Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Games and Love ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This is my property, no stealing! Copywrighted!

Of Games and Love

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Three

Bells rang like buzzers in the afternoon signaling to the students that class had now ended and that the first period lunch had just begun. Jacob trailed behind his friends and fellow classmates as he sluggishly put his folders into his backpack. The weekend had gone by quickly and now that Monday had come he wished that he’d stayed home. Putting a strap over his shoulder, Jacob ran his fingers numbly though his matted and somewhat tangled hair. There would be nothing exciting for him to experience, life just wasn’t meant to be any fun, he wasn’t that lucky.

Leaving the now empty classroom the teenage boy walked silently towards the vending machines. He had enough for a soda and something sweet, maybe even a hot sandwich if Toby was still working in the cafeteria. Turning to the machines, Jacob fished into his pocket for the loose change that he tossed in them earlier that morning. Even though he hadn’t been thirsty a moment ago, now he felt as though he would die from dehydration. His movements were feverish as he placed a few coins into the machine, the air was thick around him and it was making him nervous, almost jittery.

He had spent a lot of time thinking about the changes that he’d undergone since the night in the rain. It unnerved him that Shaine had found so much interest in him and it made Jacob blush. He wasn’t really surprised that the college freshman swung both ways, but he had bit the bullet right off, telling Shaine that he didn’t like boys the way he did and all Shaine did was laugh. Sure the older boy didn’t overstep his boundaries, yet Jacob knew the boy’s personality type and he figured that it wouldn’t be long until Shaine’s control wore thin. Besides, how could he be interested in men when Jacob was dating Katherine since forever? It only added evidence to his case and eased his mind.

Just as the last coin fell into the designated slot a tanned hand shot out from behind him and pinned his own hand to the machine, it made Jacob cried out in shock as he turned around, his blue eyes were wide with fear. A familiar smile as shaggy black hair shook from laughter was seen, Jacob was like a mouse caught in a trap. The older boy came closer to him, a predatory smile on his face illuminating his vibrant green eyes.

“W-what are you doing here?” Jacob asked trying to hide his shock but failing miserably.

“Obviously talking to you,” the older boy replied coyly. “Do you have a problem with it my pet?”

“Shaine leggo of me!” Jacob hissed tugging at his useless appendage. “Someone might see us!”

“Oh no not someone?!” He said sarcastically as he exaggeratedly looked around as if he was paranoid. “Whatever shall I do if they see me?”

Shoving the older boy away, Jacob glared daggers at Shaine, he didn’t understand that things were different. Jacob wasn’t as carefree, he wasn’t gay -or bi, and he didn’t appreciate all the sexual attention. Jacob had already explained as much for fuck’s sake, but yet he couldn’t find himself saying no. Shaine only laughed at Jacob before brushing off his uniform shirt, the dark colored vest with the Saint Mary’s school logo on the breast. He looked stunning, intelligent and oh so cocky, but Jacob would never admit it to anyone and quickly brushed the thoughts from his mind. He was supposed to be mad at Shaine, not trying to check him out.

“Get over yourself,” he growled turning around to push the button with the picture of Mountain Dew and retrieving it from the dispenser. “What the hell do you want anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be at school yourself?”

Letting a lopsided smile come to his face, Shaine ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, but it’s Monday, who needs to learn about men who obviously can’t get laid? Well no me, so I ditched my classes for the day to hang out--Anyway, come one lets get going.”

“Oh hell no! I’m not going anywhere with you,” the younger boy spat.

“Quit being so anal all the time jeez,” Shaine said rolling his eyes. “It’s not like I’m going to molest you or anything. I don’t do boys who date girls, they have evil nasty girl cooties!”

Jacob knew that Shaine was messing with him but he couldn’t help but frown and glare at the older boy. Shaine sure as hell knew how to push the right buttons, but there was no way that Jacob was going to ditch his classes just to hang out with Shaine, and there was no chance that he was going to change his mind either. Bored with the silence, Shaine decided that it was time to leave, if Jacob didn’t want to be friendly then he’d go find someone else willing to hang out with him. Someone nicer and a hell of a lot better looking. Walking away from the younger boy, he tossed an indifferent wave in the air and headed towards his car which was parked outside the school grounds.

“Whatever dude,” he said carelessly. “Peace out, I’m gone. I’ll just go bug someone else who likes my company. Maybe Sarah or Nicholas wouldn’t mind hanging out with this free spirit. Call me when you want to apologize for being so uptight.”

The older boy left without another word and Jacob stood frozen in place. Shaine sure as hell knew how to hit a sore spot, he knew how much Jacob despised Nicholas. It was true that he had yet to meet the said man, but from the stories Jacob would gladly punch Nicholas in the face if he ever did meet him. Nobody deserved to be with someone who found pleasure in pain, inflicting it willingly or not. Not noticing that time kept going on as he stared at nothing in particular, it wasn’t long until the bell rang signaling the end of his lunch period. He cursed under his breath trying to rid himself of the blush hew knew was on his cheeks. He had realized that he spent his whole lunch thinking of Shaine. He had wasted his lunch pathetically arguing with a drama queen and his stomach growled reminding him of the stupidity displayed. Jacob was going to have a hell of a time making it through the rest of the day without a certain someone on his mind or the pain knowing that he was hungry. His stomach would reek havoc later. Revenge was never sweet.


Grumbling he sat down at the nearest booth and crossed his arms over his chest. Sometimes he found himself wondering why he spent so much time trying to corrupt Jacob, it was just like running around in random circles. Then of course he would simply smile and think about the prize at the end of the tunnel. All of his ‘hard’ work would eventually pay off. So he didn’t really have to worry about it so much. Letting a small smile come to his face as the waitress handed him a menu he winked, even if he didn’t like girls, personally he believed it was nice to let them feel good about themselves. Well most of the time anyway.

“Would ya’ like anything else sugar?” He was positive that she was in her late thirties, but he smiled none the less.

“Yeah,” he would like Jacob on a sliver platter. “How about an ‘All-American cheeseburger with fries and some iced-tea?”

The woman gave Shaine a toothy grin and left him alone, he needed to think of a new plan. He was becoming surprisingly impatient with the younger boy. He wanted to laugh as he recalled telling Jacob he was bi- sure it wasn’t true, but he needed to take some of the paranoia off Jacob, the boy was so skittish about the subject that it was almost annoying. It was a short wait till the waitress came back, his food on a tray that was held by one hand and her hip and the moment he saw his food he felt his stomach churn. He wasn’t hungry any longer, his appetite had fled him.

He sighed heavily as he poured some ketchup on the glass plate sitting in front of him, his day was already starting to look down and the ominous feeling only left him guessing that the worst had yet to come. Playing with the golden fry as if it was a paintbrush and the red ketchup his paint, he rested his chin in the palm of his free hand, he had so much time to kill but no idea what to kill it doing. Bored and thinking of possibilities of actives he popped the fry into his mouth before picking up another. He was going to have a long day ahead of him.

Shaine was lost in deep thought and didn’t notice the feel of someone’s heated stare until a large hand came down and covered his eyes. His back stiffened as his wrist which held the fry was grabbed and raised, there was an overwhelming fear taking hold of his stomach. His head was against a well toned chest and he tried to pull his arm away but the strength of his unknown ‘attacker’ was superior to his own. A pair of hot and moist lips captured Shaine’s index and thumb and sucked gently, a tongue teasing the appendages skillfully.

His face was hot with embarrassment as he fought back the groan in his throat. Whoever it was knew what they were doing. Shaine’s breath hitched as he felt his cock stir and begin to stiffen, he hadn’t felt such intense pleasure in a while, hell since the first time he masturbated in the shower after ‘meeting’ Jacob. Shaine opened his mouth to speak but the lips encasing his fingers sucked hard and a sultry moan spewed from his mouth, his need evident in his voice. He wanted to and probably did whimper as his fingers were released but not completely, the firm hand still held him and he already had the knowledge of the sexual preference and gender of his companion.

“Oh baby I knew you still were hot for me,” a baritone voice cooed seductively into his ear, the hot breath tickling his neck and making him shudder in pleasure. “Moan for me again baby, you know what daddy likes.”

“Please don’t punish me in public daddy,” Shaine said innocently trying to play along. “I’ll be good this time I promise.”

“Sarah told me you ditched classes today,” the man said tilting Shaine’s head to meet his eyes. “I knew I’d find you here if she wasn’t lying. I guess for once she wasn’t.”

Scooting over as the man nudged his arm, Shaine wanted to frown. He knew better than to believe that Sarah willingly told Nicholas that he ditched school. Shaine knew that two of them talking civilized to each other would be completely non-existent and that mean only one thing. Nicholas was stalking him again. Grabbing his plat and shielding it from the said boy, Shaine tried his best to shoot an angry glare at Nicholas. Unluckily it only came out as irritation which the older boy paid no attention to.

“Why are you really here Nicholas?” Shaine almost growled as he popped a few fries into his mouth and chewed feverishly.

Brown eyes narrowed suspiciously as they watched him, Shaine was absolutely positive now about his hunch, the signs that Nicholas tried to hide were thick in the air. Scooting away from the older man next to him, he became uneasy, he had a feeling that things would only get worse from then on as long as Nicholas was there with him.

“I don’t like what I see.” Nicholas said bluntly.

“Well jeez thanks,” a sarcastic remark was his reply as Shaine picked at his cheeseburger. “Next time you wanna talk to me I’ll remember to wear a bag over my head. God forbid you have to deal with my haggardness.”

Nicholas let out an angry growl as he turned to face Shaine and the younger boy’s blood froze. He slid closer to Shaine and gripped his chin with his fingers, forcing green eyes to hold his gaze.

“You and I both know that’s not what I mean Shaine,” he whispered harshly. “I’m talking about that new boy you’re fooling around with. He’s no good for you! We should be together Shaine, me and you we make a great pair! I know that you sill want me, I can feel it in my blood.”


The older boy’s free hand ran along Shaine’s thigh and his words were cut off. His mind had shut down at the gentle teasing hand and the both of them knew that the point Nicholas was trying to get across had validating evidence. His hand traveled father and Shaine couldn’t hear anything but the rapid pounding of his heart, his arms and legs in a subconscious paralysis. Shuddering as Nicholas’ hand massaged his thigh he wanted to moan as his legs parted, his mind may have been screaming with protest, but his body wasn’t.

“See what did I tell you,” Nicholas whispered, his breath merely inches from Shaine’s lips. “I know how hard I make you. I know how much you want me to suck you off and leave you writhing in pleasure underneath me. Don’t deny yourself Shaine, lemme give you what you really want.”

Shaine whimpered almost silently as his lower half arched into Nicholas’ touch, the older boy had magical fingers and the faintest brush of those big fingers left him harder than a rock. He could feel his pants loosen as Nicholas unbuttoned them and he could feel the vibrations that his zipper made as it was pulled down. The older boy’s lips pressed gently against Shaine’s as a calloused hand crept into his trousers and touched his throbbing penis. Shaine’s breath hitched and he closed his eyes as Nicholas’s tongue slid into his mouth, he was losing control of his body to pleasure.

“Please--” He didn’t want to continue but he couldn’t make him stop.

Nicholas began stroking Shaine’s hard cock roughly and the younger boy’s vision danced, it wouldn’t be long now. His throat was dry and he was positive that somebody somewhere was watching, disgust plainly shown on their face, but all he could do was grip Nicholas’ shoulders and pull the man closer. There was a fire in his body demanding to be quenched and as Nicholas skillfully teased his sensitive tip, he felt as though he would just die. He clawed at the older boy, but it didn’t work, Nicholas only groaned and stroked harder, his own pulsating member pressing into Shaine’s thigh.

Managing to release himself from Nicholas’s searing kisses, Shaine tried pushing him away, his breathing coming in heavy pants. The hunger in Nicholas’ eyes were like looking into a blood thirsty animal’s and Shaine couldn’t breathe. Somehow he managed to convince the older boy to leave, but it came at a price, he was leaving too and with him. Fishing out some money from his pocket, Shaine threw down a twenty before being practically dragged out of the diner. He would have to pay the price for wanting to be with Jacob, he would pay for having a wink mind around Nicholas.


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