Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ When Tamaki is Away the Children Will Play! ❯ Hallway of Many Doors ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ouran Host Club: When Tamaki is Away the Children Will Play Chapter Three!
Disclaimer: Me no owny Host Club yo!!! If I did…well…hehe let’s just not go there!

The Next Day at School!!

Haruhi was walking to her next class, Pre-Cal, when someone pulled her into a doorway, covering her mouth so her scream couldn’t be heard. “Shh! Do you want someone to hear?” Haruhi turned around and came face to face with Mori.
“Mori-senpai! What are you doi…?” She couldn’t finish her sentence because Mori swooped in for a kiss. Now that she thought about it, she and Mori didn’t have enough free time together. He was always with Hunny-senpai, and she was always either studying or being harassed by the troublesome trio. They stayed there kissing for five minutes when they finally needed to breathe. “Nice to see you too, Mori-sen….!” Again Haruhi couldn’t finish her sentence, this time because Mori bit her lips.
“Don’t call me ‘senpai’ anymore, Haru-chan.” Mori said huskily, using Hunny’s nickname for Haruhi. Haruhi giggled slightly, covering her mouth with her wrist. She couldn’t help it though! Mori calling her ‘Haru-chan’ was something so unexpected.
“Okay then. I won’t.” Haruhi and Mori looked at each other then he kissed her on the cheek and left. Haruhi had to smile to herself. “I ended up with such a sweet and caring guy…” She then left the room and set out again for her Pre-Cal class. Or anyways she would have liked too, but she didn’t get far before she was pulled into yet another empty room. ‘How many empty rooms are there in this hallway?!’ Haruhi thought to herself.
“Mori, I really need to go to class!” But when she turned around it wasn’t her beloved Mori! Instead it was the idiotic (yet adorable!) Tamaki. “Tamaki…what are you…?” For some reason the guys didn’t want her to finish a sentence because Tamaki pushed her up against a wall and hit it right beside her head.
“Why Mori?” Tamaki asked with his hair covering his face and his head hanging down slightly. It sounded like he was going to cry. “Why did you choose Mori, when you could have chosen me? I love you, Haruhi…” Tamaki choked on his words and started crying. He lifted up his head so Haruhi could see the tears streaming down his princely face. “Why?”
“Tamaki-sempai!” Haruhi wiped away a tear from his face. “I love you too, Tamaki-sempai. You are a very important friend to me!” Haruhi said, not understanding the kind of love that he meant.
“Haruhi…I-I…” Tamaki smiled a sorrowful smile. “It’s great that you recognize me as a friend now. That’s all I can ask for then.” He pushed off the wall, turned around, and walked away. ‘That was strange…I didn’t think Tamaki would be a man about this. He really has grown up.’ Haruhi walked out of the room….to be pulled into yet another one!
“I’m really getting tired of people pulling me around like a rag doll! I can’t be late for Pre-Cal!” Haruhi said turning around to see the twins and…Nekozawa?!
“Don’t worry Haruhi! Today’s Monday, Pre-Cal isn’t until Tuesday! Remember we’re on a block schedule this semester.” Kaoru said while putting his arms around Haruhi’s shoulders and walking her over to a couch to sit down.
“I knew something was wrong…Anyways what is it this time?” Haruhi asked, looking at each of the boys in turn.
“Well, we wanted to confess to you, Haruhi! You’ve already chosen Mori-senpai and it won’t do anything anyways, but we just wanted you to know.” Kaoru said while Hikaru was looking off into the distance with a bored look on his face. He couldn’t fool Haruhi; she could tell he had something on his mind too.
“What have you two done this time? Did you break something of Kyouya’s?” Haruhi was thinking they meant a bad kind of confession.
“No, you idiot! We love you! You came into our world, you broke into it, but we didn’t mind! But you...But you…” Hikaru snapped, he stood up while saying this and walked over to Haruhi. He slumped down on his knees, put his head in Haruhi’s lap, and started crying.
“Hikaru, I’m sorry.” Haruhi began stroking his head in a motherly fashion. “I didn’t mean to break into your world. I love you guys like I would brothers. It’s really fun, and bothersome at the same time, keeping you guys out of trouble. Don’t worry, nothing is going to change between us three, right? We’ll all be there for each other, right?”
Hikaru sniffled and lifted his head. “I suppose you’re right…”
Kaoru walked over to the duo and wrapped his arms around both of them. “Of course Haruhi is right! We’ll be together for years! Even after Mori-senpai graduates, we’ll still have each other!”
“Which brings up the next question…why is Nekozawa-senpai here?” Haruhi looked in the darkest part of the room at Nekozawa.
“Simple, my dear! Hikaru and I thought that Tamaki was the only one who stood in the way of winning your affection, so we got Nekozawa, who really admires Tamaki and wanted something of his, to help us steal Tamaki’s Beary! He has the teddy bear here and we were just having a meeting when we heard Tamaki running and crying down this way. Of course we had to look out the door to see what was happening when we saw you passing by so we kidnapped you and thought it was the perfect time for a declaration of war!” Boy that boy could talk with as little air as possible.
“So basically, you two and Nekozawa were behind the Beary-napping…Do you guys want me to return the bear so Tamaki won’t know, or do you plan on dissecting or something cruel like that?” Haruhi asked with a blank look on her face.
“You can take it back. The bear’s too much trouble to feed.” Nekozawa spoke up from his corner.
“Alrighty then! I guess I’ll be leaving then. See you guys later.” Haruhi picked up the bear and exited. ‘Nekozawa probably thinks the entire Host Club is gay now since he doesn’t know I’m a girl. Oh well. I wonder who’s going to kidnap me this time…
“Takashi, please don’t worry about me anymore. We both know that your family is no longer indebted to mine. Besides, Haruhi doesn’t deserve to feel second best, so now you can worry about her whole-heartedly.” Hunny-senpai looked up at the Dark Horse who had been by his side since they were young.
“You won’t brush your teeth after snack time.” Mori said in his monotonous way.
“Takashi Takashi! I will I will!” Hunny said, but crossed his fingers behind his back.
Haruhi wasn’t surprised when she was grabbed by yet another pair of hands. She didn’t even need to turn around to guess who it was this time. “What can I do for you, Kyouya-senpai?”
Her capture chuckled. “How did you know it was me?”
“Lucky guess I suppose. Is this about my debt?” Haruhi answered and asked in a bored way.
“No, no…This is about you and Mori. Hunny-senpai and I planned the whole thing.” Kyouya said while pushing his glasses higher on his nose, causing the glass to shimmer.
“I figured as much. You are adding that on to my debt, huh?” Haruhi sighed and looked at her feet.
“I already told you this isn’t part of your previous debt, but if you have the need to repay me…” Kyouya smirked and put his hand on Haruhi’s face. “Do you remember the time when you asked me if I did things, not just for a reward in finance and valuables, but also so people will like me?”
“I remember something of the sort…” Kyouya got closer to Haruhi until she was backed against the wall.
“You were correct in your analysis. How you can see through a person that easily, I have no idea. I’m not as greedy as I pretend to be…” Kyouya’s voice was getting lower and huskier. He was leaning closer to Haruhi. “Maybe I’m not as good as an actor as I hoped to be…” Haruhi was trapped in between both of Kyouya’s arms; there was no way she could escape.
“Kyouya, you already have my affection, loyalty, and help, what else could you possibly want to gain from me?” Haruhi said hoping the trick would work a second time.
“I want you in every essence, Haruhi. I wonder if you are as intriguing to Mori as you are to me.” Kyouya then kissed Haruhi forcibly on the lips. Haruhi tried to push him away, but he just pressed his full body on her. Haruhi bit his lip and kicked his shin, finally he pulled away.
“Kyouya please stop this! You can have any other girl you want! Why do all of you have to like me when all the girls in the school like the entire host club?! I have chosen Mori and there is nothing any of you can do to change my mind.” Kyou dropped his arms and let Haruhi go.
“We all really love you, Haruhi. Mori’s a lucky bastard. Just hope that the other members don’t get the strong urge to jump him.” Kyouya never saw it coming. Haruhi had only slapped Hikaru once before and that was the only time she had ever struck any one at Ouran, Kyouya got the chance to be her second though.
“Don’t you ever talk like that again, Kyouya-senpai.” Haruhi walked out of her fourth doorway in less then 30 minutes.

THE END!!! Should I write more or leave it there?! Maybe Tamaki wants a girlfriend….and maybe the twins do too! And what about poor Nekozawa, Kyouya and Hunny? ….Maybe if I write more I could make them all gay and turn this into a YaoFest hehe YaoFest…Who needs an “I”…YaoFest sounds better than YaoiFest anyways…Write more or no?!?!?!?!?!