Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Vessel ❯ Lust ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



I noticed that I wasn't alone. This time, it was different. I didn't want to look behind me.

Who are you? She giggled. This laughter was different. I started to panic. When she spoke, it got worse.

“Call me Lust.”

My heart pounded against my chest. Lust?


What are you going to do with me? Her hands tightened around my body.

“Take you.”

Take me? She pulled me closer to her chest. Are those… her… her… her… When did it get so hot in here?

“Aw, you look so tense.”

Huh? I glanced behind me. Ruby red lips smirked at me.

“Let me help you relax.”

No thanks.

“Aw, don't be shy. Let me help you.” Her voice dropped into a low growl. Suddenly, I froze. Only, I started to feel warmer. My cheeks felt flushed. Visions filled my head.


I barely know her. But yet… But yet… Why do I feel so close to her? She had never been a girly girl. Riley was like me in a way. She looked lonely. She might not have noticed me, but I noticed her.

What What is this?

“Shhh. Just let it take you. Shhh.”

I opened my mouth.


I tried to speak again.


I tried a couple more times. I finally gave up.

“That's it. Just let go. Yes.”

My eyes grew heavy. No. I can't go to sleep. I fought to stay awake. My body was surrendering to her. Please let me go.


My mind went back to Riley. Riley. I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to hold her. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to… I wanted to…

My face turned red.

“Oh? Are you a virgin?”

Yes. I couldn't lie to her. Her giggling sounded so distant as I found myself sinking deeper. More thoughts of Riley were the last things on my mind as I disappeared inside of Lust.


The demons were gathered in the small room. The lieutenant stood up.

“Boys! It is time to reclaim what's ours!” he shouted. The others cheered. Fists were pumped in the air. The lieutenant quieted everyone down with his hands. He turned to his right-hand woman.

“Eva, pull the switch!” he commanded.

“Gladly,” she said. Eva grinned as she pulled the lever. And the race to the end began.