Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Boot Camp & Booty Calls ❯ PT ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Boot Camps & Booty Calls

By: bsmart

Disclaimer:Why the hell am I writing this? Nobody reads them and they have no legal weight. It's a complete waste of time and bandwidth and yet I'm still typing. If you're under the legal age where ever you are don't read this, but since you're going to anyways at least don't let your mommy catch you. This fic is very much NC-17. Copyright? Ha! Just don't be a dick. If you got this anywhere besides mediaminer.org, the official Pokegirls Yahoo group, or adultfanfiction.net then you likely haven't seen all of it as those are the only places where this story is officially distributed.

Note: This is an Orange League fic. To be honest I don't know a damn thing about pokemon and I want to keep it that way. If I make a dumb mistake feel free to point it out. I've done as much research as I can into this to keep it consistent with what seems to be the accepted canon of the pokegirl world. Also no one that I know of has done anything with the Orange League so I'm making it up as I go along.

"…" Normal Speech

'…' Thought

Chapter 4: PT

Being closest to the door Lucian was able to get back inside the barracks easily. He and Cassie made their way back to their part of the barracks and got ready for their first PT. Lucian eschewed using his own clothes for PT, instead grabbing up a pair of blue cotton exercise shorts that had been issued to him along with a gray t-shirt. He doffed his boots and shirt and had started with his pants when he realized that he no longer had a room to himself.

On the other side of the room Cassie had her back to him and showed no signs of modesty as she peeled off her overalls and then her bright yellow t-shirt. Not wanting to be caught peeking Lucian turned back around to start taking off his pants, when he did he spied Koshka lying on the bed with a hungry gleam in her eyes. She was lying on the end of the bed that butted up against the wall right in the puddle of sunlight that came through the window over the bed. She was curled up a bit so that all of her body was in the light and the lip of her tongue slithered out between her lips to whet them as her eyes did their best to bore holes right through her tamer's pants.

Lucian knew exactly what his pokegirl wanted but he knew enough about Barnes now that he wasn't going to risk being the least bit late. He shucked his pants and quickly pulled on the airy exercise clothes and then laced up the running shoes he'd been given. Satisfied that everything was in order he got up and saw Cassie finishing getting ready.

"Koshka," Lucian said, "I want you to stay here and try to get all our stuff put away alright?"

Koshka shook her head no, tossing her dark blue hair back and forth across her eyes. "Koshka go with Lucian."

"No, I need you to stay here and get this crap into some kind of order, going for a run isn't going to do you much good."

Koshka just scowled at her tamer. She wasn't thrilled about the idea of having him off somewhere where she wasn't.

"This is going to be like school, sometimes you're going to have to stay back alright?"

Koshka's scowl deepened, she'd hated every minute that Lucian had been in school while she'd had to stay home and she'd thought that their getting out of his house would mean an end to them having to be separated.

Realizing that the clock was ticking and knowing that if Koshka wasn't in a good mood when he left that everything would be in an interesting interpretation of 'order' Lucian leaned down next to Koshka and whispered, "If you're a good girl I promise I'll tame you when I get back."

The displeased expression never left Koshka's face but Lucian knew her well enough to spot the glimmer of delight in her eyes as he gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and turned to leave.

"Shauri, why don't cha stay back 'ere and keep Koshka company," Cassie said as she joined Lucian at the door.

Shauri's mouth gaped open. "But....but...I wanna RUN!"

"We won't even be runnin' at a fast jog fa ya sweetie, just stay here and you'll git a chance fer long ta go stretch yer legs."

"Mistresssss," Shauri whined.

"Stay here," Cassie said sternly.


As Lucian and Cassie walked through the barracks he asked her, "Exactly what did you mean by 'keep her company,'?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." she teased.

When everyone had assembled out in front again Barnes gave them a quick once over before leading them off towards the south end of the complex. The parade ground at the center of the camp was ringed by a four lane track and between it and the obstacle course at the south end of the camp was a large open grassy area which is where Barnes took them. The other platoons were heading to different areas.

"Normally this is what you'll be doing in the morning but since you don't have anything better to do this fine afternoon we're going to start off PT now," Barnes said, unlike the recruits he was still in his instructor's uniform.

"There are four stations for PT, calisthenics, the track, and the two obstacle courses. A platoon's evolution is cal, track, alpha course, omega course. There are three rules of PT, the first is that you are here at five thirty every morning and you stay here until you are done. You do not get to leave after an hour's up, if you aren't done you don't leave. If that means you miss morning chow and a shower then so be it. Rule number two is that you stay together as a platoon. You do not move onto the next section until EVERYONE in the platoon is finished with that section. Finally, ONE platoon in a section at a time. So it will be in your best interest not to be the reason that the entire company misses morning mess!"

Lucian had a bad feeling that he was going to be missing breakfast a lot for a while.

"Now line up, seven across five deep, NOW!"

Barnes watched as the did their best to get into the formation he'd ordered and Lucian and Cassie stood beside each other.

"Spread out, ya'll are too close. You need room, two meter spread front and back," he barked. The recruits spread farther out and when he was satisfied Barnes said, "Now follow my lead. Jumping jacks, thirty, and count'em off!"

The exercises Barnes led them through weren't difficult and they weren't anything Lucian hadn't seen before, jumping jacks, pushups, sit ups the usual, but Barnes was picky about the way they were done and he regularly stopped them so he could tell one of them what they were doing wrong. Lucian liked to think that he was in pretty good shape before he'd come to camp but Barnes' pace was relentless, the short breaks he took to yell at someone were the only respite in a twenty minute long streak that left sweat pouring down his face and his breathing heavy. In contrast Barnes looked as fresh as he'd been when they'd first seen him at the dock.

"Well that wasn't the worst I've ever seen," Barnes said as Aki crossed the field to stand at his side, "but you're going to have to do better if you wanna eat in the mornings. This way." Barnes led them over to the track where B platoon was in the middle of their run. Most of the recruits had already finished and were standing around catching their breath but several of them were still out on the track.

Lucian heard Barnes ask Sergeant Paulson, "How long?"

Paulson glanced at his watch, "Bout twenty five minutes."

"They trying?"

"Most of them."

"Which one's aren't?"

Paulson pointed out to a pair on the track that were just barely ahead of the last trainee. "Red shirt and his buddy out there."

Barnes nodded. "Alright, they keep this up let me know." The senior instructor turned around so that he could address all of A and B platoons. "All of you should remember that we're not just judging you based on whether or not you can complete the training, we're also judging you on your attitude. If you don't want this bad, we don't want you." He turned towards his own platoon. "A platoon! This is the track and it's simple enough that you can't screw it up. You run two laps, one point five clicks each and that's it. By the end of training I expect you to be able to do this in twelve minutes flat, for now I'll be happy if you can all drag yourselves across in twenty."

The pair that Barnes and Paulson had been talking about strolled into the assembly area only a few steps ahead of the final member of B platoon who was breathing heavily. As Paulson herded his platoon onto the next phase of PT Barnes took a clipboard from Aki and said, "Break's over, start running!"


Shauri sighed heavily as she watched Koshka rearranging her tamer's things. She wanted to be out there with Cassie, even if it was just running like a human it was still moving. Instead she was trapped in here with that little snob.

Shauri didn't want to admit it but she was jealous, extremely jealous of Koshka. The first time she'd seen the collar on the girl it was she could do to keep her eyes from bugging out of her head. Koshka's human wasn't any older then Cassie and he'd already collared his pokegirl. She couldn't blame Koshka for constantly trying to draw attention to it, some pokegirls spent their entire lives with a tamer and never got collared, she only legally belonged to her master for a day when he had.

Not that that prevented Shauri from trying to fight back. She'd tried to prove that Cassie was every bit as happy with her as Lucian was with Koshka on the boat. She'd known that Cassie could never resist playing with her when she laid on her lap and her tamer hadn't let her down. She'd even hoped that she might be able to show up the collared pokegirl a bit but she should have known better she thought, 'No tamer who collars his pokegirl and lets her parade around in a set of restraints is going to hesitate to play with her.' Still, she'd proved to Koshka that Cassie was happy with her and that was as much as she could hope for, but the fact that Koshka was collared made Shauri wonder what was so special about her.

The same soft soled feet that allowed Shauri the traction to put the tremendous strength of her legs to the ground also allowed her to move quietly across the small space between the two rows of cubicles. Koshka had her back turned to the Cheetits and Shauri instinctively tried to stay as silent as possible as she approached the other pokegirl. She stopped at the entrance to Lucian's cubicle and just watched Koshka as she rearranged Lucian's clothes. She wasn't the smallest or the biggest pokegirl Shauri had ever seen, she wasn't the strongest or the fastest or the toughest, she wasn't even the prettiest though Shauri did think she was pretty cute. No there was nothing particularly remarkable about Koshka when you compared her to other pokegirls which only made Shauri even more curious as to why the little black furred catgirl was already collared. She took two small steps into the cubicle bringing her even closer to Koshka, close enough that she see the tiny movements of her ears clearly, close enough to pick out the weave of her clothes and Shauri inhaled through her nose instinctually trying to find out what made this little catgirl so special to her owner.

Koshka was less than thrilled to have been left in the barracks. She hated ever being separated from Lucian, not even the fact that she would have wound up running if she had gone with his dissuaded her, and she hated running, to Koshka the only reason to run was if you were being chased or if you were doing the chasing.

As usual when she was separated from Lucian for more then a few minutes Koshka's thoughts drifted back to her favorite human and the ideas soon drifted into what she'd do the next time she got to play with him. As she folded up another shirt and laid it in the drawer she'd planned on keeping them an idea occurred to her. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she grabbed the entire pile of clothes Lucian had been issued and stuffed them all into the one drawer. She quickly grabbed the bag Lucian had brought with him from home and dumped them into the already overflowing drawer. For the next few minutes she struggled with the drawer trying to pack the clothes down enough to get it closed, she knew Lucian would be ticked that she had done it this way and that he'd make her redo it the right way but what he'd do between being ticked and making her fix it were what interested her, a few minutes work folding clothes later tonight, or tomorrow if she was lucky, didn't matter to her in the least.

Sitting on her heels in front of the cabinet she smiled for a moment at the thought of what she'd just gotten started, the smile lasted until her exceptional hearing picked up on the soft sniffing noises behind her. Instincts drilled into her after living years in the wild kicked it, what had made the noise wasn't even considered, only that it was close and behind her. In one smooth graceful leap Koshka launched herself from the from the floor, over the bed and landed on the half wall that divided her and Lucian's cubicle from the next, during all this she rotated a hundred and eighty degrees to face whatever had made the noise, extended all of her claws and still managed to land on the ten centimeter wide wall with a deftness that would have done a professional gymnast proud.

Crouching on the wall with one hand grasping it between her legs to steady her Koshka finally saw who'd startled her, the human girl's pokegirl. "Don't sneak up on me," she hissed.

Shauri ignored her demand and asked, "Why did he collar you?"

"Because I'm HIS pokegirl," Koshka said.

"But why," Shauri asked again.

Koshka stared at Shauri for a moment and her ruffled tail slowly smooth out as she relaxed. "Because I make him happy," she said. "He doesn't want to lose me."

Shauri's expression turned thoughtful as she pondered this.

Koshka watched Shauri turn back to her own cubicle and walk quietly back. The look on the Cheetit's face made it obvious what she was thinking about and while she was still annoyed that Shauri had startled her that way she was going to have to live with her for a while so having Shauri moping around wouldn't be good, it might even get in the way of her getting tamed.

Koshka walked along the top of the divider wall on all fours and easily hoped over to the wall that made up part of Cassie's cubicle where Shauri had laid down on the bed. Koshka crouched down and relaxed on the wall directly above Shauri and asked, "What's wrong."

Shauri huffed and rolled her eyes while she traced a finger around her neck.

"Does she like you?" Koshka asked.

"I think so," Shauri replied.

"Did you think she did before?"


"Maybe she just doesn't have the money."

"Not really," Shauri said.

Koshka's face brightened. "Well once she's a tamer she will have enough money then."

"Probably." Shauri's voice sounded hopeful.

"She played with you on the boat in front of Lucian, I'm sure she likes you enough to collar you," Koshka assured her.

"She did," Shauri said, "and she played with me first."

Koshka glared at Shauri. "Yes."

Shauri smiled and sat up on the bed quickly giving Koshka a quick peck on the lips before laying back down.

Problem solved Koshka hopped back to her and Lucian's cubicle and curled up on the bed in the sunlight.


"Move like you got a purpose!" Barnes yelled as the group of trainees ahead of Lucian and Cassie tried to climb over a wall.

For some reason that now escaped him Lucian thought that the calisthenics and the run would be the worst of it, that the obstacle courses would be a cool down, something simple to work through and give them a chance to rest up a bit.

Half way through the first course he'd realized his mistake. Barnes made it very obvious very quickly that walking through the course wasn't an option and that anything less than going full blast at the obstacles was unacceptable. Even with trainees spread out across the course he seemed to be everywhere, Aki at his side, yelling at the stragglers, demonstrating the right way to get over, around, or under obstacles and always reinforcing the point that you did not want to be the last person to finish the course.

"Move it, use your momentum to move you forward not your arms!" the instructor yelled at Lucian's group as they dangled below a set of overhead bars that were twenty meters long if they were a millimeter.

When he dropped to the ground at the end Lucian knew he was spent, Cassie looked less tired then Lucian figured he did but she was still breathing heavily. Both of them looked at the last obstacle with dread. A fifteen meter high rope net ladder led up to a platform where a zip line ran down to a padded pit at the other end. The zip line ran right over a small concrete pond.

"Did I say you could stop Graner!?"

Lucian and Cassie were both moving the instant the heard Barnes' voice start, they didn't dare wait for him to finish. By the time he made it to the top Cassie was already on her way down the zip line. With every muscle in his arms burning Lucian took the handles that the instructor working the top of the tower offered him and he pushed off. As soon as his feet left the platform he was sure he wasn't going to make it. His arms protested the abuse with a passion, informing him that they were done and demanding that his fingers let go and end their torture but he managed to hold on through shear force of will, he knew that if he fell off he'd have to repeat the obstacle and he had no intention of climbing the ladder again. After a far longer time then he had envisioned the water beneath his feet gave way to a saw dust filled pit and Lucian let go.

Having let go earlier then he was supposed to Lucian had a meter of air beneath his feet when he let go and that combined with his forward momentum to send him tumbling end over end through the saw dust. When he finally rolled to a stop he pushed himself over to stare up at the sky and found Cassie smiling down at him.

"That's about the sorriest land I ever seen," Cassie said as she offered him her hand.

"Thanks dear," Lucian groaned as he took her hand and she helped him stand up.

"Next time do not try to kill yourself Graner, I do not feel like filling out the paper work," Barnes said as he passed by. "Keyes, what in the hell was that?!"

Lucian and the rest of the trainees stood around, and quite a few laid down, waiting as one by one the rest of the platoon finished the course. When the last of them made it to the bottom of the zip line and collapsed to his knees Barnes checked his watch and made a note on his clipboard.

"One hour and thrity two minutes." Barnes handed the clipboard to Aki. "One hour! And Thirt Two MINUTES! Now this is the first time that any of you have tried this but I think it's very important that you realize what that time means. It means that if you don't hustle and bust your asses tomorrow morning not only will you miss chow, not only will you not get clean up so you don't smell like a bunch of dead fish the whole day, it means that you'll be late to your First CLASS! If you do not cut off seven minutes from that time you will not be able to make it to your first class on time and that is NOT acceptable." Barnes started to pace back and forth in front of them. "Some of you busted your asses out here today, most of you just did what was asked of you, and some of you didn't even try. I'm going to give you a little hint, I don't care if you finish third, if I see you out half-assing this I will fail you, is that understood?"

A few people muttered an affirmative but most just nodded.


"Yes sir!" the trainees responded.

"Better, now get out of here, you have the rest of the day off. I suggest you spend it reading up on your classes tomorrow. If you're hungry the mess is always open. Get out of here."

With a collective sigh the group of worn and haggard trainees broke up, most of them heading back towards the barracks. They walked in silence for a while until Cassie spoke up. "Ya know, ever'body is gonna head back to the shawers and get cleaned up fer lunch. If we go now there ain't gonna be a line."

All across the exercise field Lucian saw the four new trainee platoons staggering back towards the barracks. "That's not a bad idea but are you sure you want to eat like this? I reak."

"Well, I don't care what they say 'bout girls, I ain't much better and I don't feel like waitin' in line fer lunch."

"Alright then, let's grab our girls first, they've gotta be hungry too."

While the rest of the platoons filed into their respective barracks Lucian and Cassie walked around on the north side of theirs. Count back two windows from the rear of the building Lucian reached up and smacked the glass once. A half second later Koshka's head popped up in the window looking like she'd just been woken up. When she saw Lucian standing under the window her eyes lit up and she smiled.

"Koshka, get Shauri, we're going to lunch," he said. Koshka nodded and disappeared from view for a minute. When she returned Shauri was beside her, also looking like she'd just been woken up from a nap but her face cleared into a smile as soon as she saw her tamer. Koshka quickly unlatched the window and pushed it out so that she could drop to the ground and as soon as her feet touch soil she bounded forward and hugged Lucian. Shauri followed right after and grabbed hold of Cassie too.

Koshka started nuzzle her face into Lucian's chest but stopped immediately. "Lucian stink," she said.

"Thanks," he said, "but unless you want to wait in a line for lunch you'll just have to put up with it."

Koshka considered this a moment before shrugging and falling into step beside Lucian. The mess hall was as plain and nondescript as the rest of the base, just dozens of tables with benches and long serving counter. A handful of students had reached the same conclusion they had and were already in line. Lucian grabbed a tray and handed another to Koshka but the first worker in the serving line told them "Oh no, pokegirls get a bowl of chow down at the end of the line."

"She doesn't like pokegirl chow," Lucian explained to the young man.

"Well then I guess you'll just have to split your food with her then."

Lucian was about to apologize to Koshka and tell her to just go along with it when Cassie spoke up. "Well in that case can I get some big helpings?"

The man smiled. "That we can do."

Big helpings weren't the half of it, Lucian was worried that the amount of food on his tray was going to snap the plastic dish in half. As he approached the bench where Cassie had already sat down he realized he had another problem, getting any of it to eat. He knew that like all pokegirls Koshka didn't need to eat that much to survive, four or five good meals a week were all she really needed but like all pokegirls she wouldn't pass up food if it was offered, and like most ferals she wouldn't stop until there was nothing more to eat. One family fishing trip she had caught, bare handed, a thirty kilo tuna and then ate it, bones, scales, and all. He hoped that the manners they had drilled into her about only eating what was on her plate and no one else's might work here.

The tray hadn't stopped clattering on the table before Koshka had snatched two of the meat patties covered in thin brown sauce off of it and stuffed both of them in her mouth, swallowing with only a few cursory chews. Lucian chuckled at her antics before deciding that the surest way to make sure he got enough food was to eat his fill as quickly as possible and just let her have the rest.

While Lucian and Koshka dueled for the food on their tray Cassie and Shauri calmly ate from the tray between them.

Lucian fought as hard as he could for some of the meat but Koshka's reflexes and lack of a necessity to chew her food won the day. The dried white mass that he assumed was supposed to be potatoes faired no better though she happily let him have his fill of the green mush that constituted the vegetables of the meal. When everyone had eaten their fill they got rid of their trays and headed back to the barracks, passing the rest of the training company as they headed to the mess.

"Good idea," Lucian said.

"Thanks," Cassie replied.

"Now I just have to do something about this stink."

"Yes Lucian do," Koshka muttered as she walked along side him.

"I'm gettin' in the shower too," Cassie said. "You gonna join me?" she asked Shauri.

The golden furred Cheetits violently shook her head no, her dislike of the water was stronger then her interest in rubbing up against Cassie while she was wet.

"Alright, I'll let you go first," Lucian offered.

"What fer?" Cassie asked.

"Well, you don't want me in there while you're taking a shower do you?"

"I don't care one way or the other. Ya ain't go nothin' I want so it don't much matter if either of us gets an eyeful do it?"

"I guess not," Lucian said cautiously.

"And the showers are divided up so it ain't a big deal."

Lucian just nodded and kept walking. Before long he said, "I think you need a bath too Koshka."

"Koshka no need bath, Koshka no stink like Lucian."

"You NEED a bath," he said while staring into her eyes.

The little Kitten smiled. "Maybe Koshka need bath."

The barracks were nearly empty when they returned, a few of the trainees were napping on their beds and one was even studying but everyone else was gone. They all walked quickly to the back of the barracks and through the door to their area. Cassie walked straight back into the showers but Lucian stopped by his cubicle to kick off his shoes and grab up the soap and shampoo that he had been issued earlier in the day.

Koshka didn't hesitate to peel off her clothes and toss them on the bed. She caught Shauri appraising her out of the corner of her eye and she happily strutted after Lucian into the bathroom.

When he strolled into the bathroom he walked right through a pile of discarded clothes on the tile floor and one of the shower stalls was already running. Cassie's red curls popped up over the top of the divider and she smile at him. "This feels soooo good sug'."

Lucian smiled at her and tried not to think about her as he peeled off his own clothes and threw them in the hamper by the door.

While her tamer undressed Koshka slid into the nearest stall and turned on the water. The initial blast of cold water caught her by surprise and she jumped back sending the collection of bells and chain links attached to her body into a metallic titter. When the water heated up enough for some steam to start to rise from the tiles she stepped back in and sighed as the hot water played across her skin.

Lucian followed after Koshka and wrapped his arms around her waist but he hissed when the first few droplets of scalding water splashed onto his chest. He cautiously worked his way forward until the water was splashing on his shoulders and he forced himself to stay there, letting his body grow accustomed to the water as it loosened the knots in his back.

Koshka started to purr deep in her chest as she felt Lucian's strong, for a human, arms encircle her waist. A surge of joy passed through her as he pulled her in tight to him and she felt his stiff manhood rest in the crack of her ass, she adored it when he initiated the tamings, especially when he didn't bother to ask her he just told her. Lucian leaned on her harder and forced her out of the falling water, Koshka didn't mind in the least, she wanted Lucian feeling as good as possible.

Lucian smiled inwardly when Koshka's tail wrapped around his thigh and she meow'd softly as a half step on his part caused his dick to slide along her sensitive rear. He leaned down and captured the tip of one of her ears in his mouth. He pulled on it, flicking the point of it with is tongue, once again marveling at the way none of the short black hairs that covered it came off in his mouth as Koshka whined, "Meeeerroooow."

He had just wrapped his other arm around her and started to play with one of her breasts, kneading the soft flesh with his fingers when Cassie's voice piped up over the sounds of the shower. "You gonna tame her right 'ere?"

Lucian's hand froze and Koshka whined as the stimulation ceased. "Errr…" Lucian looked up to see Cassie smiling at him. "Yeah, I'm gonna tame here right here, you wanna watch?"

"No thanks, but have fun ya'll," Cassie said as she toweled off her hair and left the bathroom.

By the time his attention returned to her Koshka had started to rub her bottom against Lucian's cock trying to get some of the feeling she'd had just a moment before. The feeling of his manhood being sandwiched between those beautiful globes nearly made Lucian change his plans for Koshka, a little soap on his dick and he'd gladly have her howling but he resisted the temptation being offered and moved on in his plan.

"Wash me."

Koshka blinked once, twice, "Merow?"

"I'm tired, help me wash off."

A leaden ball settled in the pit of Koshka's stomach. She'd been on the verge of getting tamed, every single nerve in her body was taunt in anticipation of it and now Lucian was ordering her to wash him! Koshka didn't know whether to cry or scream, she settled for snatching herself out of Lucian's arms and grabbing the soap.

Lucian did his best not to laugh as Koshka stared daggers at him while she soaped up her hands, he rarely teased her like this but he was genuinely tired and felt like a little more time before he had to perform. Besides, she was adorable when she was angry.

Koshka wished that just for a moment Lucian was a pokegirl so that she could beat the smirk right off his face, but even if she wanted to she couldn't, because the smirk wasn't really there, she just felt it in her mind, and she could no more beat the man she was bonded to then she could cut of her own tail.

Koshka's pause gave Lucian just enough time to enjoy the view. He'd heard people say that a wet Catgirl looked like a drowned rat but as the water cascaded over her body Lucian thought she looked ravishing. The blue hair on her head and the tuft on her groin along with the black fur that covered her ears and tail was matted down by the water, the stringy blue mash obscuring part of her face but not the vitriol in her eyes as she stared at him. The water ran down her sleek body flowing around and framing every delicious curve of her body. Finally Koshka let out a sigh and grabbed his arm none too gently and started to soap him up.

The familiar shiver that had passed over her when she'd caught Lucian staring at her annoyed Koshka to no end. The sensation was pleasant but she wasn't quite done being angry with him, but to her chagrin her body was having none of that as her hands traced their way over Lucian's shoulders and arms. The muscles under her fingers had been sculpted by years of manual labor every day after school, normally they weren't that well defined but with his arms stretched out resting on the tops of the divider walls it brought every muscle on them into sharp relief and the sight was turning Koshka on unmercifully.

Lucian groaned as Koshka's strong little fingers began to knead the knots out of his back and shoulders. In two years Lucian had learned how to play Koshka like a fiddle, the act of washing him, of running her hands all over his body was a guaranteed way to make her forget all about his teasing her and when her hands slid around to his front to soap him up he knew he had her.

Koshka was starting to whimper, "Nyao…nyaoooo," no matter how hard she tried to control herself. Their positions had reversed and now it was Koshka clinging to her tamers back and enjoying the way his ass felt against her stomach. Her fingers found their way to his crotch and she wrapped both hands around his semi-erect cock, stroking it and brushing her finger tips along it, letting one hand drop to his balls, massaging the little knots of flesh and just enjoying being able to play with her favorite toy.

Once again Lucian was finding his commit to the plan being tested, after two years of nightly practice Koshka had become incredibly skilled at inflaming his passions and the feeling of her delicate little fingers caressing him bordered on too much. Getting back on the plan Lucian told her with as much conviction as he could muster, "Come here, my turn."

In ready anticipation of Lucian's turn Koshka scurried around in front of him and gave him her best seductive stare/purr combination over her shoulder while the hot water beat against her chest.

Lucian smiled when Koshka turned back in anticipation of what was to come, rendering her ignorant of what was actually about to happen. The soft click of the shampoo bottle being opened drew her ear's attention for a moment, the right one swiveling around like a resolute little sentry in a sea of blue, but she kept facing forward, all her concentration on the feelings coming from the area of her hips. When his shampoo coated fingers dove into her scalp and started to scrub he thought she would jump clear out of the shower stall in surprise, before she could whip around and interrupt him Lucian started to rub some shampoo into the dark fur just above the base of her tail.

Koshka's brain simply shut down when she felt Lucian begin to scratch at the base of her tail. She lost all voluntary control of her muscles and she bent down and arched her back, offering her tail up to Lucian in a silent plea for attention, or maybe not so silent. "Nyyyyyaaaaaoooooooo…" she moaned. Often Lucian would trigger her orgasm by playing with the same spot when he tamed her from behind. Her feline moan of satisfaction turned into a shrill "Eep!" when a finger from the hand that had been scratching her there darted south to wash up her asshole and quickly returned lulling her back into a blissful haze.

Lucian knew there wasn't any real point in washing her there, pokegirls didn't need to worry about it, but something compelled him to do it on occasion and resisting temptation wasn't something he was good at when it came to his little Kitten.

The deep rooted urge to fuck was boiling up in Koshka, the treatment she was getting, being scratched behind the ears and above her tail was driving her nuts, she was the center of every bit of her tamer's attention and it made her desperate for him but the very same sensations that were rousing her so mightily were also rendering her immobile as her feline instincts took over. With a piteous mewling she begged her tamer to let his fingers continue their magic.

Lucian was enjoying himself completely, as much fun as it was to try new things with Koshka playing her like a fiddle was still the most fun he could have. He was able to pull Koshka's head under the shower again by simply letting the hand at the base of her tail move back, she willingly followed until her head was getting soaked again. Lucian helped her get all the soap out of her head and then moved her again until the water cleaned the shampoo off his hands and her tail. Satisfied that his Kitten was good and clean, her hair was all he worried about she preferred to use her tongue to clean the rest of her body and after the first time he'd seen her do it he was very accommodating to that preference, he turned her around and gave her a firm kiss on the lips and pushed down on her shoulders.

Koshka obediently sank to her knees before her Master, the M word replacing his name in her head as she submitted to him. The whole way down her eyes remained locked with his, hers filled with a mixture of adoration and lust and his with a kindness and hunger that fueled Koshka's passion. She could feel the cool tile on her shins and bottom where she sat, the warm water beating down on her back, Lucian's hard length resting against her cheek, throbbing just for her, Koshka nearly came just from the situation she was in. With a soft "Nyaooo," of submission she turned her head and pulled the tip of Lucian's cock into her warm moist mouth.

Unbeknownst to the couple in the showers they had an audience. From her spot at the door Shauri could see the couple clearly in the stall, they were far enough away that she could see everything even though the door was barely opened. She watched as Koshka's first tentative licks evolved until Koshka slowly started to bob her head down the entire length of her tamer's shaft. Shauri couldn't help herself, well wouldn't help herself, two of her fingers made their way beneath the top of her shorts and wormed their way into her, her strokes keeping time with the bobbing of Koshka's head.

"Enjoyin' yerself hun?" Cassie purred into Shauri's ear.

Shauri nearly squealed as her fur stood on end but Cassie's hand on her mouth made sure that the couple in the showers didn't hear. The last time she had checked her mistress had been sound asleep in their bed.

"Don't mind little ole me," Cassie whispered to her, "enjoy yourself," and with that Cassie laid her hand over Shauri's and got her pokegirl back on task. While Koshka was certainly cute the overall the performance in the shower didn't really do anything for her, but it did do something for Shauri and that did something for Cassie. She was more than happy to let Shauri enjoy the show.

Lucian basked in the euphoria that was radiating from this manhood as Koshka lovingly bathed every square millimeter of it with her rough pebbly tongue. Wherever her tongue wasn't he was treated to the warm pliant suction of the rest of her mouth and the liquid heat of the obscene amount of slobber she was applying to her task. He groaned as her mouth slid down his dick until her nose was buried in his hair and her throat constricted around him. She would pause there and bob her head a fraction of a centimeter a few times before pulling back to the tip of his cock and starting the process all over again. Through it all her eyes never left his.

If the blow job was hellacious the adoration in Koshka's eyes made it heavenly. The look turned her oral ministrations from an act of pleasure into an act of worship, he was her lord and master and she was paying homage to him in the best way she knew how, she was demonstrating to him that she was completely in his thrall, completely his. She was his fuck toy and she loved it.

Lucian's tormented groan told Koshka that her efforts were about to be rewarded but before she got her favorite snack there was one last thing she wanted to do to show her Master that she was his, she was his slut and nobody else's.

Lucian's eyes may have been open but nothing was registering on him besides Koshka and the look on her face. When the gentle suction of her mouth was replaced with the firm grip of her hand and the warm wetness of her mouth by the cool air of the shower he almost protested, almost. When his opened eyes started to see again he watched Koshka begin to finish debasing herself completely, and willingly. Only to her there was nothing debasing about the way she drug her Master's cock across her face, rubbing against it and imploring him to use her, to Koshka her actions were completely natural; she couldn't defame herself with her actions since every bit of her belonged to Lucian.

Very quietly, almost to quiet to be heard over the sound of the water still running in the stall Koshka whispered, "I'm your slut, always."

Koshka's admission ended it for Lucian, with a groan he poured his seed out onto Koshka's face. The first blast came when she had been rubbing his manhood across her cheek and that first shot covered the right side of face in pale white cream. Moving quickly she positioned his cock in front of one of her big blue eyes and let the next shot bury it in semen. Lucian was panting hard now, lightheaded from blood loss to his head as seemingly every bit of his essence poured out of the end of his dick and onto his pokegirl. Koshka let the third wad of cum spray across the tops of her heaving tits before using the fourth and final one to finish coating her sweet face. The hand she had wrapped around the base of Lucian's dick told her that the last of the big shots were finished and she sucked the tip of her Master's oozing cock into her mouth greedily sucking every last bit of cum out of it that she could.

Totally spent Lucian collapsed against the wall of the shower stall sliding down until he was sitting in front of Koshka with his knees spread.

When the last of his jizz leeched into her mouth and after her own orgasm hit her Koshka's teasing side reasserted itself. Not one to let anything go to waste Koshka made a big production out of opening her mouth to show Lucian his seed on her tongue before using one of her long delicate fingers to scoop up some of this load on her cheek and deliver it to her waiting mouth. Koshka enjoyed her captive audience as she fastidiously cleaned up the mess Lucian had made of her. When she finished sucking the last bit of sperm off of her tits Koshka looked up at Lucian and opened her mouth wide, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that she had swallowed every little bit of it.

While not really getting into the show like Shauri was, Cassie had to admit that in a clinical way Koshka's performance had been impressive, and either Lucian had been saving up or the boy could cum gallons. Beneath her she felt Shauri shudder for a third time and decided that she had indulged the side of Shauri's bi-ness that she couldn't satisfy herself long enough she was about to tell Shauri to leave them alone but the Cheetits beat her to the punch. Cassie was left wondering how Shauri had managed to worm out of her grasp so easily and get back to their bed so quickly when the door to the showers opened up and she found the part of Lucian that made him a guy staring her straight in the face.

"Yeaaaa!!!" she squealed as she fell over backwards.

"You could have just watched inside if you wanted," Lucian said without missing a beat.

"Bleh!" Cassie spat. "I don't do guys. 'Sides, I weren't the one watchin ya'll." She glared at the snoring lump in her bed.

Lucian chuckled and led Koshka back to their cubicle, she made no move to get her clothes and he didn't insist though he did decide that he at least wanted a pair of underwear on if he was going to be sleeping in the same room as Cassie. Lucian opened the doors to his cabinet and pulled open the top drawer just below the spot to hang up clothes. He expected to find his underwear there since that's were he kept them at home. The drawer was empty. He pulled open the next drawer down, empty. The first drawer he might have understood but there was no way that every piece of clothing he had brought and had been given could fit in two drawers. They didn't, drawer number three was empty.

Growing suspicious Lucian looked at Koshka but the Kitten was curled up on the bed eyes closed.

The fourth drawer wouldn't budge a centimeter when he pulled one it. Another hard pull and he thought it might have moved a millimeter or two. Another glance at Koshka only this time she was watching him, her eyes impassive.

Finally Lucian put all his weight into it and pulled the fourth drawer, hard. His clothes exploded out of it, compressed to levels never expected when they had been made, as soon as they got the least bit of room to move the clothes acted like a box full of springs and went everywhere. "The fuck!?"

This time Koshka didn't look quite so innocent, a small smile kept threatening to breakout onto her face and her back rose and fell in silent laughter.

"You little punk."

Koshka's laughter stayed but she forced herself to try and look contrite, laying her ears back down on her head, making herself as small in the bed as possible. The meaning was obvious to Lucian.

"Somebody was a very bad kitty," he said as he shoved the clothes that had sprung onto him off and he stood up. "I thought I told you to put them away."

"Merrooooww?" she whinned.

"You know better then that don't you?"

She shook her head trying to deny it, "Myah! Nyah!"

"Oh no, you're not getting out of this," he said as he sat down on the bed beside her with his legs over the edge. He knew that Cassie was maybe three meters away in the same room but if she was going to watch them in the showers she'd just have to listen to them in bed. He smacked the top of his bare thighs. "Get over here."

Koshka looked terrified but Lucian knew better, she laid down next to him and put her head on his leg, acting like she expected to be petted rather than punished.

"Oh no you don't," he said smacking his thighs harder. "Assume the position."

"Nyyyyyahhhhhhh," she cried as she laid across his lap rear up. She belied her piteous whimpers with the way she drug her tits across Lucian's legs, her nipples already hard little nubs as she settled onto his lap with his rapidly stiffening cock pressing against her soft belly.

Koshka's jet black tail writhed over her bottom as if trying to protect her from the coming assault. Lucian easily caught the tip and then wrapped it around his left forearm so that when he used that hand to hold down the small of her back it would keep her tail out of the way. With Koshka now in "the position" Lucian took a moment to appreciate it, no matter how many times they did this he still loved it, everything from the way it displayed her heavenly ass to the quiet whimpers she made as if begging for mercy, mercy he would never give and that she didn't want.

As always Lucian didn't start immediately, she could feel his eye raping every inch of her body as she waited for it, and as always she was surprised when the first hearty smack impacted her right bun. The hand stayed there for a half second too long before rearing back and administering another blow, this time to the other asscheek.

Lucian smiled when the third whack finally tore a tormented groan from Koshka. He caressed her cheek lightly with his hand to reward her and just as quickly brought it back down on the right part of her ass resulting in a squeak of combined disappointment and satisfaction from his gorgeous little catgirl. "You're bad little girl." Whack, caress. "You're a very bad little kitty." Another smack, another caress. "Maybe I should…" Smack, "just let you go feral…." Caress…Whack, "next time, see if you learn to behave then." Again his hand came down on her and again she cried out, lust starting to win out over faked pain and contrition in her voice.

Around the tenth or twelfth strike Koshka's cheeks were starting to take on a healthy pink glow when she finally stopped trying to pretend she wasn't having the time of her life. The next time Lucian's hand came down Koshka's butt came up to meet it, her back arching up offering herself to the abuse, a lust filled "Nyeeeeahhh!!" spilling from her lips and her reward was immediate. Not satisfied with a little stroking to make up for the punishment the fingers of Lucian's hand slid down the crack of Koshka's abused ass and plunged into her sopping wet pussy. She came immediately.

Lucian changed his strategy a bit and the fingers came out as soon as her orgasm began and his hand came down hard on her butt again.

The pain of Lucian's blow was registered as intense pleasure by her mind but its suddenness startled her, until his fingers slipped into her again and triggered another orgasm before the first was even half way through.

Lucian's hand moved rapidly, breaking her concentration on her cunt with a sharp blow to one of her abused asscheeks only to use the distraction to start her cumming again, one orgasm rolling over her after another, her body twitching in ecstasy as the pleasure threatened to overload her nervous system but Lucian didn't let it end. Each time she thought it couldn't get any better his fingers would slip inside her, curling to stroke a spot that hadn't been touched yet and sending her to even greater heights of bliss.

Lucian had tested Koshka's limits many times before and he had learned when she had had enough, a point she was approaching. He could keep her going like this for a while if he wanted to her pokegirl physiology would let her keep going long after he couldn't move anymore but eventually it just became overkill. He slowly stopped fingering her after each spank, returning to simply caressing and then no more caressing, just gentle, loving swats of her bottom.

As she drifted down from her orgasmic high Koshka began to feel the sting in her bottom but it wasn't very bad, even if had been spanking her as hard as he could near the end, he was a human and just didn't have the muscle power to hurt her. Instead the sting felt good, entirely because it had been Lucian who had inflicted it on her, deep in her chest she started to purr.

Lucian considered just leaving it at that for the night but that thought only lasted until Koshka's purring started to vibrate her stomach against his cock reminding him of just how ragingly horny spanking Koshka had made him. 'What the hell, go all out tonight,' he thought as he looked down at her. "Hop up," Lucian encouraged her as he got up to get off the bed. Koshka lazily slid off her tamers lap to lay belly up on the bed leaving her bright red bottom on display for him to appreciate making sure to keep her tail up near her head so as not to obscure the view. How much he was going to appreciate it she didn't realize just yet.

Off near the head of the bed Koshka heard a drawer on the end table open up and then close again and a moment later she felt Lucian's weight settle onto the bed between her spread legs. "Did you think your punishment was over?" Lucian said huskily.

Instantly Koshka's mind started processing things at full speed, just in time to feel Lucian's hand at her waist pulling her up onto her knees. "Myah?" she asked, not bothering with words that weren't needed.

"The very first thing I tell you to do at camp and you disobey me?" he asked as Koshka felt him gently parting her butt exposing her pussy and her asshole to him. "You're not getting out of this with just a simple spanking." Something wet, cold, and slick probed at Koshka's crinkled little rosebud making her gasp at the attempted intrusion. The probing digit was having none of it though and forced its way inside ripping a squeak from Koshka's throat.

Lucian chuckled to himself as he removed the finger from Koshka's bum. 'Clean and ready for fucking,' he thought, not that it was ever any different. "You were a very bad girl," Lucian said as he lubed up his cock and placed the hard and spongy head of it against Koshka's ass. "Whatever am I going to do with you?" With that he forced his cock into his pokegirl's ass to the hilt.

Koshka's scream wasn't entirely pain and it wasn't entirely pleasure but a strange amalgam of both. Koshka hadn't relaxed her ass one bit, and she didn't on purpose. Sure it hurt like hell when Lucian forced his way inside her but that's exactly what she wanted. The pleasure in her scream was a bit from the extra nerve endings that had been designed into her ass and the pleasurable sensations they fed to her brain as she was taken but most of it came from the fact that she was being taken, claimed by Lucian. He had taken what he wanted from her, from her body, and he hadn't been overly concerned with what she wanted, at least that's the way he acted, and as he pulled out and shoved himself back into her hard enough to cause his balls to slap against her pussy that was what counted.

As he began to sodomize Koshka's beautiful tush in earnest Lucian recalled just what had prompted this kind of thing from her to begin with. When he'd first gotten her he had been as kind and tender with her as he could, making sure she wanted to fuck before doing it, being extra sure that she came any time they tamed, and even when they fucked he was sure to please her as best he could and for the first few weeks everything was fine. But eventually things got weird, Koshka would whine and moan when he treated her nice or smack his hands away when he tried to cuddle up to her to get her into the mood. Her language skills weren't the best back then but eventually he caught on. While she loved the care and attention she got from him every once in a while she just wanted him to use her, fuck the living shit out of her and not particularly worry himself about her. It hadn't been easy at first but eventually it became second nature. He figured out that the occasional abuse made her cum like a freight train and once he figured out how much she enjoyed herself he got over his misgivings, though he was still extra nice to her for a day or two after he fucked her senseless.

The inside of Koshka's ass was someplace Lucian loved to be but he was careful to ration out his anal adventures with Koshka, just like spanking her or anything else particularly kinky that they did, he made sure to not do it to often lest is should lose its special or naughty qualities. So just like she had teased, Lucian was only a "pain" in her butt once a week or so though every foray into that tight smooth cavity made him question the sanity of his decision.

With the shock of penetration passed Koshka began to enjoy herself, the mass of nerves that had been designed into her ass made it nearly as pleasurable for her as when Lucian fucked her cunt. The constant pounding of Lucian at her backdoor started to have it's inevitable affect and Koshka had to fight her orgasm back, determined that this time they would come together.

The rhythmic tightening of her ass around his cock and the cute little "Unh!"s she made in time with his thrusts let Lucian know that Koshka was nearing her own fulfillment but the fact that she didn't bother to just let herself go told him to pick up the pace.

A staccato beat sounded out as Lucian's thighs slapped against Koshka's still warm red rear as he butt fucked his little pokegirl into oblivion; just like she wanted. All too soon Lucian felt her ass clamp down on his invading member the sudden tightness tearing his own orgasm out of him with a pained grunt. For a long minute they remained there, joined together but then Lucian tried to extricate himself from Koshka and she shoved her ass back at him keeping him pinned deep inside her.

"No, Koshka want sleep like this," she said dreamily.

"Mmmm, okay," Lucian said as he yawned, the days exercise combined with a pair of orgasms were dragging him off to an early slumber.

"Good!" Koshka chirped as she worked to lay down without dislodging her tamer.

Koshka curled up in front of Lucian and as the two spooned their way off to dream land neither heard a whispered "Holy sheeit," from Cassie's cubicle.

Lucian's Girls

Koshka - Kitten

Cassie's Girls

Shauri - Cheetits

Author's Notes

1) No those aren't a legion of spelling mistakes every time Cassie talks.

2) Portions of this perversion have been ripped off blatantly from Warpwizard, but with permission. If you don't have any clue what I'm talking about, SHAME ON YOU!

3) Twenty-six chapters of fic and this is the first good solid spanking? Nobody's more surprised than me.


Lighthawk - My designated proof reader, who subjected himself to this way too often.

Warpwizard - Who's given me a lot of advice on the mechanics of my writing.


Feedback: bsmartfanfic@yahoo.com

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You don't need to tell me I suck, I'm well aware of that.