Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Great Pokemon Race ❯ Water Course ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Armored Red Eyes: Hey all! SO sorry that it took me SO long to update this story! To tell the truth, I actually LOST my maps and your guys' STUFF!!! (But I FOUND it, don't worry…)
Shi-Rauko: Well, you'd better HOPE you found it!
Armored Red Eyes: What's YOUR problem?
Shi-Rauko: o.O MY problem…?! I DIDN'T WIN THE LAST COURSE!!!!!!
Armored Red Eyes: Look, sis, I thought we TALKED about this…
Shi-Rauko: SO?
Armored Red Eyes: So…people don't like it when the author's sister wins anything in a tournament.
Shi-Rauko: o.O You've GOT to be kidding me!
Armored Red Eyes: Well, as long as you only win ONE. Then I GUESS it's okay.
Shi-Rauko: *in sarcastic tone* And knowing YOU, that's NOT going to happen.
Armored Red Eyes: Sure it will! ^-^ *mutters* If I remember…
Shi-Rauko: Just START this thing already!
Armored Red Eyes: Oh! Right! Sorry about that! Here's the water course! Enjoy peeps! ^.~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“Hello, and welcome back trainers! I hope you all got a good night's sleep because today we're going to see the water course!” the announcer said through the intercom. “Get ready all you trainers!”
The five competitors walked up to the second course of the tournament, Poké balls in hand. (Call DoL only is gonna enter in the fire, dark, and dragon races.)
Monica went first. She had her Lure ball in hand. “Vapor! I choose you!” then she threw it into the air, and the blue ball burst open, emitting a white light to form her water fox.
“Poooooooooooooooreon!” Vapor sang.
“And Monica will use her Vaporeon!” the announcer said.
Next up was Ryouko. She had a Great ball in hand. “I choose Golduck!” she then threw the ball into the air, and it opened with a bang. The white light formed her water duck.
“Golllllllll…” Golduck growled.
“And Ryouko will be using her Golduck!” Mr. Announcer said.
Mareo was up next. He had his Heavy ball in hand. “Sunamii! Let's go get `em!” he threw the black ball into the air, and it burst open with force.
“Swammmm…” Mareo's really big water Pokémon cried.
“And Mareo will be using his Swampert!”
Angel was up next. She had her second Poké ball in hand. “Alright, Kita! Let's win this!” she threw the Poké ball forward, allowing it to crash open and reveal her pretty water Pokémon.
“Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedra…!” The mermaid lolled.
“And Angel will be using her…uh…um…………………̷ 0;….what exactly…is that you have there…?” the announcer stumbled.
“It's called my VEDRA.” Angel said, rolling her eyes at the announcer.
“Right! I knew that!”
“Yeah RIGHT…!” Kelly mumbled into Angel's ear, who snickered.
Vedra was a mermaid-looking Pokémon. Its tail fin is green mixed with blue.
And last and maybe a little on the least side, ED! (A/N Shi-Rauko: HEY!! Armored Red Eyes: SORRY…) She had her Net ball in hand, and threw it forward. “Let's show them a REAL winner! I choose Melody!” the ball flew from her hand, and hit the ground once before crashing open with a bang. The white light formed her long and beautiful Pokémon.
“Looooooooooooo…” Melody sang.
“And Ed will be using her Milotic.” the announcer said, “Let's get this competition going onto the water course Kelly has selected for today's round! Pokémon and trainers! Line up!”
The water Pokémon took their places at the starting point with their trainers standing behind them for encouragement. (AND some cheating tactics…)
“On your marks… Get set…GO!!!” the announcer said, whipping out a gun, pointing it at the sky, and firing it.
The Pokémon took off without hesitation. They ran, (or slithered), as fast as they could.
Vapor was leading off along with Golduck, then Sunamii, and then Kita and Melody were in their dust.
The five Pokémon ran along the dirt path, dodging each others teeth, fins, and tails. It would be a while before they reached any water.
Sunamii, remembering Blaze had won the last course, wanted to keep that streak going by knocking off Vapor and Golduck. So with a great burst of speed, Sunamii leapt forward, and knocked Golduck with his Dynamic Punch.
“Goooooooooooooooolllllllll!!!!” Golduck cried with pain. He whipped around to see who did that and aimed a Confusion attack.
Unfortunately, Golduck was confused himself, and couldn't see that well. So instead of hitting Sunamii, he hit Vapor instead. Well THAT'S nice…!
“PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!& #8221; Vapor screeched, doing a backwards summer-salt and landing on his stomach on the path. Dust arose from where he landed, and went in the path of Kita and Melody.
They began coughing on the aroused dust. Melody then used her Water Pulse attack to blow the dust away from them. Once the dust was cleared, then continued their slow progression down the path.
Vapor shakily got back on his feet, shook himself to regain posture, and bolted back down the path after the others. Revenge would soon be his.
Sunamii was still in the lead, but by that time, Golduck had shook off his confusion, and then saw it was Sunamii who he was after.
Being angry with missing him the first time, he didn't want to be hit with that attack again, so he used his Disable!
“Duuuuuuuuuuck!!!” Golduck cried, shooting thin, yellow beams of disabling light towards the Swampert.
Sunamii was too focused by seeing the lake up ahead that he wasn't paying any attention to anyone BEHIND him. The attack struck him in the back, disabling his ability to use Dynamic Punch for a long time.
“Swaaaaammmmmm!!!” Sunamii cried, the attack somewhat draining his energy a little.
He stood there for a few moments, obviously dazed about what had just happened.
The pause was just enough time for Golduck to take control of the lead once more.
Sunamii saw him dash by, and then growled. If may not be able to use Dynamic Punch, but that doesn't mean he still can't punch all together! Sunamii tore after Golduck once more. This was obviously a built rivalry.
Vapor was catching up quickly. By using his Quick Attack, he was gaining on the two big Pokémon up front.
Kita and Melody were having a little battle of their own. Their specialty was in WATER, not on land. But since they were going about the same speed, they could kick each other's butts until they reached the lake.
Kita's Charm attack did nothing on Melody since Melody was a female as well. So the next attack Kita was using was her Thunder Water. (And attack that combines the two elements.) The full force of the attack sent Melody off the path for a minute. That attack did more than Kita imagined, so she decided she'd take off before Melody got her back.
Luckily for Melody, she knew Recover, so she quickly used it, and slithered like a snake down the path to teach that Vedra a lesson or two.
Back at the front, Golduck, Sunamii, and Vapor had finally reached the lake. It was a fairly large lake, and difficult to see which way was the smart choice. Splitting up was a dumb idea, since at least one of them would be right, and then the other two would be lost. But at this point, there was no arguing.
Sunamii and Golduck had somewhat of an upper hand for swimming than Vapor. They had webbed feet, while the fox had fins on his head and tail.
Vapor didn't seem bothered by this, and swam to the right of the lake to check for anything.
Sunamii decided to go straight for any signs of a path or cave.
Golduck choose left to check as well.
Once they all picked a direction, Kita and Melody arrived. They dived straight into the water, and dove instead of staying on top.
They both looked around to check for the other Pokémon, and then they spotted them all swimming in different directions. They thought briefly, and then chose as well. Kita took after Sunamii, and Melody took off after Vapor.
It was only a matter of time before they found out where those choices led them…
Golduck kept stroking at the water, and after what seemed like no hope, he realized there really wasn't any. The path he took led him to a really tall wall of rock. He hung his head, and put a claw on the rock.
It took him a few moments to realize that he was being taken by the current in the direction Sunamii took.
Seeing as he had nothing to lose, Golduck decided to swim that way and see if Sunamii was right.
Vapor was still dog-paddling down his way when he felt a strong wave of water beneath him. He looked down in the water to discover that it was Melody using her Hydro Pump on him!
Vapor shot up and out of the water when the Hydro Pump attack finally made contact with his body. “VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPOOOOOOOOORRRRRREEEEEEEEEONNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Vapor cried, shooting about 10 feet even more to the left.
Melody popped her head out of the water, smirked, and continued in the way Vapor was going.
Vapor recovered quicker this time, dove under water, and followed Melody.
Sunamii was still swimming straight, not knowing what he was coming across until it was too late. Kita shot straight out of the water and used her Bubble attack on Sunamii.
Sunamii was very surprised by this sudden attack that he took his eyes off of the direction he was going in.
That really cost him a great deal. Up ahead was a giant waterfall!
At this point, Golduck finally arrived, and seeing the two other Pokémon fighting, decided that this would be a good time to sneak around them. Of course, none of them could see the waterfall until they were right above it.
Once Golduck snuck around he snickered to himself for sidestepping the other competitors so easily, but the grin was wiped clean from his face when he finally saw what was pulling them.
“GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!” Golduck cried, going straight over the waterfall, headfirst.
Kita and Sunamii finally looked up, only to miss Golduck going over the waterfall. But seconds later, they joined him.
Sunamii flew over the top of the waterfall, but Kita tried to turn around as fast as she could and swim back. Unfortunately, the current from the waterfall was too strong for her to out-swim it. She did countless backflips over the waterfall's edge before joining the other two Pokémon at the bottom in the small amount of water there.
Back with the trainers, Ed was watching her Pokémon Scanner, noticing that the beeping dots for Sunamii, Golduck, and Kita all stopped moving.
“Hey,” she said, “why'd they stop?”
“Who?” Mareo asked.
“YOUR Pokémon…!” Ed replied.
“WHAT?!?!” Mareo cried, grabbing the scanner and looking himself.
“Yeah,” Ed continued, turning to Angel and Ryouko, “your guys' Pokémon are WITH it.”
“WHAT?!” Ryouko cried.
“I knew already…” Angel muttered. (She could communicate telepathically with her Pokémon.)
They too joined Mareo with the scanner.
“ALWAYS with the scanner…” Ed mumbled.
Monica snickered. Call DoL, sitting under a tree, snickered as well.
Ed looked at Angel. “Why didn't you just tell it to go the other way?”
“I thought Swampert WAS going the right way…!” Angel replied, looking down.
“Alright. Sorry about that.”
“Don't worry.” Angel then lowered her voice. “She won't lose this one…”
Melody was whipping through the water at this point. A few seconds later, she made it to another dirt path. She sighed, climbed out of the water, and began to slither down this path like the first one.
By now, Vapor had caught up, lugged himself out of the water, shook himself dry, and tore off after Melody, ready for sweet revenge.
Golduck, Kita, and Sunamii were all struggling at the bottom of the waterfall. When they finally regained their composure, they realized that they were trapped!
They all looked around, and saw that there were jagged rocks surrounding them EVERYWHERE! And just to top it all off, these rocks were big AND tall!
Kita froze for a moment.
<Kita, get them both with a Charm attack, and then follow my instructions…> Angel told her Pokémon.
“Veeeeeeeedraaaaa…” Kita soothed to the other confused Pokémon. Hearts began floating over to them. By the time they looked over, they had fallen in LOVE with this Pokémon!
Golduck and Sunamii were now in a daze, not doing anything except staring dreamily at Kita.
<Good work, Kita. Now get underneath the water and find a way out of this trap!> Angel commanded.
“Draaa!” Kita cried, diving under the water in a swift motion.
Vapor and Melody were finally side by side at this point. They were killing each other like CRAZY to get to the finish line first.
Melody was getting commands from Ed, who talked to them through their microphones, while Vapor was spitting tiny bombs from the indestructible pouch around his neck.
“VAPOREON!” Vapor cried, setting the small voice-activated bomb off.
“LOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Melody cried, then recovering, her eyes narrowing.
“Melody!” the microphone hissed, “Knock it down with your Blizzard!”
“TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC!!!!!!!” Melody cried, sending small bits of ice shooting off at Vapor.
“POOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!” Vapor cried, getting the full blast effect of the ice attack.
Melody then continued to move without checking Vapor.
“Por…vapor…” Vapor breathed heavily, once again getting back up for a chance of victory. He took a couple of steps, and then fell down once again. He was out cold and out of the race!
Kita was checking carefully underwater for any hope of finding a small hole to squeeze through to get back on the track, but couldn't seem to find anything.
<Keep looking, Kita. There MUST be one somewhere…> Angel said hopefully.
“Vedra…” Kita sighed through the water, still checking. “VEEE!” she cried, seeing a very tiny opening.
<Alright, now blast through it with your Water Gun!>
“VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!” Kita cried, water erupting from her mouth and through the hole, automatically widening it.
<Now, go through there and find the finish line!>
“Vee!” Kita cried, zipping through the hole easily.
At this point, once Kita had left, Golduck and Sunamii were snapped back into reality. They saw each other, growled, but then looked around. They realized that one of them was gone.
They glanced around, and then both shot under the water instinctively.
Golduck found the small hole first, but knew he wouldn't be able to fit through there. He instantly used his Surf ability, causing a giant tidal wave to come underwater, and through that hole.
His plan worked; the hole was wide enough for him, and Sunamii, to fit in. He clawed through the hole, and swam out into the bigger lake.
Sunamii turned around when the tidal wave struck, and instantly followed suit. He took off after Golduck, following him until the finish line was in sight.
Melody continued her path with confidence, hearing from her master that Vapor was knocked out from her Blizzard attack.
But she was in for bigger trouble. Just ahead were TWO paths to take. There was no sure way which path led to where. Melody needed instinct, or help from her trainer. But Ed didn't know either because she didn't send her any word.
Melody's first instinct was right, so that's the path she took.
She was just slithering along, when suddenly, the path became steeper, and steeper, and STEEPER. Finally, it became SO steep, that Melody couldn't control her moving or not. She slid down the path, which led to a waterslide! That waterslide was so fast, and so windy, Melody screeched out loud, practically tumbling down the waterslide instead of riding it.
Ed was checking out her scanner, when she saw her Milotic speeding up. “WHOA!!! Melody's going FAST! Look at her!” she beckoned all the other trainers to come and see it for themselves.
The first thing MONICA noticed, however, was the beeping dot labeled, “Vaporeon”, was no longer moving.
“Um…how come Vapor isn't MOVING anymore, Ed?” Monica questioned with a tone.
“Well…uhhhh…I dunno.” Ed suddenly gave her sister's friend a weak, innocent smile.
Kelly walked up. “You'd better not…!” then she walked away.
Ed looked a little freaked for a moment, and then turned her attention back to her scanner.
Kita came to the surface of the water to check her surroundings when she realized that only to her left was the finish line!
Eyes wide, Kita dove underwater again, and raced for the bobbing pole with the checkered flag on it.
Melody finally reached the end of the waterslide, and flew off the edge of it, causing a giant splash, and giving off her position.
Golduck and Sunamii broke to the surface as well, and saw Melody first before they saw the flag. They both did a double-take when they saw the finish line, and then see Kita break to the surface ten feet in front of it.
Their eyes grew wide and, ignoring Melody, took off as fast as they could towards Kita and the finish line.
Melody recovered herself from the shock of that odd waterslide, and then shot straight towards the finish line too.
Sunamii was gaining faster than Golduck, but Kita was a fast swimmer as well. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Sunamii gaining.
With a burst of more speed from her tail, she lurched forward and over the ropes for the finish line. We have a winner!
“Congratulations! Angel and Kita!” the announcer cried through the intercom. “Our Water Course champions!”
Kelly walked up to Angel, shook her hand, and handed her her blue trophy with a water design on it. “Nice job! I'm not sure my water type could have survived that too well…”
“Thank you!” Angel said, checking inside her trophy for anything. “I see you got creative.”
“What? With the devilled eggs?”
“Well, I like `em!”
Angel smiled and sighed, and then recalled her water type.
“Thank you all for competing!” the announcer continued. “Get a good night's rest, trainers! Tomorrow the Electric Course will begin! Go luck to all!”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Armored Red Eyes: Whew! How was that chapter? Any good?
Shi-Rauko: Yeah, except for ONE thing…I DIDN'T WIN AGAIN!!!!!!”
Armored Red Eyes: Well sor-ry! MAYBE if ya picked a better POKÉMON!
Shi-Rauko: EXCUSE me? I thought that didn't matter?!
Armored Red Eyes: Oh, it doesn't. I was just saying that to make you mad.
Shi-Rauko: o.O Grrrrrrr…
Armored Red Eyes: Alright then peeps! Hope you weren't all too disappointed with the results! Please review for me! (This is a REALLY hard story to write!) See you next round! (Hopefully not too long from now!) -_-;;;