Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ My Crazy Crossover ❯ no title ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own them. I wish I did, but as Mama always said... uh… then again, maybe I ought not tell ya what my Mama use to say. Oh and by the way, just so you know, I don't own MAD magazines either.

Ok, in the last chapter every one woke up and were less than happy with Rini and Pucks little jokes so Puck saved Rini From Serena and they decided to split and give every one a chance to cool off.

Rae found her way to a small, nearby stream and tried to wash away the ink on her face. Mist and Ash had calmed down, for a moment anyway. Ami had given the MAD magazines to Serena and was searching for her books. Brock and Mina were sitting across camp from one another. Both tried not to look directly at the other, but both stole a glance or two when they thought the other wasn't looking. Every one was quiet, except for Serena who was howling like a hyena at the magazines. Every now and then she would take a break and ask mina what position Puck had put her and Brock in last night. Of course Mina never answered her.

Serena: getting mad at being ignored by Mina. "Ok, That's it! Mina, I am the princess and your future queen! Brock said puck put you and him in an embarrassing position and I as your queen want to know what it was!"

Mina: Glaring at Serena. "Your not the queen yet. And it's none of your business!" Gets an idea. "I wonder what Darian would think of your attitude right now. The fact you are being such a nosey, whiney, brat!"

Serena: with a horrified expression. "You wouldn't dare tell Darian!"

Mina: "Oh really? Why not?"

Serena: Starting to cry "Because we are best friends and because of all we Have been through together!"

Mina: "Then as a friend please stop asking me and just accept that I don't want to tell you about it!"

Serena: Stops crying ~sniff sniff~ "Ok" Notices Ash and Co. Staring at her "what?"

Misty: With disbelief, "You are a PRINCESS?"

Serena: Stands up and strikes a pose. "That's right! I am the future queen of Crystal Tokyo."

Ash: "I thought a princess had to be graceful, or at least dignified."

Serena: Sweat drops and falls over anime style.

Ami: pauses her search and looks around at every one. "Would any of you happen to know what that sadistic little elf did with my geology book?"

Pikachu: slightly annoyed by the mornings events. >Maybe he shoved it up your…< Looks over at Togepi who is watching him intently. >um… Bookbag.<

Every one shakes their heads.

Brock: light bulb goes off "some of these trees are hallow, perfect hiding places. Have you tried searching them?"

Ami I didn't think of that

Mochy: >Come on Weasle, You can do better than this, this isn't very funny!<

Me: "well, I'd like to see you try it!"

Mochy:>Maybe if I did it would be worth reading<

Me: gives Mochy an evil look "Did you ever read the story about the kitty who was shipped to Korea?"

Mochy: smiles nervously >hehe, then again you seem to be doing ok, I guess it would be hard!<

Me: Smiles triumphantly. "That's what I thought!"

Mochy: Stares Dumbstruck. >According to spell check you spelled TRIUMPHANTLY correctly!<

ME: Goes in to Shock! "I I did! I really did!" Faints.

Mochy: >This has to be wrong! She can't spell `cat' right on the first try! I better get a dictionary to check it!< Runs off to find the dictionary!

Meanwhile On the other side of the Universe Gerk's Dad Comes home early from the space conferences.

GD: walks in the portal. "Hey, I'm home early" Looks around "Gerk, where is your mother?"

Gerk: "She went to the inter stellar Wal-Mart to get a few things"

GD: Goes to his machine storage room "GERK! Have you been playing with my Gate 44000?!"

Me: "To be continued…"

Mochy: rolls eyes. "Well DUH!"