Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Games and Love ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This is my property, no stealing! Copywrighted!

Updated: 11-12-05

Of Games and Love

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Five

He didn’t know what to do after he left the comforts of Katherine’s home like a bat out of hell, but he couldn’t stay there. Something had happened that never occurred for him before and it left him scared and confused. He was almost certain that he would have to face up to his fears sooner or later, but he couldn’t allow himself to believe that the ‘event’ that transpired was nothing but a mere fluke. That was the only explanation for Jacob. Clouds crowded the sky and despite that it was already pitch black, he could feel a storm coming, the weather was beginning to reflect his current mood.

Jacob hadn’t even realized that he was in his car until he felt the sudden jolt of the engine starting. His mind wasn’t clear and he didn’t know where to g, but he knew that he had to get far away. H was being suffocated. No attention was paid to the speed limit as he drove quickly down the road, the small droplets of water starting to dance along the windshield of his Aunt’s Buick. All he could think about was how he needed to get away, to hide his tears of frustration until he was far enough from everyone so he could scream his anguish and frustration in peace. It wasn’t long until the rain was pouring down in sheets so thick that Jacob thought he might have to pull over and endure the storm. However, he knew that there was no way that he’d be able to pull over now, not yet anyway. The roads he went down weren’t recognizable yet he turned onto them as if they were old back roads once traveled years or even months before.

There were so many things on his mind, things that before now were nothing but half-assed jokes between best buds. It was somehow becoming a harsh reality to Jacob now and he wasn’t so sure that he would be able to handle it. He wished that he had stood up to Katherine, that somehow he had never met Shaine, that maybe he could have died in the rain that one night that changed his life and turned it so inside out that he couldn’t tell his hand from his foot anymore.


Shaine sat comfortably on his bed, the large pillows surrounding him as if he was a castle and the pillows a moat. His green eyes were focused on the task at hand as his fingers gently turned a page. Sarah had left hours ago and her words had left a mark on him, mentally speaking that is. He was pretty sure that one day he would piss off the wrong crowd, he could feel it, but he didn’t want to think about it because to him it didn’t matter. Other people’s opinions of him didn’t matter, they were only selfish in the long run anyway.

His heater was running as he listened to the melody of the rain hitting metal. He always loved the rain, but hearing the thunder in the distance made him rethink wanting to go out in it. A smile came to his lips as he thought about the last time he was out in the rain, grant it that at the time he wasn’t happy but the end result had been meeting Jacob and that was a blessing all on its own. Shaking the thoughts from his mind, Shaine tried to refocus himself back into the temporary escape from reality. He needed to find an exit from his ordinary life in order to stay true to his heart. It sounded even corny to him as he thought about it, but he only smiled a sad smile as he curled himself deeper into his bed, the nice cozy heavy blankets warming his body. Sighing to himself, Shaine continued to read, he had all weekend to do nothing and it was a plan he intended to see through.

Minutes began ticking by and before he knew it, he was once again engrossed with the large paperback that rested in his hands. Every thought that wasn’t about the characters were forgotten and he felt himself beginning to relax, completely relax. That however, was long lived when there came a loud knock on his door. At first Shaine was hell bent on ignoring his unwanted visitor, and for the first ten minutes he had been doing a great job of it. But like everyone else in the world, Shaine had his limits. Finding a piece of paper, Shaine placed it in the book as a bookmark and laid his book on the bed. He knew that he would receive no peace from his visitor if he didn’t answer the door. Deciding to just bite the bullet, Shaine grumbled as he pulled on a pair of boxers that had been tossed haphazardly onto the floor, he liked to read nude; it made him feel more free. The knocking became louder still and he frowned, some people were so damn persistent.

“I’m coming hold your horses!” He called out snapping at the quest.

Unlocking the deadbolt, Shaine opened the door, the chain that was still clasped tightened, refusing to allow more than a few inches from the inside to be seen. It was cold outside and the gooseflesh soared through his cladly dressed form as the cold wind touched his exposed skin. Bright green eyes connected with brown and Shaine instantly wished that he hadn’t answered the door. Blonde hair was damp with water but the man on the other side of the door was completely dry, he hadn’t been out in the rain long.

“What are you doing here?” Shaine asked curtly as he glared at the man in front of him.

“I missed you baby,” Nicholas said sweetly. “Earlier was wonderful and since I know how much you like the rain I came to see you.”

“Nicholas,” Shaine groaned irritably, “I don’t want this. I don’t want to be with you! Earlier was a big mistake and I’d really appreciate it if you left me alone.”

“What are you trying to say?” It wasn’t really a question and the tone of his voice implied the anger that would surely follow.

“Don’t come around anymore!” Shaine exclaimed loudly. Couldn’t Nicholas understand go away? “I’m finished with you! Finished with us! It’s over!”

“But you need me!”

“I need you like I need a canker sore!” He was nearly screaming now and he was grateful that the chain was secure on his door otherwise Nicholas would have already forced his way in and given the younger boy the punishment of his life. “Now if you don’t leave right fucking now I’ll call the police!”

“You won’t do it Shaine,” Nicholas growled dangerously as his brown eyes narrowed furiously. “I know you and I know that you wouldn’t dare call those pigs on me. You need me!”

“The hell I do!” That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Shaine couldn’t believe that Nicholas was trying to intimidate him, to force fear onto him, but then again, he shouldn’t be too surprised. That was just how the older man acted when he didn’t get his way, but Shaine however had never been strong enough to defy the man before now. Maybe it was because he knew that he was protected from the older man by a simple chain, yet it was enough to make him realize that even though he was afraid, Nicholas didn’t know it.

Stomping away from the door, Shaine grabbed his phone and stood where he knew that Nicholas could see him and began dialing. He was afraid to really dial the police so he used the first three numbers to Sarah’s number, all he had to do was pretend and the man on the other side of the door would never know the difference. An angry growl rang out as well as a loud bang as something collided with the open door, probably a foot, but Nicholas had given in and left. Or at least that’s what Shaine had hoped for. Slamming his door shut, Shaine huffed as he walked into his kitchen grabbing a bottle of ginger ale from the fridge and popping the top on the counter top.

He didn’t want to deal with Nicholas’ bi-polar mood swings, it was frightening. Taking a few long gulps from the bottle, he tried to stop his hands from shaking, he still understood exactly how the older man had the power to make him so afraid that the fear of “god” was boiling in his veins, but he did and that was just it.

Drinking the rest of the bottle’s contents, he felt himself begin to relax again, ginger ale to him was like a muscle relaxer to an ordinary person. He dropped the bottle into the trash and was heading towards the bathroom to relieve himself when he heard a soft knock on the door. Anger filled him and Shaine was getting more than annoyed with Nicholas’ behavior. When would he learn that Shaine didn’t want him anymore? How pathetic was he for not moving on with his life like how everyone else in their own life did, like Shaine did.

“Oh my fucking god I swear I’ll--” He swung open his front door prepared to give Nicholas a piece of his mind, but what greeted him made his eyes widen in surprise and his voice falter. “Jacob?”

Jacob stood there, his entire body soaked from head to toe, his chestnut hair clinging to his face as his face was hidden from view. Shaine felt helpless as he stared at the younger boy. It was so unnerving that he felt his heart skip a beat or two. Calling the younger boy’s name gently, Shaine could feel the lump in his throat as Jacob’s gray-blue eyes locked onto his own and it was then that the emotions could be seen and felt as plain as day. Quickly Shaine tugged Jacob into the studio apartment and closed the door, he had to get him out of his wet clothes so he wouldn’t get pneumonia. Boy was this becoming a routine for him, yet this was not the time for perverse innuendos nor was it the place.

“Jacob what’s going one?” Shaine fetched a few towels immediately scurrying to where the boy stood to dry him off. “What are you doing here this late?”

“I couldn’t come,” it was a lifeless voice yet filled with so much emotion that it was like talking to someone who was told that there parents had passed away. “I tried to but I-I couldn’t come.”

Shaine frowned in confusion as he gently removed Jacob’s shirt and tossed it onto the kitchen floor. He wasn’t so sure that he understood what the younger boy was talking about, he couldn’t comprehend Jacob. Gray-blue eyes stared at him like spot lights as she brushed the towel against wet and cold flesh, it unnerved him, Jacob looked lost within himself, just lost. Telling Jacob to take off his shoes, socks, and pants, he went to his dresser and pulled out dry clothes for him to wear.

Jacob stood there exactly like he had when Shaine left his side, not moving an inch, doing nothing but watching the older boy. He pulled out a pair of large purple flannel pants, a pair of cotton boxers and a light t-shirt for Jacob and turning to face the younger boy, Shaine sighed. It was going to be difficult if Jacob refused to help him, help himself. Taking it upon himself, Shaine untied Jacob’s shoes and lifted the boy’s foot to peel both the show and sock off of both feet. He was beginning to become irritated with the younger boy’s behavior but he willed himself to stay calm. There must have been a reason why Jacob was acting the way he was because Jacob was usually so stubborn in a more lively kind of way.

“Sometimes I wonder Jacob,” Shaine said as he slowly unbuttoned and pulled down the zipper to the younger boy’s pants. “If I mean anything to you. I mean we’re always cool when we’re alone here at my place hanging out, but once we leave my studio you’re totally different. I’d appreciate it if you told me what is on your mind. I don’t bit ya’ know, well maybe not too hard.”

“I couldn’t come,” Jacob repeated again helplessly and this time Shaine listened carefully hearing ht boy’s tone. “I don’t know why but I couldn’t.. It has never happened to me before, not with Kathy.”

What he was saying finally clicked in Shaine’s mind and his blood ran cold. Jacob had been with his girlfriend Katherine, having sexy with the girl he proclaimed that he loved and couldn’t climax? He couldn’t shoot his load into the body he had been fucking like a lover should? What a blow to the ego. If he wanted to Shaine could try and convince Jacob that it was a sign of homosexuality, but the thought made the guilt surface in his stomach. He wasn’t trying to shatter Jacob’s heart and leave his life in ruins, Shaine didn’t have the hear to be that cruel. However, he wanted to show Jacob all there was in his life and even if he had originally planned it to be merely a game, it wasn’t looking that way anymore. Sure Shaine still told himself that it was, hell he told himself that it was every morning, but seeing Jacob like this set everything back. He refused to take advantage of a boy so lost in himself that one false move could destroy all innocence.

“Oh god I’m sorry,” Shaine said standing up and looking at Jacob with a sympathetic expression.

Tears began filling up in the younger boy’s eyes and threatening to fall. Shaine was lost for words as he opened his mouth and closed it like a drowning fish, this had been all his fault hadn’t it? His thumb gingerly swept across Jacob’s pale face collecting the tears that slipped from the younger boy’s eyes, he was helpless to cheer him up. Shaine didn’t know what to do and his instincts screamed for him to try and kiss the boy’s sadness and doubt away but he just couldn’t find himself doing it. He wasn’t some creep. Going against his better judgment, Shaine pulled Jacob to his bare chest, holding him close as he ran his fingers through wet chestnut hair. This was the best comfort that he trusted himself to give.

If Jacob needed to cry then Shaine would gladly hide him from the world until he was finished. He was going to have to find a different approach ont higns but that wasn’t Important at the moment. Right now what was important was the boy clutching him like a last lifeline, quiet sobs of apologies falling from his mouth. Shaine rested his chin on Jacob’s head, his free hand rubbing the boy’s back as he whispered comforting words. It was almost heart wrenching but he promised himself that he would always be there for Jacob when he needed someone. He didn’t ever want to see the younger boy like this again. Not ever again.


E/N: There was so much talky talky in this chapter, but it was so hard to write. I had like five different things that I wanted to happen in this chapter, but I figured this one was the best. DON'T YOU SEE THE ANGST? lol Well Nicholas he's a bitch, but I love him cuz he's wierd. That's all

Review please? *sniffles*
