Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ My Crazy Crossover ❯ Never mess with your fathers toys ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer. Read the first page, I DO NOT OWN THEM. And if you ever thought I did you need more help than ME! I do however own Gerk and Bob

Ash, Misty, and Brock were visiting Pallet town. The sun was shining and the bird type pokemon were chirping.

Misty: "Hey Ash, where are Professor Oak and your Mom?"

Ash: "Mom said she had to clean her room and Professor Oak wanted to help."

Misty: thinks `Can Ash possibly be that dense?' "And you believed that story?!"

Pikachu: rolls his eyes.

Ash: looks confused "Why wouldn't I?"

Misty: Sweat drops "never mind."

Ash: looking around "Where are Brock and Tracy?"

Misty: "Brock is flirting and Tracy is trying to draw a nidoqueen. I wonder what makes him think he can actually draw?"

Ash: "Maybe his head band is on to tight."

Pikachu: >Personally I think it is the direct result of being dropped on his head as a baby.<

Misty: "Any way they are suppose to meet up with us for dinner at that new restaurant in town."

Ash: Oh ok.

It was a beautiful day in Tokyo. All that marred the tranquility was a lone figure and her kitty running down the street screaming like a maniac!

Serena: "I'm so late! I can't believe Ms, Haruna kept me 2 hours after school!"

Luna: "Well, if you had gotten up this morning when I woke you up you wouldn't have gotten detention again."

Me: Luna doesn't have those little arrow things beside her words because she speaks people speak.

Mochy: >People speak? No wonder you failed English!<

Me: "Shut up Mochy, where was I, oh yeah…"

Serena: "Ohhhh Rae is gonna kill me!"

Serena ran in to Rae's house. Rae, Rini, Lita, Mina, and Ami were already there, as usual. On her way in Serena tripped over Luna p. She landed on Rae's table spilling tea on every one.

Rae: "Watch where your going Meat ball head!"

Rini: "Yeah Serena, watch it! Dork!"

Serena: her eyes tearing up "You guys are so mean to me!"

Lita: "Will you guys knock it off!?"

Ami: "Lita is right we are Sailor Scouts not children!"

At that same time on the other side of the universe Gerkikon was extremely board. His dad was at space exploration conferences and his ma was at the inter galactic Wal-Mart getting some things for a party later. Just then the computer went off,

Computer: ~Unidentified craft approaching~

Gerk: Walking to the screen "Unknown craft please identify yourself."

An image of another alien flickers on the screen.

Other Alien: "Hi Gerk, its me Bob. I was in the solar system so I thought I'd stop by wanna go for a cruise?"

Gerk: "I wish I could but my dad wants me here to sign for a package he is expecting."

Bob: "oh yeah? From where?"

Geri: "Some galaxy, the Milky Way I believe. Isn't your dad doing some research there?"

Bob: "yeah, he is doing research on some species known as humans. They only exist on a few tiny planets in that galaxy."

Gerk: "Hey why don't you dock your craft and come in for a while?"

Bob: "Ok"

Several minutes later.

Bob: very board "soooo what ya wanna do?"

Gerk: "I dunno, hey, my dad just got a new machine lets go take a look."

Bob: "Ok, theres nothing else to do."

Me: "Two alien teenagers messing around with daddys toys, you know that's trouble right there."

Mochy:>ya know, for once your right. I wouldn't trust those two with a catnip mouse.<

Me: "where was I? Oh yeah…"

So the two aliens made their way to Gerks fathers machine storage compartment.

Gerk: "There it is" Gerk points to a large machine with lots of switches buttons and flashing lights.

Bob: "What is it and what does it do?"

Gerk: "Its called the Gate 44000. It disrupts time and space, opens up wormholes teleports people and stuff like that."

Bob: "Why does your dad need something like that?"

Gerk: "He doesn't but he saw the ads and well, here it is." Looks around "The instruction disk should be `round here some where."

Bob: tapping buttons "I wonder how you work this thing."

Gerk: "Hey careful, my folks will kill me if they find out we were messing with that."

All of a sudden lights flash and the machine emits strange humming noises


Gerk: looks a Bob in shock… "Do you kiss your parental unit with that mouth?!"

After a few minutes the machine quiets down.

Gerk: "whew, just a false alarm! I won't tell the folks if you don't"

Bob: "deal!"