Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Of Games and Love ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This is my property, no stealing! Copywrighted!

Don't own Old Yeller, Barbie, or “La Cucaracha”

Updated: 11-27-05

Of Games and Love

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Six

Jacob sat nervously on the faded couch, his aunt and uncle had freaked when he didn’t return home or call and he was waiting patiently for his punishment. He was pretty sure that they were mad, hell he was certain that they were beyond furious, but at the moment it didn’t seem as important. To be honest, he had a lot of things to deal with, most of them concerning his sexuality so not coming home the night before was almost as far from his mind as the date of his next history test.

Shaine had convinced Jacob to take him home with him, to help lessen any punishments and the younger boy was in a way really hoping that it worked. He didn’t need to be grounded, not now anyway, he had so much that he still needed to do. Sighing heavily, Jacob rested his head in his palms, his aunt and uncle were in the other room discussing what they were going to do with him and his cousin was sitting stretched out on the lazy boy chair picking at her nails. Rebecca wasn’t like many six-year olds, she was manipulative and hid her maturity well. She was a damn good spy and had her parents wrapped around her pinky. When she said jump, they asked how high.

Her dark brown hair had red highlights and her deep chocolate eyes drew any stupid idiot underneath the sheet that paid enough attention to her. As of the minute it was Shaine that had fallen under her trap. She had captured him hook, line, and sinker in under five minutes; a new record and the child’s eyes shinned with a malicious pleasure. A new friend had been turned into the little girl’s play toy. A part of him wanted to warn the older boy but an even bigger part of him wanted to see Shaine suffer. He felt that the said boy was to blame for his mixed feelings, so he would just keep his mouth shut on this one and see where it led him to.

Shaine ended up staying for dinner and it couldn’t have been anymore horrifying for Jacob if a mariachi band was playing “La Cucaracha” on his dinning room table in the nude. It hadn’t taken long for his aunt and uncle to become completely smitten with Shaine, and even going as far as inviting the said boy back over anytime he pleased. Jacob groaned and silently begged for someone to put him out of his misery like they had Old Yeller, because honestly he didn’t want anyone, especially his own family to encourage Shaine. The boy was bad enough already and Jacob had no desire to be forced to endure anymore ‘stress’.

Jacob had even called Sebastian later on though the person he ended up talking to was Jessica, Sebastian had been out on a date with Stacy and it made Jacob a little green with jealousy. Those two were getting rather close and it was taking its toll on his friendship with the older boy. Jessica listened to him rant and gave him advice, perverse, and biased advice, but it was better than nothing. All in all he hung up his phone and laid on his bed staring up at the ceiling. His life was becoming somewhat complicated and he wasn’t too keen of the direction that it was going in. His mother once told him that life was one giant roller coaster, but right now it was ridiculous.

Angry music flooded his ears and he sighed heavily, he couldn’t really be passive about the things going on because it could prove to be disastrous. Rolling over onto his side, Jacob closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep, he was going to have a long day ahead of him and he wanted to be prepared for anything that was possible. It didn’t take long for sleep to consume him and take him into a fantasy world of dreams where things weren’t crazy, but filled with subconscious desires and fears, all of which were about his feelings concerning Shaine.


The screams were loud and deafening from inside the large gymnasium and Jacob believed that his eardrums would burst from the loud noise. Students these days were so school spirited that he wanted to vomit, but then again what testosterone filled male wouldn’t be school spirited during an assembly when the dance classes dressed cladly and pranced around the gymnasium as if they were auditioning for a position at the nearest strip join? Rolling his eyes, he glanced over at Sebastian, he was with Stacy again and the two of them were holding hands. Jacob swore that they were practically joined at the hips and it was beginning to piss him off.

There were actually a lot of things pissing him off and it was like he was ‘on the rag’. The people around him had noticed the change and were beginning to avoid him, his close friends seemed reluctant to hang out with him and it only helped sour his attitude even more. He was becoming a grumpy old man in a few people’s eyes and the change was not for the better. Toby had gone as far as to suggest that Jacob needed to get the dick out of his ass and quit being a pansy, and lets just say that after the punch in the face, Toby wasn’t going to come around anymore.

Sebastian was less than thrilled with Jacob’s actions, but he did nothing to set things straight. He merely shook his head and minded his own business. That only made Jacob even more high strung and now listening to the senior STUGO members talking about an upcoming dance, he wanted to growl out his frustrations. NOBODY CARED! Some students around the gym began the wave, but as it came closer, Jacob crossed his arms over his chest and huffed angrily, he hated these assemblies, especially the dumb games the students played. If only they knew how stupid they looked, would they continue to do them?

“Do you think I could be a cheerleader Jacob?” Katherine asked curiously as she linked her arms through his.

The assembly had finally ended a few minutes before and Jacob had quickly grabbed his backpack and tried to flee without being stopped by anyone. Fat chance because Katherine had been waiting for him and the second she saw him, she latched onto him like a leech. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and the white t-shirt she wore was a size too small and had material paint on it which read: “Senior couples, Vote for Jacob Fischer and Katherine Powell”. It was more than certain that she and a few of her friends spent a week designing them and well he thought of it as a waste of time.

“No,” it was cold and blunt, but he didn’t care at the moment.

Her jaw nearly dropped as she looked at him, she hadn’t been expecting that answer, not from her loving boyfriend. Her nails dug into his arm and her eyes narrowed angrily, it hadn’t been the correct answer. Jacob was jerked back by her and he was tempted to shove her away, however he figured that it wouldn’t be such a good idea.

“What the hell is your problem?” Katherine was seething and if looks could kill he’d be dead a hundred time over tenfold. “You’ve been acting like a complete asshole since our last date! What gives?”

“It’s nothing,” he didn’t want to deal with her right now, all he wanted to do was go home and bang his head against the cement until it busted open and he bled to death. It would sure as hell be better than hanging around her and getting his eyes scratched out.

“Jacob Fischer don’t you dare stand there and tell me it’s nothing when there’s something obviously wrong with you!” Her voice had gone shrill and now was attracting attention from fellow classmates and underclassmen.

Jacob wanted to tear the hair from his head, she was making this a huge spectacle! His relationship with one of the Barbie wannabes wasn’t some live soap opera. It wasn’t his fault that she irritated him and if she wanted everyone to know what was going on, then so be it. Jerking his appendage out of Katherine’s vice grip, he took a threatening step closer to her, making her nervous and rethink her approach.

“Do you really wanna know Katherine?” His tone was dangerous but she nodded meekly anyway and he wanted to smile as he rose his voice. “I’m tired of you! All you do is bitch and moan about stupid shit and I can’t take anymore of it! If you want someone to listen to you go find one of your girlfriends because I’m through with you!”

With that he turned around and stormed off. There would be plenty of gossip and rumors floating around by morning and he didn’t feel like sticking around to hear the whispering begin. Exiting the campus, he caught Sebastian and Jessica heading in his direction, but he just turned and took a different direction home, he would give Sebastian a call later and apologize, but he didn’t want to talk to anybody unless they wanted a black eye. Deciding to take the quickest route home, Jacob went down a few alleyways, kicking anything that was close to his feet. He should really invest in a punching bag because he could use a little stress relive at the moment. Left alone with just his thoughts, he began to regret his actions. Sure it hadn’t been the best way to break things off with Katherine, but she had been asking for it. He was more than positive that she would call him later yelling and screaming at him and expecting him to beg for her to take him back, but he wasn’t going to. At the time being, single was looking rather good and there wasn’t anything that would change his mind. As of then he was swearing off dating chicks.

It hadn’t taken him longer than twenty minutes or so to reach his home and Jacob’s foul mood was subsiding. The car parked on the side of the road made him frown as he cut through the yard to get to the front door. Did his aunt and uncle have company over? Opening the door and walking inside, he called out for his guardians, he wasn’t used to the house being so quiet, it made him nervous. Heading into the living room he tossed his backpack onto the couch and glanced around, everything was where it was supposed to be, but where was everyone?

“Aunt May? Harold? Anyone?” He called out near the stairs, “I’m home! Anyone here?”

He climbed up the stairs slowly, it was as if he had stepped into an old horror movie and at any moment a crazy serial killer would jump out of his hiding place with a knife and stab him to death. He shuddered at the thought and swallowed the lump in his throat, he didn’t like where his imagination was taking him. Pushing his aunt and uncle’s bedroom door open, he mentally sighed, there was no dead bodies. One room down, three to go. Shutting the door, he turned around only to cry out in fear as a man in a hockey mask loomed over him with a sharp knife covered in blood clutched in his hand.

The weapon came down at him and the first thing Jacob did was punch the hockey masked person in the stomach and then he bolted down the stairs. He didn’t bother looking back till he reached the telephone about to dial the police when a childish laughter irrupted from behind a couch. Jacob was frozen in place as Rebecca rolled out from her hiding place covered in red laughing so hard that she might have peed her pants. He was lost for words as the man came down the stairs, a familiar chuckle ringing in his ears and when the mask was pulled off Jacob was greeted with black hair, tanned skin, and bright green eyes filled with mirth.

“W-What?” He couldn’t find the words to say, he was speechless.

“It’s nice to see you too princess,” Shaine smiled heading towards Jacob.

The hockey mask was tossed haphazardly onto the coffee table and green eyes stared curiously into blue-gray ones that were filled with surprise and confusion. Jacob’s six year old cousin ran over to Shaine’s side with a wide grin on her face and very excitedly spilled the beans on their plan. It was a little unnerving, but when his heart beat had evened out and he was able to process things, he frowned.

“Princess?” He asked, “w-wait, what are you doing here?”

“Yeah I’m trying names out,” Shaine joked rubbing the back of his neck. “And well your aunt called me a few minutes after my classes let out, she needed someone to watch ‘Becca here cause there was an emergency at the hospital and they needed her so I came right over.”

“Cap’n said that we can order pizza and play games till bed time,” Rebecca’s eyes were practically sparkling as her small fingers laced with Shaine’s. “And he said he’d even read me a bed time story!”

Jacob tried his hardest to smile, but something in the back of his mind told him to be cautious. He was already aware of what his cousin was capable of and a little of Shaine’s, he didn’t need the two of them plotting against him. Placing the telephone back onto its receiver, he let an exasperated sigh escape his mouth. He had punched Shaine and even screamed like a girl, his day hadn’t been a very good one and by the looks of it, it still could get by far even worse. Scratching his head, Jacob left the two and went upstairs into his room to change, he was pretty sure that he had sweated up a storm during that little horror movie fiasco.

He made sure to change quickly and run his fingers through his hair like a makeshift hairbrush before going back to the living room to keep an eye on the two children. His aunt and uncle didn’t need anything to be ‘accidentally’ broken or any misbehaving from either of them. His aunt had basically left him to baby sit both Shaine and Rebecca.

Pizza had eventually been ordered and eaten and Rebecca already was passed out on the living room floor surrounded by her stuffed animals. She had urged them to play house after her bath and in the midst of it, she laid down and was immediately out like a lamp. Shaine was currently beginning the task of cleaning up the mess and Jacob was putting all the left over pizza into the fridge. The younger boy had been wrong, the time he had spent with Shaine and Rebecca turned out better than expected and he was glad that it happened.

“Do you want me to get ‘Becca or do you wanna?” Shaine asked poking his head into the kitchen.

“Nah,” Jacob replied brushing his hands on his pants. “I’ll get her in a minute, she’s pretty tricky so I’ll do it.”

It didn’t take long for Jacob to pick up the girl and trek upstairs to her room and tuck her into bed. Shaine stood at the doorway leaning against the frame with his arms crossed over his chest and Jacob could feel his cheeks flush with heat. The way that he was gazing at him made his body temperature rise. Why he was reacting this way was beyond him but Jacob quickly rose to his feet and left the room trying his best not to touch the older boy.

Jumping onto the couch, Jacob seized the remote and began changing the channels. There were five-hundred and eighty-seven different stations and yet there was nothing on, typical for satellite television. A few moments passed by before the couch cushion dipped as Shaine sat down next to him, he could already feel the other boy’s eyes staring at him and Jacob was quickly becoming uncomfortable.

“So are you going to tell me what’s been bothering you or am I gunna have to wrestle it out of ya?” Shaine questioned almost seriously as a sly smirk pursed his lips.

“Am I that obvious?” Jacob touched the bridge of his nose trying to divert the coming headache.

“No, not really,” he replied off-handedly. “I’m just really good at reading people’s body language.”

There was a little suggestiveness hidden in his tone, but Jacob either chose to ignore it or didn’t catch it. Nothing was said for a moment, but Jacob turned to face Shaine, one of his legs folded underneath the other as he started to explain his day and why it was so horrible. The younger boy hadn’t meant to go into as much detail as he did, but once he started talking he couldn’t help himself. It was like turning on a faucet and forgetting how to turn it off as water rapidly filled a sink. Shaine didn’t seem to mind at all, if anything he looked as though he was engrossed in the tale which made it even harder for Jacob to stop. By the time he had finished, he felt like a small weight had been lifted off his chest and glancing up at Shaine he saw a sincere smile and he blushed at the intensity of the boy’s gaze.

“This means that you’re a single man now right?” It was a curious question but the feeling that went through Jacob from Shaine’s tone was almost breath taking.

“Y-yes?” Jacob’s toes were tingling and he was pretty sure that his groin was ready to come to life at any second.

Something between the two of them had changed right after that and Jacob didn’t even have the chance to think as Shaine closed the space between them and pressed his lips against Jacob’s. It was awkward at first and Jacob’s heart stopped as Shaine’s hand cupped his cheek, the lean body pressing against his own and pushing him onto his back. He didn’t know what to do as Shaine’s thumb caressed his cheek, the older boy’s lips pulling away and he was once again staring into bright green eyes that held an unknown emotion in them until his mouth was captured in a more heated and intimate kiss. This time however, Jacob found himself returning it as his eyes closed.


*blushes* yep, there's the start of the good stuff. Today we found out that yes, Jacob can get angry, viciously angry. I originally had three different versions of Katherine's and Jacob's break up, two of them involved Shaine coming to the school, one of which Jacob being wrestled to the ground, but I chose this one because it fit better with the little scene at the end.

The whole horror movie part just popped into my head, ti wasn't supposed to be there, but I thought it was funny. A new character was introduced and I hope you liked her because I love her! More will come in the next chapter once I write it, but I've been having a hard time since I've got like five other stories that I'm working on.

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Get the picture?

Until next time, Krystal.