Pokemon Fan Fiction / Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Pokemon: The Mysterious Game ❯ Chapter 12

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I wish I owned pokemon, but I only own this fanfic. Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. Fushigi Yuugi belongs to Yu Watase. This is non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfic.
Timeline: a week later
Chapter 11: Antithesis
Having finally gotten the necessary information from Serebii, the Suzaku seishi now set off to find the two Shinzaho, mystical items created during the summoning of the two earlier gods, Genbu and Byakko. However, first, they decided to drop by Brock's house, on his insistence, to see how his younger siblings and ailing father were doing.
Gary and Lara had stayed in the capital, but Koga and Rudy had come along on the trip.
Misty smiled and chirped as they walked along. “Wow, I'll finally get to meet your family!”
“Yes, and we can ask my father for my permission to marry.” Brock said equally joyously.
Misty slipped her hand into his and smiled.
“Remember, Misty. Once we summon Suzaku I'll make you the happiest bride ever!” Brock vowed.
Koga nodded. “Good idea.”
“Because only a pure maiden can summon a god.”
“But then… Ash can't be Seiryuu no miko!” Misty said.
“Well, the quicker you summon Suzaku, the faster you can inform her of that fact.”
However, when they opened the door to the house and all walked in, a horrifying sight met their eyes. All of Brock's siblings and his father lay dead.
Misty collapsed to her knees. “Why… what happened…”
Koga looked around, worriedly, as did Rudy.
Suddenly, the sound of a flute broke through the air.
“Amiboshi?!” Rudy asked. “But he's dead!”
“Can't be.” Misty whispered. “His flute is still back in the palace.”
“But who…” Koga inquired as he stepped out into the light.
Standing on the roof and playing the flute was a figure dressed in a black assassin's cloak.
“Amiboshi!” Misty shouted. “Did you do this?”
The figure flung off the cloak, revealing the familiar features of the Seiryuu sei. “Yes! I did this for revenge! You took away all the family I had, so I'll do the same to you!”
Koga realized that Amiboshi did not have red highlights in his hair. “Misty! It's not him!”
“No.” The figure laughed. “I'm Suboshi! You killed my older brother!”
“… Twins?” Rudy asked softly.
As Brock stepped out, a red haze surrounded him. “YOU KILLED MY FAMILY?!”
Suboshi smiled as she whirled her Ryuuseisui around. “You killed my aniki! He was the only family I had!”
Misty paled as she realized the truth of the statement. Amiboshi had been killed the instant he had been discovered as a traitor, with no time or pardon. And by the ancient laws of revenge…
Brock leapt at the figure, who jumped off the roof as two spindles careened into him, knocking him out cold.
Suboshi laughed. “See you later, Suzaku seishi. It'll only make the game more fun.”
A haze of smoke filled the area suddenly, and she was gone an instant later.
When it cleared, Koga looked troubled. “Someone was blocking my power… I sense another Seiryuu seishi…”
The group hurriedly returned to the capital city to report to Gary on what had happened.
“You okay Suboshi?” Morty asked as they reappeared in Kutou's palace.
“Hai…” The twin whispered, shakily retying her Ryuuseisui around her waist.
He nodded and went to make his report.
“So she is heading to Hokkan.” Ashline asked, receiving the report from the spy. The man nodded.
A smile twisted her lips. “Very well then, Misty. Let's battle.”
Lance entered with a tray of candies and other sweets, and Ashline idly popped a dried mango slice in her mouth as she considered the situation.
She needed the Shinzaho to summon Seiryuu; she couldn't go home until then. And she had a country to save.
“Make preparations for our trip to Hokkan.” Ashline whispered.
Lance smiled. “We are nearer the country then they, miko-sama. We shall go on horseback.”
Ash stood, the skirts of her dark blue outfit sweeping the floor. “So everyone is ready?”
“We can depart within a few hours, miko-sama.”
Ash smiled as her general kissed her gently. “And thus, the story continues.”
Lance smiled.
T-minus 4 days later…Hokkan
Gary blinked as Lara fell off her horse. “You haven't gone riding before?”
“Um… okay. We can double up then. You can ride with me, I'll keep an eye on you that way.”
“Really?” Lara asked, her eyes shimmering.
“You bet!” Gary said, flashing a grin.
Lara grinned brightly and gave Rudy a discreet thumbs-up.
Rudy smiled back and winked as Lara climbed on in front of Gary, who put his arms around her to hold on.
Misty felt a slight twinge of jealousy, but brushed it off. * I don't even like Gary! * She cast a look over at Brock.
Brock was looking straight ahead and silent.
Misty felt another twinge of guilt. * I shouldn't be thinking like that! A Seiryuu seishi just killed Brock's family! Those evil…*
Her eyes hardened as she rode on.
Morty watched from his vantage point in the clouds. * Suzaku seishi… you're lucky Nakago-sama ordered me not to kill you. Or else you'd be dead now. *
A swirl of mist surrounded him and he left to make his report.
“So they are heading towards Mt. Black.”
“Yes.” Morty replied.
“Very well… we'll just have to prevent them from entering the shrine then.”
“Hai, Nakago-sama.”
Lance smiled. * Those fools… do they really think they can win? *
“Will you send Ashitare?”
Lance shook his head. “She's too weak.”
“I would… but at the moment, she is quite vital to our summoning. So I'll send Soi.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Lance replied, standing up. “It will give us a chance to test her loyalty.”
A few minutes later, Aya entered. “Hai, Nakago-sama?”
“Soi, you'll be in charge of stopping the Suzaku no Shichiseishi from entering the shrine.”
Aya nodded. “I will do my best.”
“That's all I ask, then.” Lance replied. “Morty will be your backup in case you need some.”
Aya looked confident as she focused on her chi. “Thank you.”
And with that, she left to go prepare.
Morty watched. “You sure she'll be okay?”
“I hope so.”
“You trust her that much?”
“This is her chance to prove her loyalty to the Seiryuu seishi. No matter the situation at hand…”
Morty made a quick bow and exited. “Understood, Shogun.”
The Suzaku sei and miko were now sheltering in a bar. They would head to the shrine on Mt. Black the next day. A man had happily provided the information after learning that they were from Konan.
Lara and Gary were sharing some fried wontons, while Misty was staring into a bowl of rapidly turning cold soup.
Brock was counting his coins out of frustration.
Koga was meditating quietly, wondering where the seventh Suzaku seishi was.
Oak was giving medical advice to a man with a stomachache.
Rudy was smiling at Lara, occasionally interjecting into the conversation.
Misty sighed. “Do you think the Seiryuu seishi will also be after the Shinzaho?'
“I'm afraid so…” Koga told her. “It's dangerous.”
Misty nodded uncomfortably. “They're down a seishi as well. It would make sense…”
End Chapter!
Started 11/17/03, completed 3/14/04