Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Boot Camp & Booty Calls ❯ Process Them ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Boot Camps & Booty Calls

By: bsmart

Disclaimer:Why the hell am I writing this? Nobody reads them and they have no legal weight. It's a complete waste of time and bandwidth and yet I'm still typing. If you're under the legal age where ever you are don't read this, but since you're going to anyways at least don't let your mommy catch you. This fic is very much NC-17. Copyright? Ha! Just don't be a dick. If you got this anywhere besides mediaminer.org, the official Pokegirls Yahoo group, or adultfanfiction.net then you likely haven't seen all of it as those are the only places where this story is officially distributed.

Note: This is an Orange League fic. To be honest I don't know a damn thing about pokemon and I want to keep it that way. If I make a dumb mistake feel free to point it out. I've done as much research as I can into this to keep it consistent with what seems to be the accepted canon of the pokegirl world. Also no one that I know of has done anything with the Orange League so I'm making it up as I go along.

"…" Normal Speech

'…' Thought

Chapter 3: Process Them

The camp was exactly what Lucian expected. The pier and the entrance were at the extreme north-east corner of the compound. The north and part of the west walls of the compound were lined with one and two story concrete block buildings. They all looked well made and well kept up but nobody had even tried to dress them up aside from applying a dull coat of beige paint. The largest of the buildings was three stories high and set in the middle of the north wall, since it was the only building with an Orange League flag in front of it Lucian assumed it was the administration building. The only other building that stood out was a large two story one next to the admin building that had the word "Mess" painted on a large wooden sign over it's door.

The east wall of the compound had a double row of low slung structures. Instead of walls or a roof they had long metal panels that were bent over to form the walls and roof in one long arch. It looked like someone had taken a half dozen gray metal cans and split them down the center before laying the halves down on the ground. 'Quonset huts,' his memory provided. The dozen shelters were in the same condition as the rest of the buildings in the compound, well maintained but devoid of any decoration. The center of the compound was a large empty short grass field that covered a good four acres and on the far south and west side of the compound were obstacle courses and sand pits. "It all looks very...functional." Lucian thought as Barnes led them in front of the first group of four huts. The entire camp had the appearance of being built by people with little time for aesthetics. On the far side of the compound a group of trainees with no pokegirls were making their way through an obstacle course while another group with pokegirls were observing several fights in the sand pits.

The two rows of huts were bisected by a clay path and the entrances into them opened out onto it. Barnes stopped directly between the first two huts and quickly spun on his heels to face the group. The two sergeants that were accompanying him took up positions on either side of him and waited. This time when Barnes bellowed, "FALL IN!" everyone did it immediately.

"For the next nine weeks these barracks will be your homes, but they still belong to me! I don't care what your mommy expected out of you, you will keep these barracks spotless at all times. Now listen up, you're going to be divided into four platoons, A, B, C, and D," he said pointing to a different hut with each letter. "Each platoon will be responsible for it's own barracks, each platoon will exercise together, and each platoon go to class together. Sergeant Wilkins will read off your platoon assignments, when he's done reading you have five minutes to get inside, grab a cot, get rid of your shit, and get your asses back out here, if you can't manage to do even that, I will fail you. Those of you who already have a pokegirl take one of the beds in the back."

Barnes had barely finished speaking before Wilkins, the darker skinned of the two Sergeants stepped forward and started rattling off names. To Lucian's pleasant surprise both he and Cassie wound up in A platoon. Lucian tuned out the rest of the list and gave Cassie a smile which she returned before Wilkins finished reading the list.


Everyone made a rush for the doors and poured into their assigned barracks. The interior of the hut was a little nicer then Lucian had been expecting, the interior had been lined with sheet-rock and on either side of the central hallway were a good thirty or so low walled enclosures, as he passed by Lucian glanced into one of them. The walls were only about a meter and a half high so they were easy to see into but there would still be a little privacy in them. A small bed with a thin mattress occupied one wall while a tall cabinet butted up against the exterior wall next to a window. A small desk filled one corner and there was a small locker at the foot of the bed. The whole 'room' was about two and a half meters square and while it was small Lucian thought it didn't look too bad. While the rest of the platoon started to fan out and pick out their accommodations Lucian and Cassie made their way towards the back of the barracks with Koshka and Shauri in tow. On their way they passed the restroom on one side and a study room on the other. They walked through a set of double doors and found themselves in a small room at the back of the barracks. The room was divided into four sleeping chambers, and they had similar furnishing though the bed, cabinet, and locker were all larger, at the very rear of the room was a door labeled as the restroom.

"Not bad," Cassie said approvingly. "Got our own bathroom and ever'thing."

"Nope, which one do you want?" Lucian asked.

"Don't matter ta me."

"Alright then." Lucian turned and tossed his backpack into the first cubicle on the right while Cassie tossed her stuff into the last one on the right.

Lucian had noticed the apprehensive look on Koshka's face as she had scanned their accommodations and as soon as Cassie turned her back she leaned in close to Lucian and whispered, "Am I going to have to wear my clothes ALL the time?"

Before Lucian could answer Cassie looked back over her shoulder and told her, "You don't have to on my account sug'."

"Err let's get back out of here." Lucian said.

"Sure," Cassie chirped and headed out. Lucian followed behind her shaking his head.

The rest of the platoon was filing out as well and when everyone was once again standing outside they found Sergeant Barnes standing right in front of their door looking at his watch. "Is that everyone?" he asked as his eyes scanned the assembled group. There was an instructor standing in front of every barracks.

"Yes sir," answered one of the trainees.

Barnes waited for a moment staring at the door. When no one else emerged and he heard no one moving around inside he glanced back down at his watch. "Very good, I'm glad to see that you've learned the value of taking this seriously."

Turning his back on A platoon Barnes asked the other instructors, "Any stragglers?"

Three "no"s answered him.

"Good. Now listen up! In front of all of you are your platoon leaders for the next nine weeks. I will be taking A platoon, Sergeant Paulson will take B Platoon, Sergeant Wilkins will have C Platoon, and Sergeant Mitchel," he pointed to a tall stately blonde woman in instructors garb, "will have D platoon."

"If you have any problems or questions you come to us, but remember, we are not your friends and we are not your parents. If you screw up we will fail you, no amount of buddying up will change that."

Barnes walked back to A platoon and the said, "Alright, form up!" A sneer broke out on his face, "It's time to get you nuggets processed."

Processing Lucian was soon to learn, was a nice way of saying state sanctioned abuse. Each instructor lead their charges to a different building on the west side of the admin building, the first stop on Barnes' list was a building with the word Infirmary on the name plate next to the door. A tall black haired man wearing a white lab coat of his instructor's fatigues was standing outside waiting for them, when they arrived Barnes walked up the two steps to the landing in front of the door and started to talk to the doctor while the platoon waited, very quietly, a short distance off. While they waited Lucian noticed a girl coming towards them. Like everyone else aside from the trainees she had on a black t-shirt and olive drab pants though they fit her much better then any of the other instructors' did. She wasn't particularly tall but she moved with a rapid confidence that set her long black ponytail to bouncing. In her hand was a manila envelope and when she passed by Lucian noticed that she had a long sword strapped across her back.

The new arrival made her way quickly to Barnes' side and to everyone's surprise when she got there she quickly bounced up on her toes and gave him a friendly peck on the cheek. Barnes said something to her that Lucian couldn't hear and the doctor headed inside as the girl came down the steps.

"Listen up!" Barnes said. "Aki is going to call your names. When your's comes up, get your processing forms from her and form a line right here," he stabbed a finger towards the bottom of the steps. "Make sure you keep this form, if you lose it you have to do this all over again and you'll be on my bad side. When the doctor calls for you go in, and when he's done with you go to the next stop on the list. When you've completed everything report back to the barracks."

For once in his life Lucian would up pretty close to the front of the line, fifth overall, but with a last name of Whit Cassie wound up at the back. With Koshka looking over his shoulder Lucian thumbed through the sheaf of paper's he'd been handed. The first was a map of the compound with several buildings numbered, the infirmary was labeled with a one. The second was a medical form with a long list of abbreviations that Lucian couldn't even begin to decipher. The next few weren't any more helpful with one of them just being a list of numbers with check boxes beside them. Lucian gave up and waited.

Each of the trainees before he disappeared into the infirmary one at a time and a few minutes later emerged looking none worse for the wear and headed off. Soon the person in front of him went in and left Lucian standing alone at the foot of the steps while just a meter or two away Barnes stood talking to the sword carrying girl.

He felt Koshka lean in beside him and whisper, "She's a pokegirl."

"You sure?"

"Mmhmmm, sure."

When it was his turn Lucian went inside and passed the pokegirl as she headed off to somewhere else. The infirmary looked about as bland as the building that contained it but he had little time to admire the decor before the doctor told him to take of his shirt and sit down. With the efficiency and nonchalance of somebody who did this often the doctor quickly took his vitals, gave him a quick once over and then gave him several hypo-sprays in a row. Koshka sat on a small chair near the door and winced with each shot, she hated going to the doctor even more then she hated taking a bath.

"What's this for?" he asked as the doctor gave him the first spray.

"Vaccinations," he said.

"I've already got my shots."

"Well it won't hurt you to have them again, and there are a few here I'm sure you haven't had before." Lucian accepted this then pulled on his shirt while the doctor began to scribble on the medical exam sheet that Lucian had handed him. When the doctor handed the papers back to him Lucian left and told the next person to go in.

The next stop was in the building that Lucian assumed was the administration building. He went in and to the office his map told him too and inside he found a bunch of trainees from the previous platoon sitting around filling out forms. After going to the counter and telling the harried clerk who he was a clipboard full or forms and a pen was shoved into his hands. Lucian found an empty spot on the floor big enough for him and Koshka to sit down and he started filling them out. They were fairly simple to begin with, name, date of birth, ID number, the usual stuff, then one for a bank account if he didn't already have one, he did so he just filled in the number and moved on. From there things started to get a little creepy. The next was a form designating his next of kin, the person who would receive all his stuff, Koshka included, if something happened to him. Then a liability waiver for the camp and the League promising not to sue them if he ohhh, got his skull crushed in training. After that was an insurance policy that promised him free medical care if he got injured in the course of his duties, or paid out twenty thousand credits to his next of kin if the injuries were a little more severe and he came home in a bag.

By the time Lucian finished filling out the forms the rest of the last platoon was gone and the room was filling up with members of his own. he turned the forms back over to the clerk he'd gotten them from and after more notes on the checklist he'd been given he was headed for the next stop.

As soon as he walked in he knew what was going on. The only available space to move down was a meter wide corridor wedged in between the exterior wall and a counter that ran the length of the building. Behind the counter were a dozen people in what he now assumed was the camp's uniform and behind them was a small warehouse. Most of the last platoon was already gone and only a few stragglers from it were still making their way down the counter barely ahead of the first few people from his own.

"Come on kid, gimme the list before you start backing 'em up," the first clerk said.

"Uh sure," Lucian said and turned the list over. The clerk took it and checked off the first box before passing it down to the next clerk.

"Black, blue, brown, or green?" the clerk asked.


"Damn, did that girl suck your brains out through your dick?" the clerk asked. "Pack boy, pack!"

"Umm, green?"

"Good enough," the clerk said before reaching to the shelf behind him and shoving a green pack into Lucian's arms. "Now hurry up," he said with a dismissive wave down the line.

"Size?" the next clerk, a dark skinned middle aged woman asked.

Spying the stacks of pants behind her Lucian said, "Eighty five in the wais..."

"Not here honey, that's only for yer drawers, small, medium, large or extra large."

"Medium I guess."

"Eighty five? No you want a large."

"I'm really a medium."

"Large," she declared as she dropped a stack of pants in front of him, "trust me," and with that she checked the next box and passed it down.

In rapid succession Lucian was given a half dozen sets of pants and shirts that looked remarkably like the ones the instructors had only the shirts were blue and gray instead of black. After that came a couple of sets of exercise clothes, more socks and underwear then he had ever owned at one time in his life, two hats, a new set of boots, towels, toiletries, camping gear, everything they thought he'd need for the rest of his training. He was even given several tubes of lubricant and a set of portable restraints since he had Koshka with him. After doing his best to cram everything into the pack he'd been given he collected his forms from the last clerk and left with Koshka in tow for the final spot on the trip.

The next building was the library, or a book store Lucian couldn't tell, but there was a clerk sitting at a counter with dozens of identical stacks of books beside him. Taking a chance Lucian walked up and presented the now nearly complete stack of forms he'd been given.

"Last stop huh?"

"Looks that way," Lucian replied.

"Alright then, lemme just fill this out and you can be on your way."

"So what are all these?" Lucian asked as he looked at the stacks of books.

"Your textbooks. Most of them you'll turn back in but the paperback ones you get to keep."

"Yeah? Why?"

The clerk signed the bottom of the form and gave it back to him. "Those are the one's you'll need, mostly about caring for a pokegirl, first aid, a phrase book for talking to tamers from other leagues, that sort of thing."

"Lucian no need book, Lucian take good care of Koshka," she declared. To Koshka the idea that Lucian would need a book to take care of her was preposterous.

"He may, but you're not going to be his only girl forever."

"Alright thanks," Lucian said. And he grabbed one of the stacks and left.

Lucian thought about waiting around for Cassie to make it through but she had been at the back of the line for the medical exam and he wondered if she'd even made it through it yet, besides, the load of stuff he'd been given was heavy. He handed off the stack of textbooks to Koshka and headed back to the barracks.

"Lucian really need all this to be tamer?" Koshka asked as they cut across the open field.

"I don't know," he said.

"Lucian take care of Koshka good without this stuff," she said.

"Yeah I suppose I did, but it doesn't take much to keep you happy," he teased.

Koshka "Hmmph'd" at that and kept walking.

Standing just outside A platoon's barracks was Sergeant Barnes, one of the trainees was talking to him and after a short conversation the younger man went inside. Lucian soon found himself in the place the previous trainee had just vacated.

"What's your name 'cruit?" Barnes asked.

"Lucian..uh sir. Lucian Graner."

"What's your pokegirl's name?"

"Koshka," she said.

The Sergeant scowled at Koshka. "How long have you had her?"

"Two years."

"And she's still a Kitten?"

Lucian had to think about it for a moment. It had never really occurred to him that Koshka was physically mature and that he'd been taming her, pretty well he like to think, for over two years now and she hadn't evolved. "I suppose she is, I never really gave it much thought sir."

Barnes was lost in thought for a minute before saying, "Alright, go inside and get your shit settled in Graner."

"Yes sir."

Getting unpacked was pretty easy, so he let Koshka wander around the room investigating it and occasionally rubbing her self up against things while he put everything away. The books he'd been given along with the books he'd brought got put on the desk up against the front wall of the cubicle. His clothes got thrown in the cabinet and all his odds and ends got dumped in the locker. The bottles of lube he'd been give were put in the drawer of the small end table next to his bed.

He was just putting the last of his things away when Cassie and Shauri returned.

"Gawds damn, did they give us enough sheit?" Cassie said as she dumped the load of books she was carrying on the bed as Shauri did the same with the bulging pack she was carrying.

"I guess they're just making sure that even if you didn't come with anything you'd have everything you'd need," Lucian said.

"I reckon."

"Look at it this way, we get to ruin their clothes instead of ours."

"Yeah, did ya see the titles of some of these books their givin' us?"

"No, what are they?" Lucian asked as he looked at the books on his desk.

"Histery of Pokegirls, Time an' Money Management, Geography, Pokegirl Law....," Cassie drawled as Lucian scanned the titles. "Looks like some borin' shit ta me."

"Yeah, it does."

"FRONTnCENTER!" Barnes' inhumanly loud voice bellowed from outside the barracks.

Lucian and Cassie along with their pokegirls hurried outside to find all four platoons pouring out of their barracks while Barnes and the other instructors stood in the middle of the path between them. Because the platoon didn't move very far beyond the entrance Lucian and Cassie were forced to stand on the slightly raised platform at the entrance to the barracks giving them a perfect view of the burly Sergeant.

"Amazingly enough," Barnes said loud enough to make sure everyone could hear him, "All one hundred and thirty eight of you made it through processing without fucking it up. Congratulations."

Barnes turned around and pulled several items out of the canvas bag that Sergeant Paulson was holding. "This is what every other league in the world does for their tamers." With that he dumped a familiar yellow book on the ground along with a belt of pokeballs and a cheap mass produced pokedex. "After a test where the hardest question is, 'What is your name?' they give you this and they turn them loose." Barnes started to pace back and forth in front of the trainees. "They have so many pokegirls that they have little choice but to take every perverted little whack job who applies and make him a tamer. I suppose it works for them, if you call what they have working. In other leagues they deal with tamers turning criminal every damn day, course when you let some little twit own a Dragoness without any formal training what the hell do they expect. He's got one of the most powerful weapons ever conceived by man in his back pocket and he's never learned the first thing about what to do with it and more importantly, what NOT to do with it. Twenty percent of the tamers in other leagues wind up either dying, or being permanently disabled and less then five percent will actually make it through their first five years as a tamer. Most of them quit."

Barnes paced back and kicked the pokedex out of his way smashing it to pieces against the side of C Platoon's barracks. "We don't have that luxury around here! The Cataclysm wiped everything out, it wiped the Orange League's slate clean. In other leagues there are ten to fifteen pokegirls for every single human male, they need every tamer they can get just to stay ahead of the game. Not us. Around here there are two, maybe three if your generous, pokegirls per human male. We don't have any choice but to be picky."

"Unlike every other league we are going to make sure that when you leave here you are prepared to be a tamer, that you can live outdoors, capture and tame pokegirls, and survive long enough to retire. We will teach you not only how to be a tamer but why to be one."

"You are here not because you're the best in the league! If you were really intelligent they would have just given you a pet owner's license at the test and a scholarship to college! You are here because you are the best the league can afford to lose three percent of."

"For the next three weeks you will be in class, you will learn where the pokegirls came from, what the laws are both here and in other leagues in regards to them. You will learn geography, how to read the land and what it means and finally you will learn how to manage your money and your time."

"For the next three weeks you will wake up every morning by five thirty. You will be in PT, physical training, for one hour. After that you have half an hour to make yourselves presentable and to get some chow. From there you will have three hour and a half long classes, half an hour for chow and then one more class. After that you have the rest of the day to do as you please, the smart ones will use that time to study, the stupid ones, well I enjoy failing the stupid ones."

Barnes finally stopped pacing and turned to survey each platoon in turn. When he came to B platoon he spotted one trainee with his hand raised. "What 'cruit!"

"Uh sergeant, when are we going to learn how to win gym ba..."

"What is the job of a tamer?!"



The recruit paled and stammered, "I uh..I I...I don't know."

"That's the smartest thing you've said yet." Barnes raised his voice to ensure that no one missed what he said. "Tamer's have two jobs! First, they capture and tame feral pokegirls so that they can be made useful, or just non threatening members of society. Secondly, tamers are a security force, there are no armies any more so it rests upon tamers to ensure the security of the cities and towns and the League as a whole."

Lucian remembered the monthly meetings his father and every former tamer in the town had had with the town Warden.

"If you want to try and train a pokegirl for the amateur gym circut or for the pro wreckball or fighting leagues get out now. If you stay you'll just be wasting everyone's time. Go home and get a pet owners license and piss away your life."

"But sir, what about training your pokegirls to be stronger? Doesn't a tamer need to do that?"

Barnes looked at the questioning B platoon recruit with a little less contempt. "A valid question, but a bad idea."

"A bad idea?"

Barnes scowled at the recruit. "Do you know why most tamers are killed on the job 'cruit?"

"Uh no sir."

"They get full of themselves, they think that they can take on the world and they try to capture a pokegirl that they aren't ready for." Barnes started pacing again, his hands behind his back and his black t-shirt straining against a collection of muscles that didn't come from just working out. "There's no point in your telling your pokegirls how to fight, even a domestic is born with an innate knowledge of how to use her abilities. Trying to tell your girl what to do in a fight is as pointless as trying to tell a wreckball goalie how to defend her net. But there's still a lot a tamer has to do to capture a pokegirl. You're a planner, you're the brains of your harem as the tamer. It's your job to make sure that the match ups and the confrontations you get your girls in are as advantageous for you as possible, and you can't learn that from books, it takes experience."

"You can train your girls all day long, you can spend months making them the toughest they can be of their kind but there's going to be something missing. Experience, your's and their's. If you don't train your girls, if you just make sure they stay in shape then letting them spar with each other and take down ferals will give them all the training they need. Letting them grow naturally will ensure that both you and them have the experience you need to win, instead of picking a fight you can't win, and getting killed."

"Most tamers aren't killed by accident, they're killed because they're idiots!"

Barnes stopped and looked at everyone again, a grin on his craggy face. "If there are no more questions," no one dared raised their hand, "then you have five minutes to change out for PT!"

Lucian's Girls

Koshka - Kitten

Cassie's Girls

Shauri - Cheetits

Author's Notes

1) No those aren't a legion of spelling mistakes every time Cassie talks.

2) Talk talk talk talk talk, deal with it.


Lighthawk - My designated proof reader, who subjected himself to this way too often.

Warpwizard - Who's given me a lot of advice on the mechanics of my writing.


Feedback: bsmartfanfic@yahoo.com

Wanna get pissy in person? Come on over and bitch me out: http://s87753679.onlinehome.us/forums/index.php?act=idx

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You don't need to tell me I suck, I'm well aware of that.