Peach Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Momorella ❯ Ch 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



By: Megalabisia

Chapter 6

Goro leaned back in his chair in his study.

"So dear brother how are you liking your visit?" He said.

"You disgust me." Kiley responded.

"Come come. Don't act so high and might brother dear. Do you think this holy man act can justify your most unholy birth?" He said with a sneer.

"You're perverse." He responded.

"And you my brother are a bastard." he spat.

"Must you be serviced as we speak? You know it makes me uncomfortable." He said pointing at the girl kneeling before Goro.

"You should try it sometime. The female body holds many wonders inside of it." He chuckled.

"Never." Kiley said as he exited the study.


"Have you seen Kako?" Misao asked him when she saw him in the hallway.

"She seemed busy last I saw her." He said in a revolted tone.

Misao caught on quickly.

"Father Kiley… Do you…Do you care for Momo?" She asked in a carefully manner.

"Oh course like everyone and everything I care about her." he said with a practiced smile.

"You look at her different than I have ever seen you look at anyone." She said.

"You know I cannot." He said.

"But it feel you do. Have you told her?" She asked.

"Told her?" He asked.

"About being a priest." She stated.

"No." He said in a low voice.

"Why?" She asked.

"It hasn't come up." He lied.

"Because you want her to love you?" She said accusingly.

"I never did anything to lead her on." he said defensively.

"I can see it in your eyes you both care for each other." she said pointing. "She says she loves the prince but that is just a childish crush. I see her after she spends time with you. The happiness in her eyes. How she can't wait to see you everyday."

"I cannot love her like that. I have taken a sworn vow of celibacy." He said. "Nothing more will come of this. It can't." He said.

"You sir are a strange type of priest." She said as she walked away to continue her duties.


Goro was finding himself bored with his normal willing partners. He needed someone new. But who? He longed to get his Momo into bed with him. But how would he do it?

And then he started to plot.


Misao had worked out an arrangement with one of the kinder guards. For a small price they would look the other way as Ryo entered and left the estate.

It was late and Momo was as usual with Kiley.

"I have something to tell you." He said.

"Yes." she looked at him expecting a declaration of love.

"I am Father Okayasu. I am a priest." He said not looking at her.

"…" She didn't know what to say and her thoughts were cut off by Misao calling for Kiley.

"Can you marry us?" She asked in a pleading manner.

"Are you both sure you want this?" He asked.

Both nodded their heads and looked at each other with love in their eyes.

"We want to make what we want to do sanctioned by the lord." Misao said.

"Alright." Kiley said.

The ceremony was short and simple. Momo was the only witness.

The two exchanged vows of eternal love and commitment. Momo found it beautiful.

They were now husband and wife.

Momo watched as Ryo lifted his bride and carried her to a different part of the garden maze.


He lay his new bride on a soft patch of grass. He caressed her cheek as she looked at him with a dreamy look in her eyes.

Confessions of love were made.

And there honeymoon began.


"Why did you hide it?" Momo asked.

Kiley looked at her.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a priest? Were you trying to bed me to. Maybe you are just like your brother. I can't believe I fell for you." She yelled as she ran back to her room in the cold uninviting house.

Kiley never had a chance to explain himself. He stood there and soon started to hear sounds proving the consummation of the marriage. They both sounded so content maybe it wasn't such an awful thing after all.
