Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Games and Love ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This is my property, no stealing! Copywrighted!

Updated: 10-30-05

Of Games and Love

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Four

“This is exactly why I told you to stay away from him Shaine. He’s no good and besides he always leaves you with a new present.”

An angry dark pink haired girl with brown eyes watched Shaine with sympathy, he had called her after the ordeal with Nicholas and she had dropped everything to come see him. Her name was Sarah and the two of them had been a pair since junior year. She had been with Shaine during his rough times and here she was right back into the drama that she had been willingly sucked into. Shaine winced as the damp cloth touched his chest, he hadn’t meant to let Nicholas drag him to his house, but somehow that’s where he ended up. No matter how much he said he wouldn’t, somehow Shaine had no self control around the older boy, but yet it was understandable.

“Well maybe secretly I long for your touch,” Shaine cooed too sweetly as he rested his hand over Sarah’s.

“Lets test that theory of yours out then.” Sarah ran her free fingers seductively threw his hair as she slid closer to Shaine.

Her lips pressed gently against his jaw and her tongue flicked out over tanned skin. Snickers could be heard coming from the boy whose lap she was currently sitting on and she shamelessly rested her head on his shoulder trying to fight back her own fit of childish giggles. Climbing off Shaine and rushing her dark pink hair out of her eyes, she gave the younger boy a Cheshire smile as she saluted him with her middle finger.

“Aye cap’in,” she announced rather loudly. “Tis negative, yer soldier ain’t moved. I swears he’s broke, I swears!”

“He’s not broken private,” Shaine laughed cupping himself threw his shorts playing along. “He just doesn’t want to come out and play with you. I think your boobs is what intimidates him. Ya’ know what they say about size, its everything!”

Hard laughter followed not too long after and Sarah began finishing with Shaine’s treatment. The cuts would heal in a matter of days, however, the bruises would last weeks. There was no awkward silence between then, it wasn’t like it hadn’t happened before. On the contrary, this time it was milder than normal. Sexist and perverse jokes along with witty remarks were tossed back and forth and the mood stayed cheerful. Shaine and Sarah had a mutual agreement since forever, they were closer together than lovers; they were like exact carbon copies save for their genders of course. Although sometimes it was hard to tell just exactly who was the “man” or the “woman” in their unnatural friendship.

When the first aid trash had been picked up and tossed away, Sarah tidied up Shaine’s bed before plopping down lazily on the floor where Shaine was sitting. He easily assumed the position as he laid outstretched on the carpet, his head in Sarah’s folded lap. It was time for “pillow talk” or as Shaine liked to call it, Sarah’s “you’d better tell me what’s happening in your life with your open lust crushes or I’ll force it out of you” talks. In all honesty he didn’t really mind gossiping to her, but it was basically the same things said over and over again and even he believed that it was annoying sometimes. Closing his eyes as Sarah’s gentle fingers began to softly brush through his shaggy hair, her somewhat long nails dragging against his scalp, the teenager sighed. He had to admit she knew how to take away the stress, the evil conniving bitch.

“So what’s his name?” His friend asked off handedly as she watched Shaine, he always wore his expressions on his face with her because she knew when he was putting up a front.

“His name?” He repeated the question to himself. “Jacob-Jacob Fischer. Cute boy, you’d like him. Still thinks he’s straight poor kid.”

Her fingers stilled for a moment as she registered what Shaine had said, but they started again as if it was nothing, which it was. Sarah understood why he did the things he did, but some times she wanted Shaine to leave the straight boys alone. It wasn’t always a good personality trait to go around turning boys because somebody somewhere wouldn’t appreciate Shaine’s actions and would retaliate. Shaking her head, Sarah continued to listen.


A blonde hair, blue eyed girl groaned impatiently as Jacob and Sebastian came rushing through the hallway in a heated argument. No looks were tossed to her and she figured that it had something to deal with Katherine, it always was the case when they hurried past her without a faint hello. The girl frowned hearing the said girl’s name pass from Jacob’s lips, the girl was becoming quite a nuisance. Hell she didn’t understand why Jacob didn’t (a) yell at Katherine; (b) dump the pathetic girl; or c., screw her and get it over with, though she couldn’t really say that she favored B the best, well out loud at least.

“You know ignoring me won’t solve your problems!” She called out expecting for the two boys to keep going on their merry way with angry looks on their faces.

Instead however, Sebastian stopped and glanced back at her and smiled a coy smile as he elbowed Jacob in the ribs. The other boy turned around saying something inaudible for her to hear to Sebastian before the two boys headed in her direction. It looked as though the two of them had been conspiring together and for a moment she believed that she was Caesar, the mighty ruler of Rome.

“Hey Jesse,” Jacob said innocently waving to her. “I’ve got a question for you.”

“Are you wanting me to whisk you away to some Caribbean island in a coconut bikini and be your servant girl while attending to your every beck and call because I already told you I’m booked for the next three months. Besides, you’ve got cold hands.”

“Please don’t hit on my friend Jesse,” Sebastian groaned giving her the evil eye. “You know it bugs me to hear such foul language coming from my beloved sister.”

“Oh bite me dough boy!” She growled irritably. She was older than him by five minutes and his comments were unwanted, he was being an asshole. She wasn’t flirting with Jacob and it was gross to even think of doing it since the boy was practically family. She wasn’t turned on by the thoughts of incest.

Jacob didn’t hesitate to jump in between the two siblings and beginning his intended conversation with Jessica. He needed a girl’s point of view on his situation with Katherine and he didn’t really want to listen to Sebastian’s input. At first she looked uncomfortable, but it passed and when she gave her answer, he wanted to pound his head against the wall. It was no use. She had given him the same answer and sometimes he really wondered if they were telepathic, twins were a scary team. The three of them stood there chatting and joking for the longest time until Jacob glanced down at his watch and paled.

“Crap I’m late!” Jacob gave a sympathetic look as he said his quick goodbye’s and rushed out of his friend’s house.

Katherine had been bugging him constantly to take her out on a date and even though he didn’t want to, she was his girlfriend. Normally he would have taken the bus to her house, but she urged him to bring his aunt’s care, she wanted a real date. Climbing into the Buick, he turned on the ignition and flew down the street, he didn’t want to deal with her when she was angry because if she was upset enough, she’d get violent. now it wasn’t like the leave bruises and breaking bones violent, yet she was surprisingly strong for a girl and he didn’t need the headache.

Glancing down skeptically at his watch, Jacob groaned, then minutes late and he still had another five miles to go. He could already hear her voice as she yelled at him, her hands pressed firmly against her hips and her back rigid, she would and could scream at him until she was blue in the face, or until she felt that he had had enough time receiving ‘punishment’ later. Honestly he didn’t understand just why he was all of a sudden tired of his long time girlfriend, but he was and it annoyed him to no end. It wasn’t because he didn’t like her still because he did, he cared deeply about her it just wasn’t in the same way that he once had. The thoughts made him feel guilty as he turned onto Katherine’s street, he would suck it up and at least try to be the best boyfriend that he could be.

As he pulled over to a stop he could see her sitting patiently on her porch steps, her red hair pulled up into cute pigtails, a sad expression on her face. Calling out to her, Jacob waited as she jumped to her feet and sprinted to the car before going to the passenger side and climbing in. The first thing Jacob thought to do as Katherine buckled herself was to lean over and place a chaste kiss on her cheek, she deserved that much, well plus an explanation of course.

“You’re fifteen minutes late Jacob,” She said flatly keeping her gaze on her hands which rested on her lap.

He ran his fingers through his hair before reaching over and taking her petite hands into his own, the irritation he felt had melted away and became guilty and pity. He just couldn’t feel that electric spark with her anymore, it was gone like the leaves in a fall breeze.

“Kathy I’m so sorry,” he said sincerely as he squeezed her hand. “I wasn’t paying attention to the clock, forgive me?”

Her smile was soft and she nodded, it wasn’t the reaction that he was expecting but he was more than grateful she hadn’t raised her voice, it was always a turn off. Jacob watched in silence as Katherine’s hand slipped from his hold only to leave a feather’s touch against his face. Her eyes were sparkling with something he couldn’t comprehend. He opened his mouth to say something but his words were lost as Katherine closed the space between the two of them, brushing her lips against his own. At first he was surprised by her boldness but it wasn’t like she wouldn’t take what she wanted, if he was her he would have done the same, just not with her as his target.

His hand touched her chin as she deepened the kiss, her delicate tongue dancing across his lips wanting attention before slipping into his mouth and immediately dueling with his tongue. He wasn’t the type of boy to let a girl dominate him in any sexual way. Jacob could feel something stirring in his stomach, it was something that he had never felt near Katherine before and he had to pull himself away before he lost control. Resting his forehead on hers, his breath came out in heavy pants, he was watching the girl before him with gray eyes as her tongue darted out of her mouth to teasingly brush over her already wet lips.

“We should get going before we miss the movie,” he whispered to her trying hard to hide the eagerness to discontinue their actions.

“If we miss it we can always catch the next one Jacob,” she replied coyly as her fingers touched his arm. “You know that, we’ve done it plenty of times before.”

Of course he knew that she was right, they had been together since sophomore year and actively intimate since summer before senior year started. There was hundreds of things that he could use as an excuse to go to the movies, to keep from touching his girlfriend as much possible, but he couldn’t say them. He refused to give her a line and expect her to go along with it. Mentally cursing himself, Jacob glanced away from Katherine, none of this had happened before he met Shaine, he hadn’t felt weird and awkward around her until after he met the college freshman. In a way he wanted to prove to himself as well as Shaine that nothing anyone could do would make his mind and heart waiver. He wasn’t attracted to men, or to Shaine, Jacob was as straight as they came if not more and even though his subconscious mind had doubts, he brushed them from his head. He wasn’t gay and that was that.

“Are your parents home?” He asked suddenly, his eyes locking onto hers.

Katherine shook her head in confusion until Jacob place a chaste kiss on her lips and tuned off his car. Her smile couldn’t have been any bigger as she climbed out and followed behind her boyfriend, they weren’t going to go see a movie anymore and she knew it. However what she didn’t know was what exactly was ridding on this night for Jacob because even he didn’t know.

Jacob wasted no time entering Katherine’s empty house, the said girl following close behind him. He had made up his mind once and for all that he would show that there was no way that he was gay, that he was happy or at least content with being with his girlfriend. Clothes had been tossed haphazardly onto the ground as lips crashed upon each other, an inextinguishable fire exploding as he pushed Katherine roughly onto the bed. Ironically her bedroom was the first door to the right so it hadn’t taken very long to arrive, their hands roaming each other as if there was no tomorrow.

Everything was happening fast between the two of them, yet Jacob was set on a plan, pleasuring the girl moaning with abandon underneath him. He didn’t think, he acted and it wasn’t long till he had Katherine writhing and practically screaming for some kind of release as he expertly tortured her clitoris with both his tongue and his fingers, it was nothing but actions. Her first orgasm had come and gone like a tidal wave yet he hadn’t finished with her. Jacob roughly turned Katherine onto her stomach, forcing her onto her hands and knees as he played with her clitoris with his penis. He was acting purely on animal instincts and didn’t even recognize his girlfriend’s cry of surprise as he rammed his cock into her throbbing core, pounding with a lion’s lust. The only thoughts that flooded through his mind were how he had to prove Shaine wrong, how he had to save his dignity and pride from the blood thirsty piranhas that threatened to swallow him whole.

His muscles strained as he heard Katherine’s scream of release and the feel of her body going numb and slumping onto the mattress, his half-erect cock sliding out from her reddened and abused core. Her breathing was rapid and as he listened to it even out and it was more than evident that she was sound asleep, Jacob felt his blood run cold. He hadn’t climaxed, he hadn’t thought about her even once, his mind had been on Shaine the entire time. Jacob scrambled out of Katherine’s bed, tossed on his pants and fled, he felt as though he cry. All he wanted to do was cry.


E/N: Okay that's all for this chapter. I'm getting started on writing the next so don't know when I'll update next! If you like it please review! I adore them!

