Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Survivor: Ultimate ❯ The Scientific Name for the Coconut ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
No, I don't own Teen Titans, Zelda, Pokemon, or Survivor. I do own Lia, so don't use her in your fics. I can't take all the credit, because my friends soul_stealer_25 and Mira (I forgot her user name) helped me to write it too. Now on with the show!

hero_of_time132: Welcome back!
soul_stealer_25 : WEEEEEE!
Mira: Coconuts! Mwahahahahahaha!

Luka Tribe

Lia: So... bored....
Link: So... hungry
Lia: Need... chocolate...
Ruto: Need...Link...
Mira: What about a nice nutritious coconut?
Ganon: We've been eating coconuts for days!
Raven: Stop complaining!
BB: Blah blah blah I can't hear you
Cy: I need.. to play... video games....
Mira: Me too. Bye, you losers! ^_^
(no name camera dude comes and Mira goes back to the yacht to play video games)

Shvimiel Tribe

Zelda: Nooo! I can't take this! How do Link and Lia do this, traveling for days without a shower into the wilderness?
Gary: Will you shut up already? Sure, you're pretty, but you know what Gramps (Proffessor Oak) said? What counts is inside, not outside. I like the outside of you, but when you get to the friggin' inside... (starts saying gibberish)
Jessie: Oh no
James: He's cracked..
Pikachu: Pika pika chu pika pi pi chu.
Mewtwo: He said, "He's been cracked the day I met him, that terrible day when Ash popped open my pokeball..."
Zelda: I need soap! Impaaaaa! (runs around screaming)
Starfire: I miss Robin!!!
Jessie: You always do.
Starfire: Robin...
James: She's obssessed.
Jessie: Meowth! We need thee! To be or not to be, that is the queston! (starts reciting random lines of Shakespear)
James: Jessie! I've lost you too! (starts crying)

At the Reward Challenge

hero_of_time132: You guys alright?
everyone: mmmmm
Zelda: (grabs soul stealer) I NEED SOAP! AND MAKEUP! IMPA!
Gary: (twitches) Stop! please.. (cries)
Mira: I told you they would crack sooner or later
Lia: Hold on a second. This has been bothering me and Link for a while.
Link: I thought we were the heroes of time. You can't steal our title.
hero of time: Too bad. I just did.
Link+Lia: NOOOOOO!
Link: So I'm not special anymore?
Ganon: Special? You were special? How dim are you? Who told you that you were special?
Link: But- Impa said-
Raven: That you were special after you kept nagging her to say so for a week?
Link: heheheheheh
soul stealer: let's get to the challenge. You will win... nothing!
everyone: what?
hero of time: we ate it anyway
Starfire: But we must win something!
hero of time: fine. the team that wins will get a better chance of being in our next production, The Ama-
Mira: Shhhh! We can't say that yet!
hero of time: heheheheheheh
soul stealer: you said that on purpose!
hero of time: keeps 'em interested
Mewtwo: She is right, you foolish hosts.
soul stealer: we're wasting film. We should save up for that next show, The Ama-
Mira: It's not my fault if it slips out.
soul stealer: It's trivia time! (In rounds) Luka, which two are sitting out?
Luka: Cy and Ruto!
Ruto: Go Link!!!

hero of time: here are the pairs:

Link and Gary
Ash and Pikachu
Ganon and Jessie
Raven and Zelda
BB and James
Lia and Starfire

soul stealer: ok. first person to hit the buzzer answers. first team to 10 points wins. the pairs go in the order they were said.
hero of time: 1) Which 3 pokemon does Professor Oak offer in Pallet town for new trainers?
Link: Uhhhhhh
Gary: Uhhhhh
soul stealer: You should know, Gary! You got one of them, you idiot.
Link: Uhhhhh (stares at something)
Gary: (hits buzzer) Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur!
hero of time: correct! 1 point for Shvimiel.
Mira: I thought it was Totodile, Cyndaquil, and Chikorita?
hero of time: those were from Jhoto and Prof. Birch.
Mira: how do you know?
soul stealer: learn your geography.
Mira: Geography? I got a B minus.
hero of time: I got an A.
soul stealer: Really?
hero of time: No, I got an A+.
Mira: how did you do that?
hero of time: heheheheheheh
Mira: when we get back to the yacht, you are so dead.
soul stealer: this isn't going to be pretty...
hero of time: ok! that's enough... 2) Which idiot from Jump City tried to make Robin an old geezer?
Ash: (hits buzzer) Giovanni! Slade! Albert Einstein!
everyone: -_-*
Pikachu: Pika pi! pikachu pika!
Mewtwo: he said, "Mad Mod! Idiot!
soul stealer: 2 points: shvimiel!
hero of time: Who was Zelda (in Windwaker) before the king of Hyrule joined both pieces of her part of the Triforce?
Jessie: How should I know?
Mira: We would all be very surprised if you did.
Ganon: I know! (hits buzzer) It was that pirate girl called Tetra!
Mira: (sarcastically) Nooooooooooo. You'd think he'd remember faster since he TRIED TO STRANGLE HER!!!!
hero of time: Yeah! Tetra was so cool! She just had to become a princess...
soul stealer: ahem. one point Luka, two for Shvimiel
Raven: Prepare to face your doom, princess. Mwahahahahahah!
Zelda: (gulp)
soul stealer: 4) Of which race if Makar?
Zelda: Makar? Who is he? A cute boy I don't know about?
Link: -_-*
Raven: (destroys buzzer) He's a Korok, you idiot.
hero of time: Correct! Luka: 2! We are tied! (gets a new buzzer)
James: I'm against Beastboy? This will be easy!
soul stealer: Duh.
hero of time: 5)What letter is the Titans Tower shaped as?
James: .....
Beastboy: Ummmm hold on, I haven't recited the alphabet for how long?
Raven: You actually knew the alphabet?
BB: Duh! A, B, 3, K , X, A, B, 3,.. did I say 3 already?
everyone: -_-*
James: (hits buzzer) T!
BB: No! It's a F!
everyone: -_-**
hero of time: shvimiel: 3, luka: 2
soul stealer: 6) What day, (in hero of time's opinion) is the basis of ALL EVIL?
Star: Evil? I am not evil. How should I be able to answer that question?
hero of time: Does it look like I care?
Lia: Oooooooh I know it's Friday!
Star: The day of Fri? Why is it the day of Fri?
hero of time: Friday was the day Jeff-
Mira: Died and gave us his will!
Star: oh.
soul stealer: Luka: 3, tied again.
hero of time: What is the name of the red teletubby?
Gary: I did have a portable TV, but I never watched that show..
Link: That is soooo easy! Po!
soul stealer: How do you know that?
Lia: You don't want to know.
hero of time: Luka: 4!
soul stealer: I'm getting tired. I wanna go back to the yacht and play video games. Whoever answers this question correctly wins.
hero of time: What is-
Mira: the scientific name of the coconut?
Ash: What?
Pikachu: Pikapika chu?!!
Mewtwo: he said, "What the f@#$?!!
hero of time to Mira: What the heck?! Do u even know?!
soul stealer: I thought so.
Ash: Ummmm... lacocoleritius?
Mira: ummm sure! Let's go with that...
everyone: -_-*
hero of time: Luka.. wins?
Luka: Yay?
soul stealer: Until tommorow, losers!

Back at the Yacht

soul stealer: No, seriously, how did Link know?

At the Reward Challenge
hero of time: hi. We couldn't think of anything for u guys to do.
soul stealer: uhhhhhhhh we just wanted to update.
hero of time: wait for next chapter. Did you hear me? WAIT!!!!!!
everyone: (very scared) o.k. heheheheheheheh.

Sorry I haven't updated for so long! Please review! If you're going to read it, review it at least!!!! I've decided to call all the fics we write SHM productions! (soul stealer, hero of time, Mira)