Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ Chapter 13

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kai woke up before her alarm went off. A rarity, considering she always tried to sleep longer than she ought to. Haruhi was also getting up, and she made sure to dress quickly so Haruhi would have time in the bathroom too. While Haruhi went to change in the bathroom, she went to the kitchen to help get breakfast started. Haruhi soon joined her, and they managed to make breakfast in time for when Ranka woke up. Grabbing a little bite, Kai kissed Ranka on the head and bid her farewell.
"Bye darling! Have a great day!" he told her, and she went to go outside and wait for Haruhi. Haruhi put on her shoes, and looked back at her dad.
"Well I'm off than" she said, and her father sighed at her.
"You’re not going to have breakfast?" he asked her, and she shook her head.
"What? You can't talk to your old man about it?" he asked her, getting up from the table.
"You can't fool me kiddo. The last time you skipped a meal was after your mother’s funeral" he said, and Haruhi shut her eyes. Her father hugged her hard, and said quietly,
"Don't forget, you always have to be brave Haruhi".
She nodded, and hugged him back hard. Waving to him, she exited her apartment. Kai was already down the steps, and glaring at a dark limo that had just pulled up.
The window of the car rolled down and Kouya stuck his head out.
"Thought you might like a ride today. Today will be very tiring and I wouldn't want you to be more tired than usual" he said, and opened the door. They smiled at him, and climbed in. They drove in silence, all very somber from the news before.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After arriving to the school, they each changed back into their white suites and arrived at another meet and greet party. This time, the party seemed duller. The hosts were not themselves, and someone was bound to notice.
Lady Éclair sat a table sipping tea, and had requested Kouya to come speak with her. After several seconds, he motioned to Haruhi to come talk to her.
Kai grabbed her arm, concerned.
Haruhi smiled at her, and patted her on the walked over to the table, and sat down across from Eclair.
Kai felt herself go cold, and she crossed her arms.
"What is it?" the twins asked, as they draped their arms across her shoulders, and whispered in her ear.
" I don't like her. If you guys let go of me right now I'm pretty sure I'll scratch her eyes out. Or beat her with a softball bat. Either one is likely" she told them, glaring icily at the Tonerre girl.
"You know.."Kaoru said huskily,
"That actually sounds quite hot" Hikaru finished, and they blew in her ear.
She blushed, and turned to glare at them. When she turned, she felt her throat get tight again.
Damn the nerves!
They raised a brow at her, as if they were expecting something.
Chickening out again, she shook her head and watched as Kouya walked up to them with Haruhi.
"Well, since both of your accounts were combined, that last request with Eclair sealed it. You both are free to leave the host club, if you want to" Kouya told them, and Haruhi and Kai turned to each other stunned.
The twins looked upset, more afraid then Kai had ever seen them.
Kouya told them to get back to making the guests happy and they complied. Everyone was now on edge.
To make matters worse, Kouya's father walked in and walked towards Kouya.
"Don't waste your time with something that will ultimately have no value" he told him, voice chilling to the ear.
Haruhi, who was sitting next To Kouya, stood up angrily.
"You don't know anything about the host club. Kouya Sempai does so much for this club and he works round the clock to make sure everyone is enjoying themselves. Did you ever stop to think making people happy gives each of us some fulfillment? So how can you say what we do here is a waste of our time? I don't care what you say. I think he is an amazing person" she told him coldly, shocking the other hosts. Kouya looked like he was having a stroke.
Kai stared at her best friend wide eyed. Haruhi was pissed. Kai was pissed as well, but she didn't think she could interfere with Kouya's business for fear of hurting his pride.
Mr. Ootori merely listened, then walked away.
Everyone was left in shock, and time seemed to slow down.
The rest of the party seemed to drag on, until finally it was nearing the evening time.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
The hosts gathered in music room 3, all dressed up in french royalty costumes. Both Kai and Haruhi were in dresses, and they were grumbling.
Haruhi wore a pink dress, very elegant and pristine. Her hair was held together by a bow on the top of her head, and she wore extensions.
Kai wore a deep green, hair in a french twist due to the extensions. She had taken off her wrappings and was crossing her arms self conscious.
"Why are we the only ones in dresses?" they asked the guys, glaring.
"You ARE girls you know" said the twins, who stuck out their tongues playfully. Everyone got quiet as they looked at Kouya dialing his phone.
He still couldn't reach Tamaki.
"I really thought he would show" said Haruhi, her voice almost a whisper. Kouya closed his phone angrily, then dialed another number. After talking a few minutes with Tamaki's housekeeper, Shima, he said his goodbyes then turned to everyone.
Before he could say a word, they all saw a red sports car leave the building, and they gasped.
Tamaki and Eclair were leaving before the fair was even finished!
"That idiot! He thinks he is a bother to us. Damn him! Come on, we can meet them at the airport" he said, and looked over at a shell shocked Haruhi.
"Let's go Haruhi" he said, pulling her up and rushing out the door.
They ran through the halls until they reached the schools private parking lot. Signaling to Mori, Kouya grabbed the girls and the twins and went through one door, while Mori and Hunny went through another.
Kouya and the others could see the cars in sight. However, before they could get in the cars, they were surrounded by police men from the Ootori's private police force.
Kouya glared, and asked icily,
"Care to tell me your orders?".
One stepped forward, covered heavily is body gear.
"We are sorry sir. But our loyalty is to your father" he said, and everyone understood what happened.
Eclair had made it so they couldn't leave.
Kouya pounded his fist on the hood of the car, and glared.
Suddenly, Mori and Hunny emerged from the other side of the parking lot on the carriage. They jumped down from it and was face to face with the officers.
"Its Hunnynozuka and Morinozuka!" they yelled, obviously frightened.
Mori looked over to them and said,
"Hikaru, take the carriage. If you use the back hills bypass, you can cut them off".
Hikaru nodded and he and his brother got on the carriage. They pulled Kai up carefully, and looked at Haruhi. Haruhi simply stared, unsure of what to do. Kouya grabbed her from behind, and told her,
"Bring that idiot back, Haruhi. Go".
Haruhi got on the carriage and they raced out of the parking lot while Hunny and Mori took care of the officers.
They were going so fast, it felt as though they were flying.
Hikaru slapped the reigns and the horses accelerated.
"Hikaru slow down. Someone could get hurt!" Kaoru said, making sure Haruhi and Kai were safely tucked in his arms as they gripped the carriage railings.
Kai was scared, not just for the fact that they might now reach Tamaki in time. She was worried someone could get hurt. These were all the people she cared about.
As if reading her thoughts, Kaoru gripped her tighter.
"We're not slowing down until we get the boss back" Hikaru cried, his voice almost cracking.
"Hikaru!" his brother begged, concerned over safety.
"If it wasn't for Tamaki, then the two of us would still be lost souls. We were able to become friends with Kai, Haruhi, and others because the host club brought us together. To think it could all end so quickly like this..its something I can't allow!" he said, emotion ripping through his voice.
Then, the carriage hit a rock, and he lost control of the reigns.
He was flipped out of the carriage, and landed in a near by patch of pumpkins.
Kai felt pure fear rush through her.
"Please god NO!" she whispered, as she felt time freeze in place for her.
Kaoru grabbed her and they rushed out of the carriage.
"Hikaru!" Kai and Kaoru screamed, at a full sprint in his direction. They found him kneeling in the grass clutching his arm.
"It can't end like this" Hikaru said, almost in tears.
Haruhi looked at the scene, then tore off her puffy dress, leaving her in a white under-dress. She grabbed the reigns and drove off.
Kai looked at the retreating figure, and shook her head. She prayed to god Haruhi made it in time. For all their sakes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"What the hell is she doing?" Hikaru yelled, watching her ride off to save Tamaki.
"Saving the day" she muttered, then gasped as she saw Hikaru's arm. It was terribly bruised, and looked very swollen.
"Hikaru...your arm!" she gasped, beginning to cry.
Kaoru grabbed her hand, and Hikaru chuckled.
"Why are you crying? I'm fine!" he said, and she glared at him.
"Don't you dare say your fine! I don't know what I would do if-
And she cut off suddenly. God, what was she about to say?
The twins smiled smugly.
"Ahuh. Go on!" they said to her, both grinning impishly.
Those little devils.
"What do you mean?" she asked, confused.
"You don't know what you would do if...?" they said, both taking pleasure in her confusion.
She stared at the ground, tears falling. Her body shook with sobs she wouldn't allow to rip free. Hikaru sat up, and wrapping his good arm around her, as he and Kaoru held her.
"If anything were to happen to you two" she finished, allowing one sob to tear free.
There. She said it. Now this was where her heart broke.
"Ah, I finally see now" Hikaru said, cupping her face gently as he stared at her.
Kaoru slapped his brother playfully on the shoulder.
"About time" he muttered, and Kai looked back at Hikaru in confusion.
"I know why you left Halloween. I also know about what happened in Karuizawa. I feel so stupid that I didn't see it at first. After the Halloween tournament, I pieced it together. Why didn't you tell me?" he asked her, and she shook her head.
"I knew you had feelings for Haruhi. I couldn't get in between that. I wouldn't. She is like a sister to me. I would never deny her happiness" she cried, looking away from his eyes, and staring at Kaoru. Kaoru gripped her hand tighter, and bumped his forehead to hers.
"I realized Haruhi loves the boss. You saw how jealous she was of that Eclair girl" Hikaru said, looking off distantly to where Haruhi disappeared.
After a moment, he looked back at her.
His eyes were a warm topaz...eyes that matched his brothers.
He looked over at his brother, who nodded and smiled encouragingly.
"I feel stupid, chasing after a girl whose hearts already taken. When the girl who wanted my heart was here in front of me the whole time".
"Her heart is taken by me too you know" Kaoru said, bumping his brother again, and kissing Kai on the forehead. Kai blinked away more tears, and merely stared wide eyed at them.
"Thats another thing! You want Kaoru too. This couldn't have ended better!" Hikaru said, laughing as Kai stared at them wide eyed.
Instead of thinking of anything coherent, she merely sat in their arms and cried.
They kissed her cheeks, her forehead, and her head. Doing their best to console her.
'Real mature' she thought to herself. She finally gets to tell them her feelings, and she starts to cry.
Of course, it wasn't like she could help it. This was so new to her.
Before the sweet moment could continue further, Kouya pulled up in his car and called out to them.
Wiping her eyes, she looked at the twins.
They were grinning at her, and they pulled her up from the ground. Careful to not hurt Hikaru's arm, she walked in between the twins to the car.
Kouya looked knowingly at them, and gave them a smile.
"Haruhi made it Tamaki, I'm sure of it" he said, and they got into the car quickly.
Hunny and Mori were already in the car, eyes closed and napping. Or just thinking to themselves.
Kai leaned into Hikaru and held Kaoru's hand while in the car. She couldn't believe it. She told them how she felt, and they accepted her.
Doing her best not to cry, she felt something hit her head.
"Ow! What the..?" she said, jumping up and looking at the object thrown at her.
"Haha! It's candy, Kai-chan! Smile, and eat it k?" he said, smiling happily at her.
She laughed at his attempts to make her stop crying, and she took it. Putting it in her pocket in her dress, she closed her eyes and leaned back into Hikaru and took Kaoru's hand in hers. They both looked at peace, and she closed her eyes and felt her herself go into a light doze.
For what felt like 3 seconds of sleep, she awoke when the twins touched her hair.
She looked out the window and saw Tamaki holding Haruhi in his arms. Her eyes were closed, and he was speaking softly to her.
They got out of the car, and rushed to the scene.
"Boss!" the twins shouted, both in joy and in relief.
He smiled at them, then put Haruhi down. She smiled up at him, eyes full of adoration. Jeez she wore her heart on her sleeve. Someone would have to be dumb not to notice. Or dense. Both of which were Tamaki traits.
"Your such an idiot" Kouya said, walking up to his best friend.
Tamaki frowned, and looked at the ground.
"I'm sorry I caused so much trouble" he told them, voice sincere.
"Well how about this. Come back and we will resume the party. That is how you can make it up to us" Kouya told him, patting him on the shoulder.
Tamaki nodded sincerely, and his eyes lit up.
It was an outdoor ball, and the place was lit up with beautiful night lanterns. Haruhi remained in her white dress, hair swept to the side in her regular hair do. Kai also remained in her green dress, and let hair hair down. She took out the braid in her hair and let her extensions stay free and wavy. All of the girls were screaming and swooning that Kai and Haruhi were dressed as "girls".
The music began to play, and Hunny pounced on Haruhi to dance. Haruhi giggled as she tried to keep up with him. Mori took Kai's hand and gently glided with her across the dance floor. Before she knew it, she was spun and was now dancing with Tamaki. He bowed to her, and took her hand. She smiled, and did her best to keep up with him. He had obviously had lessons. Tamaki was tapped on the shoulder, and he gave her hand to Kouya.
She took his hand and began to waltz. All this dancing made her head spin. After a few moments, another song began.
He smiled and bowed, and pushed her into the arms of Kaoru and Hikaru. Looking up at them, she blushed. The crowds of girls screamed in bliss , and the twins gave her their signature smirk. Taking both of her hands, they spun her around until she was dizzy again. Losing her balance, they caught her before she fell. They chuckled at her, and she glared. Of course her glare couldn't hold and she stared at them with something more than adoration. It was love. She knew their relationship needed to grow before that word was said, but she knew it was their.
They laughed softly, and whispered,
"Please don't leave the host club, Kai. We can make this work".
Kai laughed at their choice of words.
"I'm not leaving. I broke a window in Kouya's car today. Now I owe him money again" she told them, making them crack up.
She grinned at them, and stepped closer to end up snugly between them again.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the flashes in the sky. She looked over at her best friend and grinned at her. She stood next to Tamaki, looking happy and victorious. They both looked up to watch the fireworks, and ponder on what other adventures were till yet to come..