob, he was someone who was a friend worth having. The boy was a senior at Longwood High School, the same school Jacob was attending. Sebastian wasn’t quite a nerd, but he had the intelligence to put some teachers to shame. However how smart he was failed to compete with his obsessive nature.

Jacob could still clearly remember the time during junior high when Sebastian tried to convince Jacob that jumping off a roof into a pool couldn’t hurt him. When he wasn’t able to convince the younger boy, he decided to show Jacob. Sebastian jumped alright, he broke his left arm and shattered his right thigh bone. It was a touchy subject, but not even a week after his physical therapy had ended did he get right back up onto the roof to try again, this time however, Sebastian made it. Go figure that the smartest boy Jacob knew had absolutely no common sense.

Pulling the cord, Jacob shook his head and waited for the bus to stop at the designated place, sometimes his friend was just too crazy for his taste. Getting off the bus, he headed towards the diner, Sebastian and him had a ‘date’ to hang out and catch up, there was no time to hang out when you were working your butt off for a future college fund. Opening the door sounded the small bell and sharp eyes hidden behind glasses looked up immediately spotting Jacob and smiling, it meant that work was over and he could leave. Sebastian gave Jacob a high five before taking off his apron and calling out to his mom - the owner. More coincidences huh? The two boys left the small restaurant like bats out of hell, neither of them wanted to spend another moment there unless they wanted to be suckered into working by Sebastian’s mother.

“Its about time you showed up Jacob,” Sebastian said as they neared his old and beat up car. “I was about to think that you decided not to come.”

“Of course I decided not to come,” Jacob replied halfheartedly. “I wanted you to suffer, but remember that you took my backpack with all of my oh so important books.”

Sebastian punched Jacob as they stopped, their laughing evident of the made joke. “We call those books porno’s dude, and I say I didn’t know you liked the dudes better than the chicks.”

That earned Sebastian a hard shove as the two of them climbed into the car. It had been a running joke since Jacob told him the story about Shaine, and you better believe that Sebastian was having the time of his life rehashing his buddy’s embarrassing moments. Starting the car Sebastian drove out of the parking lot and began the twenty minute drive back to his house, the tow of them wee having a little study session with the girls and they bother were absolutely dreading it.

“So tell me again why we are doing this at my house?” He said a little irritated as he turned on his radio.

“Because I don’t want to be alone with Katherine,” Jacob grumbled. “Besides you’re doing it out of the kindness of your cold black heart.”

The older boy laughed as he eased his car to a stop at a red light. “Either that or you give the best head in all of Longwood High history.”

“Go fuck yourself!” Jacob growled, “why don’t you cut it out with the queer jokes for once! I told you that nothing happened! I’m straighter-- I’m straighter than your ass!”

“You’re such a party pooper Jacob. I swear you have something up your ass, or lack of it.” Sebastian started laughing again as he continued to drive, he couldn’t help but pester Jacob, it was so much fun. Besides, the younger boy was too uptight, he either needed to lay Katherine or go find a lovely prostitute to wet his dick.

The rest of the ride was silent except for the radio and the constant snickers that Sebastian fought back, it wasn’t really helping Jacob’s mood too well but he could handle his friend. He just didn’t want to deal with his so called ‘girlfriend’ at the moment. The study session turned out to be a worse idea than either of the boys planned. Sure Katherine and Sebastian’s long time gal pal Stacy showed up, but Katherine was a force to be reckoned with. Not even five minutes after he and Sebastian showed up she had began her interrogation. Why didn’t Jacob call? Why didn’t he return her calls? Where was he in the mornings when he was supposed to meet her?

“Is there someone else Jacob?” she screamed pounding her fists on the coffee table. “Are you cheating on me with some bitch from school? It’s Jessica isn’t it?”

“Shut the hell up you overprotective bi-polar bitch!” It had been Sebastian who finally broke, his dark brown eyes ablaze with more than just anger. “That’s my sister you’re talking about and my friend you’re screaming at! We’re all tired of your shit so why don’t you just leave already? You’re not welcomed in my home if you don’t shut your damned trap! I’m sorry Stacy but you gotta take your friend before I kick her ass myself!”

No words wee said as Stacy grabbed her friend’s hand and led her out of the house. Jacob’s eyes were wide in shock from his friend’s outburst and the minute they heard the closing of the front door, they let out a sigh of relief. The wicked witch of the west had left the building.

“God I don’t know how you put up with that day in and day out,” Sebastian groaned running his fingers through his hair.

“She’s usually calmer,” Jacob mumbled. “I’ll call her tonight and apologize for not giving her the allotted amount of attention required.”

Laughter broke out from the den and the two boy’s relaxed as they turned on the television. It was Topless Tuesdays on cable, an encore presentation of course and they really needed to take their minds off of reality. Well Sebastian needed to, but Jacob on the other hand watched out of boredom. He wasn’t really interested in the show like he used to be, it just wasn’t appealing to him anymore. Somehow he had changed.


The next chapter will be posted as soon as I finish writing it! I appreciate any and all comments ^_^ Love ya!
