Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Boot Camp & Booty Calls ❯ Higher Education ( Chapter 5 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Boot Camps & Booty Calls
By: bsmart
Disclaimer: Why the hell am I writing this? Nobody reads them and they have no legal weight. It's a complete waste of time and bandwidth and yet I'm still typing. If you're under the legal age where ever you are don't read this, but since you're going to anyways at least don't let your mommy catch you. This fic is very much NC-17. Copyright? Ha! Just don't be a dick. If you got this anywhere besides mediaminer.org, the official Pokegirls Yahoo group, or adultfanfiction.net then you likely haven't seen all of it as those are the only places where this story is officially distributed.
Note: This is an Orange League fic. To be honest I don't know a damn thing about pokemon and I want to keep it that way. If I make a dumb mistake feel free to point it out. I've done as much research as I can into this to keep it consistent with what seems to be the accepted canon of the pokegirl world. Also no one that I know of has done anything with the Orange League so I'm making it up as I go along.
“…” Normal Speech
`…' Thought
Chapter 5: Higher Education
Dripping with sweat, out of breath, and clammy from the air conditioning blowing right on your damp clothes is not the way to start the first day of class, but Lucian had little choice.
Lucian had set his alarm well ahead of when the recruits were supposed to be up, he had a suspicion that he didn't want to be the last person up and he knew he did not want to over sleep. Koshka hadn't been too happy to hear the shrill electronic buzzer go off but Lucian had learned a few things since he'd gotten her, the first was that after being fucked raw Koshka turned into a cuddler, snuggling up to him and burying her face in the crook of his arm, the second was that she did not appreciate anything interrupting her cuddling time and he'd lost more then a few alarm clocks to her temper, since that time he'd been sure to keep them well out of reach.
Things had gone well, he'd gotten Cassie and Shauri up much to their displeasure but they got up anyways. Lucian had quickly brushed his teeth and gotten ready and so had Cassie, neither of them were particularly shy and both had changed right in front of the other. Cassie really didn't care if Lucian saw her goodies, to her he was about as sexual as an end table and to Lucian's confusion while he logically knew that Cassie was a good looking girl she didn't do anything for him. He snuck a glance at her while she was pulling on her workout shirt and he felt...nothing. Rationally he knew that Cassie was stacked, trim, good looking in a country girl sort of way that should have triggered a reaction in his shorts but there was...nothing. Irrationally fearing that he might have injured something the night before he turned back to watch Koshka clean herself. The Kitten had her right leg raised up so high that her knee was beside her face and she was languidly running her tongue up and down the back of her thigh. 'Ok, no problem there,' he thought as he started to salute Koshka's display.
As Lucian and Cassie hustled out of the barracks the passed the rows of cubicles where more then a few cadets were still sleeping peacefully. Lucian was again thankful for his and Cassie's larger quarters, 'Atleast we've got some room.'
"Ya think we might wanna wake'em up?"
Lucian pondered it, while it might not be a bad thing to let Barnes handle them he was also depending on the rest of his platoon to get through the morning's workout. "Probably, let's hurry." When they got to the front door Lucian grabbed a metal wastebasket off the floor and bashed it into the side of a metal cabinet while yelling, "GET UP!" Tossing the can on the floor he darted out the front door before anyone could see him though he just managed to see a few drousy heads pop up over the top of the short walls of their cubicles before he charged out of the barracks and right into Barnes.
Several recruits had made it outside before Lucian and Cassie and they were standing at the bottom of the stairs where Barnes was waiting. "If my garbage can or my cabinet is messed up it's your ass Graner."
"Yes sir."
Barnes didn't acknowledge Lucian's response, he just trudged up the stairs and into the barracks, grabbing up the garbage can and bashing it with a baton waking the rest of the platoon up. While Lucian waited for the rest of his own platoon to fall in he watched the other platoons go through a similar ritual.
Their calisthenics went better then they had the previous day, but they were still too slow. They had barely enough time to run by their barracks and grab their books before running into their class, sweaty, tired and generally all around nasty, and hungry, really hungry.
And now they were sitting in class listening to an instructor old enough to be their grandfather prattling on about the basics of pokegirl law. The instructors monotone voice destroyed their ability to concentrate on his words within seconds leaving them with nothing to focus on but their miserable condition.
Koshka relaxed and snuggled deeper into the blankets, they still smelled like her master and she had no intention of abandoning them. His scent helped keep her memories of the good and thorough fucking he'd given her last night alive and vivid. When Lucian had gotten up she had tried to follow him but like the day before she had been rebuffed, she had expected as much but she had to try anyways. She wasn't really that upset, even though she missed Lucian and hated not being around him she was warm, surrounded by his scent, and bare ass naked, so nothing was all that bad to her.
Koshka couldn't remember the last time she'd been quite as happy as she was now, the only time that could really compare was just after she'd been given to Lucian. Not only did he own her lock stock and barrel but he was getting his tamer's license and soon they'd be traipsing across the country side capturing more pokegirls and just having a good time in general. The thought of getting tamed by him outdoors every night and getting to play with all kinds of other pokegirls made her giddy.
Koshka was starting to drift back to sleep when she felt the mattress dip down and Shauri climbed in with her. Koshka accepted the Cheetits without complaint and the two of them drifted off to sleep curled up together.
After the first hour of torment Lucian was sure that the professor was trying to be as boring as possible, there was no way that anyone could naturally be as mind numbing as he was. Even his scantily clad Vixxen assistant sitting quietly off to the side stopped being enough to combat the somnabulence induced by her owner's voice. Lucian was staring at the wide swath of red fur on her exposed hip when it dawned on him that the rest of his platoon was getting up and filing out of the room.
"Good gawds," Cassie complained once they were out of the room and marching towards their next class. "We gotta listen ta that right after PT six days a week fer the next three?"
"Tell me about it, I didn't hear a damn thing he said after the first fifteen minutes."
"Ya didn't miss much, just background info and stuff like that. So ya liked the TA's T an A?"
"Yeah well it's not like I was paying attention to the instructor anyway."
"I guess you like'em fuzzy," Cassie teased.
"Like you're one to talk."
Amazingly enough Time and Money Management wasn't nearly as coma promoting as Pokegirl Law had been, and even if it did start to get to bad Sergeant Mitchel was teaching the class so he figured he could always just day dream about her, the dark instructor's t-shirt did wonderful things to her chest even if the wilderness pants did nothing for her lower half.
When lunch time arrived the platoon poured into the mess hall with a desperate energy, the group was far more excited then the drab institutional surroundings would seem to merit. No one in the training company had eaten breakfast and after the morning's work out the institutional spaghetti the mess was offering up looked like a slice of heaven. For the next fifteen minutes there was no sound to be heard in the mess besides that of more then a hundred forks and spoons clacking on plastic trays. To Lucian the food the mess served was just like the food they had served in school. The spaghetti was too thick, the sauce too runny, and he doubted you'd find a butcher in the League who'd sell the beef in it to you in good conscience but his stomach didn't care what his palette thought, to his body it was carbohydrates and protein and he ate it up. Every last trace of the sauce was scooped up by the bread on his plate and not a drop of juice was to be found in his glass when it hit his tray again. With a contented sigh Lucian relaxed back in his seat but Cassie made like she was going for more.
"I wouldn't do that."
"Eh? I'm starvin' hun, I need somethin' to eat."
"No, trust me, half that food hasn't even hit your stomach yet, give it a few minutes and I guarantee you'll be full." Cassie eyed him suspiciously but sat down anyway. "So what do you think about our classes so far?"
"Looks like it's gonna be some major borin' sheit," Cassie said.
"Yeah, but we've still got history and geography and Barnes is teaching one of them so maybe it'll get better."
"Can't git worse, I dunno how I'ma gonna stay 'wake in Law, specially after comin' in from PT."
"I'll sure as hell try though."
Cassie rolled her eyes at him. "Didn't cha listen ta Barnes when we got 'ere? Top of the class at the end of this rotation get's 'nother pokegirl."
"Think 'bout it dumbass, while those other jerkwads 'ere still beatin' ther meat out in the front of the barracks we'd be in ta back wit two girls each! You'd finish this thing with four girls ta yer name, more'n half a full harem!" Cassie said in an excited whisper.
Lucian sat and pondered this for a second before saying, "I don't think I've ever given a shit about school until just now."
"Yeah, and I know we ain't ta only one's ta figure this out, I know some of those limp dicks are looking ta move to the back and I don't know 'bout you but ah ain't in the mood ta share."
Lucian nodded at this. With only five people earning that reward if the two of them could pull it off that would greatly improve the odds that no one else in their platoon could manage it. With a grin Lucian said, "Sounds like a plan."
Koshka yawned as the sun finally rose high enough in the sky to shine down into her eyes insisting that she wake up and if not for someone insistently licking around her ears she might have just pulled the covers over her head and fallen back asleep. But she didn't, because someone was licking her.
It had been a long time since someone had cleaned her, since she had been a real Kitten and her mother had helped clean her up. Lucian was a sweetheart but his idea of a bath included the shower and shampoo, she had tried to coax him into giving her a thorough cleaning before but his tongue and saliva glands had given up before even getting all the way down her torso. Shauri was diligent in her work, cleaning every square centimeter with her tongue before moving down and licking at the back of Koshka's neck.
Koshka started to purr as the Cheetit's gravelly tongue lapped at her neck, coating it in her saliva and cleaning her off. Shauri was in no hurry with her self appointed task, her Mistress and Koshka's Master wouldn't be back for a long while and she needed something to keep occupied or she'd burst. Hopefully Koshka would return the favor once she was done and when Cassie got back she'd go for a run.
With new found purpose Lucian did his best to pay attention in his geography class and thankfully not only was Sergeant Paulson not boring but it also looked like the class wasn't going to be as dull as another rehash of seventh grade. Rather then teaching them the names of mountains or rivers it appeared Paulson was going to be focusing on what the land meant. What plants signaled a good place to look for water, what features meant the water wasn't safe to drink, what types of Pokegirls you might run into in certain areas, and not once did a provincial capital come up. Much like Cassie Lucian was scribbling notes into the margins of his textbook and trying to keep up.
After that came the class that Lucian was dreading, bulk memorization had never been a strong suit of his, in fact he was guaranteed to drop a letter grade in any class requiring it. More then any of his classes he was expecting this History class to be the main thing standing between him and another pokegirl.
"Welcome to History," Sergeant Barnes said with a smile that did nothing to reassure. They had known that Barnes would be teaching History the moment they had seen Sergeant Paulson waiting for them in Geography and the man didn't disappoint. He was waiting for them as they filed in, his normal black t-shirt and green fatigue pants on, his pokegirl Aki sitting in a chair off to the side with her hands folded across her lap and a neutral expression on her face.
The class filed in rapidly and settled down without being told, they had seen Barnes angry before, no one wanted to be the reason he got that way again, the man was intimidating enough as it was, without factoring in that he was a good head taller then any of them and probably thirty kilos heavier to boot.
"Well it's good to see that you've all been paying attention." Barnes came around from behind his desk and started to address the class. "You're probably wondering why you're having to take a history class in Basic Training since undoubtedly you've taken a history class every year since middle school. The reason is very simple, perspective, something people your age tend to lack." Barnes began to pace in front of the rows of desks. "To people your age anything that happened a month ago is old news and a year ago is completely irrelevant, I know, I used to be your age and just as stupid as you are, too stupid to realize I was an idiot. The world wasn't always the way it is now, three centuries ago there were no pokegirls, no leagues, no tamers, no ranches. The Orange League was a continent instead of an island, human women were as common as men and nobody had to worry about Thresholding." Barnes started to sweep his eyes over his students, capturing each of them in his gaze before moving on. "The events that changed that world into ours also brought about your prospective profession and the reason that tamers do the job they do is part and parcel to why they exist. In three hundred years our job hasn't changed. Unfortunately they tend to ignore anything that happened more then a hundred and fifty years ago in most history textbooks."
The suggestion that they would be studying history that far back got Lucian's attention immediately. Barnes had been correct that his history classes had never spent any time on the Great War and even less time talking about the world before it, at most the first part of the first chapter of the book glossed over the high points before jumping forward a hundred and fifty years.
"This class will be set up just like your other classes. Monday through Friday you're in here paying attention and hopefully asking not completely stupid questions. Saturday you have a test on that weeks lessons. At the end of this rotation we average the scores and if you're not a moron you get to move on to the next rotation. If you are, you're gone. Any questions?"
There hadn't been any, no one had the guts to dare ask, something Lucian and Cassie were both happy about. "I cannot wait to get out of these clothes," Lucian said as he walked up the stairs to their barracks.
"They proly aughta burn mine," Cassie drawled.
Lucian opened up the door and held it open for Cassie and made a show of sniffing her as she walked by. "Yeah, probably."
"Yeah probably."
A few of their platoon-mates had beat them home and were already peeling off their sweat soaked clothes, no one had wanted to risk one of Barnes' instant expulsions by risking a shower or even a change of clothes after PT and the disgusting smell of old sweat and musty clothes was quickly filling the barrack. Cassie and Lucian wasted no time in hustling to the back and their own area.
When they walked through the door to their part of the barracks they immediately heard a pair of dueling purrs coming from Lucian's cubicle. A pair of black ears and a tail were just visible over the wall of the cubicle and the owner of the tail seemed to be in a particularly good mood. Cassie caught Lucian's attention and raised a questioning eyebrow but he just shrugged and walked into the room. It quickly became apparent what was eliciting the purr.
The sheets on Lucian's bed were shoved into a pile at the end of it and Shauri was stretched along the length of it on her stomach while Koshka crouched over, slowly licking up the back of one of Shauri's legs. Neither Shauri or Koshka had a stitch of clothing on and the black spotted golden fur that covered most of Shauri's body stood in stark contrast to the bright white that covered her inner thighs and rump. Koshka's lightly tanned skin and bright blue hair was an interesting counter point to Shauri's coat. If the catgirls had heard them enter they didn't seem to care as Koshka continued to diligently run her tongue up and down the white fuzz just below Shauri's butt, the Cheetits giggled each time Koshka's tongue touched the bottom of one of her cheeks and sank back down to a contented purr when her tongue dipped back between her legs.
"Well damn honey, I told ya to git friendly but 'ell. Now get outta Lucian's bed."
Koshka and Shauri ignored their owners for a few moments until Koshka finished her work. Koshka rolled off of her friend and started to clean off her own hands and then her ears, more out of habit than any need. Shauri didn't move, she only languidly stretched out with a smile on her face.
Cassie darted into Lucian's cubicle and brought her hand down on her Cheetit's ass with a resounding smack. "I said git!"
In a flash Shauri was off of Lucian's bed and over his cubicle wall bowling Koshka over in the process. Her feet barely touched the floor as she dove over the wall and into her mistresses bed.
Lucian was about to tell Cassie that it wasn't a problem until he saw the smirk on her face and Koshka's perturbed face as she picked herself up off the bed. Lucian tried to hold back his snicker but failed and Koshka stared daggers at him only making things worse.
Lucian relaxed against his wall, his pillow tucked between him and the hard surface and Koshka purring contentedly in his lap. The single bed was too narrow for more then one person but one person and a pokegirl fit just fine and it made a good place to study when he leaned up against the half wall of his "room." Trying to do any studying in bed was historically a bad idea with Koshka around but with Cassie and Shauri a few meters away in their own space he thought he could keep his hormones and Koshka's in check, but the pokedex wasn't helping.
"One of the benefits of taming water types is that they are capable of holding their breaths for extended periods of time, typically ten minutes or more, allowing them to deeply fellate their tamers for long periods of time."
Koshka rolled over in his lap so that she could look up between his chest and the book, when he saw her staring up at him he looked down and she licked her lips seductively while raising an eyebrow. Her cute little ears were squashed against his torso but her blue eyes sparkled, he glanced down to where here black leather collar and its little silver bell sat and it took all his will power not to take her right there.
"You're not a water type."
Lucian could tell that Koshka was willing to try none the less but he was saved from testing her by the impact of one of Cassie's textbooks beside him.
"Wha?!" Lucian exclaimed when he looked up and saw Cassie standing over him.
"Before she sucks yer brains out the end ah yer dick how bout we git some studyin' done."
Koshka's soft hiss was imperceptible to anyone but Lucian and he ignored her. "You're right."
"Damn straight," Cassie said as she picked her Law textbook up off the bed and flopped down in Lucian's desk chair, she grabbed Lucian's book of his desk and tossed it to him.
"Come on, up," Lucian said to his Kitten. Koshka glared and him and Cassie in turn but did as she was told, her mood brightened though when Shauri followed her mistress into the cubicle and sat down next to Koshka on the small bed. She tried to lay her head down on Koshka's tawny legs but the Cheetits was swinging her legs furiously, something Koshka corrected with a few threatening claws on Shauri's leg.
Lucian cracked his book open to the first page of the first chapter and let out a discontent sigh, "This hasn't gotten anymore interesting since this morning."
"Nope, but we gotta do it."
"I don't know if this is worth it."
"What worth what?" Koshka asked.
"If we score in the top five of all the cadets at the end ah this rotation we git another pokegirl, three weeks be fer everyone else."
"We'd wind up with three new girls by the end of training instead of two."
Koshka pondered this for a minute before she reached over and stuffed the book Lucian was holding into his face. "Lucian study, NOW."
While Cassie laughed Lucian did as he was told.
Lucian's Girls
Koshka - Kitten
Cassie's Girls
Shauri - Cheetits
Author's Notes
1) In the south it's spelled "sheit" properly pronounced shee-it.
Lighthawk - My designated proof reader, who subjected himself to this way too often.
Warpwizard - Who's given me a lot of advice on the mechanics of my writing.
Feedback: bsmartfanfic@yahoo.com
For updates and just my general bitching: http://www.livejournal.com/~bsmart
You don't need to tell me I suck, I'm well aware of that.