Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Whatever Happens ❯ Cupcakes ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
‘You believe and you doubt

You’re confused and you got it all figured out

Everything that you always wished for

Could be yours, should be yours, would be yours

If they only knew’

Jordan Sparks ~ One Step At A Time

Eggs, bread, milk, apples, lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms, and bananas.

“Okay that’s everything,” Adonis said to himself after having mentally checked off the items in the red shopping basket hung on his arm. He made his way to the checkout, paid for his groceries, and walked the two blocks back to his apartment complex.


Ad onis turned away from unlocking his door to see a man attempting to lug a huge antique trunk up the stairs. He hurriedly unlocked his door before going back outside. The man was about six foot even, waist length black hair pulled back, and interesting violet eyes.

He hadn’t moved a the trunk an inch so Adonis rushed over and squeezed between the trunk and the wall to grab the other end and help lift it.

“Where to,” he asked when the man picked up his end. The stranger jerked his head towards the door adjacent to his own apartment and the two carried the trunk to the door.

Just as the man began to set his side down to open the door it was opened by a woman, the doctor who had treated him and got him his apartment. He arched an eyebrow and then the man softly tugged on his end of the trunk to indicate that he was ready to move. They placed the trunk in front of what appeared to be a love seat covered in a white sheet to keep off dust.

“Thanks,” the dark haired man said, holding out his hand.

“Hello Mr. West,” the doctor said from across the room.

“Just Adonis is fine.”

“Well I’m Kit,” the man said, “You seem to already know my sister.”

“Nice to meet you,” Adonis said, “But I have to go,” he inclined his head to both of them before leaving the apartment and going to his own.

His heart was pounding, but why? This was the first time he had felt like this, which wasn’t really saying much due to he only had about two years worth of memory. But still, why had he reacted so strongly to that man, Kit?

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“So that was Adonis,” Kit pulled the sheet off of his navy loveseat with one swift motion. He folded it up and looked over at his sister who was arranging flowers in a vase on the end table. She nodded looking thoughtful. Kit plopped down on the loveseat and put his head in his hand. ‘That body,’ he thought absently, ‘his appearance matches his name. His body seems well defined yet not overly muscular, while his facial features are near perfect. Oh, and that skin.’ Kit imagined running his hands down Adonis’ tanned chest. He had only been able to see the flesh exposed by his v-neck shirt and his arms, but Kit knew just that amount would haunt him.

“KIT!” Vanessa screamed in his ear. He jumped and looked up at his sister wildly. “I’ve called you like ten times already, what were you thinking about,” she sat next to him looking at him curiously while he blushed. She gave him a knowing smile, “Yeah he is drool worthy.”

“Yeah,” he said breathlessly, “Wait…Who…How…I don’t know who your talking about,” he stammered crossing his leg and drumming his fingers on his knee attempting to look innocent.

“Oh please Kit, we’re twins, I know you better than anyone else,” she took his hand in her own to still his fingers, “That man has been through a lot Kit,” she told him with a far away look in her eyes. “I don’t want you to get involved with him if all your looking for is a casual fling, he doesn’t need that at this point in his life.”

“Pssh, and you say you know me,” he gripped her hand tighter, “When have you ever known me to have a ‘casual fling’.”

“Your right,” she said returning to her normal smile, “I promised mom I would stop by today,” she stood up and grabbed her purse, “I’ll see you later,” she said leaning down to peck his cheek.

He gave another sigh and got up to go into the kitchen when he heard her call his name from the door.

“You know those statues of the Greek Adonis,” she asked slipping into her shoes without looking at him.

“Yeah,” he thought back to his high school history class, when they had studied Greek mythology.

“I can tell you that this Adonis,” she gestured towards the front door, “Has much more to offer,” and with a wink she was gone.

Kit stood staring at the front door, this new information turning in his head, this could be fun.

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A knock on the door pulled Adonis from the book he was reading. He opened the door to reveal a blushing Kit holding out what appeared to be a plate covered in aluminum foil. Adonis took the plate and stepped aside to let Kit into the apartment.

“I, uh, brought those over for you to say thank you,” Kit said looking around his sparsely furnished home. Adonis lifted a side of the aluminum foil to reveal brightly frosted cupcakes.

“Thank you,” he told Kit who’s eyes finally landed on him. Adonis was struck by the odd color. Before he could stop himself he let slip the question that had run through his mind the first time he had seen them, “Are those contacts?”

“No,” Kit said looking offended.

“I’m sorry it’s just they’re so…pretty,” he said without thinking. Kit’s eyes widened before he gave a cocky smirk. Adonis’s eyes widened as well when he realized what he had said, “What I meant was…well…that is,” his rant was stopped by the kitchen timer buzzing loudly. He looked at Kit, “Would you like to stay for dinner.”

“Sure,” Kit shrugged out of his sweater and hung it on a hook next to the door before following Adonis into the kitchen. There were various sized and shaped pans an skillets hanging from a rack above the island in the middle of the room, and through the glass doors of the cabinets he could see elegant glasses and plates. On the stove was a large pot which Adonis was stirring. He reached into the cabinet to his left and pulled out two deep bowls that he ladled a generous amount of stew into.

Kit sat at the small square glass table that was placed against the wall directly under the kitchen window. Being on the opposite side of the building from him, Adonis had an entirely different view than he had from his kitchen. Kit looked out at the hustle and bustle of the city below as Adonis sat the bowls an a basket full of sliced French bread on the table.

Kit dug into his food with all speed, practically inhaling it. Adonis was only half finished when he asked for seconds, but he took the bowl from Kit and filled it with more of the delicious beef stew. Kit again attempted to inhale the food.

When he looked up Adonis had finished and was looking at him with laughing eyes. “More,” he asked Kit with a teasing tone. Kit shook his head, full.

“It was amazing,” He said rubbing his full belly, if only he could eat this good everyday. He watched as Adonis set the plate of cupcakes he had brought over on the table with two glasses of milk.

“These are good, where did you by them from,” Adonis asked biting into one.

“How do you know I didn’t make them,” Kit challenged.

Adonis turned the bitten cupcake over and on the bottom of the paper cup it had been baked in there was a bright green sticker with a company name on it. Kit gaped. Okay so he hadn’t made the cupcakes himself, he had bought them and put them on a plate to make it seem as if he had.

Adonis laughed and took another bite of the treat washing it down with a sip of milk. “So you can’t cook, you like antiques, and you play the guitar,” he said counting off with his fingers and laughing at Kit with his eyes.

Kit retaliated by counting off with his own fingers, “The trunk was my dads, my sister cooks for me, and how did you know about the guitar.”

“I noticed it by the couch,” Adonis shrugged taking another bite and licking frosting off his lips. Kits eyes followed his tongue but quickly averted when he looked up.

“It’s getting late,” Kit said picking up a cupcake from the plate and pulling the paper off, “I should be going.”

“Wait,” Adonis said. Kit’s eyes followed Adonis as he moved around the kitchen filling a microwavable container full of stew for him later and placing it in front of him. Adonis looked at Kit who had stuffed the whole cupcake into his mouth and burst out laughing. “For later,” He said indicating the container when he was done.

Kit took the container and walked to the front door where he put on his sweater and turned to face Adonis. “Phanks,” he said around the cake in his mouth.

“Anytime,” Adonis replied opening the door for him and watching as he entered his own apartment. Kit gave a small wave which Adonis returned before closing his door. Adonis closed his own door and leaned back against it.

He couldn’t get the image of Kit, with his cheeks stretched out like a chipmunk and the little bit of orange frosting at the corner of his mouth, looking up at him with those breathtaking violet eyes, out of his head. It was going to be a long night. Little did he know that across the hall Kit was thinking the exact same thing.

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