Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ When Tamaki is Away the Children Will Play! ❯ TREES KILLED OUT THE DINOSAURS! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
An Ouran Fanfic! Ouran Host Club belongs to Bisco Hatori, not Bethany!!! Oh by the way, I changed the way I spelled Hunny/Honey’s, Kyouya/Kyoya’s names frequently because between the professional translated manga, scanlated manga, and the fansubbed anime, all the names are spelled different. I’m sorry if you don’t like it! Oh yea and the Characters are going to be a little out of character, but hey! People change and so can anime characters! SO here we go ladies and gents!

“Kyouya!” Hunny-sempai stopped Kyouya from exiting the Music Room. They were the only ones who hadn’t left, and Mori was still in Kendo practice.
“What is it, Hunny?” Kyouya turned around and rested on the wall.
“Well…ano…Takashi’s birthday is coming up soon! And he and Haru-chan have been getting close….”
“…They have? I haven’t noticed, seeing as how he’s Mr. Silent and she’s…well Haruhi.” Kyouya said, though he had sensed a change in the way the acted around each other since Mori and Haruhi went looking Haninozuka that one time at his own underground spa.
“I guess none of you guys would notice, but I know Takashi best of all! But I have a plan…”
“Oh…This could be interesting! Do tell!” Kyouya and Hunny huddled close together while Hunny started drawing out a plan with crayons and Mori and Haruhi as a bunny and a piece of strawberry cake, respectively.


Haruhi was walking the school grounds, enjoying the fresh air and break from the members of the Host Club for once. It was a really nice day out, a slight breeze was blowing and there seemed to be a chance of rain, but so far the sky was clear. Haruhi had started thinking about different foods she would like to try when she heard the sound of grunts. A few more steps and ‘round a corner she went and stopped short. In front of her was the beautiful Mori-sempai! His gi was tucked into his hakuma-like pants and hanging around his waist and his fully exposed upper body was glistening with sweat. Needless to say, Haruhi was seeing a breathtaking sight! And breathtaking it was because she forgot to breathe for a good minute. When she did inhale, she took in too much air and felt slightly faint (Well duh! If anyone had seen that sight they’d feel faint too! (Unless you’re a straight guy or lesbian (but even then you might like it too! (Anytime’s a good time to come out of the closet or go back in! (And why not have that reason be MORI-SEMPAI!!!))))) and swooned. Haruhi put her hand on the wall and Mori took notice of her.
“Oh heya, Mori-sempai. I was just passing by and enjoying the scenery! Sorry to bother you.” Haruhi walked on with slightly red cheeks, but Haruhi never blushes! Right? Mori watched her pass and continued swinging his bokken at a practice dummy for Kendo practice. ‘It’s not like she was bothering me…I wish I had a distraction right about now…hmm.’
“Haruhi.” Haruhi, who wasn’t out of earshot yet and heard Mori calling her, turned around.
“Hai?” She answered uncertainly and started walking back.
“Come with me to the vendings?” Mori asked in his monotonous voice. Haruhi was slightly taken aback, she expected him to point at something, but not to say more than one word, and certainly not to ask her to walk with him! It was the most she had ever heard him talk nonetheless.
“Sure.” She answered. So they began their journey to the drinks!
“Oi! Tono! Have you found your bear yet?” The twins grinned maliciously.
“NNNNNnnnnnnnoooooooooo!!!! Beary Beary!! Where are you?! Was it ‘Miss Morse’ again?!” Tamaki ran toward the Student Counsel room with the twins close behind him.
“Jonouchi! Where is my Beary?! WHERE?!” Tamaki threw the door open and shouted; only to see that Ayame wasn’t in the room, but there was a meeting going on.
“Suoh-san, Jonouchi-san isn’t on the Student Counsel, but we’re in a meeting, so could you kindly leave?” The president stood up.
“S-she’s not?! Since when?!” Tamaki figured she’d be the perfect candidate for Student Counsel.
“Since the rule stated that only third years were allowed?” The president retaliated.
“Then who are our class representatives?!” Tamaki was still blundering like a fool.
“That would be you and Ohtori-san! NOW LEAVE! There is a meeting in progress!” With that the president slammed the door in Tamaki’s face.
“Oh yea….but then shouldn’t we be in there then?! Oh well, back to the ‘Berry-picking!’ (Slight pun…sorry)” Tamaki continued to search for Ayame with the twins snickering and following him. “Jonouchi! AYAME!!!!”

“That’s a great plan, Hunny. This is going to be amusing.”
“Right! But we can’t let the others know about it! You know how they are!”
Kyouya nodded. “Look there is Haruhi and Mori down there.” He pointed at the couple coming out of the school lobby carrying two water bottles and a bag of chips between the two of them. “Let’s put this plan into action!” Hunny and Kyouya ran down to where Haruhi and Mori had stopped to rest on a bench.
“Takashi, Takashi! Haru-chan, Haru-chan! Guess what! Guess what!” Hunny-sempai ran and stood in front of them. “I’m going to have a sleepover at my house! Will you guys come?” Hunny-sempai was jumping up and down with excitement.
“Ah.” Mori said in his usual way.
“Ano...I don’t know Hunny-sempai…” Haruhi said. “I have to do things around the house…”
“Please Haru-chan! Please please please Haru-chan!” Hunny was bringing on the tears and Haruhi was more reluctant to decline.
“I’ve already contacted your father, he said you could go and he would take care of the house.”
A little picture of Ranka pops up and he does the Victory sign while saying “Oh my! Haruhi-chan! Go have fun! Papa can take care of things!”
Haruhi sweatdropped and said “Fine I’m in!”
“Beary!!!!” Tamaki ran full speed past the other Host Club members while Hikaru and Kaoru were jogging and stopped.
“What are you in for, Haruhi?” Kaoru asked.
‘I wish I knew….’ Haruhi said to herself, but said aloud, “Hunny-sempai invited us to his estate for a sleepover. “
“Great! We’re in too!” Hikaru and Kaoru said in unison. Hunny sweatdropped and groaned while Kyouya chuckled to himself and thought ‘Now things get interesting…’
“BEARY!!! AYAME!!!!” Tamaki ran right into the girls’ locker room.
“SUOH!!!” Ayame’s scream was heard from all around the campus. The Host Club turned toward the scream and sweatdropped.
“Milord really is an idiot…” Hikaru said.

“Please Ayame! Tell me where my Beary is!” Tamaki got on his knees and begged.
“I’ll tell you on one condition….” Ayame grinned evilly.
“What’s that?” Tamaki asked, desperate to have his dear Beary back.
“How do you manage to do better than me on everything grade wise?! You don’t stay up all night and study, you can’t study in the afternoon because of your Host Club, you can’t study on the weekends because of your frolics, so HOW DO YOU DO IT?!”
“Oh that…? Well I suppose the teachers are just taken away by my beauty!”
“But…most of our teacher’s are guys.” Ayame said slightly confused.
“Beauty has no gender, my darling! Doth thou dare to restrain my love for thee?”
Suddenly tears sprang to Jonouchi-san’s eyes. “Would you please quit saying things to me that you say to other girls? And saying things you don’t mean?”
“…..Beauty doesn’t have gender….” Tamaki answered confusedly.
“Oh goody! A sleepover! COMING!” Tamaki called back and got up and ran toward the twins voices, completely forgetting about Beary.
“Stupid Suoh….” Ayame said out loud.
“Haruhi, are you going on a sleepover with Daddy at the neighbor’s house?” Tamaki rubbed Haruhi’s head while she gave him a death glare.
“Kyouya, our plan isn’t going to work now!” Honey-sempai pouted and hugged his bunny.
“It’s okay, Honey-sempai. This is just a small dilemma that will make things more exciting!” Kyouya said will sitting in a chair figuring out how to make more money and which ideas in his crazy little head will bring out more of a profit.
“I guess…” Hunny started eating chocolate cake.
“Tono will never know that is was we who stole his precious Beary! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
“Haruhi! Come give Daddy a hug!” Tamaki ran to Haruhi with arms spread open. Haruhi dodged it and fell into Mori while Tamaki ran into a tree. Mori put his hands on Haruhi’s shoulders to steady her; Haruhi blushed a little at the simple gesture and stepped forward.
“Tamaki no baka!” Haruhi said and walked over to see if he was hurt badly. There was blood trickling down his forehead. Haruhi felt her angry simmer down while she rushed to Tamaki and moved his hair aside to see there was a dime-sized wound above his right eye. He was also unconscious; Haruhi looked at the tree and saw what caused the injury. If trees had appendages, that’s what it would be. Blood was dripping off the end of the nub and Haruhi could faintly see a piece of skin. “MORI! Look at Tamaki!” Mori only had to take two strides to come up to Haruhi and Tamaki. Mori picked up Tamaki and carried him inside with Haruhi running after him. “Kyouya! Hunny! We need a doctor! Tamaki hit his head!”
Honey and the twins ran out from two different directions to see what happened to the President, while Kyouya calmly called one of his family doctors. Mori continued to carry Tamaki upstairs to his room with Haruhi following closely behind. The twins started to go up to, but Kyouya stopped them. “It won’t help any if you’re wasting the air.” Hikaru and Kaoru looked at each other, and then decided, even though they were worried about Tamaki, to stay downstairs.
Mori laid Suoh on the bed and sat down on a small sofa near the bed, Haruhi sat down after Mori. Haruhi put her face in her hands and sighed. “Oh man, I hope Tamaki-sempai is okay! If he isn’t…it’d be my entire fault!” The last phrase came out in a slight sob. All of a sudden Haruhi felt slight pressure on her shoulders and on her side.
“It isn’t your fault, Haruhi.” Mori had put his arm around Haruhi and pulled her closer.
“But if I hadn’t have moved, Tamaki wouldn’t be out cold right now!” Haruhi raised her head out of her hands, a few tears falling down her cheeks, and looked Mori right in the eyes. Mori’s expression softened a bit.
“Ssh…” He pulled Haruhi’s chin up, cupped her face in his hands and wiped away the tears with his thumb. Haruhi didn’t pull away and they both moved in for the kiss at the same time. The kiss was soft and sweet, being both of their firsts, but it was short lived for there was a knock on the door.
“This is Suoh-san’s room.” Kyouya said while opening the door. By this time Haruhi and Mori had pulled apart, Haruhi a little flustered and Mori a little less. The doctor, Hunny-sempai, and the twins were trailing Kyouya.
“Has Tono awakened yet?” Kaoru asked sitting in between Haruhi and Mori.
“No…” Haruhi answered and sniffed. “Is there anything I can do to help, Doctor?” Haruhi asked, always wanting to be of use.
“No there isn’t anything. It’s just a minor wound and it probably needs just a little time and rest to heal.” The doctor answered after putting a flashlight to Tamaki’s head and pulling out a needle and thread.
“Are you going to sew it together?” Haruhi asked wide-eyed.
“No, I’m just catching up on my sewing; I have a baby on the way! Plus, when he wakes up I’ll just apply this liquid on the wound and it’ll seal up by itself without any pain or problems.” After the doctor said this, Haruhi realized that almost everyone in the room was a complete idiot so she left and went to her room to get some Z’s.
She lay down on her bed and started thinking. ‘Grr stupid Senpai! But I guess it’s no big deal since the doctor said so. I wonder what we’re having for dinner…speaking of food, I can’t believe me and Mori actually…was that a dream or something?’ Her thoughts turned to those of Mori. His shirt off, various costumes he looks good in, his quiet nature, and so on.
In the midst of her thoughts, the door opened and the source of her thoughts walked in. She didn’t notice that he was inside her room until she heard the lock click. Haruhi sat up while Mori walked to her bed and sat down. Without a word he leaned toward Haruhi and kissed her but it wasn’t as innocent as the first one. He became forceful, but it was still soft. Haruhi answered quickly and licked his lip. Mori berated her mouth with his tongue and explored her ‘cavern of pleasure’ <Lmfao I’m sorry I had to put that in there…She likes to eat?...>
Haruhi twirled her tongue around with Mori’s in a dance as old as time. ‘How did this happen? I mean…how can MORI, the quiet reclusive man who never has any emotions except when Hunny is involved, even think that I deserve to be with him?’ By this time Haruhi was under Mori and she was pulling off his shirt. Pretty soon her chest was as bare as his and he was fondling her small breasts, cupping them, drinking in their softness, looking at them, tasting them, and then they both lost all coherent thought. The next thing to come off was Haruhi’s pants and panties. He pulled up on his knees to see the lovely picture in front of him. Haruhi was slightly pink all of her body, from blushing or their activities, one couldn’t tell which. “Beautiful….” Mori muttered and put his hands on each side of Haruhi’s head; he began nuzzling and licking her neck.
Haruhi moaned and arched her body upward in an arch. Mori smiled slightly and continued to nip and play with her neck while his fingers went elsewhere. When he inserted one finger Haruhi rolled her hips to cause more friction. After a little bit of pumping, Mori decided she was stretched out enough, he positioned himself at. He put his head in her vagina just a little and looked her in the eyes. “Do you want this?” Haruhi held the look and without blinking wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled herself up, causing her to break her hymen and for her to be in an immense amount of pain. Haruhi winced a little, but no tears came out, and Mori held his breath, not daring to move until she was ready. Finally Haruhi rolled her hips again, Mori kissed her on the cheek and thus began their hour of love! <Cavern of pleasure, hour of love….I’ve got to be the corniest person in the world!>
“Where is my daughter?” Tamaki asked about an hour later, when he’d regain consciousness.
“I don’t know, she and Mori left after the doctor came.” Hikaru answered him.
“What?!?! The neighbor and my daughter are alone together?!” Tamaki sat up and rushed to Haruhi’s bedroom, to find the door locked and to hear deep breathing on the inside. “Oh my God!” Tamaki scuttled a hundred yards backwards and sprinted toward the door full speed, knocking it down. Charging as fast as he did, as soon as Tamaki knocked down the door he didn’t have enough time to stop before he ran into the bed and his chest landed on Mori’s bum. Tamaki was speechless for once, and Mori and Haruhi were both mortified. Haruhi rolled out from under Mori and hid under the sheets.


Hehe, so should I continue or not? I know the lemon wasn’t very good, but I’ve been having to work at the college and stuff and other students like to read over ones shoulder, and at home there are more nosy people…And I don’t want to be a perv!!!!!!! Lol Too bad it’s too late for that…. But anyways…Do you guys want to know why Haruhi and Mori make the perfect couple? Well? I guess it doesn’t matter if you want it or not I’m going to write it XD You see, Haruhi…well…she takes words too literally, but Mori doesn’t talk very much, so she won’t take things the wrong way if he says something like “Let’s go out!” <Volume 5….lol that was great…> Plus Mori isn’t like the twins and Tamaki. Those three if one of them ever got with Haruhi, they would brag about her to everyone and then Haruhi couldn’t repay her debt! So PDA just screwed over the three most popular characters in the series….I don’t have anything against any of them by the way…I love the twins and Tamaki cracks me up! But I like Tamaki with Ayame….and if I continue with this…I might put a little ‘Tono’ and ‘Hika’ action in here…….Anyways, I like Yaoi…so Kaoru and Hikaru are fine with me!....OR maybe they’ll be virgins forever….Honey has his cake and Kyouya has his money! Okay anyways I’m really through now….