Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ My Crazy Crossover ❯ chapter 2. OK So I couldn't come up with a title that wouldn't give away what happens. ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer, I do not own Pokemon or Sailor Moon, All I own is half a bag of stale potato chips and two adolescent extra terrestrials

Me: "Hi folks welcome back, when we left out story we had just introduced our main characters and our teenage aliens had messed with daddy's Gate 44000, a device that opens worm holes, disrupts space and time, and teleports people to other dimensions. They assumed it was a false alarm when the machine made noises, but what they didn't know was that two groups of teens had been teleported to another world!"

Mochy: >What? No interstellar Wal-Mart's this time? What about giant cock roaches?<

Me: "Shut up Mochy, quit being a smarty pants! Any how I must warn you, you might not want to read any further if you like Tracy!"

Mochy: >and if you do like Tracy I advise that you get psychiatric help. I would also advise having a shrink on stand by for when you finish this fic!<

________________________________________________________________ _______

Ash, Misty, Brock, and Tracy had been on their way to the restaurant when there was a brilliant white flash of light. Once the light had faded and their eyes had adjusted they found them selves in to woods facing a group of young girls with two strange creatures, one black and one white.

The Sailor Scouts blinked away the effect the light had on their eyes. They then stared at the group before them. It was a strange looking group consisting of four 10- 15-year-old kids and two weird creatures. One was white and sort of resembled and egg, the other looked like a yellow rabbit with a lightning bolt shoved up it's a…erm, never mind.

Both groups: "Who are you!?"

Ash: " I am Ash Ketchum from Pallet town, and these are my friends Misty, Brock, togepi, and Pikachu."

Tracy: "ahm"

Ash: "Oh yeah, and that's Tracy. Who are you?"

Serena: "I'm Serena and these are my friends, Rei, Lita, Mina, Ami, Rini, Luna, and Artimes."

Mochy: >Does Artimis have to be in this fanfic?<

Me: "Yes, even if he is a bit of a dork."


Every one else: "I dunno"

Ami: "It must have been some sort of disturbance in the space time continuum!"

Every one gives Ami a blank look.

Mina Looks at Brock who is now beet red and drooling.

Mina: "Is he ok?"

Ash: "Yeah he is always like that around pretty girls."

Brock suddenly rushes up to Serena and grabs her hands

Brock: "hiyourprettywouldyouliketobemygirlfriend?"

Serena: looking at Brock like he is an alien "Sorry I already have a boyfriend."

Brock falls down anime style and misty drags him off by the ear.

After several minutes of discussion both groups decide the other group wasn't to blame for what happen and they all decide to stick together till they figure out how to get home. There is safety in numbers after all.

At this time they have been walking for several minutes.

Rini: "Tracy, can I ask you something?"

Tracey: "Sure"

Rini: "Are you a boy or a girl? You have a name like a girl and you really don't look like a boy but you don't look like a girl either!"


Rini: "Are you gay? Amara is a girl but she looks like a boy and I have heard that she is gay. What is gay anyways?"

Tracey: "N-NO, I I am not gay!"

Ash: whispering to Misty and snickering "Yeah and Team Rocket doesn't have weird hair either!"

Just then..

-----KNOCK KOCK NOCK---------------

Me: "What was that?"

Mochy: >It was the door idiot.<

Me: "I knew that!"

Mochy: >well go answer it, I wonder who could be calling at this hour<

Me: snickers, "Their not calling silly they are visiting, that's a door not a telephone."

Mochy: slightly irritated >I KNOW that a door, I meant…. oh never mind, just answer the door.

Me: "Ok" opens door. "Hi…"

Jessie: "To protect the world from devastation!"

James: "To unite all people within out nation"

Jessie: "To denounce the ev…

Me: "What are you guys doing here?!"

Jessie: "Hey don't interrupt we're not done yet!"

Me: "sorry, but we already know what your going to say."

Jessie: getting mad "I don't care we are still going to say it!"

Me: "ok ok ok, don't blow a gasket."

Jessie: "Where was I? Oh yeah, to denounce the evils of truth and love!"

James: "To extend our reach to the stars above!"

Jessie: "Jessie!"

James: "James!"

Jessie: "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

James: "Surrender now or prepare to fight."

Meowth: "Meowth! That's right!"

Mochy: "OK what do you clowns want?"

Jessie: "One of you is writing a fanfic right?"

Me: "Yes, I am. But I wasn't planning on putting you guys in it."

Jessie: "What do you mean? You can't have a pokemon fanfic with out team Rocket."

James: "That's right it's in our contract that we get to be in every episode fanfic or other such story."

Mochy at this point goes to the storage shed. He locates a bomb then paints it red to look like an apple.

Mochy: holding up his `apple' >Hey James, Meowth, you guys like apples right?<

James and Meowth: "Yeah an apple!" Take the apple from Mochy.

James: looking at the apple "Why does out apple have a fuse?"

Jessie: Eyes get big. "You fools, that isn't an apple, it's a…"


Team Rocket: "Looks like team rocket is blasting off agaaaaiiiiinnnnn" --Ping--

Me: "Where was I, oh I remember.."

Just them a huge creature came out of the forest towards them. It was a huge ugly goblin! Before anyone could react it pounced on Tracy.

Tracy: screams like a girl "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH"

Goblin: pounces on Tracy and tears out his throat thinking 'I wonder what these taste like.'

Ash: "That thing just killed Tracy!"

Everyone: "SO?"

What will become of our heros? Find out in the next few chapters.