Peach Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Momorella ❯ Ch 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



By: Megalabisia

Chapter 9

It was very early that morning when Momo crept back to her room. She found Misao in her bed.

"Long night my dear?" She said with a wink.

Momo blushed.

The two left the house to bathe in the waterfall.

"So how was he?" Misao asked.

"Well he was amazing." Momo said with a smile remembering the night before.

"Really?" Misao asked.

"He married me." She stated.

"What? To Goro?" Misao asked her moth hanging open.

"No of course not. To each other." Momo replied.

"But how?" Misao asked.

"Same as you. He performed it for us." She answered.

"I don't know if that counts Momo." Misao said.

"Well it does to us and that's all that matters." She said.

"So what about Goro?" Misao asked not wanting to bring up such unhappy thoughts at such a joyous time.

"I will go to him tonight for you." She said.

Misao looked surprised.

"I refused to give that man my innocents. I would not give him my virginity. He can have his brother's seconds." Momo said in a dry tone.

Misao was speechless.


Momo had informed Goro she was ready and would visit him tonight. Her stomach turned in knots as she dreaded the nightfall.

Not a day had passed when she had married Kiley and promised her eternal love and devotion and she was going to sleep with no fuck his brother.

She would be willing it was her choice after all, despite how unfair the situation was. She would be mechanical nothing more than a doll in his arms. No love no affection just her body would be there nothing else. She willed her very soul to leave her as she went to his chambers.


Misao had gone to Kiley's room that evening.

"We need to talk." She said.

He was in a very good mood she could see Momo had a wonderful affect on him.

"Yes." He said. He was smiling ear to ear.

"You and Momo are married?" Misao asked.

"She is my wife." He said.

"Can you do that?" She asked.

"Marriage is promising to always love someone and be devoted and loyal to them. I feel If two people feel this way about each other and swear before God it counts just the same. And I do believe if I can marry others why not myself? There was nothing sinful about our encounter." He continued.

"She didn't tell you." Misao sighed.

"Tell me what?" He demanded.

Misao explained the deal Goro had struck with Momo in exchange for her child's life and her freedom.

Kiley sat silently listening to her. "When?" He asked.

"Tonight she said." Misao told him.

Kiley closed his eyes to think.


Momo held her breath as she knocked on Goro's door. He opened it smiling motioning for her to come in.

She walked in stiffly.

He smiled at her undressing her with his eyes.

He sat on his bed and patted the spot next to him. She reluctantly sat down.

He leaned over and started to nibble roughly on her ear growling how much he loved virgins. His one hand braced her back the other roughly molested her chest.

Momo winced in pain.

Goro started to pull her shirt off of her, she didn't resist. Momo just stared at the wall admiring it's beauty.

She made not a sound of ecstasy or protest this aggravated Goro.

"Moan for me woman." He demanded.

In the fakest way possible Momo moaned "oh oh oh." in a mono toned voice.

This only aggravated his more. "Fine if you want it the hard way we can do it the hard way. I tried to be gentle." He yelled.

He removed the rest of their clothing. He pushed her on her back. Easily spreading her legs apart he positioned himself to enter.

Momo was blankly staring off into space completely disinterested at what he was doing.

"You are supposed to be willing Bitch." He yelled at her.

"Have I put up a fight? You are free to do as you please with me I won't utter a protest." She said in a cold voice.

"Tell me you want it." He demanded.

"I want it." She repeated back much like a bird.

With this he thrust inside her. Momo was so controlled she didn't even flinch.

In fact she gave him no reaction.

He started to thrust in and out. She merely laughed at him.

"What's so funny?" He demanded resting inside of her.

"Do you like the feel of me? Your brother is much better at this. How do you like that not hours ago he had me screaming to the heavens. Do you enjoy having his seconds?" She said with venom in her voice.

Goro froze in shock. His brother had slept with her? He slept with a woman? His woman?

He didn't have much time to think as his door was kicked in.

On the other side of the rubble stood Kiley and Misao.

Kiley didn't know what to do as the sight before him enraged him so. "Got out of my wife." He spat at his brother.

Goro was so stunned he did as he was told.

"Where do you get off treating people like possessions?" Kiley yelled at him.

Goro hadn't noticed the dagger in Kiley's hand.

"Your whore tastes good. She's a real screamer." He said to his brother.

At this Kiley swung and hit him in the side. A fight broke out between the brothers. Kiley had succeeded a few more times at cutting Goro but soon the dagger was gone and they had their fists.

As if he had the divine hand of God helping him Kiley managed to come out victoriously. Goro lay slumped dead in the corner.

At this point the guards had heard a commotion and come running. They all stood in the doorway watching the spectacle.

Once it was over Kiley went to Momo who immediately turned away from him.

The guards looked at Kiley and asked "Master Okayasu would you like us to dispose of the body?"

Kiley looked at them in surprise. "Yes." He said carefully.

And it was done.

The house had never cared much for Goro. His `disappearance' was never looked into. And since Kiley was the only other Okayasu he became owner of the estate and everyone in it.