Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of Love ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Power of Love

Chapter 2

By Kawaii_Cherry_Blossom

(I was BellaWaterFlower when I wrote this)


Rating: PG13


Ash - 15

Misty - 15

James - 17

Jessie - 17

Mrs. Ketchum - 35

Giovanni - 40

Authors Note: Yo peeps! Well, this is the second installment in this series. Just like the other part concentrated on Ash and Misty, this one is about Jessie and James.

Night was falling upon them as Jessie, James and Meowth cleaned out their Magikarp submarine. It had been a long day. They were called in by their boss, Giovanni, and he blasted their heads off for not capturing Pikachu. Feeling very disheartened, they set off again to find the twerps. In the end they had seen them head off into Pallet Town, so they stopped and planned to get him and his Pikachu tomorrow.

James and Meowth were fighting over who has to clean out the engine, when they heard a gasp. James turned around to see Jessie holding something in her hand, and looking at it very solemnly. He walked over to her, kicking Meowth back and telling him to shut up.

"What's wrong Jessie?"

"N-nothing. Nothing at all", she said, planting an ever so convincing smile on her face and putting the object in her hand behind her back.


"James there is nothing wrong so just leave me alone and get back to fighting with Meowth alright!"

James' eyes lowered, and he turned away. 'She always yells at me. I was only trying to help. How could she possibly ever like me?' he thought.

'Damn it! Why can't I ever keep my temper withdrawn? He's so kind and considerate. He could never like me, I am so mean to him', Jessie thought at the same time.

The three Rockets eventually packed up everything and set up their sleeping bags and tents. Jessie had one tent to herself, while James and Meowth shared.

"Night Jess", James and Meowth replied before slipping into their tent.

"Night", she said in a depressed expression.

'Something is definitely up with her', James thought. 'And I have to find out what it is.'

It was around midnight when James awoke to a soft moaning sound. He made it out as crying, and thought it was probably coming from Jessie. He crept into her tent and saw her sitting up with a photo in her hand, and crying softly.

"Jessie, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly. "And don't tell me 'nothing' because I won't believe you", he added as an afterthought.

Jessie gave up trying to keep the secret from him. She held up the picture for him to look at. James took it from her and studied it closely. It showed a pretty young woman with jet-black hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was sitting at a table, and there was an arm around her, but you couldn't tell who was sitting next to her because the photo was ripped in half, and the other half was missing.

"Jessie, who is this?"

"It, it's my mother."

"Your mother?"

"Yes. I lost that photo ages ago. I was cleaning my part of the Sub today and I found it."

"I don't understand, Jessie", James said. "Why are you so upset?"

Jessie looked at him carefully. It was no doubt that she cared for him. But could she tell him one of her deepest, darkest secrets? Could she tell him about her painful past?

'Yes', she thought. 'He is my best friend. I can tell him everything.'

"Jessie?" James asked again, trying to get her attention.

"My mum…I haven't seen her in 10 years."

James tilted his head in confusion, staring deep into her aquamarine eyes.

"When I was 7, my father told me that my mother was sick, and she was going to die. I wasn't too sure of this. I mean, she had seemed really tired all the time, and did throw up an awful lot, but it didn't seem like she was dying. I protested, saying that if she was dying we should look after her. However, he didn't listen. He convinced me that this was what she wanted. To be left alone to die. And I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. And I haven't seen her since. This is the only memory I have of her. Half a photo", she finished, with tears pouring down her cheeks.

"Oh Jessie, why didn't you ever tell me about your past?"

"I had blacked it out of my mind. I didn't want to remember. But when I found that picture it all came flooding back." Jessie buried her head in her hands, and cried for the first time in a while.


She was extremely surprised and confused to find that James' arm found it's way around her waist. She pulled her head up and looked into his eyes. They were filled with pure sympathy and compassion, and it was all for her. He gently tightened his grip on her, as she kept on crying loudly. Also in the back of his mind was the fact that if Meowth awoke and came to see what was wrong and saw this, it would cause a lot of controversy.

"James you don't know how lucky you were to have a family. Even if they got a stupid immature weirdo like Jessibelle to follow you around everywhere. At least you had them, at least you had someone." James was shocked as she choked out these words. He didn't think he'd ever see Jessie cry like this.

"Shh Jess, it's ok. Now that you've told me everything, you'll be fine", he whispered to her comfortingly. Jessie stopped crying and sniffled a little.

"Thanks James", she whispered, "Thankyou so much."

James laid Jessie down and sat next to her. She took hold of his hand and told him sharply, "Don't ever leave me James. Promise me you'll never leave."

"I promise, Jess", he said quietly, "I promise."

When clouds above you start to pour

And all of your doubts rage like a storm

And you don't know who you are anymore

Let me help you find, what you've been searching for


Somewhere there's a field and a river


You can let your soul run free


Someday let me be the giver

Let me bring you peace


Somewhere there's a break in the river


Where you're heart and spirit go free


Someday it'll be for the better

Let me bring you peace

Girl I know you think no one sees

The weight on your shoulders, but you can't fool me

And aren't you tired of standing so tall

Let me be the one to catch you when you fall


Somewhere there's a field and a river


You can let your soul run free


Someday let me be the giver

Let me bring you peace


Somewhere there's a break in the river


Where you're heart and spirit go free


Someday it'll be for the better

Let me bring you peace

Let me bring you joy

Let me bring you peace

Take these tears that you cry, and trust them to me

Let me give you hope

Let me give you hope

Be the one constant love, that you've never known


Somewhere there's a field and a river


You can let your soul run free


Someday let me be the giver

Let me bring you peace


Somewhere there's a break in the river


Where you're heart and spirit go free


Someday it'll be for the better

Let me bring you peace

Jessie relaxed, holding onto James' hand. 'Maybe you think I've told you everything about me past, James. But I can never ever tell you my biggest secret of all. I can never tell you who my father is', she thought sadly as she fell asleep. 'Never'.

To be continued

There's the second part down. I'm SO SORRY it took so long, and for such a short part. In the next part the plot will sort of all come together. Oh, and I know you are saying 'Jessie and James are out of character. They wouldn't act like that'. But I think they would. In my opinion, Jessie isn't as strong as she appears. And James would help her no matter what. Lastly, the song was called 'Somewhere Someday' and it was by *NSTINK (lol. That name is better). I know some of you hate me putting songs in there. But it just helps me set the mood a bit better. And if you don't like it, skip the song, and don't flame me 'coz I put it there. Anyway I'll see ya soon!

Ciao! Luv Sarah