Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ A Legend in the Making ❯ Ch. 2- A Friend In Need ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Though I have made many efforts, I don't own Pokemon.... yet...
Chapter 2 - A Friend In Need
As soon as Ash opened his eyes, a wave of pain washed over him, blurring his vision, and causing
him to close his eyes again. When he re-opened them, it felt like his head was splitting in two. 'Where am
I?' he thought. He looked around and realized he was in a small shed, not much larger than his old bedroom.
???: Have a nice nap?
Startled, he flinched away from the voice causing himself to fall off the bed. He looked around and
saw a redheaded girl about his age standing near the doorway. She was wearing short suspenders with
a yellow shirt underneath. She was cradling Ash's Pikachu in her arms.
Ash: Who...(he flinched from the pain it caused him to talk) are you?
???: My name's Misty. I saw you and your Pikachu being attacked by a flock of spearow in the forest,
so I figured I would help out. And by the looks of you,(She lookes Ash up and down) it's a good thing
I came when I did!
Ash: Where... are we?
Misty: We're right outside of Veridian City. I think I should get you two to a Poke Center! Can you stand?
Ash slowly lifted himself out of the bed, swayed a little and then steadied himself.
Ash: I think I can walk fine. I'll just carry my things with...(grabs his back pack) let's go.
As they set out towards the city, Ash can feel the occasional drops of rain on his head and
realizes he couldn't have been out for more than a few hours. Tired of guessing he asks..
Ash: How long was I out?
Misty: it's been about 4 hours since I got you here...
Ash: Thank you. For saving me I mean... If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead by now. I hate to
think about what would have happened if you wouldn't have come along.
At this, Misty shook her head.
Misty: Maybe you should learn a little more before you become a trainer... If you can't even fend off
a flock of spearow with a thunder element pokemon, in an electrical storm no less...
Ash: Well maybe if Pikachu would obey me-
Misty: And I wonder why it doesn't obey you! You threw a rock at it, tied it up, forced it to come with
you, and didn't even try to see what was wrong!
Ash felt like an idiot. If he couldn't even train a pokemon and win a battle under the best of
circumstances, then... 'wait', he thought.
Ash: How do you know about my trip so far?
Misty looked at him, and could feel her face burning as she tried to come up with an excuse...
Misty: Well, umm.... Oh look!(she pointed to a stream on in the forest to their left.) A pokemon!
Ash: Where? I don't see it! Where is th-... oh there it is...
Ash ran towards the forest. As he neared it he slowed his pace and crept up on the pokemon, one
hand reaching for a pokeball. 'Just a little closer...' he thought. He waited until..
The ball spun towards the small creature. It turned just as the pokeball hit it, and was sucked in
immediatley. It moved once... twice... again... and stopped.
Ash: Yeah!!! I caught a... uhh what was that thing again?
Misty: Oh brother... ('that was close,' she thought...)
Finally, the forest around them dissappeared all together as the city took its place.
Misty: Finally! That walk took longer than I thought! (Hands Pikachu to Ash) I can't wait to go shopping!
Pikachu: Pika..... chu, pika ka chu...
Ash: huh? Pikachu! your alright!
As they walked into the poke center, a tall man in a dark suit ran into them, Knocking Misty down.
Misty: Hey you loser! Watch where you're going!
The man turned around and laughed at them.
???: and you should watch your mouth little girl. Saying the wrong thing to the wrong person could get you
With that, he ran off into the night, leaving Ash and Misty clueless as to who he was, or what he
was in such a hurry to do...
Nurse Joy: Can I help you?
Ash: (puts Pikachu on the counter) My Pikachu needs to be healed. I think it's injured... Oh! and could you tell
me what type of pokemon this is? (hands her the pokemon)
Nurse Joy: Well, of course! But... don't you have a pokedex? (Ash nodds) Well, then I'll show you how to use it!
She explained to him what the function of the pokedex was and how to use it. When she was done, she told
him to try it out on his new pokemon.
Ash:Well, here goes...
He threw the pokeball to the ground, and then pointed the pokedex at the pokemon that came out.It
immediately said:
Dex: *Ding* Cubone. The lonely pokemon. This pokemon always wheres a skull on it's head and it is said that
no one ever sees it's face. Some people have claimed to have seen it's face, but none have had any proof.
Attacks: Bonemerang, tackle, skull bash. This pokemon has high defence and strength, average speed, but
low stamina.
Ash: Wow...
Misty: Congratulations Ash. You caught your first pokemon.
Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu!
Ash: I'm sorry I treated you the way I did at first Pikachu. I can understand why you were mad.
Pikachu:Pika, chu....
Ash:It's okay buddy.. friends?
Pikachu:Chu!(gives him thumbs up.)
Ash: Alright!
Nurse Joy: I think it would be safest to stay here till the storm clears up.
Misty: Okay. Ash, I'm gonna go wash up. I'll see you in the morning, okay?
Ash:Okay Misty. Thanks again.
Misty: No problem. It was the only thing I could have done, aside from standing there and watching you die...
Ash:Goodnight Misty.
Pikachu:(curls up on a couch and falls asleep)
Ash layed down next to Pikachu, and wondered what amazing adventures tommorrow would bring, as he
drifted into a deep, well needed sleep....
*End Chapter 2*
This might be the last chapter I post for a couple of days, so don't worry if I'm a little late.
I want to post the next three chapters at the same time. Remember, you can email me at:
Though I have made many efforts, I don't own Pokemon.... yet...
Chapter 2 - A Friend In Need
As soon as Ash opened his eyes, a wave of pain washed over him, blurring his vision, and causing
him to close his eyes again. When he re-opened them, it felt like his head was splitting in two. 'Where am
I?' he thought. He looked around and realized he was in a small shed, not much larger than his old bedroom.
???: Have a nice nap?
Startled, he flinched away from the voice causing himself to fall off the bed. He looked around and
saw a redheaded girl about his age standing near the doorway. She was wearing short suspenders with
a yellow shirt underneath. She was cradling Ash's Pikachu in her arms.
Ash: Who...(he flinched from the pain it caused him to talk) are you?
???: My name's Misty. I saw you and your Pikachu being attacked by a flock of spearow in the forest,
so I figured I would help out. And by the looks of you,(She lookes Ash up and down) it's a good thing
I came when I did!
Ash: Where... are we?
Misty: We're right outside of Veridian City. I think I should get you two to a Poke Center! Can you stand?
Ash slowly lifted himself out of the bed, swayed a little and then steadied himself.
Ash: I think I can walk fine. I'll just carry my things with...(grabs his back pack) let's go.
As they set out towards the city, Ash can feel the occasional drops of rain on his head and
realizes he couldn't have been out for more than a few hours. Tired of guessing he asks..
Ash: How long was I out?
Misty: it's been about 4 hours since I got you here...
Ash: Thank you. For saving me I mean... If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead by now. I hate to
think about what would have happened if you wouldn't have come along.
At this, Misty shook her head.
Misty: Maybe you should learn a little more before you become a trainer... If you can't even fend off
a flock of spearow with a thunder element pokemon, in an electrical storm no less...
Ash: Well maybe if Pikachu would obey me-
Misty: And I wonder why it doesn't obey you! You threw a rock at it, tied it up, forced it to come with
you, and didn't even try to see what was wrong!
Ash felt like an idiot. If he couldn't even train a pokemon and win a battle under the best of
circumstances, then... 'wait', he thought.
Ash: How do you know about my trip so far?
Misty looked at him, and could feel her face burning as she tried to come up with an excuse...
Misty: Well, umm.... Oh look!(she pointed to a stream on in the forest to their left.) A pokemon!
Ash: Where? I don't see it! Where is th-... oh there it is...
Ash ran towards the forest. As he neared it he slowed his pace and crept up on the pokemon, one
hand reaching for a pokeball. 'Just a little closer...' he thought. He waited until..
The ball spun towards the small creature. It turned just as the pokeball hit it, and was sucked in
immediatley. It moved once... twice... again... and stopped.
Ash: Yeah!!! I caught a... uhh what was that thing again?
Misty: Oh brother... ('that was close,' she thought...)
Finally, the forest around them dissappeared all together as the city took its place.
Misty: Finally! That walk took longer than I thought! (Hands Pikachu to Ash) I can't wait to go shopping!
Pikachu: Pika..... chu, pika ka chu...
Ash: huh? Pikachu! your alright!
As they walked into the poke center, a tall man in a dark suit ran into them, Knocking Misty down.
Misty: Hey you loser! Watch where you're going!
The man turned around and laughed at them.
???: and you should watch your mouth little girl. Saying the wrong thing to the wrong person could get you
With that, he ran off into the night, leaving Ash and Misty clueless as to who he was, or what he
was in such a hurry to do...
Nurse Joy: Can I help you?
Ash: (puts Pikachu on the counter) My Pikachu needs to be healed. I think it's injured... Oh! and could you tell
me what type of pokemon this is? (hands her the pokemon)
Nurse Joy: Well, of course! But... don't you have a pokedex? (Ash nodds) Well, then I'll show you how to use it!
She explained to him what the function of the pokedex was and how to use it. When she was done, she told
him to try it out on his new pokemon.
Ash:Well, here goes...
He threw the pokeball to the ground, and then pointed the pokedex at the pokemon that came out.It
immediately said:
Dex: *Ding* Cubone. The lonely pokemon. This pokemon always wheres a skull on it's head and it is said that
no one ever sees it's face. Some people have claimed to have seen it's face, but none have had any proof.
Attacks: Bonemerang, tackle, skull bash. This pokemon has high defence and strength, average speed, but
low stamina.
Ash: Wow...
Misty: Congratulations Ash. You caught your first pokemon.
Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu!
Ash: I'm sorry I treated you the way I did at first Pikachu. I can understand why you were mad.
Pikachu:Pika, chu....
Ash:It's okay buddy.. friends?
Pikachu:Chu!(gives him thumbs up.)
Ash: Alright!
Nurse Joy: I think it would be safest to stay here till the storm clears up.
Misty: Okay. Ash, I'm gonna go wash up. I'll see you in the morning, okay?
Ash:Okay Misty. Thanks again.
Misty: No problem. It was the only thing I could have done, aside from standing there and watching you die...
Ash:Goodnight Misty.
Pikachu:(curls up on a couch and falls asleep)
Ash layed down next to Pikachu, and wondered what amazing adventures tommorrow would bring, as he
drifted into a deep, well needed sleep....
*End Chapter 2*
This might be the last chapter I post for a couple of days, so don't worry if I'm a little late.
I want to post the next three chapters at the same time. Remember, you can email me at: