Pokemon Fan Fiction / Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Pokemon: The Mysterious Game ❯ Chapter 11

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The summoning!
Disclaimer: See previous chapter
Chapter 10: Adversary - Amiboshi strikes!
Gary stared at Lara as she walked into the room. * She looks like a girl… I mean, really like a girl! *
Drool leaked out of a corner of Brock's mouth. Misty frowned as she malleted him into the ground. “Tamahome! How could you?”
“I'm sorry, Misty!”
“Do I look nice?” Lara asked.
“Very mature.” Koga approved, earning strange looks. Heck, even Oak was staring with rapture. * Wow! She's hot! * Despite the fact that Oak was twenty-six…
“Um… you don't think she's…” Samuel searched for a word. “Feminine enough?”
“What are you talking about? I'm a ninja, I don't have those kinds of relations.” Koga said quietly.
Gary was silent. * I never thought about her as a girl…. Only as a fellow seishi… perhaps… my advisors are pressuring me to marry, and she is a seishi and about the right age… *
“Hey,” Amiboshi said, walking in. “Looking nice.”
“Thank you.” Lara said, sitting down at the table and helping herself to some tea.
A few minutes later, Rudy entered. Lara shot him a wink. < It worked. >
< Glad to help! >
< Thank you so much. I think even Gary noticed me. >
< Well, that's really good! Maybe he'll make you his empress! >
< Maybe. > Lara blushed and looked down. < Isn't that a bit sudden? >
< But a shichiseishi's life is dangerous so… steal what happiness you can, in my opinion. >
Dinner that night was a cheerful affair, but subdued. All the seishi were thinking about the ceremony the next day.
The next day… Suzaku Shrine…
The Four Directions of the Sky
The Four Directions of the Earth
By using the way, mind, and goodness
With deep rules
With truth and justice
Please tell the protector of the South, Suzaku
Now I will complete the words: Seven Constellations
From the sky to the Earth
Through the Four Ultimates
Fulfill for all living things
Please make extinct every kind of evil
By your godly powers
Protect us.
Only I wish
Please listen to this
From the sky
Please come down to us!
Misty finished the chant as she tossed the sacred scroll into the fire. There was a brief silence, and then…
Nothing happened.
“What?!” Brock demanded. “Didn't we do it correctly?”
More confused looks filled the air.
Amiboshi lifted his flute to his lips and began to play. All the Suzaku seishi screamed as pain rippled through their heads.
“You have failed. You are no longer able to summon Suzaku.”
Tasuki struggled to her feet. Lara quickly whipped out her iron fan. “That's it! LEKKA SHINEN!”
While Amiboshi was using his music to counteract the flames, Koga suddenly froze him in place with a spell, as Gary got up and drove his sword through the boy's body.
The flute dropped from nerveless fingers as Amiboshi collapsed. It was really a morbid tableaux. Misty stared in horror. “CHIRIKO!!”
Back in Kutou…
Suboshi wrapped her arms around herself as she felt her brother's life energy signature disappear. “Aniki!”
The ryuuseisui whipped around her in agitated knots as she cried softly.
“Damn!” Tomo cursed, shutting his mirror. “But I'm not letting them be parted like this!” Morty's eyes glowed in anger, as he reached out through space and found Amiboshi's spirit, before he grabbed it and literally shoved the spirit into Suboshi's body.
“There. That way those twins will be able to stay together.”
Morty sighed in relief as he watched Suboshi calm down.
“Those two are more compatible then everyone else I know, they'll have no problem with this arrangement.”
Lance stalked in, followed by Ashline. “What happened? I felt his chi vanish…”
“Those Suzaku bastards did kill Amiboshi.” Morty said. `But, all is not lost. I managed to chain Amiboshi's spirit to Suboshi.”
Suboshi had opened her eyes again, but instead of being blue, one was silver blue and the other solid gold.
“So basically, like a possession.”
“Yes and no.” Morty said. “Since they are twins, they can function as one. Therefore, its just like Suboshi with part of Amiboshi's powers and his personality.”
“I see.” Lance said.
“You okay?” Ashline asked, going over to Suboshi and giving her a hug. * Misty, you-! I can't believe you would kill one of my seishi! He was my friend too! I'll make you pay for this! How dare you! *
“H-hai…” Suboshi whispered in a small voice. “Aniki…”
A pale blue glow surrounded her, and a translucent Amiboshi appeared. “Little sister… I will always be with you…”
“Aniki-kun…” Suboshi sniffled, staring at Amiboshi. Lance noticed that both their symbols were flashing on Suboshi's body, the left and right shoulders each shining with a blue character. Amiboshi's on the right, and Suboshi's on the left.
< Aniki… >
< I'm right here with you. >
< So you two are one now… > Lance sent.
< Hai, Lance-sama. > Both chorused, as Amiboshi laid a hand gently on Suboshi's shoulder.
Ashline breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much, Morty.”
Morty smiled. “It was a pleasure to help, Ashline-sama.”
“Drop the Sama, you don't need to say it.”
“As you wish.” Morty said, getting up as his light blue cloak fluttered around him. “I need some rest now, that was a tiring spell.”
Lance nodded and Morty left.
Ash smiled at Lance as she twined her fingers in his. < It's all right… they cannot summon now. >
< Hai… and Amiboshi is still here… >
Lance nodded and wrapped an arm around her, as Ashline leaned into his embrace.
< Lance-chan? >
< Hai? >
< What if… what if… >
Bright blue eyes stared into hers. < Then we shall get the shinzaho. > He did not deign to give a specific answer.
Ashline nodded as his arms settled around her comfortably.
“What are we going to do now?” Gary asked, panting in exertion as he stared at the corpse.
“We can't summon Suzaku now!” Lara said. “Shoot! We should have checked him over more carefully!”
Misty was still in shock, and Brock was trying to calm her down.
“… What do we do now?” Rudy asked.
“I don't know…” Oak replied.
Silence filled the group, deafening in its entirety.
Lance shook his head as Suboshi knelt. “You have a request?”
“Hai…” The twin said.
“I recognize the fire in your eyes. Go and take the revenge you desire. But be careful.”
Suboshi nodded and bowed before exiting the room.
End Chapter!
Started 11/9/03, completed 11/17/03