Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Power of Love ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Power of Love

Chapter 3

By Kawaii_Cherry_Blossom

(I was BellaWaterFlower when I wrote this)


Rating: PG13


Ash - 15

Misty - 15

James - 17

Jessie - 17

Mrs. Ketchum - 35

Giovanni - 40

Notes: MISTY_LUVER, if you are reading this. I know you copied my story. And no, I don't forgive you! If you think you can just copy and paste people's stories and call them yours, you thought wrong. C'mon, honestly, isn't that just proving that you are too lazy or un-talented to write your own material? So as you can guess, I am really mad about this. And I would say worse stuff to you, but I won't just in case kids are reading this. So DON'T DO IT AGAIN! Anyway, on with the fic. This one kinda ties the last 2 together. It's a little short though, but I hope ya like it! ^_^

Previously, Ash found out that his father had abandoned him. He got very upset, and ran away. But with the help of his friend, Misty, he was able to get back on track and do some Pokémon training.

"Pikachu, thundershock, now!" Ash commanded. Pikachu jumped up high, and aimed an enourmous thundershock attack at Staryu, who was sizzled, and fell to the ground.

"Yay! We won, Pikachu".

"Pika! [Yay!]

Misty smiled. "You were lucky that time Ketchum", she said, returning Staryu. "But next time, I'll beat you."

"Thanks for letting me battle you, Misty."

"You're welcome."

Ash yawned, they had been in a spot just outside of Pallet all day (A/N: No, it's not the spot where Ash and Misty met). "Maybe we better head back", he said.

"Yeah, it's getting a bit late."

Ash, Pikachu and Misty got up and started to head back when...

"Prepare for trouble."

"And while you're doing that, you might as well make it double."

"Oh no. I don't think I can bear to hear it again!" Ash whined.

Jessie glared at him, but continued on. "The protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people's within our nation."

To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"The extend our reach to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light."

"You twerps better surrender now, or prepare to fight."

"Dat's right."

"What are you doing here again? Can't you leave us alone for just ONE episode!?" Misty yelled.

"Shut up Mrs. Twerp. And no, we can't leave you alone because we have to get Pikachu, and our fans expect us to be here!" Jessie screamed back.

Ash and Misty pretended to look around.

"Do you see any fans, Misty?" Ash asked.

"Nope, none at all", Misty answered.

"Grr. Well at least we have cool hair!" James piped up.

Misty fell on the floor laughing. "You, you call that cool!?"

"At least our hair isn't spiky and weird like yours!" Jessie yelled.

"At least mine is its natural colour!" Misty shot back.

That made Jessie turn into a fit of rage, and James had to hold her back in order to keep her from murdering Misty with her bare (or gloved) hands.

"Ok, that's it", Ash said with a sweatdrop on his head from the events occurring. "Pikachu, thunderbolt, now!"

Before Pikachu could send a thundershock their way, Jessie sent out Lickitung and told it to lick Pikachu. But Pikachu dodged its tongue and it got Ash instead, knocking him over, and in the process, knocking the photo of his father out of his pocket. Pikachu sizzled Jessie, James and Meowth. The photo that Jessie had in her pocket fell to the ground. Right next to Ash's. Ash saw this, luckily before Pikachu was about to blast the Rocket trio off.

"Stop, Pikachu!" he yelled out.

"Pika? [What?]" Pikachu held the electricity, and Jessie, James and Meowth were left standing there, confused as ever. All of a sudden, Jessie saw what Ash was looking at. She walked towards the photos.

"Jessie, what's going on?" James asked.

Ash also walked towards where the two pictures had landed. Misty followed him. A perplexed look on her face. "Ash?"

Ash pushed the two pictures together, and all four people, and two Pokémon, gasped. The two half photo's fit together. It showed a man and a woman sitting at a table, with their arms around each other.

"Twerp, who is the man in that photo?" Jessie asked, quietly.

"My, my father."

"Oh my gosh."

"But Jess, if that's your mum on the other half then that means..." James began.

Ash and Jessie looked at each other, finally having figured out what was going on.

"We're brother and sister", they said in unison.

To be continued…

Ha! Cliffhanger. Mi dispiace!

Ciao! Luv Sarah