Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Vessel ❯ Pride ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


This woman had a strange powerful aura around her. Her gaze made Riley shrink.

“Oh shit…” the girl said.

“Hm?” the woman asked. The girl closed her mouth. This woman smirked at her.

“Allow me to introduce myself,” she said. “My name is Pride.” She bowed her head.

“Nice to meet you.”

Riley sat blinking. Pride had her arms around Quinn's shoulders. The boy looked so pale with empty eyes. The black veins under his skin grew worse.

“What did you do to him?” Riley asked.

“Nothing,” Pride said. She lifted his chin.

“It's the poison,” she said.

“What are you talking about?” the girl asked. Pride kept her eyes locked on her.

“Haven't you seen any bite marks on his skin?” she asked.

“Bite… marks?” the girl asked. Pride turned Quinn's back to Riley and lowered his shirt. The girl's eyes widened when she saw the deep black bite marks on the back of his left shoulder.

“See? This is the bite of a Hell bat,” Pride said. She pulled Quinn to her chest.

“He belongs to us now,” she said. Riley slowly shook her head.

“No…” she said. Pride smiled at her like a hungry cat.

“You want him back? You know what you need to do,” she said. Riley should have known. That old rage built up in her chest. So this was how it was going to be? Riley rose to her feet.

“Fine,” she muttered. She clenched her fists at her sides.

“Very well,” Pride said. She herself stood up. Riley felt so small, but she didn't back down. Quinn sat slumped over in place.



I don't want to die. My body feels like it is on fire. I breathed heavily. Ghostly fingers caressed my skin. Voices teased my ears.

You belong to us! You belong to us! You belong to us!


I tried to stand up. I felt too weak. My body wouldn't listen. I started to sweat all over. Hands held me in place.

But I could lift my head.

That lady was going to attack Riley. I wanted to yell at her to run. They are fighting over me. Riley can't win. That lady will destroy her. The hands kept me silent.


You can't help. This fight is decided. This fight is decided!

Riley jumped away. She has no weapon. I don't know if she could fight. Get away. Please! I don't want us to die. You can still make it! Please… Just Run!


My eyes shot open. Riley had her eyes on me.


I'm not giving up! I will save you!

“Don't take your focus off of me!” Pride shouted. She went in for another attack. Riley could barely jump out of the way. Bits of her hair flew in the air. I don't know how much more she can take.

“Fight back!” Pride shouted. She went in and kicked Riley in the stomach. My only friend didn't get a chance to move. She let out a muffled grunt as she dropped to the ground. Pride stood back and smirked.

“I got a hit in!” she said. Riley glared at her. She got up. Stop. Please. You don't have to do this. Run away. I can't lose you.

But Riley wouldn't back down.


Meanwhile, things were about to end with a phone call. A demon picked up the phone.

“Hello? Oh, boss! Hm? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Oh… Wait, right now? Okay.” The demon saluted.

“Yes sir! I'm on it!” He hung up the phone. And with that, the beginning of the end had begun.