Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ One Of The Boys ❯ A Crush on Hunny! (Part 1) ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Christmas time was almost here at Ouran Academy! Decorations hung on the walls in the music room, and each host was already preparing for the holidays. Kai and Haruhi constantly reminded them they had a few weeks.
It was Saturday, and the weather outside was a tad chilly but still bright and cheerful. The fair was the previous week before, and Kouya had made them all agree that discussing with the events what happened with Tamaki were prohibited.
Each host had their own table, each filled with guests.
Haruhi and Kai had grabbed refreshments for their customers, and sat back down across from them.
"Well ladies, what are you going to do for your holiday vacation?" Kai asked them; leaning in closer to make sure they knew they had her full attention. Haruhi also leaned in, curious.
Blushing, one brunette looked at the ground and said,
"Well my family and I intend to travel to the Caribbean!"
Her friends all ooohed, while Kai and Haruhi exchanged sweat drops.
"That's nice! It's always fun to see new places! Where else are the rest of you going?" Haruhi asked them, and each girl told them about what resorts they were going to.
"Wow! Don't forget about us when you’re traveling the world ladies!" Kai told them, as she got up. She grabbed all their plates, and let Haruhi continue chatting with girls.
Walking back to the pantry/kitchen, she put the dishes on the counter and made sure to clean them up before sanitizing them.
She walked out and looked at the other hosts. Tamaki, who was back from his dramatic almost/exit yesterday, looked very fresh and happy as he enchanted guests with reading their fortunes. He was still sneaking glances over at Haruhi, and it was totally obvious. Kouya was on his computer, preparing a new photo album to sell to the guests. Mori and Hunny were both eating cake and chatting with their guests. The girls went crazy as Hunny got cake on his face and Mori went to clean it up.
Shaking her head, she looked to the far table that was by the window. The twins were chatting with their guests, while playfully teasing each other. Looking at them, she felt her cheeks get warm, and her heart beat the day before, she wasn't exactly sure what was between them now. Were they seeing each other? Or did they just acknowledge her feelings, and that was it?
Noticing her staring, Kaoru nudged his brother, and Hikaru nodded without looking over at Kai.
Suddenly, Hikaru grabbed his arm and cringed.
"Hikaru!" Kaoru said, concerned over his brother's well-being.
Their act was working, because their guests all gasped.
"What happened?" one girl asked, wide eyed.
They really should have noticed it beforehand.
"Well...we were playing doctor…" said Kaoru, blushing and looking at his brother sheepishly.
The girls blushed and leaned forward eagerly.
"And we got a little too rough. Why don't you ask Kai? He was there" said Hikaru, as he and his brother simultaneously leered over at her.
God Damn it.
"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" the girls screamed, as every guest in the room rushed over to her. She was bombarded with questions, and could barely understand anything they were saying.
"HOLD IT!" yelled Renge, as she ran over from where she was pestering Kouya.
The other guests made a path for her, and she stopped herself in front of Kai.
"Could it be? Is there now a gay love triangle within the host club?" she yelled, as the other girls roared in bliss.
Unable to speak, the twins walked up and fixed the mess they had caused.
"Yep" they said, each kissing her cheek.
The guests all screamed, and cameras flashed. Especially Kouya's.
Blushing, she merely stood there in shock.
They were being open with their relationship? Wait did they even HAVE a relationship?
"It's so beautiful! It's obvious the twins are the dominant ones in this relationship!" Renge said, pulling a MIC out of thin air and gesturing to them dramatically. Renge looked over at Kai, obviously trying to goat her into something.
That brought Kai out of her trance.
"Dominant? Uh I don't think so" she said, shocking everyone around her.
"Oh no…" said Haruhi, shaking her head in pity at her best friend.
"Well pet, it would seem your challenging us" they told her, leaning in close to whisper in her ear.
She glared at them, and opened her mouth to address the situation.
They stopped her, and shook their heads.
"Challenge accepted" they said together, and the girls went nuts.
Before she could say anything, Nekozawa appeared out of nowhere, and bombarded Tamaki.
"So you like to read fortunes Tamaki? How interesting kukuku" he said, and Tamaki dropped his tarot cards.
He smiled nervously, and Nekozawa grinned evilly as he snatched them up and laid them down for Tamaki.
"Should you ever want your fortune Tamaki, you can visit me!" Nekozawa told him. Tamaki nodded, eyes full of fear.
"Anyways, I have an announcement" he said, voice sounding very creepy.
All the hosts and guest turned to look at him, curious.
"I just came here to inform you that Hunny is the dark club princess's new sacrifice!" he said, shocking everybody.
Hunny went pale, and stared at Nekozawa.
"Sacrifice?" he said slowly, and fainted.
The host club ended their activities for the day shortly after that.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After Hunny woke up, the hosts wandered the halls to find the girl that cursed Hunny. They went into the library, and saw her sitting at a table with a book in her hand.
Her name was Reiko, and she was a very quiet girl. Although she was very beautiful, her love of dark magic made people stay away from her.
"Why would she want to curse me?" Hunny asked, whimpering as he held onto Mori.
Mori's eyes went dark, and he began to march over to Reiko to ask her.
"No Mori!" Tamaki said, holding him back.
"Exactly. Interfering with a curse only causes misfortune" said a voice, and everyone jumped as Nekozawa appeared out of nowhere again.
Nekozawa stared at him curiously.
"You really don't remember what you did, Hunny? Reiko says you captured her soul, so now she is going to captures yours with curses!" Nekozawa told him, and Hunny paled.
"I feel like I should remember something, but I can’t remember what it is" Hunny muttered to himself.
Nekozawa pulled out an eraser that had Hunny's name on it. It had a little heart next to it, and Kai and Haruhi looked at each other.
After the group finished looking at the eraser, Nekozawa produced a mirror from his pocket. It had Hunny's name written in pink nail polish.
Kai smacked herself in the head, and she and Haruhi cleared their throats. Everyone stared at them.
"Hunny isn't cursed! He's-"
"No he's cursed" said a voice from behind them.
Everyone jumped as Reiko stood behind them, eyes locked on Hunny.
Everyone was quiet as she walked over to Hunny, and quickly cut a small piece of his hair off.
"There", she said simply,
"Now our souls will be intertwined".
Kai and Haruhi awed, and the other hosts looked at them like they were crazy.
"So you like Hunny?" asked Kai, as she smiled at Reiko.
"Technically I want to capture his soul" Reiko responded, sticking Hunny's hair in her notebook.
"So you also want to capture his heart, then?" asked Haruhi, trying to get Reiko to say it aloud.
"Well to put it simply, yes. But if I was going to put it into words...I always find myself thinking of him. My heart beats so fast around him, and until I capture his heart, I will curse him!" she said evilly, as she grinned at Kai and Haruhi.
Haruhi and Kai laughed, not at all freaked out by Reiko and her curses. She was just a girl with a crush.
Reiko waved to them, and walked away humming to herself. Nekozawa shuffled after her, and everyone turned to stare at Hunny.
He was blushing furiously, and Mori felt his head.
"Let's get home" Mori said, and put Hunny on his back.
They waved to the other hosts in a daze, and exited the library.
Kouya hitched up his glasses awkwardly, and looked at Haruhi.
"You’re going to have to explain this one to us" he told her, and he and Tamaki dragged her away to question her.
"How am I supposed to know?" she wailed, as they pulled her away by the arms.
~~~~~~~ O.O~~~~~~~
After they exited the library, Kai looked around and realized she was completely alone with the twins.
She leaned against the book case, and crossed her arms.
The twins were smirking at her, like they were expecting something.
"What?" she asked, glaring at them.
"Oh come on" said Kaoru, as he leaned his face close to hers.
"Miss Dominant" said Hikaru sarcastically, as he too put his face close to hers.
She rolled her eyes at them, although her stomach was doing cartwheels.
"I am Dominant" she told them, poking them both hard in the chest. Toned...nice. Ah stay focused!
"Oh really? Prove it" Kaoru said, as he brushed her hair out of her face, and then backed away.
Hikaru still had her cornered, and she decided it was time to be impulsive. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Hard. Hikaru was really surprised, because he gasped.
She pulled away quickly, afraid she did something wrong and unwanted. She looked at the ground, face red with humiliation. Her eyes stung, threatening her with unshed tears. A foolish reaction, but this was a new experience for her.
Much to her surprise, Hikaru tilted up her chin. With eyes still closed, she felt arms circle her waist from behind and hands unbutton her jacket. It must have been Kaoru, because Hikaru's hands were brushing her face, and gripping the back of her neck. Her eyes opened at stared into Hikaru's eyes, and saw something that she didn't expect. Hunger.
She gasped as Kaoru's cool hands caressed her stomach, and Hikaru lowered his mouth back to hers. Her mouth worked with his, enjoying the first feel of each other. His tongue reached out across the seam of her lips, and she obliged, not knowing exactly what she was doing. At the same time his tongue touched hers, Kaoru's hands were at her wraps on her breasts. Oh god.
She gasped and her whole body flushed with hot desire. Kaoru began to slowly unwrap her wraps, and Hikaru caressed her mouth with his tongue. Moaning as she gripped onto Hikaru's shoulders, they all jumped when they heard a door open. Pulling apart and straightening themselves out, they looked to see a few girls walk in to study. They were guests at the club. The twins and Kai walked out from behind the bookcase, and the girls gasped. Then gushed with each other over the site.
Great. This would be the topic of the week.
Giving the twins a glare, Kai walked out of the library after waving at the girls.
The twins caught up and grabbed her hands.
"Wait!" they said, voices pleading.
"What?" she asked them, stopping completely and staring at them. Her breathing was still uneven.
"Are you mad at us?" they asked her, looking slightly insecure of themselves.
"Mad? At you? NO!" she told them, rushing her words as she tried to be consoling.
"Then what is it?" they asked, still sounding like they were upset.
Kai blushed, and looked away.
The twins grabbed her face and she looked at them shyly.
"I didn't want it to end, that's all" she mumbled to them, staring at the ground.
They chuckled; obviously relieved it was nothing against them.
They pulled her close and put their mouths near her ears.
"We didn't either" they said in her ear, and she grinned.
Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, the twins walked with her to the school parking lot.
"I can take the bus home!" She told them, trying to guide herself towards the exit.
They grabbed her wrists and shook their heads at her.
"Not a chance. We already told Haruhi we would drive you home!" they said together, victory flashing in their eyes.
She glared, but it didn't stick and she smiled instead. She got in to the limo and the driver drove to Haruhi's apartment.
"What do you think is going to happen to Hunny?" Kai asked, as she fussed with her tie as she sat next to the twins.
They chuckled, and shrugged.
"Maybe they will have little karate spell casting babies" said Kaoru, nudging Kai playfully.
"That is a scary thought" said Hikaru, wincing at the visual in his head.
The drive was pleasantly quiet, and Kai's heartbeat finally was normal. They pulled up to Haruhi's apartment, and she tried to step out of the car.
Hikaru grabbed her arm and she fell back on the seat on top of them. Positioning themselves on top of her, they pinned her arms and leered down at her.
She giggled, and she tried to get up. They kept her down firmly, shaking their heads at her. She narrowed her eyes; sure there was some kind of catch.
"We will only let you out if you do one thing for us" they said, getting that twin glint in their eyes.
"What is your demand?" she asked them, knowing she would regret this.
They looked at each other shortly, and then grinned back at her.
"We want to see your house!" they said, knowing they're request was odd and enjoying Kai's confusion.
"My house? Why?" she asked them, staring quizzically.
"Because! We want to see it! Yes, or no?" they demanded, leaning closer to her, making her blush again.
"Okay okay! Fine you can see my house. I was going to go grab some clothes anyway" she told them, not seeing the big deal in the matter.
"Excellent" they both said, pulling her up and opening the door again for her.
She stood there awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.
Smiling, they leaned in and each kissed her on the cheek.
Feeling her cheeks heat up, she gave them a bashful wave, then headed up the stair case.
She looked back as the limo was driving away, and she smiled to herself.
Opening the door, she found Haruhi making dinner and reading a book. She looked over at Kai and waved.
"So how was your day?" she asked her, as she tasted the soup she was making.
Kai plopped herself on the counter and sighed.
"It was great!" she told her, her thoughts flowing in her head of the day she had just had.
Haruhi shook her head, and laughed at her.
"Hey! You know you’re next! Soon Tamaki will wake up from his day dream and YOU will be the one sighing dreamily!" Kai said, pointing her finger at her best friend.
"Yeah that will be the day" muttered Haruhi, as she flung a piece of lettuce at Kai.
Kai glared and snatched the book out of her hands.
"Oh what is this? A love story?" Kai said, walking off with it and reading it aloud.
"And they kissed with a passion, their hearts intertwining on a journey through time and space..."
"Oh god! Stop reading it aloud! The neighbors can hear!” she screamed, as a chase ensued