Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ My Crazy Crossover ❯ What the Puck? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well folks, I still don't own them. I wish I did but until I can afford to fly over there I never will.

Any ways, last time our heroes saved a goblin from food poisoning after it ate Tracey. Brock explained to the Sailor Scouts what pokemon are. Now our heroes are asleep and some magik fairies are coming in to their camp to have some fun!

A little blue light, about the size of a firefly, flies in to camp and trans forms in to a beautiful woman. She looks pretty normal except she has delicate butterfly wings and is the size of a five year old.

Fairy 1: "Well, well, well, what kinda fun could we have hear? Hey guys, time to play!"

Others fairies join her.

Fairy 1: addressing others "Hello brothers and sisters." Seductively "hi Puck."

Puck: Walks over to Brocks bag and goes through it. "Here we go, a perfect way to start our festivities." Produces a bottle of hard liquor.

After taking a big swig of the liquor Puck pours a little on Brock and Mina. He then puts Mina beside Brock and puts their arms around one another. Once this is accomplished he removes Brock's shirt and undoes Mina's blouse.

Then the fairies, under Pucks instruction strip Ash and Misty. They dressed Ash in Misty's clothes and put Ash's clothes on Misty. They then put Misty's panties on pikachu's head, with his ears sticking out of the leg holes. To top it all off they mess up Misty's hair and put the cap on her, then put Ash's hair into a ponytail.

Mochy: >Weasle, you have reached a new level or weird and disturbing.<

Me: "Oh just wait, it gets better!"

Mochy: >Where in the world did you come up with the name `Puck'??<

Me: "Well, if you must know, I stole the name from Shakespeare's A Mid Summer Night's Dream! And YOU always thought I was an uncultured freak!" Pulls down eyelid and sticks tongue out at Mochy "Shows how much YOU know!"

Mochy: >Well, you are just full of surprises! I never knew you liked A Mid Summer Night's Dream!<

Me: "My fans are just lucky I haven't added any characters from the tragedy of McBeth! Yet."

Mochy: sweat drops >Yeah your stories are scary enough with out witches and insane evil Queens!<

Me: " I didn't really change Puck much, just his accent I wouldn't wanna write in an old English accent! He is one of my favorite characters, A Mid Summer Ni…."

Mochy: >just finish the Story, We don't have time for your rambling!<

So then…

`Ding Dong' some one rings the doorbell.

Mochy >I'll get it< opens door >Not you clown's again!<

Jessie: "Prepare for trouble!"

James "And make it double!"

Jessie: "To prot…"

Me: Holds up a Pikachu, "hey team Rock head, I'll give you Pikachu if you leave us alone!"

Jessie: "Don't interrupt the Motto! And its NOT rock head its Rock…..You what?!"

James: "You mean you'll just hand it over!?"

Me: "Yup," hands the Pikachu to James "here ya go."

James: snatches the Pikachu "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! Hey, wait a minute, this Pikachu is just a stuffed toy!!"

Me: "Well, I never said I'd give you the REAL Pikachu!"

Meowth: "hey she tricked us!"

Jessie: "why you little…"

I hold up a little remote and push the button. The stuffed Pikachu goes……


Team Rock Head: "Looks like team Rockets blasting off agaiiiinnn!" -Ping-

Me: "ya know, they really are a pain!"

Anyways. The fairies had made one mistake, they had made the sleep spell teenager strength. Rini isn't a teenager, well, not in this time frame.

Rini: Starting to wake up, "where am I?" Wakes up "AGGHHHHH..mpfffffff"

Puck: Clamps a hand over Rini's mouth. "Shhhhhh, shhhhhhhh, don't be scared little one, we won't hurt you." Release's Rini.

Rini: frightened "W-who are you? What do you want?"

Puck" "Allow me to introduce myself" bows low "I am Robin Goodfellow, Known as Puck, Jester of the court of Oberon and mischievous hobgoblin! I am here only to have some fun with your friends! My specialty is to make light hearted trouble for humans, I would never harm a soul." Looks at remaining victims, "hmmmm, what to do with these girls?"

Rini: "I have an idea!" Whispers in Pucks ear.

Puck: "Great idea little one!"

Rini: smiles, "My name is Rini."

Puck: smiles, "Ok, Rini."

With that he scoops Serena up in his arms and takes flight. He fly's in to the branches of an old, HUGE, Oak tree and lays her on one of the branches. Then Rini pulls out a marker and draws a beard and mustache on Rae's face. Now it was down to Lita, Ami, and the two felines. Puck took two vines and used them to tie Luna and Artemis together at the tail, around the body, and Luna's left- Artemis's right hind leg. He knew that they would not be able to get untied them selves. And since the humans would be distracted it would be interesting to see how they got out of that situation. . Then Puck removed Lita's clothes, leaving her in her bra and undies. He hung her cloths in a tree so she would have to climb up to get them. Last but not least came Ami. Puck first put her cloths on her backwards. Then hid all her books in a nearby tree and replaced them with issues of MAD magazine.

After assuring complete and udder chaos Rini and the fairies went in to the woods where she and her new friend talked and played until the `wee hours' of the morning.

Rini: yawns, "I need to get back, its way past my bed time."

Puck: nods, "And we must go back to our own kingdom for a short while. Fairy business."

Rini: "Will I ever see you again?"

Puck: "of course, we will not go far, and of course we will return with the sun to watch your friends wake up." He smiled mischievously.

He then reached in to a sachet he had by his side and took out an amulet. It was a flawless Quartz crystal on a hemp string. It turned every way reflecting the light of the full moon.

Puck: "Here Rini" he placed the amulet around her neck. "This is a token of our friend ship."

Rini: "thank you! Its so pretty!" takes of a plastic ring she was wearing "Here, this is for you." Hands ring to Puck.

Puck: "Thank you my friend, now I am afraid we must hurry along, see you later."

Rini: "Ok, see you later."

Both return to where they belong.

Me: wipes eyes with tissue. "That was so adorable!! I just love little kids and fairies! And the way they became friends was sooo sweet!" blows nose loudly.

Mochy: >would ya knock that off? You're the one who wrote the darned fic for crying out loud!<

Me: "I know, But it was just so sweet! And it just seems so right that a child would become friends with a fairy! I use to want to be friends with fairies when I was a wittle bitty girl!" blows nose again.

Mochy: rolls eyes >Why me?!?< shakes head >I just can't wait to see what happens when those kids all wake up in the morning! That's gonna be a riot!<

Me: "yeah, especially when Brock and Mina wake up!"

What will happen next? Will Brock and mina Really believe the got wasted and made out? What will Ami say when she goes to read a novel and finds all sorts of Mad Magazines? Will they all survive that morning? Come back next time for the answers to these questions and a whole lotta laughs!